A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred
[Vim script](#vim script)
js-cover-flow - A Cover Flow component made for the web
purePDF - A complete actionscript PDF library
- angular-gestures - AngularJS directive that adds support for multi touch gestures to your app. Based on hammer.js.
- anarki - Community-managed fork of the Arc dialect of Lisp; for commit privileges submit a pull request.
- Apollo-11 - Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
JSPatch - JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
git - Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
perfj - PerfJ is a wrapper of linux perf for java programs.
Arduino - open-source electronics prototyping platform
ios-webkit-debug-proxy - A DevTools proxy (Chrome Remote Debugging Protocol) for iOS devices (Safari Remote Web Inspector).
ijkplayer - Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.2, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
fishhook - A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
wax - Wax is now being maintained by alibaba
lua-nginx-module - Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers
proxydroid - Global Proxy for Android
fastsocket - Fastsocket is a highly scalable socket and its underlying networking implementation of Linux kernel. With the straight linear scalability, Fastsocket can provide extremely good performance in multicore machines. In addition, it is very easy to use and maintain. As a result, it has been deployed in the production environment of SINA.
SmartAppUpdates - Android应用增量更新
zimg - A lightweight and high performance image storage and processing system.
android-unpacker - Android Unpacker presented at Defcon 22: Android Hacker Protection Level 0
fb-adb - A better shell for Android devices
tcpcopy - An online request replication tool, also a tcp stream replay tool, fit for real testing, performance testing, stability testing, stress testing, load testing, smoke testing, etc
WaxPatch - Dynamically load a lua script to change the behavior of your iOS application.
Cello - Higher level programming in C
wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
50AH-code - 50 Android Hacks book source code
unispim - 华宇拼音输入法核心源码(source code of unispim)
pidgin-lwqq - a pidgin plugin based on lwqq, a excellent safe useful library for webqq protocol
libpng-android - libpng for Android NDK
redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library.
Uninstall_Statics - Android 统计 应用 自身被 卸载 Android Statistics application is uninstalled
sqlcipher - SQLCipher is an SQLite extension that provides 256 bit AES encryption of database files.
The-Art-Of-Programming-By-July - 本项目曾冲到全球第一,干货集锦见本页面最底部,另完整精致的纸质版《编程之法:面试和算法心得》已在京东/当当上销售
tcpburn - The most powerful tool for stress testing of Internet server applications
PunchAndKick - A simple 2D Fighting Game.
linux - Linux kernel source tree
gaeproxy - GAEProxy for Android (Deprecated)
sodium - Sodium - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) Library for multiple languages
PowerShell - PowerShell for every system!
react-native-i18n - React Native + i18n.js
corefx - This repo contains the .NET Core foundational libraries, called CoreFX. It includes classes for collections, file systems, console, XML, async and many others.
CodeHub - CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
umeng-muti-channel-build-tool - 友盟渠道打包工具(windows .net 4.0)
Opserver - Stack Exchange's Monitoring System
UniversalAdbDriver - One size fits all Windows Drivers for Android Debug Bridge.
ExportBlog - 博客导出工具
PushSharp - A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS devices!
MonoGame - One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
zopfli - Zopfli Compression Algorithm is a compression library programmed in C to perform very good, but slow, deflate or zlib compression.
CLRS - 📓Solutions to Introduction to Algorithms
CppCon2016 - Slides and other materials from CppCon 2016
phxsql - A high availability MySQL cluster that guarantees data consistency between a master and slaves.
artdumper - 从oat文件中dump出来dex的工具
TurboDex - fast load dex in memory.
redex - A bytecode optimizer for Android apps
mapbox-gl-native - Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
swift - The Swift Programming Language
Xposed - The native part of the Xposed framework (mainly the modified app_process binary).
tensorflow - Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
AndFix - AndFix is a library that offer hot-fix for Android App.
watchman - Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change.
rocksdb - A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.
protobuf - Protocol Buffers for Node.JS
android-ndk - Android NDK samples with Android Studio
or-tools - Google's Operations Research tools
rapidjson - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
crosswalk - This project is currently unmaintained. Crosswalk 23 was the last stable release.
nw.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
node-fibers - Fiber/coroutine support for v8 and node.
leveldb - LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
osquery - SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
protobuf - Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
godot - Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
flatbuffers - Memory Efficient Serialization Library
opensse - Open Sketch Search Engine- 3D object retrieval based on sketch image as input
electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
tair - A distributed key-value storage system developed by Taobao.com
snappy - A fast compressor/decompressor
hex - heX
tclip-android - Bitmap smart clipping using OpenCV
node-memwatch - A NodeJS library to keep an eye on your memory usage, and discover and isolate leaks.
OpenCC - A project for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
iptux - A software for sharing in LAN
cocos2d-x - Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
hubpress.io - A web application to build your blog on GitHub
square.github.io - A simple, static portal which outlines our open source offerings.
hyde - A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
gitbook - Git Community Book 中译本 Source
jekyll-now - Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
material-design-icons - Material Design icons by Google
easings.net - Easing Functions Cheat Sheet
devices.css - Pure CSS phones and tablets
Blueprint-VerticalTimeline - A responsive vertical timeline layout with icons and example media queries.
material_design_zh - Material Design 中文协同翻译 - design.1sters.com
the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese - 中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
MarkdownView - MarkdownView is an Android webview with the capablity of loading Markdown text or file and display it as HTML, it uses MarkdownJ and extends Android webview.
poole - The Jekyll Butler.
eclipse-ui-theme - Dark UI Theme for Eclipse 4+
stylestats - StyleStats is a library to collect CSS statistics.
2048 - A small clone of 1024 (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.veewo.a1024)
popcorn-time.github.io - Site for getpopcornti.me
github-buttons - Showcase the success of any GitHub repo or user with these simple, static buttons with dynamic counts.
Hover - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
haroopad - Haroopad - The Next Document processor based on Markdown
SpinKit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
LightTable - The Light Table IDE
auto-parcel - Android Parcelable models made easy
marp - Markdown presentation writer, powered by Electron.
turbolinks - Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster
piler - Deprecated Asset Manager for Node.js
activate-power-mode - Atom package - Activate POWER MODE to write your code in style.
node-localstorage - A drop-in substitute for the browser native localStorage API that runs on node.js.
octonode - github api v3 in nodejs
adbkit - A pure Node.js client for the Android Debug Bridge.
pushd - Blazing fast multi-protocol mobile and web push notification service
vimium - The hacker's browser.
paste.js - read image/text data from clipboard (cross-browser)
chinese-copywriting-guidelines - Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北
atom - The hackable text editor
jquery.qeditor - This is a simple WYSIWYG editor with jQuery.
FlappyTube - Crazy H5 Game which Tube kill birds
- vernemq - A distributed MQTT message broker based on Erlang/OTP
rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
thyme - Automatically track which applications you use and for how long.
noms - The versioned, forkable, syncable database
pholcus - [Crawler for Golang] Pholcus is a distributed, high concurrency and powerful web crawler software.
battery-historian - Battery Historian is a tool to analyze battery consumers using Android "bugreport" files.
transporter - Sync data between persistence engines, like ETL only not stodgy
delve - Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.
go - The Go programming language
qtunnel - A secure socket tunnel works on getqujing.com
termui - Golang terminal dashboard
nes - NES emulator written in Go.
go-dockerclient - Go client for the Docker remote API.
sudolikeaboss - Get 1password access from iterm2
weave - Simple, resilient multi-host Docker networking and more.
github-trending - Tracking the most popular Github repos, updated daily
cayley - An open-source graph database
drone - Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
hugo - A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang
uniqush-push - Uniqush is a free and open source software system which provides a unified push service for server side notification to apps on mobile devices.
Heartbleed - A checker (site and tool) for CVE-2014-0160
gsnova - Private proxy solution.
ga-beacon - Google Analytics collector-as-a-service (using GA measurement protocol).
lantern - 🔴Lantern Latest Download https://github.com/getlantern/lantern/releases/tag/latest 🔴蓝灯最新版本下载 https://github.com/getlantern/forum/issues/833 🔴
ThinRPlugin - 去除android中的R.class
Tinker_imitator - (UNMAINTAINED)微信热更新方案实践
okbuck - OkBuck is a gradle plugin that lets developers utilize the Buck build system on a gradle project.
