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make and Makefile


  1. The make command is a build automation tool primarily used for compiling and building projects in C, C++, and other programming languages.
  2. It simplifies the process of compiling code, linking libraries, and creating executables by reading instructions from a configuration file called a Makefile.
  3. Additionally, it checks the return value of each executed command in the Makefile. If a command returns an error (a non-zero value), make will exit.
  4. Notes: Only lines starting with tabs are treated as commands. Using the space key instead of the tab key will result in the error makefile:x: *** missing separator. Stop.


  1. A Makefile consists of a set of rules, each specifying how to compile files, generate targets, or perform other tasks related to building the project.
  2. These rules may include shell commands as well as custom commands defined within the Makefile syntax.
  3. A rule consists of three parts: target, dependency set (prerequisites) and command set.
  4. The dependency set of a rule can be empty.

Basic Syntax of Makefile


# If `target1 = target2`, the second rule `target2: dependency set2`
# overwrites the first rule `target1: dependency set1`.
target1: dependency set1
  command set1
target2: dependency set2
  command set2
# Even though `target1 = target2`, both rules are preserved and executed sequentially:
# First, the first rule; Then, the second rule.
# First, `build dependency set1` and execute `command set1`;
# Second, `build dependency set2` and execute `command set2`;
target1:: dependency set1
  command set1
target2:: dependency set2
  command set2
target set: dependency set
  command set
# The following commented code is equivalent to the one above.
# target1: dependency set
#   command set
# target2: dependency set
#   command set
#   ...;


  1. target:
    • It is a file you want to create, except for a pseudo target.
    • It can be an object file, a .cpp file, a .txt file, and so on.
    • It also can be a set of target.
  2. dependency:
    • It is a file that a target requires during its creation, except for a pseudo target used as a dependency.
    • It can be an object file, a .cpp file, a .txt file, and so on.
    • Typically, it's unnecessary to explicitly list header files because the compiler can automatically track dependencies between source files and header files.
  3. command set:
    • It is a set of commands used to compile all dependency files into a target file.
  4. Notes:
    • Only files listed as targets or within the dependency set will be checked for existence or modifications.

How make Processes a Makefile


  1. Simply type the make command without any suffix or option.
  2. Ensure all source files and the Makefile are in the same folder.


  1. Check for a Makefile in the current folder:
    • If the Makefile does not exist, exit and report an error: "No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.".
    • If the Makefile is found, proceed to the next step.
  2. Identify the first target:
    • Locate the first target in the Makefile and treat it as the final or default target.
    • For example, in the basic rule of the Makefile above, target1 is the first target.
  3. Build the dependency graph:
    • make examines the dependencies listed in the Makefile and constructs a dependency graph.
    • Each target can depend on other files or targets, which are updated recursively if necessary.
    • Each node in the dependency graph represents a target or a file with or without an associated command set.
    • A child node represents a dependency of its parent (a file or target).
    • The root node represents the final target and its command set.
    • The command set is not limited to generating its associated target file; it can generate multiple files.
    • However, this approach may lead to some issues.
    • See also: How to Generate Multiple Targets with One Command Set for Efficient Parallel Compilation.
    • The make command does not dynamically update the dependency graph.
    • Once executed, the dependency graph is constructed and remains static until another make command is invoked.
    • Therefore, files generated during the make process should be specified in the Makefile.
  4. Recursively scan the dependency graph:
    • Traverse the dependency graph in a breadth-first manner, starting from the leaves up to the root.
    • While scanning the tree, check if the file corresponding to the current node exists or if its timestamp is newer than the root's.
      • If the file exists and its timestamp is not newer than the root’s, continue scanning.
      • If the file’s timestamp is newer than the root’s, execute the parent node's commands to rebuild it.
      • If the file does not exist and it's not a leaf, execute its command set and rebuild it.
      • If the file does not exist and it's a leaf with a command set, execute its command set and rebuild it.
      • If the file does not exist and it's a leaf without a command set, exit and report an error: "No rule to make target 'xxx', needed by 'yyy'. Stop.".


  1. To understand the process of make, manually build a dependency tree starting from the root.

.PHONY, a Pseudo Target


.PHONY: a_pseudo_target1, a_pseudo_target2, ...;

Explanation and Usage

  1. A pseudo-target (also called a phony target) in a Makefile is a target that does not represent a real file.
  2. It is used to group commands or perform actions, such as cleaning up files or running non-file related tasks like tests.
  3. Since these targets do not correspond to actual files, they are marked as .PHONY to avoid conflicts with files of the same name that might exist in the directory.


