A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred
[Emacs Lisp](#emacs lisp)
[Inno Setup](#inno setup)
[Vim script](#vim script)
[Visual Basic](#visual basic)
- LimeSDR-USB - USB 3.0 version of the LimeSDR board
DSLogic-wireless - An open source Arduino library for DSLogic wireless module
3D_R2_Public - 3D Print CAD files from XRobots.co.uk/R6
3D_BB8_Public - Files for the XRobots BB8 project
MavLink_FrSkySPort - APM MavLink to FrSky S.Port converter
FlightStab - Flight Stabilizer Firmware for RX3S and Arduino-based microcontrollers
PPM_Bridge - Transform Turnigy9X mode 2 channels to Turnigy Q-BOT Micro Quadcopter with arduino
RC_detect - Common parser for DMSx and DSM2 serial, SBUS serial, and standard RC
Apollo-11 - Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
raspberrypi - Raspberry Pi ARM based bare metal examples
tgy - tgy -- Open Source Firmware for ATmega-based Brushless ESCs
BLHeli - BLHeli for brushless ESC firmware
KK2-1V6 - KK2 Original Version 1.6 By Rolf Runar Bakke
- vim-win32-installer - Vim Win32 Installer
openpilot - open source driving agent
redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes
redis - Redis key-value store (Win32 / Win64 port)
netdata - Get control of your servers. Simple. Effective. Awesome. https://my-netdata.io/
mimikatz - A little tool to play with Windows security
goaccess - GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
FFmpeg - mirror of git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
tor - unofficial git repo -- report bugs/issues on https://trac.torproject.org/ -- no pull requests here --
anypixel - A web-friendly way for anyone to build unusual displays
stm32f429 - Keil projects and libraries for STM32F4xx devices
libopencm3 - Open Source ARM cortex m microcontroller library
STM32Primer2_GPS_Tracker - GPS Tracker For STM32 Primer2
code - source code
rpi-firmware - Deprecated: Raspberry Pi kernel and firmware with support for FBTFT
fbtft - Linux Framebuffer drivers for small TFT LCD display modules
open-dobot - open-dobot - Open Firmware, Driver and SDK for Dobot Arm
BreezySTM32 - A simple Arduino-like API for developing firmware on STM32-based flight controllers
DSLogic-fw-keil - Initial version of DSLogic-fw based on keil
DSLogic-fw - An open source firmware design for DSLogic
LimeSuite - Driver and GUI for LMS7002M-based SDR platforms
killerbee - IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Security Research Toolkit
ncrack - Ncrack network authentication tool
UEFITool - UEFI firmware image viewer and editor
deviation - Custom firmware for Walkera DEVO Radios
dRonin - The dRonin flight controller software.
openlager - STM32F4 based logging dongle for HIGH RATE logging
psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language
proxmark3 - Proxmark 3
portapack-hackrf - Portability Add-On for the HackRF Software-Defined Radio.
Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource - Xiaomi kernel OpenSource:cancro-kk-oss(contain MI 3W, MI 3C, MI 4 series, MI NOTE), armani-jb-oss(H1S), dior-kk-oss(HM-NOTE-LTE), ferrari-l-oss(Xiaomi 4i), thmoas-kk-oss(HM2 LTE),libra-l-oss(Xiaomi 4c,Xiaomi 4s and Xiaomi NotePro),kenzo-l-oss(HM Note3),ido-l-oss(Redme 3 and Redmi 2 android L),gucci-kk-oss(HM Note dual SIM version),pisces-kk-oss(MI 3TD),gemini-m-oss(Mi 5),hydrogen-m-oss(Mi Max),mocha-kk-oss(Mi Pad),latte-l-oss(Mi Pad2),land-m-oss(Redmi 3S),markw-m-oss(Redmi 4)
memcached - memcached development tree
laureline-firmware - Firmware for the Laureline GPS NTP Server
yaf - A fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
shadowsocks-libev - libev port of shadowsocks
direwolf - Dire Wolf is a software "soundcard" modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder. It can be used stand-alone to observe APRS traffic, as a digipeater, APRStt gateway, or Internet Gateway (IGate). It can also be used as a virtual TNC for other applications such as APRSIS32, UI-View32, Xastir, APRS-TW, YAAC, UISS, Linux AX25, SARTrack, RMS Express, and many others.
MicroAPRS - APRS fork of MicroModem
in-development - Projects and products that may be useful to you, but are not yet worthy of their own repo.
flight - Flight code for MIT CSAIL Robot Locomotion Group flying-through-forests project
Low-Cost-BMS-STM32 - Low cost battery management system (BMS) rewritten for STM32
ESP8266-MQTT-battery-monitor-fw - Firmware for the ESP8266 battery monitor
Battery-Management-System - Solar-battery charge regulator
grbl - An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
CAMotics - Open-Source Simulation & Computer Aided Machining - A 3-axis CNC GCode simulator
MinimOSD-Extra - MinimOSD-Extra
Firmware - Firmware for Open-source Indoor Air Quality Monitor
paparazzi - Paparazzi is a free and open-source hardware and software project for unmanned (air) vehicles. This is the main software repository.
blackmagic - In application debugger for ARM Cortex microcontrollers.
crazepony-firmware-none - Crazepony flight control source code with no RTOS.
arm-trusted-firmware - ARM Trusted Firmware
firmware - Peripheral driver library with command line interface for Gumstix RoboVero
firmware - Quadcopter flight control core engine
ergodox-firmware - firmware for the ergoDOX keyboard
vim - The official Vim repository
git - Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
arducordermini - Arducorder Mini
Arduino_STM32 - Arduino STM32. Hardware files to support STM32 boards, on Arduino IDE 1.6.12 including LeafLabs Maple and other generic STM32F103 boards. There is also Alpha support for GD32F103 based boards
mavlink - MAVLink micro air vehicle marshalling / communication library
rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
SoftEtherVPN - A Free Cross-platform Multi-protocol VPN Software. * For support, troubleshooting and feature requests we have http://www.vpnusers.com/. For critical vulnerability please email us. (mail address is on the header.)