NuwaGradle - gradle plugin wrote for Nuwa
gradle-packer-plugin - Android渠道打包工具
j2objc-gradle - This plugin is no longer actively maintained. J2ObjC Gradle Plugin: enables Java source to be part of an iOS application's build so you can write an app's non-UI code (such as application logic and data models) in Java, which is then shared by Android apps (natively Java) and iOS apps (using J2ObjC), all as part of your usual Android Gradle build.
bintray-release - A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray
gradle-one-jar - The gradle-one-jar project is a Gradle plugin that uses One-JAR, a specialised Class-Loader written by Simon Tuffs (http://one-jar.sourceforge.net/), for building self-contained executable jars that include all dependencies.
jd-gui - A standalone Java Decompiler GUI
gradle-versions-plugin - Gradle plugin to discover dependency updates
wire-gradle-plugin - A Gradle plugin for generating Java code for your protocol buffer definitions with Wire.
gradle-eclipse-aar-plugin - Gradle plugin to use Android AAR libraries on Eclipse.
sdk-manager-plugin - DEPRECATED Gradle plugin which downloads and manages your Android SDK.
gradle-mvn-push - Helper to upload Gradle Android Artifacts to Maven repositories
javascript-lessons - 本课程之所以叫做《JavaScript 闯关记》,是因为部分章节精心设计了挑战关卡,通过提供更多的实战机会,让大家可以循序渐进地、有目的地、有挑战地开展学习。
text-spinners - Pure text, CSS only, font independent, inline loading indicators
ioweb2016 - I/O web app 2016
react-native-lesson - React-Native入门指南
LayerVisualizer - A simple web-based 3D layer visualizer (useful for visualizing material UIs and other things involving depth/shadows)
qark - Tool to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities
MotionBlurEffect - A tutorial on how to create a motion blur effect on HTML elements using JavaScript and an SVG filter.
material-design-lite - Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS
web-starter-kit - Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
WebFundamentals - Best practices for modern web development
gson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
git-stats - 🍀 Local git statistics including GitHub-like contributions calendars.
flat-color-icons - Free Flat Color Icons
gumbo-parser - An HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
github-fork-ribbon-css - A CSS-only, resolution-independent "Fork me on GitHub" ribbon.
html5demos - Collection of hacks and demos showing capability of HTML5 apps
fastclick - Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
dotnet - dotnet is the official home of .NET on GitHub. It's a great starting point to find many .NET OSS projects from Microsoft and the community, including many that are part of the .NET Foundation.
WeixinApi - 专门用于微信公众平台的Javascript API
epoch - A general purpose, real-time visualization library.
kryo - Java serialization and cloning: fast, efficient, automatic
android-arsenal.com - Source to android-arsenal.herokuapp.com
emoji-cheat-sheet.com - A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub
crashreportsviewer - ACRA PHP Frontend
ihover - iHover is a collection of hover effects using pure CSS, inspired by codrops article, powered by Sass.
x-gif - A custom element for flexible GIF playback
timeliner - jQuery plugin to make an interactive, historical timeline
SnappyDB - A key-value database for Android
js-the-right-way - An easy-to-read, quick reference for JS best practices, accepted coding standards, and links around the Web
google-styleguide - Mirror of "Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects"
countUp.js - Animates a numerical value by counting to it
marked - A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
github-cards - The unofficial GitHub Cards. Card for your GitHub profile, card for your GitHub repositories.
phaser - Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
spoon - Distributing instrumentation tests to all your Androids.
quickstart-map-js - ArcGIS JavaScript mapping samples to get you started fast.
waterfall - Duitang Waterfall Woo. (堆糖瀑布流)
- android-proguard-snippets - Proguard configurations for common Android libraries
AntiVM - this is a project anti vm on android
condom - 一个超轻超薄的Android工具库,阻止三方SDK中常见的有害行为,而不影响应用自身的功能。(例如严重影响用户体验的『链式唤醒』)
Robust - Robust is an Android HotFix solution with high compatibility and high stability.Robust can fix bug immediately without publishing apk.
santa-tracker-android - Ho Ho Ho
atlas - A powerful Android Dynamic Component Framework.
jOOR - jOOR - Fluent Reflection in Java jOOR is a very simple fluent API that gives access to your Java Class structures in a more intuitive way. The JDK's reflection APIs are hard and verbose to use. Other languages have much simpler constructs to access type meta information at runtime. Let us make Java reflection better.
AndroidHttpCapture - AndroidHttpCapture网络诊断工具 是一款Android手机抓包软件 主要功能包括:手机端抓包、PING/DNS/TraceRoute诊断、抓包HAR数据上传分享。你也可以看成是Android版的"Fiddler" (^o^)/~
java-string-similarity - Implementation of various string similarity and distance algorithms: Levenshtein, Jaro-winkler, n-Gram, Q-Gram, Jaccard index, Longest Common Subsequence edit distance, cosine similarity ...
smart-scheduler-android - A utility library for scheduling periodic and non-periodic jobs efficiently.
AndroidProxySetter - An android app that sets the proxy settings for a wifi access point by using adb
android-proxy - Android Proxy project
libstreaming - A solution for streaming H.264, H.263, AMR, AAC using RTP on Android
googleads-mobile-android-examples - googleads-mobile-android
ReLinker - A robust native library loader for Android.
apk-parser - Apk parser lib for java
Pury - Android library for measuring time between multiple independent events.
MOE - Make Opensource Easy - tools for synchronizing repositories
tinker - Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
retrofit2-reactor-adapter - An Project Reactor CallAdapter.Factory implementation for Retrofit 2.
AndroidWiFiADB - IntelliJ/AndroidStudio plugin which provides a button to connect your Android device over WiFi to install, run and debug your applications without a USB connected.
freeline - A super fast build tool for Android, an alternative to Instant Run
motan - A remote procedure call(RPC) framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services.
RecyclerRefreshLayout - A pull to refresh layout for android, the RecyclerRefreshLayout is based on the SwipeRefreshLayout. support all the views, highly customizable, code simplicity, etc
redux-java - The java version of Redux : a predictable state container for apps.
DexKnifePlugin - A easy android gradle plugin to smart split the specified classes to multi dex.
Android-Easy-MultiDex - Android,multidex,splitdex,分包插件
Pokemap - A native Android client to map the Pokemon around you!
RxMarkdown - 📠Markdown for Android, Supports TextView && EditText (Live Preview).
android_packages_apps_GmsCore - Implementation of Play Services Core package
packer-ng-plugin - 下一代Android打包工具,100个渠道包只需要10秒钟
RxGroups - Easily group RxJava Observables together and tie them to your Android Activity lifecycle
VirtualApp - An open source implementation of MultiAccount.(Support 4.0 - 8.0).
smooth-app-bar-layout - Smooth version of Google Support Design AppBarLayout
android-flux-todo-app - Example of how to implement an Android TODO App using Facebook Flux Architecture
DexDiff -
RecyclerViewEnhanced - Android Library to provide swipe, click and other functionality to RecyclerView
PinLockView - A clean, minimal, highly customizable pin lock view for Android
Small - A small framework to split app into small parts
MultiChannelPackageTool - Android Multi channel package tool (安卓多渠道打包工具)
RocooFix - another hotfix framework
agera - Reactive Programming for Android
Dexter - Android library that simplifies the process of requesting permissions at runtime.
FunGameRefresh - 好玩的下拉刷新控件,让我们一起来回味童年
CoolAndroidAnim - CoolAndroidAnim - Android 6.0 Marshmallow Boot Animation.
Sofa - The one true exception handler for Android
jdeferred - Java Deferred/Promise library similar to JQuery.
hellomap3d-android - Android sample app with Nutiteq Mobile Maps SDK 3.x
AndResGuard - proguard resource for Android by wechat team
concurrentunit - Toolkit for testing multi-threaded and asynchronous applications
AndroidProcesses - Get running processes on Android
Watchface-Constructor - This is simple watchface constructor demo
WeChatLuckyMoney - 💸 WeChat's lucky money helper (微信抢红包插件). An Android app that helps you snatch red packets in WeChat groups.
pmd -
loading-balls - A highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls
JavaVerbalExpressions - Java regular expressions made easy.
javapoet - A Java API for generating .java source files.
ElasticProgressBar - Elastic Progress Bar Renew!
RxPaper - Reactive extension for NoSQL data storage on Android
android-ocr - Experimental optical character recognition app
RxBinding - RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.
fresco - An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.
animate - An application demoing meaningful motion on Android
DroidFix - AndroidHotFix/Android 代码热修复
Nuwa - Nuwa, pure java implementation, can hotfix your android application.
HotFix - 安卓App热补丁动态修复框架
nevolution - Evolve the Android notification experience of existing apps, with community-driven plug-ins.
alluxio - Alluxio, formerly Tachyon, Unify Data at Memory Speed
Apktool - A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Android-MaterialDeleteLayout - Maetrial Design Delete Concept Implement
Android-Skin-Loader - 一个通过动态加载本地皮肤包进行换肤的皮肤框架
MaterialSearchView - Cute library to implement SearchView in a Material Design Approach
archi - Repository that showcases 3 Android app architectures: "Standard Android", MVP and MVVM. The exact same app is built 3 times following the different patterns.
TriangleRectangleLabelView - A label view. Extends TextView
fresco-processors - An Android image processor library providing a variety of image transformations for Fresco.
XLog - Method call logging based on dexposed.
GhostLog - Android app that displays the logcat buffer in a system overlay window
Loading - Android loading view
HomeMirror - Android application powering the mirror in my house
Takt - Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer.
go-lang-idea-plugin - Google Go language IDE built using the IntelliJ Platform
Base - Base is a lightweight library that gives you a clean architecture foundation for your Android MVP's
DraggableView - Draggable views with rotation and skew/scale effects
IconEditText - Reusable view for displaying an ImageView with an EditText for Android 4.0 +
elasticsearch-analysis-ik - The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into elasticsearch, support customized dictionary.
closure-compiler - A JavaScript checker and optimizer.
