Examples raw posting json rpc calls to flashbots endpoints, useful when features are added to protocol but not yet supprted by the python package.
- More information, along with which fields are optional can be found in the flashbots documentation:
- is used to send a single transaction to Flashbots. Flashbots will attempt to build a block including the transaction for the next 25 blocks.
eth_sendPrivateTransaction = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': str or int,
'method': 'eth_sendPrivateTransaction',
'params': [{
'tx': [str],
'maxBlockNumber': str,
'preferences': {
'fast': bool,
'privacy': {
'hints': [
'builders': [
- can be used to send bundles of two or more transactions to the Flashbots builder.
eth_sendBundle = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': str or int,
'method': 'eth_sendBundle',
'params': [{
'txs': [str], # Array[String], A list of signed transactions to execute in an atomic bundle
'blockNumber': str, # String, a hex encoded block number for which this bundle is valid on
'minTimestamp': int, # (Optional) Number, the minimum timestamp for which this bundle is valid, in seconds since the unix epoch
'maxTimestamp': int, # (Optional) Number, the maximum timestamp for which this bundle is valid, in seconds since the unix epoch
'revertingTxHashes': [str], # (Optional) Array[String], A list of tx hashes that are allowed to revert
'replacementUuid': str, # (Optional) String, UUID that can be used to cancel/replace this bundle
- can be used to simulate a bundle against a specific block number, including simulating a bundle at the top of the next block.
eth_callBundle = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': 1,
'method': 'eth_callBundle',
'params': [{
'txs': [str,str],
'blockNumber': str,
'stateBlockNumber': str,
'timestamp': int
- uses a new bundle format to send bundles to MEV-Share.
MevSendBundleParams = {}
mev_sendBundle = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': str or int,
'method': 'mev_sendBundle',
'params': [{ # /* MevSendBundleParams */
'version': '0' or 'beta-1.0',
'inclusion': {
'block': str, # // hex-encoded number
'maxBlock': str, # // hex-encoded number
'body': [
{ 'hash': str },
{ 'tx': str, 'canRevert': bool },
{ 'bundle': MevSendBundleParams }
'validity': {
'refund': [{
'bodyIdx': int,
'percent': int,
'refundConfig': [{
'address': str,
'percent': int,
'privacy': {
'hints': [
'builders': [ str ],