foc_esc - Design, docs, algo's, schematics for an ESC intended to run with a Field Oriented Control algorithm.
cleanflight - Clean-code version of the baseflight flight controller firmware
rcjoy - RC Joystick project
jD-IOBoard - IOBoard with MAVLink and FrSky protocol support
APM-Mavlink-to-FrSky - APM Mavlink to FrSky telemetry
libuvc - a cross-platform library for USB video devices
Mavlink2Frsky - Converts Mavlink packets to Frsky S.Port Useing Software serial
Generation_7_Electronics - This is part of the RepRap project, see http://www.reprap.org. Gen7 is the next generation of electronics meant to drive a RepRap machine. Focus on this generation is to allow for better replicatability while not standing back behind industry products.
dnsforwarder - Just a DNS utility.
protox - Proto-x remote reversing project
MavLink_FrSkySPort - This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to Clooney82/MavLink_FrSkySPort where we work together on this. Please do not use this repo, and follow the link to Clooney82. https://github.com/Clooney82/MavLink_FrSkySPort
cheali-charger - cheap lipo charger
remotx - PWM/S-Bus to PPM converter
baseflight - 32 bit fork of the MultiWii RC flight controller firmware
mavlink_to_frsky - Arduino application using Arduino mini/micro/nano to tap Mavlink protocol from Arduplane and send it out to FrSky RC telemetry receiver for my quantracker antenna tracker project. (supercedes the original STM32f4 version)
Firmware - Open Source 3 Axis Gimbal Controller firmware
FPV-Tracker - Antenna tracking via RSSI and GPS
Ghettostation - Multiprotocol antenna tracker and ground osd.
Marlin - Reprap FW with look ahead. SDcard and LCD support. It works on Gen6, Ultimaker, RAMPS and Sanguinololu
Marlin - Optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform.
PSDR - PortableSDR - A Stand Alone HF Software Defined Transciever.
esc32_keil - esc32 for keil compile env
piksi_bootloader - Bootloader for the Swift Navigation Piksi GNSS Receiver
UberLRS-firmware - UberLRS-firmware
openLRSng - openLRSng (with extended telemetry support)
elua - eLua Project on GitHub
QCopterFlightControl - ?控板 FlightController,使用 STM32F405RG / STM32F411CE
QCopterNano - 微型四??行器 ( M2M ~80mm )
QCopterRemoteControl - ?控板 RemoteControl,使用 STM32F407VG / STM32F411CE
Quadcopter - 101年大???-四??行器
SmartIMU - Inertial Sensor Development Kit,STM32F412R、MPU9250、LPS22HB
Adafruit-GFX-Library - Adafruit GFX graphics core library, this is the 'core' class that all our other graphics libraries derive from
crazyflie-firmware - The main firmware for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter.
crazyradio-firmware - Crazyradio firmware, programming scripts and driver.
ppm-encoder - PPM Encoder board http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/ATmega_PPM_Encoder_Board
openmv - OpenMV Camera Module
OpenPilot - OpenPilot Github Mirror
dnscrypt-proxy - A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver
openLRSng - Configurable firmware for openLRS compatible TX/RX systems
FF32 - STM32 Advanced Multicopter Flight Control Software
FF32 - STM32 Advanced Multicopter Flight Control Software
SiK - Tools and firmware for the Si1000
TauLabs -
v-usb - A Firmware-Only USB implementation for Atmel's AVR Microcontrollers
Mindplus-Desktop - mac/win/linux version of mind+
imu_autopilot - Autopilot software used on the PIXHAWK Inertial Measurement Unit (pxIMU)
rtl_433 - Application using librtlsdr to decode the temperature from a wireless temperature sensor (433.92MHz)
bladeRF - bladeRF USB 3.0 Superspeed Software Defined Radio Source Code
piksi_firmware - Firmware for the Piksi GNSS receiver.
gaeproxy - GAEProxy for Android (Deprecated)
Arduino - open-source electronics prototyping platform
Hawk - visualized crawler & ETL IDE written with C#/WPF
wnmp - An easy Nginx, MariaDB and PHP environment for Windows.
winsw - A wrapper executable that can be used to host any executable as an Windows service, in a liberal license
PowerShell - PowerShell for every system!
NFCGUI - NFCGUI 一个万恶的无聊的Windows图形界面! GUI for libnfc
gvr-unity-sdk - Google VR SDK for Unity
DownmarkerWPF - MarkPad - a visual Markdown editor (inspired by the Downmarker project)
cppcheck-vs-addin - Visual Studio integration for cppcheck, an open-source static code analyzer for C++
virtual-shields-universal - Virtual Shields Universal Windows App
msbuild - The Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio.
shadowsocks-windows - If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.
GcodeSender - A simple program f?r transfering gcode to Grbl. I started this to have a easy control program for my pocket laser engraver (http://www.instructables.com/id/Pocket-laser-engraver/)
Psychson - Phison 2251-03 (2303) Custom Firmware & Existing Firmware Patches (BadUSB)
dnscrypt-winclient - Windows client for managing the DNSCrypt Proxy
MissionPlanner - Mission Planner Ground Control Station (c# .net)
CNTK - Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
rainmeter - Desktop customization tool for Windows
Windows - Hosts tool for racaljk/hosts
LTE-Cell-Scanner - LTE SDR cell scanner optimized to work with very low performance RF front ends (8bit A/D, 20dB noise figure)
caesium-image-compressor - Caesium is a cross-platform image compression software aimed at helping photographers, bloggers, webmasters, businesses or casual users at storing, sending and sharing digital pictures. Based on libcaesium
snort3 - Snort++
binmap - system scanner
mapnik - Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications
openvr - OpenVR SDK
fritzing-app - Fritzing desktop application
hackflight - Simple quadcopter flight control firmware and simulator for C++ hackers
tools -
gvr-android-sdk - Google VR SDK for Android
DSView - An open source multi-function instrument for everyone
openthread - OpenThread released by Nest is an open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol
tensorflow - Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
poedit - Gettext translations editor for OS X, Windows and Unix.
ubloxM8 - C++ Static library interfacing ublox GNSS receivers using the M8 UBX protocol
ConEmu - Customizable Windows terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style and more
EasyPR - An open source project for chinese plate recognition. It aims to be Easy, Flexible, and Accurate. Welcome to contribute your expertise !