DroidPlugin - A plugin framework on android,Run any third-party apk without installation, modification or repackage
moshi - A modern JSON library for Android and Java.
android-selector-intellij-plugin - 🎨 Generate selectors for background drawable
idea-markdown - Markdown language support for IntelliJ IDEA (abandonned).
MaterialTransitions - Sample material transition animations for Android
Android-ItemTouchHelper-Demo - Basic example of using ItemTouchHelper to add drag & drop and swipe-to-dismiss to RecyclerView.
folding-plugin - Android File Grouping Plugin
dart - Extras "injection" library for Android.
ormlite-android - ORMLite Android functionality used in conjunction with ormlite-core
ResourceNestingExample - This is a demo app for android that shows how to create nested resource directories using the gradle build system.
android-advancedrecyclerview - RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
TourGuide - TourGuide is an Android library that aims to provide an easy way to add pointers with animations over a desired Android View
Android-CleanArchitecture - This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
BitmapMerger - Play with bitmaps
audio-recognizer - Shazam in Java
android-numberpicker - A backport of the Android 4.2 NumberPicker
TimeRangePicker - Android time range picker
storio - Beautiful API for SQLiteDatabase and ContentResolver.
ProcessPhoenix - Process Phoenix facilitates restarting your application process.
dexposed - dexposed enable 'god' mode for single android application.
android-percent-support-lib-sample - [Deprecated] Just a sample of the android percent support lib
Android-Terminal-Emulator - A VT-100 terminal emulator for the Android OS
nokogiri - Nokogiri (鋸) is a Rubygem providing HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parsers with XPath and CSS selector support.
android-topeka - A fun to play quiz that showcases material design on Android
metadata-extractor - Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image files
j2objc - A Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime.
progresshint - ProgressBar/SeekBar delegate to show floating progress with style
jackson-core - Core part of Jackson that defines Streaming API as well as basic shared abstractions
base-adapter-helper - Abstraction for the usual BaseAdapter "ViewHolder" pattern
MaterialProgressBar - Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance
Spanny - A helper class that extends SpannableStringBuilder and adds methods to easily mark the text with multiple spans.
subsampling-scale-image-view - Highly configurable, easily extendable view with pan and zoom gestures for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
FABProgressCircle - Material progress circle around any FloatingActionButton. 100% Guidelines.
bottomsheet - Android component which presents a dismissible view from the bottom of the screen
Trestle - A framework used to bridge one or more spans for use with a TextView
CircleTimerView - Circular timer on Android platform.
FlyRefresh - The implementation of https://dribbble.com/shots/2067564-Replace
DebugDrawer - Android Debug Drawer for faster development
GsonFormat - 根据Gson库使用的要求,将JSONObject格式的String 解析成实体
io2015-codelabs - codelabs for Google I/O 2015
cheesesquare - Demos the new Android Design library.
Remember - A preferences-backed key-value store
PicassoPalette - Android Lollipop Palette is now easy to use with Picasso !
Android-ObservableScrollView - Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
Android-Material-Wizard-Drawer - An Android template with a Material wizard and a Material navigation drawer
Bookends - A UI widget for adding headers and footers to RecyclerView
Ninja - Yet another web browser for Android.
ThinDownloadManager - To download files and to avoid using DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION permission if you are using Android's DownloadManager in your apps.
leakcanary - A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.
Trigger - JobScheduler is a good feature of Android Lollipop, but what a pity only Lollipop.
DanmakuFlameMaster - Android开源弹幕引擎·烈焰弹幕使 ~
ElasticDownload - We are not Gif makers, We are developers
android-player - Android animation when entering new screen.
Android-Plugin-Framework - Android插件框架,免安装运行插件APK ,支持独立插件和非独立插件
MaterialViewPager - A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library
BambooPlayer - 一个轻量级、多格式、支持解析多个视频网站的绿色播放器
RecyclerViewPager - A ViewPager implemention base on RecyclerView's code. Support fling operation like gallary.
FlipViewPager.Draco - This project aims to provide a working page flip implementation for usage in ListView.
vector-compat - A support library for VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable classes introduced in Lollipop
squidb - SquiDB is a SQLite database library for Android and iOS
nucleus - Nucleus is an Android library, which utilizes the Model-View-Presenter pattern to properly connect background tasks with visual parts of an application.
WearMenu - An Android Wear Menu implementation
preferencebinder - A SharedPreference "injection" library for Android
Algorithms - Solutions for some common algorithm problems written in Java.
Material-Animations - Android Transition animations explanation with examples.
CircleProgress - A circle progress animation view on Android
header-decor - A couple of sticky header decorations for android's recycler view.
CollapsingHeader - It's like an Android ToolBar reacting to a scroll listener, but not quite.
logger - Simple, pretty and powerful logger for android
PopoverView - A Popover Controller for Android Tablets. It's an easy solution to simulate an iOS UIPopoverController
dagger - A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
javassist - Java bytecode engineering toolkit
bazel - Correct, reproducible, and fast builds for everyone.
UltimateRecyclerView - A RecyclerView(advanced and flexible version of ListView in Android) with refreshing,loading more,animation and many other features.
Taurus - A little more fun for the pull-to-refresh interaction.
Droppy - A simple yet-powerful and fully customizable Android drop-down menu. It supports Text with/without Icons, Separators, and even fully customized views.
MrVector - [Deprecated] AKA VectorDrawableCompat: A 7+ backport of VectorDrawable
victor - Use SVGs as resources in Android
PersistentSearch - A clone of the Google Now/Maps/Play persistent search bar
FilterMenu - An implemention of Filter Menu concept for android
android-UniversalMusicPlayer - This sample shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provide a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices
material-dialogs - A beautiful, fluid, and customizable dialogs API.
ArcAnimator - ArcAnimator helps to create arc transition animation: 2.3.+
2048-android - The android port of the 2048 game (for offline playing)
Clip-Stack - This project is deprecated because of personal reason.
android-material-design-icon-generator-plugin - This plugin help you to set material design icon to your project.
sqlbrite - A lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.
hawk - Secure, simple key-value storage for Android
mr4c -
elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
AwesomeText - A tool that facilitates working with Spans on TextViews or any extension of them (EditTexts, Buttons...).
LoganSquare - Screaming fast JSON parsing and serialization library for Android.
android-materialshadowninepatch - Provides 9-patch based drop shadow for view elements. Works on API level 9 or later.
CropImageView - Widget allows you crop from whatever side in an ImageView. Currently Android only supports centerCrop type of cropping
material-calendarview - A Material design back port of Android's CalendarView
AndroidTreeView - AndroidTreeView. TreeView implementation for android
SlideDateTimePicker - A combined DatePicker and TimePicker in a DialogFragment for Android
Lynx - Lynx is an Android library created to show a custom view with all the information Android logcat is printing, different traces of different levels will be rendererd to show from log messages to your application exceptions. You can filter this traces, share your logcat to other apps, configure the max number of traces to show or the sampling rate used by the library.
ActivityFragmentMVP - This is an example of interactions between Activity and it's Fragments using Android Model View Presenter
MaterialNavigationDrawer - Navigation Drawer Activity with material design style and simplified methods
stetho - Stetho is a debug bridge for Android applications, enabling the powerful Chrome Developer Tools and much more.
labelview - Sometimes, we need to show a label above an ImageView or any other views. Well, LabelView will be able to help you. It's easy to implement as well!
fab - Floating Action Button Library for Android
SwipyRefreshLayout - A SwipeRefreshLayout extension that allows to swipe in both direction
CoverFlow - Android CoverFlow widget.
AndroidTagGroup - 🍀A beautiful android tag group widget.
MaterialDrawer - The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project.
EasyMVP - Model-View-Presenter Android implementation plus Dagger scoping and Material backwards compatibility.
dashed-circular-progress - A Circular progress animated where you can put any view inside
UpcomingMoviesMVP - Sample project of MVP and Material Design using as repository a list of upcoming movies
philm - Movie collection and information app for Android.
json2view - Update native Android UI on the fly
DrawableView - A view that allows to paint and saves the result as a bitmap
android-patternview - Pattern view for android.That one using lock or unlock.
ViewRevealAnimator - ViewAnimator view with a lollipop style reveal effect
dexmaker - A utility for doing compile or runtime code generation targeting Android's Dalvik VM
android-pluginmgr - apk plug apkplug apk load
RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider - Android library providing simple way to control divider items (ItemDecoration) of RecyclerView
StikkyHeader - This is a very simple library for Android that allows you to stick an header to a scrollable view and easily apply animation to it
glide - An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin - Adds an option to IntelliJ to import drawables in different resolutions from AndroidIcons, own "drawable repos" and scale a certain image down/up to the defined resolutions.
Side-Menu.Android - Side menu with some categories to choose.
Context-Menu.Android - You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
Phoenix - Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh
NavigationDrawer-MaterialDesign - Library Navigation drawer material design
Android-RoundCornerProgressBar - Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android
InfiniteIndicator - This lib can be used for viewpager infinite loop with indicator easily.
recyclerview-animators - An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
jna - Java Native Access
InfiniteViewPager - Augment Android's ViewPager with wrap-around functionality.