  1. Not use pseudo-targets to generate files whenever possible, as the commands associated with pseudo-targets are executed every time the make command runs.
  2. Not include a pseudo-target in a dependency set whenever possible, as the command set corresponding to the dependency set with the pseudo-target is always executed every time the make command runs.
  3. Pseudo-targets are treated as if they are updated on every execution of make.


.PHONY: clean

  rm -f *.o *.exe

Implicit Rule


  1. In a Makefile, an implicit rule is a predefined or general rule that tells make how to build certain types of files automatically without explicitly specifying a rule for each file.
  2. These rules are built into make and handle common tasks like compiling .c or .cpp files into object files, linking object files into executables, and more.

Common Implicit Rules

  1. Compiling .c to .o:
    • Implicit rule: n.o: n.c
    • Command: $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) n.c -o n.o
    • This rule tells make how to compile a .c file into an object (.o) file.
  2. Compiling .cpp to .o:
    • Implicit rule: n.o: n.cpp
    • Command: $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) n.cpp -o n.o
    • Similarly, this rule tells make how to compile C++ files into object files.
  3. Linking object files into an executable:
    • Implicit rule: prog: prog.o
    • Command: $(CC) prog.o $(LDFLAGS) -o prog
    • This rule links an object file into an executable.


  1. Avoid using implicit rules, as they can lead to various issues. Instead, define your own rules to override them.
  2. Use the command make -r or add .SUFFIXES: to your Makefile to prevent the use of implicit rules.

Variables in Makefile

Explanation and Usage

  1. In a Makefile, variables are used to store values (such as flags, paths, or file lists) that can be referenced multiple times, simplifying the Makefile's maintenance.
  2. They are used in targets, dependency sets, and command sets.
  3. A variable can represent multiple targets in a pattern rule or a list of target files, allowing the pattern rule to apply to those targets.
  4. However, there is an important limitation: a variable cannot be used directly in place of the % in the target pattern.

The Syntax of Defining a Variable

  1. Simple assignment (VAR_NAME = value):
    • The value is expanded when the variable is used.
    • Whenever its dependencies are updated, or anything that depends on it is modified, all related components will be updated.
  2. Immediate assignment (VAR_NAME := value):
    • The value is expanded when the variable is defined.
    • Whenever its dependencies are updated, or anything that depends on it is modified, all related components will not be updated.
    • The environment variables and arguments passed by make cannot update it.
  3. Conditional assignment (VAR_NAME ?= value):
    • Only assigns if the variable is not already defined.
    • Whenever its dependencies are updated, or anything that depends on it is modified, all related components will be updated.

The Syntax of Referencing a Variable

$(VAR_NAME) # For Makefile simple variables to ensure clarity and compatibility.
${VAR_NAME} # Only when interacting with complex expressions or shell commands or tools that require it.
$VAR_NAME # Only for automatic variables like `$@`, `$<`, or `$^`.

Default Variables, Common Variables, Automatic Variables, Special Symbols and Environment Variables