LibAPRS - An APRS library for the Arduino IDE
Si5351Arduino - Library for the Si5351 clock generator IC in the Arduino environment
drake - A planning, control, and analysis toolbox for nonlinear dynamical systems. More info at
pronto-distro - Pronto is an efficient EKF state estimator for inertial and sensory motion estimation
b9creator-zh_cn - Chinese Support for B9Creator 3D, in b9creator-zh_cn branch
B9Creator - B9Creator (tm) 3D Printer Software Utility Source Code
SoftI2CMaster - Software I2C / TWI library for Arduino allows any two pins to be SDA & SCL
g2 - g2core - The Next Generation
MarlinKimbra - MK firmware for Arduino
MarlinKimbra4due - MK4due firmware for Arduino DUE
robotmoose - RobotMoose is our web-centric robotics infrastructure: SuperStar web server, Tabula Rasa backend and configurable Arduino firmware, and web front end.
dolphin - Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
arduino - Firmata firmware for Arduino
Firmware - Embedded software (firmware) for the laser system and components, including configuration files
openbts - GSM+GPRS Radio Access Network Node
Xposed - The native part of the Xposed framework (mainly the modified app_process binary).
openh264 - Open Source H.264 Codec
openXsensor - Arduino Telemetry for the RC world
Dface - face detect with cvHaar and recognize with PCA,in VS2010.
Windows-Driver-Frameworks - WDF makes it easy to write high-quality Windows drivers
ardupilot - APM Plane, APM Copter, APM Rover source
electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
DS18B20 - Arduino library for the Maxim Integrated DS18B20 1-Wire temperature sensor.
Slic3r - Open Source toolpath generator for 3D printers
repsnapper - RepSnapper RepRap control software
Repetier-Firmware - Repetier-Firmware add Mega controller and Mini Panel support
uDelta - ?Delta sources
Smoothieware - Modular, opensource, high performance G-code interpreter and CNC controller written in Object-Oriented C++
LiquidTWI2 - A lean, high speed I2C LCD Library for Arduino, which supports MCP23008 and MCP23017
breeze - UAV project
opencv - Open Source Computer Vision Library
zubax_chibios - Build system and libraries for ChibiOS-based embedded software
zubax_gnss - Zubax GNSS module
dsm2_tx - Arduino library for controlling DSM2 RC radio circuits. Also contains code for implementing RC transmitter logic.
L3D-Software - firmware and software for the L3D cube
opentxs - Open Transactions - Libraries and CLI
multiwii-firmware - Firmware - GitHub mirror of the official SVN multiwii project
frsky_data - GUI to present FrSky telemetry data on a PC
arduino-frsky - FrSky telemetry library for Arduino
SPort - Arduino library for the FrSky SPort telemetry protocol
MultiLCD - Arduino LCD library supporting multiple types of LCD shields and modules
ppm2crazyflie - Arduino compatible code to control a crazyflie with the PPM output of a RC-transmitter.
PPM-Signal-Reader-ARDUINO - Arduino PPM signal reader/decoder Library
FUTABA_SBUS - SBUS driver for arduino
SBUS - Arduino library for the Futaba SBUS protocol
ardupilot-mpng - MegaPirateNG
oculus-fpv - Code for TPG4850 eksperter i team vr-landsbyen
Audio - Teensy Audio Library
Adafruit_GPS - An interrupt-based GPS library for no-parsing-required use
FX_OPEN_AAT - 废墟开源跟踪云台
TinyGPSPlus - A new, customizable Arduino NMEA parsing library
TinyGPS - A compact Arduino NMEA (GPS) parsing library
GNSS-GPS-SDR - Some efferts on GPS replay, receive and test.
PX4Firmware - PX4 Firmware for PX4FMU autopilot and PX4IO servo / failsafe board
QQrobot - QQrobot是用C++语言开发设计,程序界面、网络通迅等模块使用了Qt,Qt是开源的,跨平台C++程序图形界面框架库,QQrobot具备跨平台特性,可在linux、MAC OS以及Windows等操作系统中运行,集成开发编译环境请到 http://qt-project.org/ 下载。 QQrobot基于腾讯公司WebQQ协议实现,可以向QQ群或者是个人自动发送信息。分为两个部分,QQ主体和robot插件。QQ主体解析WebQQ协议,负责QQ号码登录,信息接收和发送功能。robot分析聊天内容,跟据聊天内容智能做出回应。 QQ主体窗口内,可监控显示聊天信息、好友列表、群列表和机器人列表。为QQ群或者个人指定随意多个机器人为之提供服务。也提供了信息发送功能,可随时向QQ群或者个人发送信息。 robot插件,使用Qt5的plugin技术,可单独开发,编译后拷贝到plugins目录中,QQ主体自动识别安装运行。robot插件只要完成接口RobotInterface内的name和listenandsay方法就ok,name返回robot的名子,listenandsay的参数是收到的聊天内容和发送者信息,返回值是robot回应信息。
avbot - avbot that bridges QQ groups and IRC channels and XMPP rooms
qgroundcontrol - QGroundControl Ground Control Station
opentx - OpenTX custom firmware for Transmitters
USB_Host_Shield_2.0 - Revision 2.0 of USB Host Library for Arduino.
Firmware - PX4 Pro Autopilot Software
uhd - The USRP? Hardware Driver Repository
opentrack - Head tracking software for MS Windows, Linux, and Apple OSX
pixhawk-kinect-pkg - ROS package containing PIXHAWK software for use with Kinect sensor.
ardupilot - ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover source
Quarx - Add a CMS to any Laravel app, gain control of: pages, blogs, galleries, events, custom modules, images and more.
awesome-bootstrap-checkbox - Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier.