RxAndroid - RxJava bindings for Android
SnackBar - toast-like alert pattern for Android inspired by the Google Material Design Spec
AndroidLocalizationer - This is a Android Studio/ IntelliJ IDEA plugin to localize your Android app, translate your string resources automactically.
avatar-android - Rounded and Squared Avatar for Android Applications
material-range-bar - Android widget for selecting a range of values.
android-range-seek-bar - It provides a SeekBar similar to the default Android one, but with two thumb controls allowing a range to be selected, and some other extras as well.
ToggleButton - ToggleButton Widget For Android Dev
Android-Material-Design-Colors - Android Material Design Colors
SelectableRoundedImageView - Android ImageView that supports different radii on each corner.
DynamicGrid - Drag and drop GridView for Android
AndroidCoolDragAndDropGridView - An example of a gridview with various column span items and drag and drop support like Google keep has
ExpandableTextView - Android's TextView that can expand/collapse like the Google Play's app description
InstaMaterial - Implementation of Instagram with Material Design (originally based on Emmanuel Pacamalan's concept)
MaterialList - An Android library aimed to get the beautiful CardViews that Google shows at its official design specifications
TextDrawable - This light-weight library provides images with letter/text like the Gmail app. It extends the Drawable class thus can be used with existing/custom/network ImageView classes. Also included is a fluent interface for creating drawables and a customizable ColorGenerator.
DBFlow - A blazing fast, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library that writes database code for you.
snackbar - [DEPRECATED] Android Library that implements Snackbars from Google's Material Design documentation.
CircleProgress - CircleProgress, DonutProgress, ArcProgress
JobSchedulerCompat - [Deprecated] A backport of Android Lollipop's JobScheduler to api 10+
android-PullRefreshLayout - This component like SwipeRefreshLayout, it is more beautiful than SwipeRefreshLayout.
XChart - XChart is a light weight Java library for plotting data.
MaterialEditText - EditText in Material Design
Koloboke - Java Collections till the last breadcrumb of memory and performance
EffectiveAndroidUI - Sample project created to show some of the best Android practices to work in the Android UI Layer. The UI layer of this project has been implemented using MVP or MVVM (without binding engine) to show how this patterns works. This project is used during the talk "EffectiveAndroidUI".
guava - Google Core Libraries for Java
BlurDialogFragment - Library project to display DialogFragment with a blur effect.
scrollscreenshot - Make Android screenshots of scrollable screen content
LDrawer - Android drawer icon with material design animation
floating-action-button - Implementation of a circular button made of paper that lifts and emits ink reactions on press.
material-ripple - Android L Ripple effect wrapper for Views
MaterialEverywhere - Showcase of the new AppCompat 21, which includes new Material Theme, working in pre-21 devices.
MaterialDesignLibrary - This is a library with components of Android L to you use in android 2.2
SeekArc - Circular SeekBar view for Android
Android-Material-Examples - [Deprecated] Little bites of Material Design
Transitions-Everywhere - Backport of Android Transitions API for animations. Animations backported to Android 4.0+. API compatible with Android 2.2+
kotlin - The Kotlin Programming Language
multidex - DEPRECATED
hellocharts-android - Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations
card.io-Android-SDK - card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
RecyclerViewItemAnimators - An Android library which provides simple Item animations to RecyclerView items
grafika - Grafika test app
WilliamChart - Android library to create charts.
RippleEffect - Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+
android-combination-avatar - Imitation QQ discussion group Avatar 模仿QQ讨论组头像
MPAndroidChart - A powerful Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
Swipecards - A Tinder-like Android library to create the swipe cards effect. You can swipe left or right to like or dislike the content.
ScrollBarPanelWithClock - Path like scrollbar panel with clock.
FlatUI - CengaLabs - Android FlatUI Kit
realm-java - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
jstorm - Enterprise Stream Process Engine
bugsnag-android - Bugsnag crash reporting for Android apps
PostOffice - [DEPRECATED] This is a library for easily constructing Holo and Material Design Dialogs.
DragLayout - An Android Project.强迫症头像制作器,使用support.v4包下的ViewDragHelper实现QQ5.0侧滑
android-typeface-helper - Typeface helper for Android
sticky-headers-recyclerview - [UNMAINTAINED] Sticky Headers decorator for Android's RecyclerView
Emoticons-Keyboard - A custom keyboard for emoticons for android chatting application
Android-InsecureBankv2 - Vulnerable Android application for developers and security enthusiasts to learn about Android insecurities
NiftyDialogEffects - Nifty Modal Dialog Effects
MaterialDialog - (Deprecated)An Android dialog library, has strong extensibility, customizability, and for conveniently building Material Design Dialog in Android version 2.2 ~ L.
intellij-community - IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
RoboSpock - A testing framework which brings powers of Spock and Groovy to Android app testing
android-signaturepad - A custom Android View for drawing smooth signatures
Fragment-Switcher - An instance-state saving fragment switcher, intended for use with navigation drawers or tabs.
fqrouter - anti-GFW router
java-apns - Java Apple Push Notification Service Provider
android-pdfview - [DEPRECATED] A fast PDF reader component for Android development
Teleport - Data Sync & Messaging Library for Android Wear
android-shape-imageview - Custom shaped android imageview components
LoopingViewPager - An android ViewPager extension allowing infinite scrolling
PagingGridView - A Paging GridView with the same behavior as PagingListView.
ASNE - ASNE library for simple integration of social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
ExpandableLayout - Implementation of ExpandableListview with custom header and custom content.
Android-Week-View - Android Week View is an android library to display calendars (week view or day view) within the app. It supports custom styling.
twoway-view - RecyclerView made simple
ig-json-parser - Fast JSON parser for java projects
android-floatinglabel-widgets - Floating label input widgets
Android-WizardPager - Android pager-style wizard flow sample code
9-Patch-Resizer - A resizer tool to automaticaly resize png files and 9 patches in several densities
AndroidDemoProjects - Collection of Small Android Projects
java-design-patterns - Design patterns implemented in Java
Android-RobotoTextView - Implementation of a TextView and all its direct/indirect subclasses with native support for the Roboto fonts, includes the brand new Roboto Slab fonts.
jsonschema2pojo - Got 60 seconds to give some feedback? Complete the 2017 user survey:
L-Dialogs - A small library replicating the new dialogs in android L.
libgdx - Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
ActivityAnimationLib - Enhance activity switch animation
ButtonMenu - ButtonMenu is an Android library created to build user interfaces based on buttons. This library has been implemented using Model View ViewModel pattern combined with an Android custom view that extends LinearLayout.
AcDisplay - AcDisplay is a new way of handling notifications in Android.
Amphitheatre - Amphitheatre is an Android TV app that connects with network shares, organizes and serves videos to any Android capable media player app.
threetenbp - Backport of functionality based on JSR-310 to Java SE 6 and 7. This is NOT an implementation of JSR-310.
PullToZoomInListView - An Android custom ListView with pull to zoom-in and parallax effect header like Path App.
android-saripaar - UI form validation library for Android
parceler - 📦 Android Parcelables made easy through code generation.
CircularFloatingActionMenu - an animated circular menu for Android
FloatingActionButton - [DEPRECATED] Android floating action button
Magnet - A library that makes it very simple to create a window icon, similar to Facebooks chat icon.
robotium - Android UI Testing
EazeGraph - An Android chart and graph library
CircularImageView - Custom view for circular images in Android while maintaining the best draw performance
XCL-Charts - Android图表库(XCL-Charts is a free charting library for Android platform.),基于Android Canvas来绘制各种图表,使用简便,定制灵活。目前支持3D/非3D/背向式/横向/竖向柱形图(Bar Chart)、3D/非3D饼图(Pie Chart)、堆叠图(Stacked Bar Chart)、面积图(Area Chart)、 折线图(Line Chart)、曲线图(Spline Chart)、环形图(Dount Chart)、南丁格尔玫瑰图(Rose Chart)、仪表盘(Dial Chart)、刻度盘(Gauge Chart)、雷达图(Radar Chart)、漏斗图(Funnel Chart)、圆形图(Circle Chart)、弧线比较图、散点图(Scatter Chart)、气泡图(Bubble Chart)、范围条形图(RangeBar Chart)等图表。其它特性还包括支持图表缩放、手势移动、点击响应、动画效果、多轴显示、图表参考线、混合图表及同数据源不同图表类型切换等。
QuickReturn - Showcases QuickReturn UI Pattern as either a header, footer, or both header and footer
guice - Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above, brought to you by Google.
JumpingBeans - A Span-based library to make your text jump like Mexican beans. Oh, and the "..."s in Hangouts.
android-open-project-demo - Demo of android open source project, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
desCharts - Android Charting Library
google-io-2014 - Demo for the Material Witness talk I gave at Google I/O.