  1. Default variables:
    • In Makefiles, default variables are pre-defined by make itself.
    • They come with default values and they can be overridden in your Makefile if necessary.
  2. Common variables:
    • In Makefiles, common variables refer to variables that are frequently used in build scripts, such as CC for the compiler or CFLAGS for compiler options.
    • These are often user-defined or customized for specific projects.
  3. Automatic variables:
    • In Makefile, automatic variables are predefined variables that hold specific values based on the rule being executed.
    • These variables are automatically set by make and allow you to write more flexible and generalized rules.
    • They represent parts of a rule, such as the target, prerequisites (prerequisities = dependencies), or the stem (The part of the file name that % matches is called the stem.) of a filename in pattern rules.
  4. Special symbols:
    • In Makefiles, special symbols help define rules and control execution.
  5. Environment variables:
    • In a Makefile, environment variables play an important role in controlling the build process.
    • These variables are inherited from the shell's environment and can be used in the Makefile to set values for compilers, paths, flags, or other settings.
Name of Default Variables
  1. CC: Defaults to cc.
  2. CXX: Defaults to g++.
  3. MAKE: Defaults to make.
  4. AR: Defaults to ar.
  5. RM: Defaults to rm -f.
Name of Common Variables
  1. CC: C compiler.
  2. CXX: C++ compiler.
  3. CFLAGS: Compiler flags for C.
  4. CXXFLAGS: Compiler flags for C++.
  5. LDFLAGS: Linker options.
  6. LDLIBS: Libraries to link.
  7. OBJS: List of object files.
  8. SRC: List of source files.
Common Automatic Variables
  1. $@:
    • Represents the full target name.
    • This is used when you need to refer to the target being generated, like in commands that create that target.
  2. $<:
    • Refers to the first prerequisite of the target or the first dependency in the dependency set.
    • It is often used in rules where only the first dependency is needed, like in compiling a source file.
  3. $^:
    • Contains all the prerequisites for the target, but with any duplicates removed.
    • This is useful for linking or when all dependencies are needed.
  4. $+:
    • Similar to $^, but includes duplicates.
    • It is often used in cases where the order of prerequisites is significant.
  5. $?:
    • Contains all prerequisites that are newer than the target.
    • This is helpful for incremental builds, as it allows make to rebuild only when necessary.
  6. $*:
    • Represents the stem of the target name, which is the part matched by the % in pattern rules.
    • It is useful when constructing filenames based on patterns.
  7. $%:
    • This variable is used when the target is an archive.
    • It represents the member name being processed, which is useful for commands dealing with archive files.
  8. $$:
    • Used to represent a literal dollar sign ($).
    • In commands where a dollar sign is needed (e.g., for shell commands), this is necessary to prevent it from being interpreted as the beginning of a variable.
  9. $(a function or a VAR_NAME):
    • Used for function calls or to evaluate the value of a variable.
Some Common Special Symbols
  1. %: Wildcard used in pattern rules (matches any string).
  2. :: Separates targets from their prerequisites in rules.
  3. $: Introduces a variable or automatic variable (e.g., $@, $<).
  4. @: Represents a command prefix to suppress command echoing.
  5. -: Represents a command prefix that ignores errors for the command without causing make to exit, thereby allowing subsequent commands to execute.
Environment Variables
1 The Syntax of Referencing an Environment Variable
2 The Syntax of Overriding an Environment Variable
  1. Use an assignment operation to assign a value to it in a Makefile: ENV_VAR = value, ENV_VAR := value or ENV_VAR ?= value.
  2. Override environment variables when invoking make from the command line: make ENV_VAR=value, make ENV_VAR:=value or make ENV_VAR?=value.
3 Important Notes
  1. Command-line precedence: Command-line variable assignments (e.g., make CC=clang) take precedence over both environment variables and variables defined in the Makefile.
  2. Override directive: If you want to ensure that a Makefile variable cannot be overridden by the environment or the command line, you can use the override directive: override ENV_VAR = value, override ENV_VAR := value or override ENV_VAR ?= value.
4 Some Common Environment Variables in Makefiles
  1. CC: C compiler (e.g., gcc, clang).
  2. CXX: C++ compiler.
  3. CFLAGS: C compiler flags.
  4. CXXFLAGS: C++ compiler flags.
  5. LDFLAGS: Linker flags.
  6. AR: Archiver (used for static libraries).
  7. LD: Linker.

Functions in Makefiles

Functions for Transforming Text (Usage)

  1. Functions allow you to do text processing in the makefile to compute the files to operate on or the commands to use in recipes.
  2. You use a function in a function call, where you give the name of the function and some text (the arguments) for the function to operate on.
  3. The result of the function’s processing is substituted into the makefile at the point of the call, just as a variable might be substituted.

Function Call Syntax

  1. $(func_name arg_list)
  2. ${func_name arg1, arg2, ...}

More Information

  1. If you want to know more about functions in Makefiles, you can refer to <<GNU Make.pdf>>.

Pattern Rules

Explanation and Usage

  1. In Makefiles, pattern rules allow you to define generalized rules that apply to multiple targets with similar file extensions or naming patterns.
  2. Pattern rules use the % symbol to represent a pattern that can be matched by different file names.
  3. This is particularly useful when you have repetitive build steps, like compiling several .cpp files into .o files.