SpinKit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
flytsamples - Sample Codes for Flyt
mononoki - a programming typeface
normalize.css - A collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations
tomorrow-theme - Tomorrow Theme the precursor to Base16 Theme
Slides - Slides is a crazy simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. With features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects, crossfading, image preloading, and auto generated pagination. With Slides you’ll never see multiple slides fly by. Slides elegantly just slides from one slide to the next. Awesome.
pace - Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
icheck - Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)
emmet - The essential toolkit for web-developers
FiraCode - Monospaced font with programming ligatures
puppetserver - Server automation framework and application
LightTable - The Light Table IDE
bootstrap-tour - Quick and easy product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers
morris.js - Pretty time-series line graphs
pimatic - A home automation server and framework for the raspberry pi running on node.js
dropzone - Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.
shadowsocks-gui - Shadowsocks GUI client
atom - The hackable text editor
SwitchyOmega - Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.
Keypress - A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.
qqbot - 基于WebQQ协议的QQ机器人。命令行工具,Hubot支持!
RFIDler - RFIDler - Software defined RFID (LF) Reader/Writer/Emulator
lcd-gps-tracker - STM32 GPS tracker with a simple LCD interface
OpenLog - Open Source Hardware Datalogger
xPRO - CNC xPRO Driver (4x DRV8825 motor drivers; dual motor confiurations on X,Y, or Z axis + wireless support
Piccolo - Piccolo is a pocket-sized stand-alone CNC platform.
Hardware - OpenEnergyMonitor Open Source Hardware
Hardware - Hardware (Mainboard PCB designs etc.)
openct2 -
openfc - Open-Hardware Flight-Controller
L3D-Hardware - Eagle schematics and layout for the L3D cube
SbusToPPM - A small Converter to convert Futaba SBus to PPM or Spektrum-Serial
firepick-delta - Design and Manufacturing Specifications for FirePick Delta
storm32bgc - STM32 32-bit microcontroller based 3-axis brushless gimbal controller board
uCNC_controller - A small arduino CNC controller
Hardware - PX4 Hardware designs
daisho - SuperSpeed USB 3.0 FPGA platform
piksi_hardware - Piksi hardware design.
- emacs-w64 - 64-bit GNU Emacs for MS Windows with optimization.
prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
geoip2-csv-converter - GeoIP2 CSV Format Converter
v2ray-core - A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
etcd - Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
skydive - An open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer
go - The Go programming language
docker - Docker - the open-source application container engine
machine - Machine management for a container-centric world
lantern - ??Lantern Latest Download https://github.com/getlantern/lantern/releases/tag/latest ??蓝灯最新版本下载 https://github.com/getlantern/forum/issues/833 ??
wukong - 高度可定制的全文搜索引擎
distribution - The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content
gscan -
swfobject - An open source Javascript framework for detecting the Adobe Flash Player plugin and embedding Flash (swf) files.
bootstrap-social - 👫 Social Sign-In Buttons for Bootstrap
transactional-email-templates - Responsive transactional HTML email templates
peity - Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts
http-observatory-website - Mozilla Observatory (Website)
chosen - Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.
skill-map - StuQ 技能图谱
css-handbook - CSS参考手册
laravel-angular-admin - Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate / Starter.
metismenu - A jQuery menu plugin
luaforwindows - Lua for Windows is a 'batteries included environment' for the Lua scripting language on Windows.
FreeIMU-Updates - IMU - FreeIMU Library Zero Drift, Altitude & LSM303 Heading Stability
YouTubeCenter - YouTube Center is a userscript designed to expand the functionality of YouTube. It includes the ability to download the video you're watching, auto selecting your preferred video quality and much more.
polymer - Build modern apps using web components
Justified-Gallery - JQuery plugin that allows you to create a gallery with a justified grid. Fill all the spaces!
Ladda - Buttons with built-in loading indicators.
juicy-ace-editor - Custom Element with Ace(http://ace.c9.io/) code editor
zepto - Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API
ckeditor-dev - The development repository of CKEditor.
ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic
Font-Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit
AdminLTE - AdminLTE - Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme Based On Bootstrap 3.x
KMotionX - Linux/Unix port of KMotion
frsky-arduino - FrskyD and FrskySP libraries for Arduino
laravel-cheatsheet - Laravel Cheat Sheet
- fbctf - Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions
- wire-server - ???? Wire back-end services
- toolbox - The Docker Toolbox
termux-app - Android terminal emulator and Linux environment - app repository.
idea-php-laravel-plugin - Laravel Framework Plugin for PhpStorm / IntelliJ IDEA
WeChatLuckyMoney - 💸 WeChat's lucky money helper (微信抢红包插件). An Android app that helps you snatch red packets in WeChat groups.
idea-multimarkdown - Markdown language support for IntelliJ IDEA.
WechatSportCheat - 手把手教你当微信运动第一名 ? 利用Android Hook进行微信运动作弊
usb-serial-for-android - Android USB host serial driver library for CDC, FTDI, Arduino and other devices.
Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector - AIMSICD ? Fight IMSI-Catcher, StingRay and silent SMS!
Apktool - A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
j-mc-2-obj - Java-based Minecraft-to-OBJ exporter.
Treecapitator - DaftPVF's Treecapitator mod for Minecraft. Chops down trees in a single blow. Requires bspkrsCore.
WorldEdit - An in-game voxel map editor for Minecraft
kkMulticopterFlashTool - The kkflashtool is a easy to use tool to flash all kind of Atmel based RC equipment.
firmware - Firmware used to drive RepRaps
VoxelSniper - The premiere long-distance brush editor for Minecraft
VoxelGunsmith - Equipping VoxelSniper. The API for the popular Long Range Terraforming plugin VoxelSniper.
MinecraftForge - Modifications to the Minecraft base files to assist in compatibility between mods.
Essentials - Essentials - Minecraft server command mod - Adds over 100 commands for use in-game to help manage a server
chunky - Minecraft mapping and rendering tool
bazel - Correct, reproducible, and fast builds for everyone.
openpnp - Open Source SMT Pick and Place Hardware and Software
RCEncode - Joystick reader to generate PPM stream for Futaba buddy port using A0>7 as channel inputs. Ideas from http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1243998214 and www.ianjohnston.com
FirePick - www.firepick.org GitHub
processing - Source code for the Processing Development Environment (PDE)
gpslogger - 📡 Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android. Available on the Android Market as "GPSLogger for Android"
AngelEyes-Android-SDK - AngelEyes SDK for Android, including a Demo.
maple-ide - Development environment for the Maple ARM Cortex-M3 development board; forked from Arduino
Arduino - open-source electronics prototyping platform
androrat - androrat
webqq-core - 一个基于WebQQ协议开发的库,您可以基于这个库让您的程序集成QQ相关的功能。
fqrouter - anti-GFW router
ardublock - ArduBlock is a Block Programming Language for Arduino.
