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162 lines (142 loc) · 5.05 KB



  1. std::bind is a function adapter in C++ that allows you to create a callable object by binding one or more arguments to a function or function object.
  2. It is part of the <functional> header and provides a way to create a new function that can be invoked with a specific set of arguments, while leaving some arguments unbound.
  3. std::bind is useful when you need to adapt a function to match a specific signature for algorithms or event-driven programming.
  4. It can also be used to create a function that calls another function with a fixed set of arguments, reducing the need to repeatedly pass those arguments.


// (1) (since C++11) (constexpr since C++20).
template< class F, class... Args >
/* unspecified */ bind( F&& f, Args&&... args );
// (2) (since C++11) (constexpr since C++20).
template< class R, class F, class... Args >
/* unspecified */ bind( F&& f, Args&&... args );


  1. Partial function application:
    RetType funName( Type1 para1, Type2 para2, ... ) { ...; };
    Type2 arg2;
    auto boundName = std::bind( funName, arg2, std::placeholders::_1, ... );
  2. Working with callbacks or functional interfaces:
    RetType funName( Type1 para1, Type2 para2, ... ) { ...; };
    auto boundName = std::bind( funName, arg1, arg2, ... );
    std::thread thread_name( boundName );
  3. Binding member functions:
    class ClassName {
          RetType funcName( Type1 para1, ... ) const { ...; };
    int main() {
       ClassName obj_name;
       auto boundName = std::bind( &ClassName::funcName, obj_name, arg1, ... );
       return 0;
  4. Reordering arguments:
    RetType funcName( Type1 para1, Type2 para2, ... ) { ...; };
    int main() {
       auto boundName = std::bind(
          funcName, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_1, ... );
       boundName( arg2, arg1 );
  5. Avoiding verbose lambda expressions.
  6. Compatibility with legacy code: std::bind1st/std::bind2nd (from C++98).


  1. std::bind in cplusplus.
  2. std::bind in cppreference.



  1. std::function is a template class in C++ that provides a type-safe wrapper for any callable entity, including functions, function pointers, and function objects.
  2. It is part of the header and allows you to store and invoke callable objects with a specific signature.
  3. std::function is useful for scenarios where you need to store or pass around functions as first-class objects, such as callback functions, event handlers, or when working with algorithms that require generic function signatures.
  4. For high-performance code where overhead is a concern, function pointers or direct calls may be more suitable.


// (1) (since C++11).
template< class > class function; /* undefined */
// (2) (since C++11).
template< class R, class... Args > class function< R( Args... ) >;


  1. Type-erased function wrapper:
    RetType funcName( Type1 para1, Type2 para2, ... ) { ...; };
    int main() {
       std::function< RetType( Type1, Type2, ... ) > func = funcName;
       func();   // Calls funcName().
  2. Storing different types of callables:
    RetType funcName1() { ...; };
    struct FuncName2 {
          RetType operator()( ... ) const { ...; };
    int main() {
       std::function< RetType( ... ) > f1 = funcName1;          // Function pointer.
       std::function< RetType( ... ) > f2 = FuncName2( ... );   // Functor.
       std::function< RetType( ... ) > f3 = [...]( ... ) {      // Lambda.
       f1();   // Calls funcName1.
       f2();   // Calls FuncName2().
       f3();   // Calls the lambda.
       return 0;
  3. Use in callbacks and event handlers.
  4. Memory and performance considerations: Dynamic memory allocation.
  5. Function composition and higher-order functions.
  6. Use in containers.
  7. Flexible function signatures.
  8. Passing functions as arguments.
  9. Using std::function with member functions:
    class ClassName {
          RetType funcName( Type1 para1, Type2 para2, ... ) const { ...; };
    int main() {
       ClassName obj_name;
       std::function< RetType( const ClassName&, Type1, Type2, ... ) > obj_nameFunc
          = &ClassName::funcName;
       obj_nameFunc( obj_name, arg1, arg2, ... );


  1. std::function in cplusplus.
  2. std::function in cppreference.