Basic Syntax

target-pattern: prerequisite-pattern
 command set
  1. target-pattern: The pattern for the file(s) to be created. % matches any part of the target name.
  2. prerequisite-pattern: A pattern for the required dependencies. % in this part of the rule matches the same text as in the target pattern.
  3. command set: It a set of commands to run when the pattern rule is triggered.


  1. The % symbol is the only wildcard symbol available for pattern rules in Makefiles.
  2. It is specifically designed to represent a pattern wildcard that can match any part of a file name.
  3. % is used to represent a placeholder for a part of the target or prerequisite name.
  4. It matches any string of characters in the file names and is used to create general rules for targets that follow a similar pattern.
  5. The part of the file name that % matches is called the stem.
  6. The stem is used to correlate the target with the prerequisite.
  7. If pattern rules are applied in a chain of dependencies, some implicitly generated files are deleted at the end of the make process.

How to Understand the Actual Process of Pattern Rules

  1. Create a simple C/C++ project.
  2. Writing multiple simple C/C++ files.
  3. Copy the following code example into your Makefile.
  4. Execute the make command in a terminal.
  5. Check the printed information in the terminal.
  6. The printed information shows the actual process of the pattern rules of the code example.

Example Without Variables

Example 1: Compiling .cpp files to .o files
%.o: %.cpp
  g++ -c $< -o $@
  1. This rule applies to all .cpp files in the project and compiles them into .o object files.
  2. %.o: Target pattern that matches any .o file.
  3. %.cpp: Prerequisite pattern that matches the corresponding .cpp file.
  4. $<: Refers to the first prerequisite (the .cpp file in this case).
  5. $@: Refers to the target (the .o file).
Example 2: Creating Executables
%: %.cpp
  g++ $< -o $@
  1. This rule compiles .cpp files into executable files directly.
  2. %: Represents any executable name without any suffix.
  3. %.cpp: The prerequisite is a .cpp file with the same base name as the target.
  4. $<: Refers to the .cpp file.
  5. $@: Refers to the executable.
Example 3: Custom Pattern Rule
build/%: src/%.cpp
  g++ -Wall $< -o $@
  1. This rule apply a custom command to get dependencies from src/ and generate targets into build/.
  2. Targets files in the build/ directory.
  3. Matches .cpp files in the src/ directory.
  4. The g++ -Wall command is applied to the matched files.
Example 4: Chaining Pattern Rules
%.o: %.cpp
  g++ -c $< -o $@

Exe: Main.o Fun.o
  g++ Main.o Fun.o -o Exe
  1. Pattern rules can be chained, meaning one pattern rule can produce an intermediate file, which can then be used as a prerequisite for another pattern rule.
  2. In this case, .cpp files are first compiled into .o files, which are then linked together to produce the app executable.
Example 5: Using $* for Matching Stems
%.test: %.o
  ./run_tests $*
  1. This pattern rule applies to any .test file, using the corresponding .o file as a prerequisite. $* represents the stem.
  2. The part of the file name that % matches is called the stem. The stem is used to correlate the target with the prerequisite.

Example With Variables

Example 1: Using Variables for File Extensions
EXT = cpp

%.o: %.$(EXT)
  g++ -c $< -o $@
  1. Define a variable to hold file extensions, and then use that variable in a pattern rule.
  2. EXT = cpp: Defines a variable EXT with the value cpp.
  3. %.o: %.$(EXT): Matches any .cpp file (or whatever extension is stored in EXT) to produce a .o file.
  4. $< and $@: Standard automatic variables for prerequisites and targets.
Example 2: Using Variables for Directories
SRC_DIR = src
BUILD_DIR = build

$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp
  g++ -c $< -o $@
  1. Define a variable to to specify directory paths in pattern rules. This is useful if your source files and build outputs are in different directories.
  2. SRC_DIR and BUILD_DIR: Variables for source and build directories.
  3. $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp: For any .cpp file in src/, compile it into a .o file in build/.
  4. $<: Refers to the prerequisite (the .cpp file).
  5. $@: Refers to the target (the .o file).
Example 3: Using Variables for Compiler and Flags
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -Wall -O2

%.o: %.cpp
  $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
  1. Define the compiler and compilation flags using variables and use them within the pattern rule.
  2. CC = g++: Defines the compiler variable.
  3. CFLAGS = -Wall -O2: Defines the flags to be used during compilation.
  4. $(CC) $(CFLAGS): Expands to the actual compiler command with flags inside the pattern rule.
Example 4: Using Variables for Custom Commands
LINTER = cppcheck