Tower - Ground Control Station for Android Devices
earthenterprise - Google Earth Enterprise - Open Source
N-blog - 一起学 Node.js
poisontap - Exploits locked/password protected computers over USB, drops persistent WebSocket-based backdoor, exposes internal router, and siphons cookies using Raspberry Pi Zero & Node.js.
laraadmin - LaraAdmin is a Open source Laravel Admin Panel / CMS which can be used as Admin Backend, Data Management Tool or CRM boilerplate for Laravel with features like Advanced CRUD Generation, Module Manager, Backups and many more.
pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
flow-router - Carefully Designed Client Side Router for Meteor
typeahead.js - typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
datamaps - Customizable SVG map visualizations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js
bootstrap-tagsinput - jQuery tags input plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap.
bootstrap-markdown - Bootstrap plugin for markdown editing
d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
c3 - A D3-based reusable chart library
clipboard.js - ✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋
bootstrap-touchspin - A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3.
jQuery.dotdotdot - jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellipsis for multiple line content.
sweetalert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
masonry - 🏩 Cascading grid layout library
slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
clockpicker - A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap (or jQuery). Sorry but no longer maintained.
meteor - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform
jquery-idletimer - provides you a way to monitor user activity with a page.
tinycon - A small library for manipulating the favicon, in particular adding alert bubbles and changing images.
jstree - jquery tree plugin
Gallery - blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers. It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading.
mean - MEAN.JS - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js -
toastr - Simple javascript toast notifications
cropper - A simple jQuery image cropping plugin.
vertical-timeline - Responsive timeline
jqGrid - jQuery grid plugin
bonzo - library agnostic, extensible DOM utility
Nestable - Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility (jQuery plugin)
easy-pie-chart - easy pie chart is a lightweight plugin to draw simple, animated pie charts for single values
unsplash-js - ?? A Universal JavaScript wrapper for the Unsplash API
unsplash-source-js - ?? A javascript wrapper for the Unsplash Source API
jquery-validation - jQuery Validation Plugin library sources
summernote - Super simple WYSIWYG editor
jquery-steps - A powerful jQuery wizard plugin that supports accessibility and HTML5.
jquery.sparkline - A plugin for the jQuery javascript library to generate small sparkline charts directly in the browser
rickshaw - JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
ion.rangeSlider - jQuery only range slider
fullcalendar - Full-sized drag & drop event calendar (jQuery plugin)
gitbook - ?? Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown
Hacker-Typer - Hacker Typer is a fun joke for every person who wants to look like a cool hacker!
hexo-theme-yilia - 一个简洁优雅的hexo主题 A simple and elegant theme for hexo.
node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
httphijack - 使用Javascript实现前端防御http劫持及防御XSS攻击,并且对可疑攻击进行上报
vue - A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
teletraan - Teletraan is Pinterest's deploy system.
colour-schemes - Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees.
leanote - Not Just A Notepad! (golang + mongodb) http://leanote.org
laverna - Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.
SoundManager2 - A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed.
wymeditor - Pure js cross-browser WYSIWYM editor with a focus on the clean separation of content and styling.
wechat - 微信公共平台消息接口服务中间件
electronic-wechat - 💬 A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron by Zhongyi Tong.
AlgorithmVisualizer - Algorithm Visualizer
shadowsocks-manager - A shadowsocks manager tool for multi user and traffic control.
sinopia - Private npm repository server
simditor - An Easy and Fast WYSIWYG Editor (This project is no longer maintained)
plotly.js - The open source JavaScript graphing library that powers plotly
echarts - A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser
coordtransform - 提供了百度坐标(BD09)、国测局坐标(火星坐标,GCJ02)、和WGS84坐标系之间的转换
fingerprintjs2 - Modern & flexible browser fingerprinting library, a successor to the original fingerprintjs
node-ar-drone - A node.js client for controlling Parrot AR Drone 2.0 quad-copters.
jPlayer - jPlayer : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
underscore - JavaScript's utility _ belt
howler.js - Javascript audio library for the modern web.
exceljs - Excel Workbook Manager
js-xlsx - Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
xlsx.js - XLSX.js is a JavaScript library for converting the data in base64 XLSX files into JavaScript objects - and back! Please note that this library is licensed under the Microsoft Office Extensible File License - a license NOT approved by the OSI. While this license is based off of the MS-PL, which is OSI-approved, there are significant differences.
tableExport.jquery.plugin - "table2JSON", "table2XML", "table2PNG","table2CSV","table2Excel","table2Word","table2Powerpoint","table2txt","table2PDF"
kitematic - Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
ideohint - Optimized hinter for Ideographs
OS.js - JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform
superscript - A dialogue engine for creating chat bots
laravel-testtools - Chrome extension to generate Laravel integration tests while using your app.
less.js - Leaner CSS
bootlint - HTML linter for Bootstrap projects
Iosevka - Slender typeface for code, from code.
kartograph.js - Open source JavaScript renderer for Kartograph SVG maps
jQuery-File-Upload - File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
hexo-theme-next - Elegant theme for Hexo.
highlight.js - Javascript syntax highlighter
FooTable - jQuery plugin to make HTML tables responsive
chartist-js - Simple responsive charts
lets-chat - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
editor.md - The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component).
Rocket.Chat - Have your own Slack like online chat, built with Meteor.
croppic - croppic
bootstrap-fileinput - An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features.
i18next - i18next internationalization framework
code-blast-codemirror - ?Particles blasts while typing in Codemirror
moment-timezone - Timezone support for moment.js
moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
ace - Ace (Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor)
video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player
select2 - Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
vegas - Vegas is a jQuery/Zepto plugin to add beautiful backgrounds and Slideshows to DOM elements.
reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
slider-pro - A modular, responsive and touch-enabled jQuery slider plugin that enables you to create elegant and professionally looking sliders.
webgl-globe - WebGL Globe is a platform for visualizing latitude longitude based information using WebGL.