RecyclerViewExtensions - A library focused on making the use of RecyclerView for Android easier
FloatingAction - A basic implementation of Floating Action pattern
ExoPlayer - An extensible media player for Android
AndroidDesignPreview - Android Design Preview is a tool that lets you mirror a portion of your desktop to your device. Useful for visual designers as well as developers, this tool can help streamline your high-fidelity mockup workflow.
deeplearning4j - Deep Learning for Java, Scala & Clojure on Hadoop & Spark With GPUs - From Skymind
floatlabelededittext - Floating hint from edit text - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design: http://dribbble.com/shots/1254439--GIF-Mobile-Form-Interaction?list=users
cordova-android - Mirror of Apache Cordova Android
fucking-java-concurrency - 🎏 simple show cases of java concurrency problem
Demo-FloatingView - Floating Notification for Android app - Facebook ChatHeads Notification system
NotificationPeekPort - Port Paranoid Android's Notification Peek feature to an apk and make it compatible with any Kit-Kat ROM.
circular-progress-button - Android Circular Progress Button
CircularProgressDrawable - A drawable with capabilities to indicate progress.
android-ibeacon-service - An Android library providing APIs to interact with iBeacons
android-segmentedradiobutton - Android implementation of iPhone's segmented control
SecretTextView - A TextView that simulates the effect from the app Secret where the characters fade in/out at different speeds.
schematic - Automatically generate ContentProviders
SystemBarTint - [DEPRECATED] Apply background tinting to the Android system UI when using KitKat translucent modes
sonarqube - Continuous Code Quality
UnifiedPreference - A convinience library for working with all versions of the Android Preference package from API v4 and up
TextJustify-Android - 📄 Android Text Full Jusiftication / Wrapping / Justify / Hyphenate - V2.0
ParallaxPager - Add some depth to your Android scrolling.
spring-android - Support for Spring's RestTemplate within native Android applications
StickyScrollViewItems - A small android library for tagging views inside a ScrollView as "sticky" making them stick to the top of the scroll container until a new sticky view comes and takes it's place
Dex65536 - Solve the issue with dalvik compiler limitation on 65536 methods (Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536)
AndroidDynamicLoader - A plugin system that runs like a browser, but instead of load web pages, it load apk plugins which runs natively on Android system.
countly-sdk-android - Countly Mobile Analytics - Android SDK
Swipeable-Cards - A native library providing a Tinder-like cards effect. A card can be constructed using an image and displayed with animation effects, dismiss-to-like and dismiss-to-unlike, and use different sorting mechanisms.
android-flat-button - FButton - a flat button library for Android
Mizuu - Popular media indexer app for Android.
couchbase-lite-android - Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for Android.
android-visualizer - Takes the input from the Android MediaPlayer and displays visualizations, like in iTunes or WinAmp
AndroidSocialNetworks - Library for easy work with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google on Android
EdgeEffectOverride - Override the Holo EdgeEffect colors
FancyCoverFlow - A cool Open Source CoverFlow view for Android with several fancy effects.
custom-touch-examples - Collection of example applications to highlight doing custom touch event handling and using GestureDetectors in Android applications.
kryonet - TCP/UDP client/server library for Java, based on Kryo
netty - Netty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework
RxJava - RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
androidsvgdrawable-plugin - Gradle plugin that generates qualified, density specific PNG drawables from SVG files at build time for your Android projects.
PanningView - PanningView is a library which implements the animated background in the now playing screen of the Play Music app.
mockito - Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
android-process-button - Android Buttons With Built-in Progress Meters.
telescope - A simple tool to allow easy bug report capturing within your app.
NumberProgressBar - A beautiful, slim Android ProgressBar.
DevDrawer - Dev Drawer Android App
instant-adapter - Just like instant coffee, saves 78% of your time on Android's Custom Adapters.
OpenExplorer - Open Explorer plugin for Eclipse
compile-testing - Testing tools for javac and annotation processors
fastjson - 🚄 A fast JSON parser/generator for Java
Calligraphy - Custom fonts in Android the easy way...
farebot - Read data from public transit cards using your NFC Android phone!
android-gpuimage - Android filters based on OpenGL (idea from GPUImage for iOS)
Android-BluetoothSPPLibrary - Bluetooth Serial Port Profile which comfortable to developer application to communication with microcontroller via bluetooth
DraggablePanel - Android library used to create an awesome Android UI based on a draggable element similar to the last YouTube graphic component.
ChromaHashView - A classic password visualization concept, ported to Android http://mattt.github.io/Chroma-Hash/
video-crop - Android Video Crop
rebound - A Java library that models spring dynamics and adds real world physics to your app.
9GAG - Android unofficial REST Client of 9GAG.
ViewPager3D - Extension of Android ViewPager with a 3D swipe effect
activityanimation - Activity animation
Emmagee - Android performance test tool-CPU,memory,network traffic,starting time,battery current and status
AStickyHeader - Android Sticky Headers : now headers everywhere
gradle-android-test-plugin - [DEPRECATED] A Gradle plugin which enables good 'ol fashioned unit tests for Android builds.
timber - A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
android-sqlite-generator - A Compiler which generates helper-classes and structures from describing json schemes. Less hassle, less boilerplate code that needs to be written and easier to maintain.
AndroidFaceCropper - Android bitmap Face Cropper
WeatherLib - Android Weather Library: android weather lib to develop weather based app fast and easily
Android-PreferencesManager - Preferences Manager is an Open Source application that allows you to seamlessly edit application's preferences.
GlowPadBackport - A backport of the Android 4.2 GlowPadView that works on the SDK on API levels 4+
CreditsRoll - [insert Star Wars theme here]
Caldroid - A better calendar for Android
dagger-intellij-plugin - An IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Dagger which provides insight into how injections and providers are used.
iosched - The Google I/O 2016 Android App
AsymmetricGridView - Android ListView that mimics a GridView with asymmetric items. Supports items with row span and column span
okio - A modern I/O API for Java
Titanic - (DEPRECATED) Android experiment showing a sinking TextView
GoogleProgressBar - Android library to display progress like google does in some of his services.
ListBuddies - Android library to achieve in an easy way, the behaviour of the home page in the Expedia app, with a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax ListViews.
android_dbinspector - Android library for viewing and sharing in app databases.
FlabbyListView - Android library to display a ListView whose cells are not rigid but flabby and react to ListView scroll.
android-segmented-control - ios UISegmentedControl for android
wire - Clean, lightweight protocol buffers for Android and Java.
Bluetooth-LE-Library---Android - This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's AdRecord and RSSI value. It offers additional functionality for iBeacons.
poppyview - Android library implementing a poppy view on scroll, similar to the one found in the Google Plus app
android-heart-rate-monitor - Android heart rate monitor
android-cubic-bezier-interpolator - Deprecated in favour of https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/view/animation/PathInterpolatorCompat.html
android-gesture-detectors - Gesture detector framework for multitouch handling on Android, based on Android's ScaleGestureDetector
retrolambda - Backport of Java 8's lambda expressions to Java 7, 6 and 5
OpenCamera - Open camera project - multi-functional camera application for android.
ShakeDetector - This library provides a easy way to detect a shake movement using the build-in accelerometer and fire a callback on the UI thread every times it happens.
AndroidSliderPreference - Android library that allows applications to add dialog-based slider widgets to their settings
android-youtube-drag-layout - study form here: http://flavienlaurent.com/blog/2013/08/28/each-navigation-drawer-hides-a-viewdraghelper/
NotBoringActionBar - News Stand app makes the ActionBar not boring!
classloader-playground - 🍡 a simple java dependency-isolation container via class loader.
gradle-retrolambda - A gradle plugin for getting java lambda support in java 6, 7 and android
TwoPanels - Two panels layout fully customizable with a draggable divider.
KenBurnsView - Android ImageViews animated by Ken Burns Effect
android-openshare - android 一键分享到新浪微博,腾讯微博,人人网,QQ空间,微信好友圈
boundbox - BoundBox provides an easy way to test an object by accessing all its fields, constructor and methods, public or not. BoundBox breaks encapsulation.
android-screenshot-lib - On-demand screenshots for your Android integration tests
sonar-android - Extension plugin for Android Lint in SonarQube
DataDroid - An Android Library for data management
robospice - Repo of the Open Source Android library : RoboSpice. RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous long running tasks easy. It is specialized in network requests, supports caching and offers REST requests out-of-the box using extension modules.
TileView - TileView is a subclass of android.view.ViewGroup that asynchronously displays tile-based images, with pan and zoom functionality, and support for features like markers, hotspots, paths, multiple levels of detail, and arbitrary coordinate systems.
shipfaster - Dagger + Otto + Retrofit + Robolectric + Picasso + OkHttp
GlanceReader - RSVP reader for Android.
TH-ProgressButton - Circular progress View button inspired by FFCircularProgressView
Shimmer-android - (DEPRECATED) An Android TextView with a shimmering effect
v2ex-daily-android - A v2ex client on android platform.(deprecated)
BlurEffectForAndroidDesign - Sample to show how to implement blur graphical tricks
android-mqtt - A simple MQTT Service that will keep running for the duration of your Android application using the Paho Java MQTT Client.
android-crop - Android library project for cropping images
jadx - Dex to Java decompiler
android - OwnTracks Android App
XHaloFloatingWindow - Xposed: Halo Popup for Xposed Framework + My Own Spin of Multiwindow
JazzyViewPager - An easy to use ViewPager that adds an awesome set of custom swiping animations. Just change your ViewPagers to JazzyViewPagers, two more steps, and you're good to go!
ghapi - A Java wrapper for the GitHub API
android-pedometer - App for Android phones that counts your steps.
standup-timer - A standup meeting timer for Android
android_download_manager - multi-thread, broken-point-resume download library for Android
foursquare-android-oauth - Foursquare native authentication makes it easier for your app's users to connect with Foursquare. Unlike web-based OAuth, native authentication re-uses the Foursquare app's user credentials, saving users the hassle of re-logging in to Foursquare within your app.
