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643 lines (518 loc) · 23.6 KB

File metadata and controls

643 lines (518 loc) · 23.6 KB



  1. Theiostream library provides functionalities for handling input and output operations in C++.
  2. It includes both wide and narrow character streams for interacting with data, allowing for flexibility in handling different encodings, such as single-byte characters (ASCII) and multi-byte characters (UTF-16, UTF-32).

std::cin and std::wcin


  1. std::cin is the standard input stream used to read data from the standard input (usually the keyboard) for narrow character types (char).
  2. Typically, it's used for reading user input in the form of various data types (e.g., integers, strings).
  3. It waits for user input before processing it and may buffer the input to optimize performance.


  1. std::wcin is the wide-character equivalent of std::cin, used for reading wide characters (wchar_t) from standard input. This is useful for reading internationalized or Unicode data.
  2. It's used to read wide-character data, often necessary for handling non-ASCII characters or multi-byte encodings.
  3. Similar to std::cin, its input is buffered and processed after the user types it.


// Declaration syntax.
extern std::istream cin;
extern std::wistream wcin;
// Usage syntax.
Type var_name;
std::cin >> var_name;           // Narrow character input
WType wvar_name;
std::wcin >> wvar_name;      // Wide character input


  1. std::cin in cplusplus.
  2. std::wcin in cplusplus.
  3. std::cin and std::wcin in cppreference.


  1. std::cin >> std::boolalpha; allows users to enter the strings "true" and "false" as input for a boolean variable. Otherwise, std::cin enters a failure mode and stores a zero value in the boolean variable.
  2. However, when std::boolalpha is enabled for input, numeric values will no longer be accepted (they evaluate to false and cause std::cin to enter failure mode).
  3. Enabling std::boolalpha for input will only allow lower-cased false or true to be accepted. Variations with capital letters will not be accepted. 0 and 1 will also no longer be accepted.
  4. std::cin >> char_var; cannot store a space character into char_var, but std::cin.get(char_var) can.
  5. std::cint >> std::ws; discards leading whitespace from an input stream.

std::cout and std::wcout


  1. std::cout is the standard output stream used for writing data to the console, typically buffered and using narrow characters (char).
  2. It is used to display output to the user, such as text, numbers, or formatted data.
  3. Data written to std::cout is stored in memory and written to the console when the buffer is full or flushed.
  4. Its output can be redirected to a file using the terminal operator >.
  5. When its output is redirected to a file, these messages do not appear on the terminal.


  1. std::wcout is the wide-character output stream for writing wide characters (wchar_t) to the console.
  2. It's used for outputting wide-character data, necessary when working with non-ASCII or multi-byte character sets, such as internationalized text.
  3. Like std::cout, data is buffered before being output to the console.


// Declaration syntax.
extern std::ostream cout;
extern std::wostream wcout;
// Usage syntax.
std::cout << "Message";         // Narrow character output
std::wcout << L"Message";       // Wide character output


  1. std::cout in cplusplus.
  2. std::wcout in cplusplus.
  3. std::cout and std::wcout in cppreference.


  1. To disable the buffering of std::cout for debugging purposes, add the following code before the main function:
    std::cout << std::unitbuf; // enable automatic flushing for std::cout (for debugging)
  2. When outputting floating point numbers, std::cout has a default precision of 6 -- that is, it assumes all floating point variables are only significant to 6 digits (the minimum precision of a float), and hence it will truncate anything after that.
  3. We can override the default precision that std::cout shows by using an output manipulator function named std::setprecision(). Output manipulators alter how data is output, and are defined in the iomanip header.

std::cerr and std::wcerr


  1. std::cerr is used for outputting error messages to the standard error stream (stderr), typically without buffering.
  2. It's commonly used for reporting errors, warnings, or diagnostics.
  3. It ensures that error messages are immediately displayed, regardless of buffering.
  4. Its output cannot be redirected to a file using the terminal operator >.
  5. It always prints all messages to the terminal.


  1. std::wcerr is the wide-character version of std::cerr, used for outputting error messages in wide-character format (wchar_t).
  2. It's used when you need to output wide-character error messages.
  3. Just like std::cerr, it outputs error messages immediately.


extern std::ostream cerr;
extern std::wostream wcerr;
// Usage syntax.
std::cerr << "Error occurred";    // Narrow character error output
std::wcerr << L"Error occurred";  // Wide character error output


  1. std::cerr in cplusplus.
  2. std::wcerr in cplusplus.
  3. std::cerr and std::wcerr in cppreference.

std::clog and std::wclog


  1. std::clog is used for logging information to the standard error stream (stderr), typically buffered.
  2. It's commonly used for logging messages, warnings, or diagnostic data.
  3. It stores the log messages in memory before outputting them.
  4. Its output is similar to std::cerr that cannot be redirected to a file using the terminal operator >.
  5. It always prints all messages to the terminal.


  1. std::wclog is the wide-character version of std::clog, used for logging wide-character data.
  2. It's used when the log messages contain wide-character data.
  3. Like std::clog, it buffers log messages before outputting them.