Slicebox - Slicebox is??a jQuery 3D image slider plugin that makes use of CSS 3D Transforms and provides a graceful fallback for older browsers that don't support the new properties.
FlexSlider - An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin
Smooth-Div-Scroll - A jQuery plugin for smooth scrolling.
covervid - Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with this lightweight Javascript plugin / jQuery extension
jquery-ui - The official jQuery user interface library.
wysihtml - Open source rich text editor for the modern web
bootstrap-slider - A complete rewrite of the original bootstrap-slider by Stefan Petre.
angular.js - AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
html5-boilerplate - A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
jQuery-Knob - Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial
jQuery-slimScroll - small jQuery plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar. Demo and more:
Inputmask - Input Mask plugin
bootstrap-timepicker - A simple timepicker component for Twitter Bootstrap
bootstrap-colorpicker - Simple and customizable colorpicker component for Twitter Bootstrap. MAINTAINERS / COLLABORATORS NEEDED.
bootstrap-daterangepicker - Date range picker component for Bootstrap
bootstrap-datepicker - A datepicker for twitter bootstrap (@twbs)
flot - Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery
Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
bootstrapvalidator - For anyone who want to use the previous version (BootstrapValidator)
bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
jquery - jQuery JavaScript Library
html5shiv - This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
Respond - A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
gcode-viewer - A web-based 3D GCode viewer to help understand 3D printer models.
Flyver-SDK - Software Development Kit for drones. Drones SDK. Build drone apps.
node-serialport - Node.js package to access serial ports for reading and writing. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them!
CodeMirror - In-browser code editor
v86 - x86 virtualization in JavaScript, running in your browser and NodeJS
openLRSng-configurator - Chromium / Google chrome based configurator for openLRSng firmware
brackets - An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Google-IPs - 🇺🇸 Google 全球 IP 地址库
beagleboard-org - Source code for website
plus-scraper - A small profile ID scraper for NodeJS
rpi-rgb-led-matrix - Controlling up to three chains of 32x32 or 16x32 RGB LED displays using Raspberry Pi GPIO
ubertooth - Software, firmware and hardware designs for Ubertooth
memtype - Memtype -- Open Hardware Password & Data Manager
fmcw - FMCW radar design files
crazyflie-electronics - Datasheets and KiCad project files for the Crazyflie electronics design.
crazyradio-electronics - Datasheets and KiCad project files for the Crazyradio electronics design.
hackrf - low cost software radio platform
- lwjgl3 - LWJGL is a Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications.
kali-nethunter - The Kali NetHunter Project
ngx_lua_waf - ngx_lua_waf是一个基于lua-nginx-module(openresty)的web应用防火墙
cmder-plugins - ? artisan ??的 cmder 自??全外?集
flags - GoSquared's flag icon set
proxdroid - proxmark3 for Android superproject
proxdroid - proxmark3 for Android superproject
openwrt-shadowsocks - Shadowsocks-libev for OpenWrt/LEDE
OTP4LTE-U - Open Test Platform for LTE/LTE-U
simflight - Simulation environment for flight systems
rtl-sdr-LTE - Play with LTE signal (especially China TD-LTE) captured by rtl-sdr
- CorsairK95 - Reverse engineered driver and code for the Corsair K95 Gaming Keyboard. Reading Gaming keys, media and controlling LED lights. Note that this project is in a VERY early stage.
- server-configs-nginx - Nginx HTTP server boilerplate configs
- PPMDisplay - Arduino Project To Display RC Servo PPM Data
- OpenHardwarePhylogenetics - various tries at making family trees of open hardware projects
awesome-python-cn - Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由伯乐在线持续更新。
code.mil - An experiment in open source
BashOnWindows - Issues found within and using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
hosts - 🗽最新可用的google hosts文件。镜像:
git-recipes -
Git recipes in Chinese. 高质量的Git中文教程.
gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
MSMindMap - 网络安全基础知识思维导图
gettorbrowser - This is a repository to provide links for downloading Tor Browser from Github.
ELLO-2M - Electronics of the ELLO 2M and ELLO 2M? (stacked PCB DIY computer)
openstm32hw - Open Source Hardware for STM32, complementing openstm32
PCB_Gerber - Gerber files uploaded
Companion-Pi - This is a collection of Linux .img files to allow drone/automated vehicle users to hook up to a Raspberry Pi 2/3/Zero V1.2/1.3 and further their drone/automated vehicle experiences in various ways. All software is provided as-is and you assume all risks by using it.
DOCX.js - DOCX.js is a JavaScript library for converting the data in base64 DOCX files into HTML - and back! Please note that this library is licensed under the Microsoft Office Extensible File License - a license NOT approved by the OSI. While this license is based off of the MS-PL, which is OSI-approved, there are significant differences.
nginx - My Nginx configuration files, for all to use and improve upon.
ipfs - IPFS - The Permanent Web
Laravel-sites - Laravel不权威导航
awesome-php - A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
awesome-laravel - A curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Laravel ecosystem
docs - Laravel 的中文翻译. Chinese Translation of Laravel docs http://laravel-china.org/docs
SpindleControlStick - Spindle Controller for Cyclone PCB Factory in Pololu Stepstick size
openpnp-openbuilds - An OpenPnP compatible SMT pick and place machine based on OpenBuilds linear motion components.