EmailAutoCompleteTextView - An AutoCompleteTextView optimized for email auto-complete.
mimicry - Mimicking grids in Android lists
android-autofittextview - A TextView that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds.
ShowcaseView - Highlight the best bits of your app to users quickly, simply, and cool...ly
VolleyBall - A Dagger Injectable Mockable Volley Module
Signal-Android - A private messenger for Android.
android-upload-service - Easily upload files (FTP / Multipart / Binary) in the background with progress indication notification
PullScrollView - 1.仿照新浪微博Android客户端个人中心的ScrollView,下拉背景伸缩回弹效果。 2.ScrollView仿IOS回弹效果。
android-emulator-plugin - Android Emulator plugin for Jenkins
FreeFlow - A layout engine for Android that decouples layouts from the View containers that manage scrolling and view recycling. FreeFlow makes it really easy to create custom layouts and beautiful transition animations as data and layouts change
android-auto-scroll-view-pager - Android auto scroll viewpager or viewpager in viewpager 微信公众号:codekk
xabber-android - Open-source XMPP client for Android
MultiItemRowListAdapter - MultiItemRowListAdapter
LinearListView - Android library that allows you to bind a LinearLayout with a ListAdapter.
discrollview - Scroll + discover = DiscrollView
chromium_webview - Android WebView wrapper based on chromium
Arduino-Communicator - Very simple Android application for communicating with Arduino
LearningAndroidYamba - This is the code that goes along with Learning Android book.
DIAL - DIAL client
flip-tables - Because pretty-printing text tables in Java should be easy.
MultiChoiceAdapter - Android - A ListView adapter with support for multiple choice modal selection
PagedDragDropGrid - An Android ViewGroup that implements a paged grid with drag'n'drop moveable items
DraggableGridView - A drag-and-drop scrolling grid view for Android
android-circlebutton - Circle button widget for Android
android-datepicker - Android ICS DatePicker backported to 2.2
xnio - XNIO
svg-android - Fork of svg-android +SVN history +Maven +more
svg-android - Support for scalable vector graphics in Android
DynamicShareActionProvider - Custom implementation of the ShareActionProvider by Google which allows sharing of dynamically generated data.
android-websockets - WebSockets (hybi13/RFC) and socket.io client for Android
AndroidFloatLabel - Float Label Edit Texts for Android
gpslogger - 📡 Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android. Available on the Android Market as "GPSLogger for Android"
SensorManager - Android Sensor Manager Library
gast-lib - GAST is a toolkit for using Android's Sensing capabilities. It contains the examples, boiler plate code, and algorithms you need to properly use Android sensors.
android-ColorPickerPreference - ColorPickerPreference for android to create color picker in preferences. Project created as Library
Pedometer - Lightweight pedometer app for Android using the hardware step sensor
memento -
evernote-sdk-android - Evernote SDK for Android
spans - Spans, a powerful concept
AndroidDrawableFactory - A Java Application to create appropriate Drawable resources for your Android application
Reservoir - Android library to easily serialize and cache your objects to disk using key/value pairs.
android-parcelable-intellij-plugin - IntelliJ Plugin for Android Parcelable boilerplate code generation.
ion - Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading
Android-UndoBar - [DEPRECATED] An implementation of Android's Undo Bar as seen in Google's Gmail app.
UndoBar - Android Library that implements Snackbars (former known as Undobar) from Google's Material Design documentation.
DeepLearning - Deep Learning (Python, C, C++, Java, Scala, Go)
RoundedImageView - A fast ImageView that supports rounded corners, ovals, and circles.
resourcefs - A minimal FileSystem which exposes resources inside the current class loader.
muzei - Muzei Live Wallpaper for Android
java-library - Java client library for the Urban Airship API
chromeview - Proof of concept Android WebView implementation based on Chromium code
GoogleDateTimePickers - New Google Date and time pickers
easymock - EasyMock, makes mocking easier since 2001
android-market-api - An open-source API for the Android Market (git mirror)
phrase - Phrase is an Android string resource templating library
robolectric - Android Unit Testing Framework
Paralloid - Paralloid - (Pah-rah-loid) The Android Parallax library - DEPRECATED.
Colours - A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your Android development life easier.
paraphrase - An experimental Gradle plugin which generates compile-safe format string builders.
auto - A collection of source code generators for Java.
joda-time - Joda-Time is the widely used replacement for the Java date and time classes prior to Java SE 8.
conceal - Conceal provides easy Android APIs for performing fast encryption and authentication of data.
progressbutton - A custom progress indicator with a tiny footprint.
jimfs - An in-memory file system for Java 7+
double-espresso - [DEPRECATED] A pure Gradle port of the Espresso testing utility for Android!
CastVideos-android-v2 - Reference Android Sender: CastVideos-android application shows how to cast videos from an Android device that is fully compliant with the Cast Design Checklist.
CastCompanionLibrary-android - CastCompanionLibrary-android is a library project to enable developers integrate Cast capabilities into their applications faster and easier.
Bolts-Android - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
JsonToJava - I was fed up with writing Java classes to mirror json models. So I wrote this Java app to automate the process.
road-trip - A sample Android application that demonstrates how to implement various visual effects.
SherlockNavigationDrawer - Modification of the Android NavigationDrawer sample to use ActionbarSherlock so that we can use the NavigationDrawer on older devices
XPrivacy - XPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager
Android-DraggableGridViewPager - Zaker style grid view pager, support dragging & rearrange, using as zaker's main screen.
acra - Application Crash Reports for Android
zxing-android-embedded - Port of the ZXing Android application as an Android library project, for embedding in an Android application.
emojicon - A library to show emoji in TextView, EditText (like WhatsApp) for Android
EventBus - Android optimized event bus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. Less code, better quality.
HorizontalVariableListView - Horizontal list view for Android which allows variable items widths
AndroidWheel - Custom wheel widget for android
ImageViewZoom - Android ImageView widget with zoom and pan capabilities
CircleImageView - A circular ImageView for Android
slidingdebugmenu - SlidingDebugMenu is a helper layout for Android developers that allows easy access to the state of the device and its settings from anywhere in your application
android-iconify - Android integration of multiple icon providers such as FontAwesome, Entypo, Typicons,...
adb-idea - A plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA that speeds up your day to day android development.
u2020 - A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries.
ExpandableButtonMenu - An Android library for an expandable button menu
SuperToasts - A library that extends the Android toast framework.
range-bar - Android widget for selecting a range of values.
android-holo-colors-idea-plugin - IntelliJ / Android Studio plugin for Android Holo Colors
PagerSlidingTabStrip - An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
robovm - For more info see
IonIconView - IonIconView based on the awesome icons provided by ionicons.com
open-quartz - Google Glass Development - GDK + SDK
StickyGridHeaders - This project has been superseded by SuperSLiM, a layout manager for RecyclerView. I strongly recommend using SuperSLiM and not StickyGridHeaders.
routable-android - Routable, an in-app native URL router, for Android
android-butterknife-zelezny - Android Studio plug-in for generating ButterKnife injections from selected layout XML.
android-viewbadger - [DEPRECATED] A simple way to "badge" any given Android view at runtime without having to cater for it in layout
android-priority-jobqueue - A Job Queue specifically written for Android to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability.
cropper - Android widget for cropping and rotating an image.
scalpel - A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layers under your app.
Android-Wheel-Menu - Simple and easy to use circular menu widget for Android.
ArcMenu - An android custom view which looks like the menu in Path 2.0 (for iOS).
Android-ScrollBarPanel - Android-ScrollBarPanel allows to attach a View to a scroll indicator like it's done in Path 2.0
pinned-section-listview - Easy to use ListView with pinned sections for Android.
IndexableListView - iPhone like fast scroll ListView on Android
CustomFastScrollViewDemo - Demo of an Android app using a FastScrollView with non-alphabetic overlays.
Notifications4EveryWhere - android Notifications style
CustomShapeImageView - A library for supporting custom shaped ImageView(s) using SVGs and paint shapes
android-apk-parser - Obtain basic information out of an Android APK file.
smali - smali/baksmali
dagger - A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
gradle - Adaptable, fast automation for all
AndroidStaggeredGrid - An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
ActiveAndroid - Active record style SQLite persistence for Android
PinterestLikeAdapterView - An Android multi column list view like Pinterest.
android-stackblur - Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. The library is based on the code of Mario Klingemann.