// Declaration syntax.
extern std::ostream clog;
extern std::wostream wclog;
// Usage syntax.
std::clog << "Log message";       // Narrow character log output
std::wclog << L"Log message";     // Wide character log output


  1. std::clog in cplusplus.
  2. std::wclog in cplusplus.
  3. std::clog and std::wclog in cppreference.


std::endl, std::ends and std::flush


  1. std::endl inserts a newline character (\n) into the output stream and flushes the stream, ensuring immediate output.
  2. It often used when you need to print a newline and flush the output immediately (e.g., after displaying a message).
  3. It causes a flush of the output stream, in addition to inserting a newline character.
  4. std::endl is slightly slower than \n due to additional flushing.


  1. std::ends inserts a null character ('\0') into the output stream.
  2. It is commonly used when working with C-style strings, where a null terminator is needed to mark the end of the string.
  3. It's useful when building strings that need to be null-terminated, particularly for compatibility with C-style string functions or libraries that expect a null terminator.
  4. It can be used in conjunction with std::ostringstream or other streams when constructing such strings.
  5. It does not force a flush of the output buffer.
  6. It simply appends the null character to the stream's content without affecting the buffer state.


  1. std::flush forces the output stream to flush, ensuring any buffered data is immediately written out, without inserting a newline.
  2. It's used when you want to ensure that all output is immediately written, but without adding a newline.
  3. It forces a flush of the output stream, but does not insert any characters into the stream.


IOObject << "Message" << std::endl;  // Newline and flush
IOObject << "Message" << std::flush; // Flush without newline
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Hello, World" << std::ends;   // Adds a null character after the text
std::cout << oss.str().c_str();       // Displays the content as a C-style string



  1. The <fstream> header in C++ provides classes to perform file-based input and output operations.
  2. It defines std::ifstream, std::ofstream, and std::fstream, each suited to specific file handling tasks.
  3. These classes support text and binary I/O and are built on top of the basic iostream functionality.

std::ifstream, std::ofstream and std::fstream


  1. std::ifstream is a file input stream class used to read data from files.
  2. It provides input operations similar to std::cin but specifically for file reading.
  3. It's primarily used to open a file in read mode. Once opened, the file data can be read line by line or as individual characters.
  4. It uses a buffer to read chunks of data, allowing efficient input operations by reducing file access time.
  5. It is a non-copyable class.
  6. std::wifstream is the wide-character equivalent of std::ifstream, used to read data from files.


  1. std::ofstream is a file output stream class used to write data to files.
  2. It behaves similarly to std::cout but writes output to a file instead of the console.
  3. It's commonly used to open a file in write mode.
  4. Text and data can be written to the file, either as individual characters or lines.
  5. It buffers output data for efficient file writing by reducing the number of write operations.
  6. It is a non-copyable class.
  7. std::wofstream is the wide-character equivalent of std::ofstream, used to write data to files.


  1. std::fstream is a file stream class that supports both input and output operations.
  2. It allows reading from and writing to the same file.
  3. Typically, it's used when a file requires both reading and writing.
  4. It can be opened in various modes (read-only, write-only, or both).
  5. It uses a buffer to handle I/O operations efficiently, reducing direct file access calls.
  6. It is a non-copyable class.
  7. std::wfstream is the wide-character equivalent of std::fstream, providing both input and output operations.

Declaration Syntax

std::ifstream file;
std::ofstream file;
std::fstream file;

Initialization Syntax

std::ifstream file( "filename.txt" );   // Opens in read mode
std::ifstream file1( "filename.txt" );   // Opens in read mode
// Move constructor.
std::ifstream file2( std::move( file1 ) );   // Opens in read mode
std::ofstream file( "filename.txt" );   // Opens in write mode
std::ofstream file1( "filename.txt" );   // Opens in write mode
// Move construcotr.
std::ofstream file2( std::move( file1 ) );   // Opens in write mode
std::fstream file( "filename.txt",
                   std::ios::in | std::ios::out );   // Opens in read-write mode
std::fstream file1( "filename.txt",
                   std::ios::in | std::ios::out );   // Opens in read-write mode
// Move constructor.
std::fstream file2( std::move( file1 ) );   // Opens in read-write mode

Usage Syntax

std::ifstream file( "filename.txt" );
if( file.is_open() ) {
   std::string line;
   while( std::getline( file, line ) ) {
      std::cout << line << std::endl;
std::ofstream file( "filename.txt" );
if( file.is_open() ) {
   file << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
std::fstream file( "filename.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::out );
if( file.is_open() ) {
   // Reading
   std::string line;
   while( std::getline( file, line ) ) {
      std::cout << line << std::endl;

   // Writing
   file.clear();                     // Clear flags before writing after reading
   file.seekp( 0, std::ios::end );   // Move write pointer to end
   file << "Appending text" << std::endl;