AlligatorBoard - Alligator Board - 3D Printer Controller
project - The open source Tessel Project. START HERE!
hardware - our new control board hardware
CHIP-Hardware - Collection of design files for C.H.I.P.
hardware-designs - Software Defined Radio Hardware Designs
openrov-hardware - Hardware for OpenROV. Include lasercut parts and other diagrams
BBBMINI - BeagleBone ArduPilot DIY Cape
OpenSky - Opensource FrSky Mini RX
openLRSngTX - improved version of the openLRS TX (not pin compatible)
ppm-converter - PWM/S-bus to PPM -converter
Shapeoko_2 - Shapeoko v2 Official Release
beaglepilot - An autopilot for Linux-based computers based on the BeagleBone (Black)
maplemini - Maple Mini schematics and layout
LaserCutMiniMill - Laser Cut Mini Mill
LiveScript-style-guide - Style guide for LiveScript - feel free to discuss or send pull requests
docs -
BeagleBone-Black - Design and Document files for the BeagleBone Black from BeagleBoard.org
BeagleBone-Black-A6 - Next-gen BeagleBone
beaglebone-black - Design and Document files for the BeagleBone Black from BeagleBoard.org
Ultimaker2 - BOM and parts for UM2
maple - LeafLabs Maple Hardware Design Files
umtrx-schematics - Schematics and accompanying documentation for the UmTRX project
Hardware - Open Source 3 Axis Board Design files
DTFUHF-Thru-Hole-1W-TX - DTF UHF Thru-Hole 1W TX
DTFUHF-1W-Deluxe - DTF UHF 1-watt cased TX
SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries - SparkFun's Public Eagle PCB Footprints using Eagle 6.0+
Eagle-Libraries - Eagle PCB Parts Libraries
antennas - Antenna designs and simulation models for RC and FPV use.
sentinel - A framework agnostic authentication & authorization system.
botman - A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots
laravel-breadcrumbs - Laravel Breadcrumbs - A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs
coastercms - The repository for Coaster Cms (coastercms.org)
PHPPresentation - A pure PHP library for reading and writing presentations documents
PhpSpreadsheet - A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
adminer - Database management in a single PHP file
phpsms - 📱🚀May be the most intelligent, elegant sms send library in php (可能是目前最聪明、优雅的php短信发送库了)
date - ?? A library to help you work with dates in multiple languages, based on Carbon.
voyager - Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin
laravel-activitylog - Log activity inside your Laravel app
shinobi - 👺 Simple and light-weight role-based permissions system for Laravel's built in Auth system.
cli-menu - ?? Build beautiful PHP CLI menus. Simple yet Powerful. Expressive DSL.
Holy-Lance - A Linux Resource / Performance Monitor based on PHP.
commonmark - Markdown parser for PHP based on the CommonMark spec.
yii2 - Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework
Faker - Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
CodeIgniter - Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
Aliyun-oss-storage - 阿里云OSS laravel storage Filesystem adapter, 打造Laravel最好的OSS Storage扩展.
AliyunOSS - 阿里云 OSS 官方 SDK 的 Composer 封装,支持任何 PHP 项目,包括 Laravel、Symfony、TinyLara 等等。
qiniu-laravel-storage - Qiniu 云储存 Laravel 5 Storage版
GeoIP2-php - PHP API for GeoIP2 webservice client and database reader
symfony - The Symfony PHP framework
WordPress - WordPress, Git-ified. Synced via SVN every 15 minutes, including branches and tags! This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please do not send pull requests. Submit patches to http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ instead.
laravel-scout-tntsearch-driver - Driver for Laravel Scout search package based on https://github.com/teamtnt/tntsearch
Learn-Laravel-5 - Laravel 5 系列入门教程
laravel-package-top-100 - 对 Packagist 上打了 Laravel 标签 的扩展包进行整理,截止到现在 2016 年 8 月 9号,有超过 7176 个扩展包,以下是下载量最大的 100 个。
Laravel-HTMLMin - A simple HTML minifier for Laravel 5
iseed - Laravel 5 Inverse Seed Generator
paperwork - Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
Notifynder - Easy Internal Notification management for laravel 4.* / 5.*
wechat-php-sdk - 微信公众平台php开发包, weixin developer SDK.
PHPExcel - A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
packagist - Package Repository Website - try https://packagist.com if you need your own -
laravel-server-monitor - Server Monitoring Command for Laravel Applications
Carbon - A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.
jigsaw - Simple static sites with Laravel's Blade
html - HTML and Form Builders for the Laravel Framework
clockwork - Server-side component of Clockwork, a Chrome extension for PHP development.
image - PHP Image Manipulation
composer - Dependency Manager for PHP
oauth2-server-laravel - An OAuth 2.0 bridge for Laravel and Lumen [DEPRECATED FOR LARAVEL 5.3+]
LogViewer - 📃 Provides a log viewer for Laravel 5
SecLists - SecLists is the security tester's companion. It is a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data grep strings, fuzzing payloads, and many more.
wechat - 📦 It is probably the best SDK in the world for developing Wechat App.
Geocoder - The most featured Geocoder library written in PHP.
Laravel-5-Generators-Extended - This package extends the core file generators that are included with Laravel 5
laravel-ide-helper - Laravel IDE Helper
laravel-dompdf - A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
entrust - Role-based Permissions for Laravel 5
laravel-debugbar - Laravel Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
ss-panel - Let's talk about cat
laravel-5-boilerplate - A Laravel 5 Boilerplate Project - http://laravel-boilerplate.com
QQ - [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the SocialiteProviders/QQ Provider (see SocialiteProviders/Providers)
Laravel-Excel - An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV files for Laravel with the power of PHPExcel
PHP-APRS-Passcode - Generate APRS Passcode using PHP.
composer-proxy - The composer proxy
crayon-syntax-highlighter - Syntax Highlighter supporting multiple languages, themes, fonts, highlighting from a URL, local file or post text.
TypiCMS - Multilingual CMS built with Laravel 4.2
Laravel-lang - List of 53 languages for Laravel 4/5
HWIOAuthBundle - OAuth client integration for Symfony. Supports both OAuth1.0a and OAuth2.
