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std::chrono Namespace


  1. chrono is the name of a header, but also of a sub-namespace: All the elements in this header (except for the common_type specializations) are not defined directly under the std namespace (like most of the standard library) but under the std::chrono namespace.
  2. The elements in this header deal with time. This is done mainly by means of three concepts: durations, time points and clocks.


  1. std::chrono in cplusplus.
  2. std::chrono in cppreference.



  1. Durations are template classes that measure time spans by means of a count and a period., like: one minute, two hours, or ten milliseconds.
  2. For the std::chrono::duration class, only std::ratio< num1, num2 > can be used.
  3. The corresponding named types of std::ratio< num1, num2 > (e.g., std::chrono::seconds) cannot be used directly in std::chrono::duration; instead, use std::ratio< num1, num2 > (e.g., std::ratio< 1, 1 >).
  4. However, std::chrono::time_point, std::chrono::time_point_cast, and std::chrono::duration_cast support these named types.
  5. In some C++ STL types, std::ratio< num1, num2 > has alias names, such as std::milli.


// Declaration syntax.
template< class Rep, class Period = ratio< 1 > > class duration;
// Usage syntax.
// Default constructor.
std::chrono::duration< Type, std::ratio< num1, num2 >(Optional) > dur1;
// Copy constructor.
std::chrono::duration< Type, std::ratio< num1, num2 >(Optional) > dur2( dur1 );
// Usage syntax.
// Default constructor.
std::chrono::duration< Type1, std::ratio< num1, num2 >(Optional) > dur1;
// Conversion constructor.
std::chrono::duration< Type2, std::ratio< num3, num4 > > dur2( dur1 );

Realted Stuffs

  1. std::chrono::duration in cplusplus.
  2. std::chrono::duration in cppreference.
Template Instantiations
  1. All of these are alias names are predefined std::chrono::duration specializations.
  2. std::chrono::hours: Signed integral type of at least 23 bits, period std::ratio< 3600, 1 >.
  3. std::chrono::minutes: Signed integral type of at least 29 bits, period std::ratio< 60, 1 >.
  4. std::chrono::seconds (Default period): Signed integral type of at least 35 bits, period std::ratio< 1, 1 >.
  5. std::chrono::milliseconds: Signed integral type of at least 45 bits, period std::ratio< 1, 1000 >.
  6. std::chrono::microseconds: Signed integral type of at least 55 bits, period std::ratio< 1, 1000000 >.
  7. std::chrono::nanoseconds: Signed integral type of at least 64 bits, period std::ratio< 1, 1000000000 >.
Member Types
  1. rep: Rep, an arithmetic type, or a class emulating an arithmetic type, representing the number of ticks.
  2. period: Period (until C++17) typename Period::type(since C++17), a std::ratio representing the tick period (i.e. the number of second's fractions per tick).
Member Functions
  1. (constructor): Constructs new duration (public member function).
  2. (destructor): Destroy duration (public member function).
  3. count: Returns the count of ticks (public member function).
  4. zero [static]: Returns the special duration value zero (public static member function).
  5. min [static]: Returns the special duration value min (public static member function).
  6. max [static]: Returns the special duration value max (public static member function).
Non-member Functions
  1. operators: Duration operators (function template).
  2. duration_cast: Converts a duration to another, with a different tick interval (function template).
  3. floor( std::chrono::duration ) (C++17): Converts a duration to another, rounding down (function template).
  4. ceil( std::chrono::duration ) (C++17): Converts a duration to another, rounding up (function template).
  5. round( std::chrono::duration ) (C++17): Converts a duration to another, rounding to nearest, ties to even (function template).
  6. abs( std::chrono::duration ) (C++17): Obtains the absolute value of the duration (function template).
  7. from_stream (C++20): Parses a duration from a stream according to the provided format (function template).
Helper Classes
  1. std::common_type< std::chrono::duration >: Specializes the std::common_type trait (class template specialization).
  2. treat_as_floating_point: Indicates that a duration is convertible to duration with different tick period (class template).
  3. duration_values: Constructs zero, min, and max values of a tick count of given type (class template).
  4. std::formatter< std::chrono::duration > (C++20): Formatting support for duration (class template specialization).
  5. std::hash< std::chrono::duration > (C++26): Hash support for std::chrono::duration (class template specialization).
Helper Specializations
  1. template< class Rep, class Period > constexpr bool enable_nonlocking_formatter_optimization< chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > = enable_nonlocking_formatter_optimization< Rep >; (since C++23): This specialization of std::enable_nonlocking_formatter_optimization enables efficient implementation of std::print and std::println for printing a std::chrono::duration object when the template parameter Rep enables it.
  1. Defined in inline namespace std::literals::chrono_literals.
  2. operator""h (C++14): A std::chrono::duration literal representing hours (function).
  3. operator""min (C++14): A std::chrono::duration literal representing minutes (function).
  4. operator""s (C++14): A std::chrono::duration literal representing seconds (function).
  5. operator""ms (C++14): A std::chrono::duration literal representing milliseconds (function).
  6. operator""us (C++14): A std::chrono::duration literal representing microseconds (function).
  7. operator""ns (C++14): A std::chrono::duration literal representing nanoseconds (function).
  8. Note: the literal suffixes d and y do not refer to days and years but to day and year, respectively. (since C++20).

Time Points


  1. Time points are template classes that express a point in time relative to a clock's epoch.
  2. Internally, their instance objects store an object of a std::chrono::duration type, and uses the Clock type as a reference for its epoch.