%.lint: %.cpp
  $(LINTER) $<
  1. Store a command in a variable and use it within a rule.
  2. This rule runs a linting tool (cppcheck in this case) on every .cpp file and creates a .lint file.
Example 5: Combining Multiple Variables
SRC_DIR = src
OBJ_DIR = obj
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall

$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp
  $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
  1. Combine multiple variables in a single pattern rule to control paths, files, and commands flexibly.
  2. Compile each .cpp file from src/ into a corresponding .o file in the obj/ directory.
  3. The compiler and flags are customizable through variables (CC and CFLAGS).
Example 6: Using a Variable for a List of Targets
OBJS = Main.o Fun.o FunN.o

$(OBJS): %.o: %.cpp
g++ -c $< -o $@
  1. Define a variable that contains a list of targets and use it with a pattern rule.
  2. OBJS: A variable containing a list of object files (Main.o, Fun.o, FunN.o).
  3. $(OBJS): %.o: %.cpp: A pattern rule that applies to all targets in the OBJS list, and the % matches the base name of the file.
Example 7: Using a Variable with Multiple Targets for an Executable
OBJS = Main.o Fun.o FunN.o
EXEC = Main.exe

$(EXEC): $(OBJS)
  g++ $(OBJS) -o $(EXEC)
  1. Define two variables: one containing a list of .o and the other containing a target separately, and use them with a pattern rule..
  2. OBJS: A list of object files (Main.o, Fun.o, FunN.o).
  3. $(EXEC): The name of the executable (Main.exe).
  4. g++ $(OBJS) -o $(EXEC): Links the object files into the executable.
Example 9: Using a Variable for Source Files and a Pattern Rule to Compile Them
SRCS = Main.cpp Fun.cpp FunN.cpp
OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)

$(OBJS): %.o: %.cpp
  g++ -c $< -o $@
  1. Use a variable to represent multiple source files and compile them into object files
  2. SRCS: A variable containing a list of .cpp source files.
  3. OBJS: A variable that automatically transforms the .cpp file list in SRCS into a list of corresponding .o files.
  4. $(OBJS): %.o: %.cpp: A pattern rule that applies to all the object files in OBJS, and each .cpp file will be compiled to its corresponding .o file.
Example 10: Pattern Rule with Variable Target-pattern Using wildcard
SRCS = $(wildcard src/\*.cpp)
OBJS = $(SRCS:src/%.cpp=build/%.o)

$(OBJS): build/%.o: src/%.cpp
  g++ -c $< -o $@
  1. Generate a list of files dynamically using the wildcard function and apply a pattern rule to them.
  2. SRCS: Uses wildcard to get all .cpp files in the src/ directory.
  3. OBJS: Automatically generates a list of object files in the build/ directory.
  4. $(OBJS): build/%.o: src/%.cpp: A pattern rule that applies to each .cpp file in src/ and compiles it into its corresponding .o file in build/.
Example 11: Pattern Rule with a Prefix
# List all .cpp files, .o files, and .so files
SRCS = Main.cpp Fun.cpp FunN.cpp
OBJS = Main.o
TARGET = Main.exe
PREFIX = lib

  $(CC) -o $@ $< -L. -lFun -lFunN

# Pattern rules:
%.o: %.cpp
  $(CC) -c -fPIC -o $@ $<

# Rule to create the shared library from Fun.cpp
  $(CC) -shared -o $@ $<
  1. Generate shared libraries and link them into a final executable.
  2. $(SHARED_LIBS): $(PREFIX) %.o: A pattern rule that applies to each $(PREFIX) file in $(SHARED_LIBS), and each .o file is compiled into its corresponding $(PREFIX) file.
Example 12: Limitations and an Error Demonstration
  g++ -c $< -o $@
  1. The target-pattern itself cannot directly contain a variable that includes a %.
  2. TARGET_PATTERN: A variable contains a %. This is a wrong demonstration.