StickyListHeaders - An android library for section headers that stick to the top
sprinkles - Sprinkles is a boiler-plate-reduction-library for dealing with databases in android applications
Catlog - Logcat-reading app for Android (UNMAINTAINED)
hugo - Annotation-triggered method call logging for your debug builds.
http-request - Java HTTP Request Library
spring-framework - The Spring Framework
apf - Android Plugin Framework
xUtils - android orm, bitmap, http, view inject... 已转至 https://github.com/wyouflf/xUtils3
hibernate-orm - Hibernate's core Object/Relational Mapping functionality
androidannotations - Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance.
androidpn - An open source project to provide push notification support for Android -- a xmpp based notification server and a client tool kit.
android-async-http - An Asynchronous HTTP Library for Android
otto - An enhanced Guava-based event bus with emphasis on Android support.
android-switch-backport - A backport of the SwitchPreference component that was introduced on Android 4 (ICS / level 14). This port works on Android 2.1+ (Eclair MR1 / level 7).
Android-SlideExpandableListView - A better ExpandableListView, with animated expandable views for each list item
android-gif-drawable - Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android
SmoothProgressBar - A small Android library allowing you to have a smooth and customizable horizontal indeterminate ProgressBar
async-http-client - Asynchronous Http and WebSocket Client library for Java
zt-zip - ZeroTurnaround ZIP Library
aFileChooser - Android library that provides a file explorer to let users select files on external storage.
jsoup - jsoup: Java HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery
RefreshActionItem - Android - An action bar item which acts both as a refresh button and as a progress indicator
GlassActionBar - Android - a library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar.
FadingActionBar - Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
QuickReturnHeader - A ListView/ScrollView header that hides when scrolling down and reappears immediately when scrolling up, regardless of how far down the list we've gone. Like the one from the Google Keep app.
ViewServer - Local server for Android's HierarchyViewer
retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
AndroidTouchGallery - Android widget for gallery, using viewpager. Allow pinch zoom and drag for images by url
AntennaPod - A podcast manager for Android
gnucash-android - Gnucash for Android mobile companion application.
weiciyuan - Sina Weibo Android Client
assertj-android - A set of AssertJ helpers geared toward testing Android.
android-uitableview - Library and example project on how to use the UITableView component
Android-Bootstrap - Bootstrap style widgets for Android, with Glyph Icons
supertooltips - SuperToolTips
ListViewAnimations - [DEPRECATED] An Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items
okhttp - An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
photup - photup
PhotoView - Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.
salvage - Generic view recycler and ViewPager PagerAdapter implementation.
NineOldAndroids - [DEPRECATED] Android library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0!
butterknife - Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods.
SwipeToDismissNOA - Backport of Roman Nurik's "Swipe-to-dismiss" sample code using NineOldAndroids to work on all API levels.
Android-DirectionalViewPager - [DEPRECATED] Implementation of the compatibility library ViewPager class that supports paging both vertically and horizontally.
android-selector-chapek - Android Studio plugin which automatically generates drawable selectors from appropriately named resources.
android-styled-dialogs - Backport of Material dialogs with easy-to-use API based on DialogFragment
android-grid-wichterle - This app will show grid overlay over whole system which helps you to verify your excellent app design.
zxing - Official ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") project home
DevsmartLib-Android - A Horizontal ListView for Android
roboguice - Google Guice on Android, version 3.0 [RETIRED]
android-maven-plugin - Maven Plugin for Android Application development and more
PocketHub - PocketHub Android App
ChaseWhisplyProject - an augmented reality attempt
Crouton - Context sensitive notifications for Android
ProgressWheel - A progress wheel for android, intended for use instead of the standard progress bar.
buck - A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages.
facebook-android-sdk - Used to integrate Android apps with Facebook Platform.
StaggeredGridView - A modified version of Android's experimental StaggeredGridView. Includes own OnItemClickListener and OnItemLongClickListener, selector, and fixed position restore.
picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
drag-sort-listview - Android ListView with drag and drop reordering.
PasscodeLock-Android - Android Library that provides passcode lock to your app
GraphView - Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
AndroidSlidingUpPanel - This library provides a simple way to add a draggable sliding up panel (popularized by Google Music and Google Maps) to your Android application. Brought to you by Umano.
android-menudrawer - DEPRECATED A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app.
android-edittext-validator - Android form edit text is an extension of EditText that brings data validation facilities to the edittext.
android-network-discovery - Android network tool: Discover hosts and scan their ports, in your Wifi/3G network.
ActionBar-PullToRefresh - DEPRECATED
LazyList - Lazy load of images in Android
Notes - 小米便签社区开源版(Community edition of XM notepad/MIUI notes)
FileExplorer - MIUI文件管理器社区开源版(Community edition of MIUI File Explorer)
android_packages_apps_Trebuchet - Trebuchet Launcher
httl - Hyper-Text Template Language and Engine.
AndroidAsync - Asynchronous socket, http (client+server), websocket, and socket.io library for android. Based on nio, not threads.
SwipeBackLayout - An Android library that help you to build app with swipe back gesture.
jenkins - Jenkins automation server
DiskLruCache - Java implementation of a Disk-based LRU cache which specifically targets Android compatibility.
VitamioBundle - Vitamio for Android
gif-movie-view - Android View widget for displaying GIF animations.
Android-PullToRefresh - DEPRECATED
android-demo - Android common lib demo, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, install apk silent and so on, you can find description
Android-SwipeToDismiss - Android swipe-to-dismiss mini-library and sample code
android-satellite-menu - Android Satellite Menu
ImageViewEx - [DEPRECATED] - Extension of Android's ImageView that supports animated GIFs and includes a better density management.
WordPress-Android - WordPress for Android
afinal - Afinal是一个android的ioc,orm框架,内置了四大模块功能:FinalAcitivity,FinalBitmap,FinalDb,FinalHttp。通过finalActivity,我们可以通过注解的方式进行绑定ui和事件。通过finalBitmap,我们可以方便的加载bitmap图片,而无需考虑oom等问题。通过finalDB模块,我们一行代码就可以对android的sqlite数据库进行增删改查。通过FinalHttp模块,我们可以以ajax形式请求http数据。详情请通过以下网址查看。
ansj_seg - ansj分词.ict的真正java实现.分词效果速度都超过开源版的ict. 中文分词,人名识别,词性标注,用户自定义词典
android-flip - A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android
ViewPagerIndicator - Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.
SlidingMenu - An Android library that allows you to easily create applications with slide-in menus. You may use it in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app. Thanks!
ActionBarSherlock - [DEPRECATED] Action bar implementation which uses the native action bar on Android 4.0+ and a custom implementation on pre-4.0 through a single API and theme.
DownloadProvider - Porting Android DownloadProvider
Android-Universal-Image-Loader - Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
android-common - Android common lib, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, Utils and so on 微信公众号:codekk
androidquery - AndroidQuery
android-pulltorefresh - DEPRECATED This project aims to provide a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android.
AndroidIconAnimator - Android vector icon animation tool
node-segment - 基于Node.js的中文分词模块
egg - Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa
awesome-wechat-weapp - 微信小程序开发资源汇总 💯
react-animations - A collection of animations for inline style libraries
52-technologies-in-2016 - Let's learn a new technology every week. A new technology blog every Sunday in 2016.
react-native-elements - Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit
todomvc - Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, and many more
rxmarbles - Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables
fetch - A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
allora - Promisify using es6 Proxies every javascript API with less than 50 lines of code
es6tutorial - 《ECMAScript 6入门》是一本开源的 JavaScript 语言教程,全面介绍 ECMAScript 6 新增的语法特性。
ReactNativeLocalization - Class to localize the ReactNative interface
anime - JavaScript Animation Engine
fabric.js - Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
moles-packer - moles-packer 是由携程框架团队研发的,与携程moles框架配套使用的React Native 打包和拆包工具,同时支持原生的 React Native 项目。
monaco-editor - A browser based code editor
js-vd - JavaScript source code dependency visualization
react-redux - Official React bindings for Redux
react-native-root-toast - react native toast like component, pure javascript solution
f8app - Source code of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects.
redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
grunt-cli - Grunt's command line interface.
git-draw - Allows you to draw in your github heatmap
morgan - HTTP request logger middleware for node.js
node-minify - Light Node.js module that compress javascript and css files with Babili / Yui Compressor / Google Closure Compiler / UglifyJS / Clean-css / CSSO / Sqwish
UglifyJS - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS
mrn - Material React Native (MRN) - A Material Design style React Native component library.