Laravel-4-Generators - Rapidly speed up your Laravel workflow with generators
PHP-CS-Fixer - A tool to automatically fix PHP coding standards issues
laravel - A PHP Framework For Web Artisans
webqq-robot - webqq-robot
- EQGRP - Decrypted content of eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz
pgdoc-cn - PostgreSQL manual Chinese translation by China PostgreSQL Users Group
quantracker - FPV antenna tracker based on a STM32F4 Discovery board and a pololu style servo motor
PowerShell-Docs - The official PowerShell documentation sources
GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts - A series of Powershell scripts to automatically download, build from source, and install GNURadio and -all- it's dependencies as 64-bit native binaries then package as an msi using Visual Studio 2015
cmder - Lovely console emulator package for Windows
- Eagle - holds all eagle files - projects and libraries
EQGRP_Lost_in_Translation - Decrypted content of odd.tar.xz.gpg, swift.tar.xz.gpg and windows.tar.xz.gpg
mimipenguin - A tool to dump the login password from the current linux user
glazier - A tool for automating the installation of the Microsoft Windows operating system on various device platforms.
universe - Universe: a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites and other applications.
keras - Deep Learning library for Python. Convnets, recurrent neural networks, and more. Runs on TensorFlow or Theano.
Theano - Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It can use GPUs and perform efficient symbolic differentiation.
http-observatory-cli - The command line tool for the HTTP Observatory
http-observatory - HTTP Observatory
eqgrp-free-file - Free sampling of files from the purported Equation Group hack.
eqgrp-free-file - Free sampling of files from the purported Equation Group hack.
ChatterBot - ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots.
ipv6-hosts - Forked from the inactive Google Code project ipv6 hosts: https://code.google.com/p/ipv6-hosts/
pykickstart - python module for parsing and writing kickstart configs
ks-generator - Generates Kickstart Configuration Files.
speedometer - Chart network TX/RX and file download rates on the console
ansible - Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications? automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
jumpserver - 开源跳板机(堡垒机):认证,授权,审计,自动化运维(Open source springboard machine ( fortress machine ): Authentication, authorization, audit, automated operation and maintenance).http://www.jumpserver.org
flare-floss - FireEye Labs Obfuscated String Solver - Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
plotly.py - An interactive, browser-based graphing library for Python ✨
coordTransform_py - 提供百度坐标系(bd-09)、火星坐标系(国测局坐标系、gcj02)、WGS84坐标系直接的坐标互转,也提供了解析高德地址的方法的python版本
dtf - Android Device Testing Framework ("dtf")
project_generator - Project generators for various embedded tools (IDE). IAR, uVision, Makefile, CoIDE, Eclipse and many more in the roadmap!
epaper_clock - make a clock with raspberry pi and e-paper screen
source-code-pro - Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
scapy - Scapy: the python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library
pypcap - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pypcap
XX-Mini - 👻 XX-Net 精简版
XX-Net - a web proxy tool
WiFi-Pumpkin - Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack
models - Models built with TensorFlow
gym - A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
routersploit - The Router Exploitation Framework
compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
pyserial - Python serial port access library
gns3-gui - GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator
youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
wifite -
sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
SublimePHPCompanion - A Sublime Text 3 plugin that provides cool stuff for PHP 5.3+ coding session.
gps-timekeep - Make a Raspberry Pi into a precise NTP server using a GPS unit
docker-registry - This is DEPRECATED! Please go to https://github.com/docker/distribution
director - A robotics interface and visualization framework, with extensive applications for working with http://drake.mit.edu
Cyclone-PCB-Factory - Cyclone (Circuit Cloner) is a CNC mill intended for PCB manufacturing.
MAVProxy - MAVLink proxy and command line ground station
MAVProxy - MAVLink proxy and command line ground station
mcedit2 - MCEdit 2.0 - World Editor for Minecraft.
MCEdit-Unified - Combined MCEdit & Pymclevel repository.
ahjs5s -
arduino-api - Arduino library for real-time logging and streaming data to online plotly graphs
PiWebQQ - Python, WebQQ, Raspberry Pi
SmartQQ-for-Raspberry-Pi - 基于 SmartQQ 编写, 采用QQ安全中心的二维码做为登陆条件 的WebQQ客户端
SmartQQBot - 基于SmartQQ的自动机器人框架
Dshell - Dshell is a network forensic analysis framework.
checkgoogleip - 主要是用来检查哪些IP可以用在goagent上面
rostock - Delta robot 3D printer.
maplenative - Maple Native schematics
SublimeLinter3 - Interactive code linting framework for Sublime Text 3
SublimeCodeIntel - Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine
livestyle-sublime-old - Live bi-directional CSS edit of new generation
Stino - A Sublime Text Plugin for Arduino
package_control - The Sublime Text package manager
Software - RepRapPro Software to run our 3D printers
ST2-Arduino - Sublime Text 2 plugin for Arduino.
capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool
puppet - Server automation framework and application
metasploit-framework - Metasploit Framework
jekyll - 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
octopress - Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
- rust - A safe, concurrent, practical language.
shadowsocks-android - A shadowsocks client for Android
aprsdroid - APRSdroid - Android APRS reporting tool
across - Some useful scripts
shadowsocks_install - Auto Install Shadowsocks Server for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
lesspass - 🔑 stateless open source password manager
serverspeeder - 锐速破解版
docker-nginx - Official NGINX Dockerfiles
laradock - A Docker PHP development environment.
CentOS-Dockerfiles - Dockerfiles for various common implementations
brootkit - Lightweight rootkit implemented by bash shell scripts v0.10
webusb - Connecting hardware to the web.
Woobuntu -
babun - Babun - a Windows shell you will love!
laravel-zsh-plugin - A oh-my-zsh plugin that improve laravel development workflow.
oh-my-zsh - A delightful community-driven (with 1,000+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
boot2docker - Lightweight Linux for Docker
Docs - Documentation for OpenBCI
rpusbdisp - Drivers and Tools for RoboPeak Mini USB Display Project
dev - Start Here! Development Environment Tools and System Releases
- ShadowsocksX-NG - Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
ui-router - The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
vscode - Visual Studio Code
- DSLogic-hdl - An open source FPGA design for DSLogic
vimrc - The ultimate Vim configuration: vimrc
vimrc - VimL: Opinionated VIM Configuration
Vundle.vim - Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
spf13-vim - The ultimate vim distribution
SrcExpl - A (G)Vim plugin for exploring the source code based on "tags", and it works like the context window of "Source Insight".
minibufexpl.vim - Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space
- NanoCore-Base-Plugin - NanoCore Base Plugin
To the extent possible under law, Robot5 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.