How to Process Header Files Effectively


  1. I have introduced the common knowledge regarding custom rules, implicit rules, and pattern rules.
  2. However, these rules cannot process header files effectively:
    • Listing header files as dependencies for each target individually is a heavy and tedious task.
    • Utilizing pattern rules and listing header files as common dependencies for all targets is inefficient because, once header files are modified, all pattern rules are executed.
  3. The make command cannot determine which header files the C/C++ files depend on if the header files are not listed as dependencies.
  4. These dependencies are only identified when the compiler processes the C/C++ files, and there isn't a straightforward name-mapping rule.
  5. Consequently, issues arise: if any header files are updated, the make command remains unaware of the modifications and does nothing to update the project.


.PHONY: clean
# Define the compiler variable
CC = g++

# List all .cpp files
SRCS = $(wildcard *.cpp)

# Generate a list of .o files from SRCS
OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)

# Generate a list of .d files from SRCS
DEPS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.d)

TARGET = Main.exe

# Default target:
  $(CC) -o $@ $^

# The rule for # xyz.d is generated by xyz.cpp:
%.d: %.cpp
  $(CC) -MM $< > [email protected]
  sed "s,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g" < $@.tmp > $@;
  rm -f [email protected]

# Pattern rules:
%.o: %.cpp
  $(CC) -c -o $@ $<

  rm -rf *.o *.d $(TARGET)

# Include all .d files:
include $(DEPS)
  1. gcc -MM and g++ -MM can identify the header dependencies of the source file.
  2. include $(DEPS): This line includes all the .d files in the Makefile. It tells make to use the dependency information to track changes to header files.

How to Precompile Header Files


  1. Compiling header files repeatedly consumes a lot of time.
  2. Some header files are rarely modified.
  3. They only need to be compiled a few times and can then be reused everywhere.


.PHONY: clean
# Define the compiler variable
CC = g++

# List all .cpp files
SRCS = $(wildcard *.cpp)

# Generate a list of .o files from SRCS
OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)

# Generate a list of .h files from SRCS
PCHS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.h)
PCHS_OUT = $(PCHS).gch)

TARGET = Main.exe

# Default target: depends on $(PCHS_OUT)
  $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS)

# Rule to precompile the header
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

# The rule for # xyz.d is generated by xyz.cpp:
%.d: %.cpp
  $(CC) -MM $< > $@

# Pattern rules:
%.o: %.cpp
  $(CC) -c -o $@ $<

  rm -rf *.o *.gch $(TARGET)

How to Generate Multiple Targets with One Command Set for Efficient Parallel Compilation


  1. Nowadays, parallel compilation is popular due to its efficiency.
  2. Most projects and tools support parallel compilation.
  3. However, when using the make tool, utilizing parallel compilation can lead to errors if a single command set generates multiple targets that other targets depend on.
  4. One issue is that the previous command set may be executed multiple times.
  5. Another is that subsequent targets may fail to locate their dependencies.
  6. These issues are particularly common when working with lex and yacc (or flex and bison).


# Before
.PHONY: clean

Final.txt: Dep1.txt Dep2.txt
  cat Dep1.txt Dep2.txt > Final.txt

  touch Dep1.txt Dep2.txt

  @echo "Cleaning ..."
  rm -f *.txt
# After, Soultion1
.PHONY: clean

Final.txt: Dep1.txt Dep2.txt
  cat Dep1.txt Dep2.txt > Final.txt

# Create a transfer tmp.
Dep1.txt Dep2.txt: Dep.tra.tmp
  # @echo "This command set is still executed multiple times, so leaving it empty is the best option."

  touch Dep1.txt Dep2.txt
  touch $@

  @echo "Cleaning ..."
  rm -f *.txt *.tra.tmp
# After, Soultion2
.PHONY: clean

Final.txt: Dep1.txt Dep2.txt
  cat Dep1.txt Dep2.txt > Final.txt

# Create a chain of dependencies.
Dep1.txt: Dep2.txt
  # @echo "Although this command set is not executed multiple times, leaving it empty is also the best option."
  touch Dep1.txt Dep2.txt

  @echo "Cleaning ..."
  rm -f *.txt
  1. make does not consider the content of a command set.
  2. It only checks whether the target or dependency files are created or need to be updated.
  3. To address this, we can use a temporary file as a pseudo-dependency with an empty command set, acting as a transfer station.
  4. The actual command set used to generate the actual dependency files is combined with a command to create the temporary file, forming a new command set for the target, the temporary file.
  1. make does not consider the content of a command set.
  2. It only checks whether the target or dependency files are created or need to be updated.
  3. To address this, we create a chain of dependencies.
  4. Only the last element in the chain has a non-empty command set.