// Declaration syntax.
template< class Clock, class Duration = typename Clock::duration >
class time_point;
// Usage syntax.
// Default constructor.
std::chrono::time_point< Clock > start, end;
// Usage syntax.
auto start = Clock::now();
auto start = Clock::now();
// `Clock::now()`: The `now()` function defined inside the `Clock` class.

Realted Stuffs

  1. std::chrono::time_point in cplusplus.
  2. std::chrono::time_point in cppreference.
Template Parameters
  1. Clock: A clock class, such as std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock or a custom clock class.
  2. Duration: A std::chrono::duration type. Programmers do not need to specify it manually. It is automatically set to a std::chrono::duration type corresponding to the Clock.
  3. Clock::duration: The std::chrono::duration type defined inside the Clock class. Each Clock class has its own default std::chrono::duration type.
Member Types
  1. clock: Clock, the clock on which this time point is measured.
  2. duration: Duration, a std::chrono::duration type used to measure the time since epoch.
  3. rep: Rep, an arithmetic type representing the number of ticks of the duration.
  4. period: Period, a std::ratio type representing the tick period of the duration.
Member Functions
  1. (constructor): Constructs a new time point (public member function).
  2. time_since_epoch: Returns the time point as duration since the start of its clock (public member function).
  3. operators: Operators for std::chrono::time_point (function template).
  4. time_since_epoch: Time since epoch (public member function).
  5. min [static]: Returns the time point corresponding to the smallest duration (public static member function).
  6. max [static]: Returns the time point corresponding to the largest duration (public static member function).
Non-member Functions
  1. operators: Operators for std::chrono::time_point (function template).
  2. time_point_cast: Converts a time point to another time point on the same clock, with a different duration (function template).
  3. floor( std::chrono::time_point ) (C++17): Converts a std::chrono::time_point to another, rounding down (function template).
  4. ceil( std::chrono::time_point ) (C++17): Converts a std::chrono::time_point to another, rounding up (function template).
  5. round( std::chrono::time_point ) (C++17): Converts a std::chrono::time_point to another, rounding to nearest, ties to even (function template).
  6. clock_cast (C++20): Convert time points of one clock to another (function template).
Helper Classes
  1. std::common_type< std::chrono::time_point >: Specializes the std::common_type trait (class template specialization).
  2. std::hash< std::chrono::time_point > (C++26): Hash support for std::chrono::time_point (class template specialization).



  1. Clocks are a framework that relates a time point to real physical time.
  2. The library provides at least three clocks that provide means to express the current time as a std::chrono::time_point: std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock and std::chrono::high_resolution_clock. All of them are classes.
  3. Usage:
    • std::chrono::system_clock: Timestamps, timers.
    • std::chrono::steady_clock: Performance measurement, timeouts and delays.
    • std::chrono::high_resolution_clock: High-precision timing, profiling.


// Usage syntax.
// Default constructor.
std::chrono::time_point< Clock > start, end;
// Usage syntax.
auto start = Clock::now();
auto start = Clock::now();
// `Clock::now()`: The `now()` function defined inside the `Clock` class.

Related Stuffs of Three Clock Classes

  1. std::chrono::system_clock in cplusplus.
  2. std::chrono::system_clock in cppreference.
  3. std::chrono::stead_clock in cplusplus.
  4. std::chrono::stead_clock in cppreference.
  5. std::chrono::high_resolution_clock in cplusplus.
  6. std::chrono::high_resolution_clock in cppreference.
Member Types of Three Clock Classes
  1. rep: An arithmetic type representing the number of ticks in the clock's duration. For system clocks, it's a signed arithmetic type.
  2. period: A std::ratio type representing the tick period of the clock, in seconds.
  3. duration: std::chrono::duration< rep, period >. For system clocks, capable of representing negative durations.
  4. time_point: std::chrono::time_point< Clock >.
Member Constants of Three Clock Classes
  1. constexpr bool is_steady [static]: True if the time between ticks is always constant, i.e. calls to now() return values that increase monotonically even in case of some external clock adjustment, otherwise false. However, for steady clock flag, always true (public static member constant).
Member Functions of Three Clock Classes
  1. now [static]: Returns a std::chrono::time_point representing the current point in time. (public static member function).
Member Functions of std::chrono::system_clock
  1. to_time_t [static]: Converts a system clock time point to std::time_t (public static member function).
  2. from_time_t [static]: Converts std::time_t to a system clock time point (public static member function).

Common Usage Syntax

// Measure performance.
std::chrono::time_point< Clock > start, end;
start = Clock::now();
// Do something.
end = Clock::now();
std::chrono::duration< float, std::ratio< num1, num2 > > dur
   = std::chrono::duration_cast< CorrespondingTemplateInstantiation > ( end - start );
std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << dur.count() << " time unit.\n";
// Measure performance.
auto start = Clock::now();
// Do something.
auto end = Clock::now();
auto dur = std::chrono::duration_cast< CorrespondingTemplateInstantiation > ( end - start );
std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << dur.count() << " time unit.\n";
// Timestamps.
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::time_t now_time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t( now );
std::cout << "Current time: " << std::ctime( &now_time_t );


  1. Utilize a constructor, a destructor, and the object's lifetime to implement a timer object.
  2. In Linux, the precision of all clocks is std::chrono::nanoseconds.