Members and Related Stuffs

  1. std::ifstream in cplusplus.
  2. std::wifstream in cplusplus.
  3. std::ifstream and std::wifstream in cppreference.
  4. std::ofstream in cplusplus.
  5. std::wofstream in cplusplus.
  6. std::ofstream and std::wofstream in cppreference.
  7. std::fstream in cplusplus.
  8. std::wfstream in cplusplus.
  9. std::fstream and std::wfstream in cppreference.
Member Types
  1. char_type: CharT
  2. traits_type: Traits; the program is ill-formed if Traits::char_type is not CharT.
  3. int_type: Traits::int_type.
  4. pos_type: Traits::pos_type.
  5. off_type: Traits::off_type.
  6. native_handle_type (C++26): Implementation-defined type that is TriviallyCopyable and semiregular.
Member Functions
  1. (constructor): Constructs the file stream (public member function).
  2. (destructor) [virtual] (implicitly declared): Destructs the ifstream/ofstream/fstream and the associated buffer, closes the file (virtual public member function).
  3. operator=: Moves the file stream (public member function).
  4. swap: Swaps two file streams (public member function).
  5. rdbuf: Returns the underlying raw file device object (public member function).
  6. native_handle (C++26): Returns the underlying implementation-defined handle (public member function).
  7. is_open: Checks if the stream has an associated file (public member function).
  8. open: Opens a file and associates it with the stream (public member function).
  9. close: Closes the associated file (public member function).
Member Functions Inherited from std::basic_istream (for std::ifstream and std::fstream)
  1. operator>>: Extracts formatted data (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  2. get: Extracts characters (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  3. peek: Reads the next character without extracting it (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  4. unget: Unextracts a character (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  5. putback: Puts a character into the input stream (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  6. getline: Extracts characters until the given character is found (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  7. ignore: Extracts and discards characters until the given character is found (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  8. read: Extracts blocks of characters (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  9. readsome: Extracts already available blocks of characters (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  10. gcount: Returns the number of characters extracted by the last unformatted input operation (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  11. tellg: Returns the input position indicator (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  12. seekg: Sets the input position indicator (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
  13. sync: Synchronizes with the underlying storage device (public member function of std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >).
Member Classes Inherited from std::basic_istream (for std::ifstream and std::fstream)
  1. sentry: Implements basic logic for preparation of the stream for input operations (public member class of std::basic_istream< CharT,Traits >).
Member Functions Inherited from std::basic_istream (for std::ofstream and std::fstream)
  1. operator<<: Inserts formatted data (public member function of std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >).
  2. put: Inserts a character (public member function of std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >).
  3. write: Inserts blocks of characters (public member function of std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >).
  4. tellp: Returns the output position indicator (public member function of std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >).
  5. seekp: Sets the output position indicator (public member function of std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >).
  6. flush: Synchronizes with the underlying storage device (public member function of std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >).
Member Classes Inherited from std::basic_istream (for std::ofstream and std::fstream)
  1. sentry: Implements basic logic for preparation of the stream for output operations (public member class of std::basic_ostream< CharT,Traits >).
All Stuffs Inherited from std::std::basic_ios
  1. std::fstream in cplusplus.
  2. std::wfstream in cplusplus.
  3. std::fstream and std::wfstream in cppreference.
All Stuffs Inherited from std::ios_base
  1. std::fstream in cplusplus.
  2. std::wfstream in cplusplus.
  3. std::fstream and std::wfstream in cppreference.
Non-member Functions
  1. std::swap( std::ifstream ): specializes the std::swap algorithm (function template).



  1. std::getline is a function that reads characters from an input stream and places them into a string.
  2. It's defined in <string>.


// Definitions.
template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator >
std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >& getline(
   std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >& input,
   std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Allocator >& str,
   CharT delim );   // ( 1 )

template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator >
std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >& getline(
   std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >&& input,
   std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Allocator >& str,
   CharT delim );   // ( 2 )( since C++ 11 )

template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator >
std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >& getline(
   std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >& input,
   std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Allocator >& str );   // ( 3 )

template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator >
std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >& getline(
   std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >&& input,
   std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Allocator >& str );   // ( 4 )
// Used to get the whole line from `std::cin`.
std::getline( std::cin >> std::ws, var_name );
// A special case.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
   std::cout << "Pick 1 or 2: ";
   int choice{};
   std::cin >> choice;

   std::cout << "Now enter your name: ";
   std::string name{};
   std::getline( std::cin >> std::ws, name );   // note: added std::ws here.
   // std::getline( std::cin, name );   // note: no std::ws here, not get what you want.

   std::cout << "Hello, " << name << ", you picked " << choice << '\n';

   return 0;


  1. std::line in cplusplus.
  2. std::line in cppreference.


  1. If using std::getline() to read strings, use std::cin >> std::ws input manipulator to ignore leading whitespace. This needs to be done for each std::getline() call, as std::ws is not preserved across calls.
  2. When extracting to a variable, the extraction operator (>>) ignores leading whitespace. It stops extracting when encountering non-leading whitespace. std::getline() does not ignore leading whitespace. If you want it to ignore leading whitespace, pass std::cin >> std::ws as the first argument. It stops extracting when encountering a newline.