Some Common make command


  1. For the default make command, please refer to How to Understand the Actual Process of Pattern Rules
  2. Notes: If you want to use this command in Makefiles, please use $(MAKE) instead of make. This is the more commonly used option.

make -jn

  1. This flag -j allows make to run multiple jobs in parallel, speeding up the build process by utilizing multiple CPU cores.
  2. The number n (n ≥ 1)following -j (if provided) specifies the maximum number of jobs to run simultaneously. Without a number n, make will use a default value.
  3. Notes: If you want to use this command in Makefiles, please use $(MAKE) instead of make. This is the more commonly used option.

make target_name

  1. This command tells make to build a specific target named target_name as defined in the Makefile.
  2. If target_name has prerequisites, make will first build those before building the specified target.
  3. Notes: If you want to use this command in Makefiles, please use $(MAKE) instead of make. This is the more commonly used option.

make -C a_path

  1. The -C option changes the directory to a_path before executing the make command. This allows you to run make in a different directory than the current one, where the Makefile is located.
  2. If no target is specified, make will build the default target defined in the Makefile in that directory.
  3. Notes: If you want to use this command in Makefiles, please use $(MAKE) instead of make. This is the more commonly used option.

make -C a_path target_name

  1. Similar to the previous command, this changes the directory to a_path and then builds the specified target_name defined in the Makefile located in that directory.
  2. This allows you to target specific builds in different directories.
  3. Notes: If you want to use this command in Makefiles, please use $(MAKE) instead of make. This is the more commonly used option.

make target_name VAR_NAME1="..." VAR_NAME2="..." ...

  1. This command builds the specified target_name while overriding or setting variables VAR_NAME1 and VAR_NAME2 to the specified values.
  2. These variables can be used in the Makefile to customize the build process or pass configuration options.
  3. Notes: If you want to use this command in Makefiles, please use $(MAKE) instead of make. This is the more commonly used option.

make -C a_path target_name VAR_NAME1="..." VAR_NAME2="..." ...

  1. This command combines the previous concepts.
  2. It changes the directory to a_path, builds the specified target_name, and overrides or sets the variables VAR_NAME1 and VAR_NAME2 for that build.
  3. This allows for targeted builds in different directories with specific configurations.
  4. Notes: If you want to use this command in Makefiles, please use $(MAKE) instead of make. This is the more commonly used option.

How to Manage Libraries or Dependencies Your Project Denpends On

  1. Add source code for dependencies: Include the source code of your dependencies in your project and build them from scratch.
  2. Compile them into static or dynamic libraries: Compile the dependencies as either static libraries or dynamic libraries, depending on your project's needs.
  3. Link against binaries (if no source code available): If you lack access to the source code, time to set them up, or prefer not to, linking against pre-built binaries is also an option.
  4. Build from source if binaries aren't available: If binaries for your dependencies aren't available, you'll need to download and build their source code from scratch.
  5. Include directories and libraries: Make sure to include the dependencies' header directories and library/link directories. Header directories contain the files required for inclusion in your code, while library directories contain the pre-built binary files for linking. Header files provide declarations, and library files contain definitions that link your code with these binaries.
  6. Static (.lib or .a) vs dynamic libraries (.dll or .so): Linking with static libraries is faster than dynamic libraries because the C++ linker performs optimizations during static linking.
  7. Import libraries (xxxdll.lib files): These files contain references to functions and symbols defined in the xxx.dll files, allowing linking at compile time, ensuring that the correct function signatures and addresses are used and allowing the linker to know where to find them at runtime.
  8. Use relative paths: When building dependencies from scratch, use relative paths instead of absolute paths to ensure portability.
  9. Header file inclusion: Use angle brackets (<>) to include header files if you’ve specified the paths for the compiler (compiler include paths). Otherwise, use quotes ("") for relative paths. The search order for quoted includes starts with relative paths, followed by the main .cpp files, and finally, the compiler include paths. It’s recommended to use angle brackets for external headers and quotes for project-specific headers. Prefer compiler include paths over relative paths to avoid common errors.
  10. Visual Studio project and solution: In Visual Studio, a project contains the code, resources, and configuration needed to build an executable, library, or component. A solution acts as a container that groups multiple related projects, providing organizational structure for managing them.