Mancy - >_ Electron based NodeJS REPL 🙈
touch.code.baidu.com - TouchOfficalSite
xregexp - Extended JavaScript regular expressions
node-github - node library to access the GitHub API
universal-analytics - A node module for Google's Universal Analytics and Measurement Protocol
cors - Node.js CORS middleware
apidoc - RESTful web API Documentation Generator.
clipboard.js - ✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋
jquery-mobile - jQuery Mobile Framework
jquery.easing - jQuery Easing Plugin
meteor - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform
solr-node-client - A solr client for node.js.
node-solr - Solr module for Node.js
node-weibo - 新浪微博OAuth2接口(package Weibo API based on Node.js,尊重新浪微博API,使用方便高效 )
express-subdomain - Super simple subdomain middleware for expressjs
weibo - weibo nodejs sdk
falcor - A JavaScript library for efficient data fetching
vue - A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
samples - WebRTC Web demos and samples
js-cookie - A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
bootstrap-validator - A user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3
node-inspector - Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools
jquery-validation - jQuery Validation Plugin library sources
cookie-parser - cookie parsing middleware
node-client-sessions - secure sessions stored in cookies
node-oauth - OAuth wrapper for node.js
github-oauth - simple node.js functions for doing oauth login with github
passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
github - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser.
commander.js - node.js command-line interfaces made easy
node-schedule - A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node.
stf - Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
jquery-dateFormat - jQuery Plugin to format Date outputs using JavaScript
prerender - Node server that uses phantomjs to render a javascript-rendered page as HTML. To be used in conjunction with prerender middleware.
ghfollowers -
Get GitHub followers.
mindb - Database on JavaScript
NodePie - RSS/Atom parser for Node.JS
voice-memos - A Progressive Web App for recording and playing back voice memos.
selenium - A browser automation framework and ecosystem.
strophejs - Strophe.js is an XMPP library for JavaScript
ioredis - A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node and io.js.
pdfmake - Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript
GitTorrent - A decentralization of GitHub using BitTorrent and Bitcoin
NodObjC - The Node.js ⇆ Objective-C bridge
node-convergence-archive - Archive for node/io.js convergence work pre-3.0.0
faker.js - generate massive amounts of fake data in Node.js and the browser
lowdb - ⚡ lowdb is a small local JSON database powered by lodash (supports Node, the browser and Electron)
materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
DOMtastic - Small, fast, and modular DOM and event library for modern browsers.
request - 🏊🏾 Simplified HTTP request client.
socket.io - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
chrome-devtools-zerodarkmatrix-theme - A highly customized dark theme for Chrome
ascoltatori - The pub/sub library for node backed by Redis, MongoDB, AMQP (RabbitMQ), ZeroMQ, MQTT (Mosquitto) or just plain node!
HackerNews-React-Native - Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native.
react-native - A framework for building native apps with React.
kitematic - Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
slideout - A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
requirejs - A file and module loader for JavaScript
react-canvas - High performance <canvas> rendering for React components
flowchart.js - Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
node-sanitize-filename - Sanitize string for use as filename
nodePPT - This is probably the best web presentation tool so far!
PNGStore - Store JS/CSS in compressed PNGs
lets-chat - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
MProgress.js - Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript.
react - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
express.io - Realtime Micro Framework for Nodejs
sharp - High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
Sortable - Sortable — is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React, Polymer, Knockout and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.
leanote - Not Just A Notepad! (golang + mongodb) http://leanote.org
gulp-obfuscate - gulp plugin to obfuscate your code using gulp-regex-replace
material-design-color-palette - Sketch app plugin for displaying Google Material Design color palette.
nodeclub - 🐤Nodeclub 是使用 Node.js 和 MongoDB 开发的社区系统
material-ui - React Components that Implement Google's Material Design.
lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
pug - Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js
node-mongodb-native - Mongo DB Native NodeJS Driver
node-markdown - Parse Markdown syntax with Node.JS
markdown-js - A Markdown parser for javascript
node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
Mac-dev-setup - 🍎 A beginner's guide to setting up a development environment on Mac OS X
remarkable - Markdown parser, done right. Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one. Gulp and metalsmith plugins are also available.
You-Dont-Know-JS - A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
validator.js - String validation
gifshot - JavaScript library that can create animated GIFs from media streams, videos, or images
wechat-enterprise - 微信公众平台企业号版本
google-apps-script-samples - Sample code for Google Apps Script, a cloud-based scripting service for Google Apps
wechat.js - 微信相关的 js 操作:分享、网络、菜单
chromeos-apk - ☢️ Run Android Apps in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
accessible-html5-video-player - Accessible HTML5 Video Player
gradient-inspector - Chrome extension that provides a friendly way to inspect gradients of an element.
downloadyoutube - A cross-browser script that adds a button to download YouTube videos as MP4. This script downloads the videos directly from YouTube and it integrates with YouTube's interface.
impulse - Dynamic Physics Interactions for the Mobile Web
chromeadb - 🐛 Chrome ADB(Android Debug Bridge) Client
Ideal-Image-Slider-JS - Quite simply the ideal Image Slider in vanilla JS.
evercookie - evercookie is a javascript API that produces extremely persistent, respawning cookies in a browser. Its goal is to identify a client even after they've removed standard cookies, Flash cookies (LSOs), HTML5 storage, SilverLight storage, and others.
clmtrackr - Javascript library for precise tracking of facial features via Constrained Local Models
echo - Lazy-loading images with data-* attributes
vis - Dynamic, browser-based visualization library
android-libraries-and-resources - List of awesome libraries, tools and other resources for android app development.
to-markdown - An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
android-training-course-in-chinese - Android官方培训课程中文版
hangjs-2014 - slides from my talk in hangzhou 2014 http://2014.jsconf.cn
Google-IPs - 🇺🇸 Google 全球 IP 地址库
mt - mt code
laverna - Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.
quill - Your powerful, rich text editor
muplayer - An open source web audio player from Baidu Music, support HTML5 and Flash engine on different platforms(百度音乐播放内核)
Babylon.js - Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL
AndroidAssetStudio - A set of web-based tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory.
shortid - Short id generator. Url-friendly. Non-predictable. Cluster-compatible.
stackedit - In-browser markdown editor
goread - RSS reader in go on app engine
octotree - Code tree for GitHub
Love - My love story with MaryNee
progress.js - ProgressJs is a JavaScript and CSS3 library which help developers to create and manage progress bar for every objects on the page.
spin.js - A spinning activity indicator
simditor - An Easy and Fast WYSIWYG Editor (This project is no longer maintained)
pouchdb - 🐨 - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database.
2048-AI - A simple AI for 2048
depthy - Extract depth map and original from photos made with Google Camera's Lens Blur.
jsonview - A Firefox extension that helps you view JSON documents in the browser.
editor-legacy - Legacy editor for writing books using GitBook (for Windows, Mac and Linux)
pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this
handsontable - Handsontable Community Edition - a JavaScript/HTML5 Spreadsheet Library for Developers
webuploader - It's a new file uploader solution!
gitbook - 📝 Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown
markdown-editor - Live (Github-flavored) Markdown Editor
angular-strap - AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.
bootstrap-datetimepicker - Date/time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap
doubanXbaidu - 在豆瓣条目页面显示百度网盘搜索结果的Chrome扩展
octocard - Highly flexible github info card for every github lover.
nodejieba - "结巴"中文分词的Node.js版本
fullPage.js - fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
angular-mobile-nav - An angular navigation service for mobile applications
html2canvas - Screenshots with JavaScript
gremlins.js - Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.js
jsPDF - Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
JsBarcode - Barcode generation library written in JavaScript that works in both the browser and on Node.js
bootstrap-datetimepicker - Both Date and Time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap (supports Bootstrap v2 and v3)
markdown-here - Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
jquery-date-range-picker - A jQuery plugin that allows user to select a date range
holder - 🌇 Client-side image placeholders.
zoomerang - drop in zoom anything
fanyi - 📖 A translate tool in your command line.
squirt - Speed read the web.
ngUpload - An AngularJS Service for uploading files using iframe
qr-image - Yet another QR code generator
xxb - 播报"xx宝"收益的命令行工具 - A commandline-tool to check the fund income
stress-css - JavaScript to test each CSS class on a page and report which are hindering performance
revenge - 联手对抗臭长广告
github-changes - Generate a changelog based on merged pull requests or commit messages
vizicities - A framework for 3D geospatial visualization in the browser
evernote-sdk-js - Evernote SDK for JavaScript
apk-downloader - APK Downloader Chrome Extension
FlappyBird-By-JS - just practice . no copyrights
coverflow - A jQueryUI powered CoverFlow component
pageres - Capture website screenshots
FileAPI - FileAPI — a set of javascript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag'n'drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation by EXIF.
localForage - 💾 Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API.
douban.fm - a tiny and smart cli player of douban.fm in Node.js
koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions
instantclick - InstantClick makes following links in your website instant.
Metro-UI-CSS - CSS styles for build Windows 8 Metro UI stylable interface
totoro - A simple and stable cross-browser testing tool. 简单稳定的跨浏览器测试工具。
express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
resume.github.com - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
appium - 📱 Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps.
my-mind - Online Mindmapping Software
ui-auto-monkey - UI AutoMonkey is a simple stress testing script for iOS applications that runs in UI Automation and Instruments. Grass fed. Free range.
npm - a package manager for javascript
markdownxiaoshujiang - markdownxiaoshujiang
medium-editor - Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution.
JSONSelect - CSS-like selectors for JSON
jquery.adaptive-backgrounds.js - A jQuery plugin for extracting the dominant color from images and applying the color to their parent.
giturl - Transfer git url to web url
chrome-app-samples - Chrome Apps
jquery - jQuery JavaScript Library
ace - Ace (Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor)
protobuf.js - Protocol Buffers for JavaScript (& TypeScript).
spacegray - A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
OnlinePythonTutor - Visualize Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++ code execution in your Web browser
node-style-guide - A guide for styling your node.js / JavaScript code. Fork & adjust to your taste.
myth - A CSS preprocessor that acts like a polyfill for future versions of the spec.
ng-file-upload - Lightweight Angular directive to upload files with optional FileAPI shim for cross browser support
video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player
front-end-collect - 分享自己长期关注的前端开发相关的优秀网站、博客、以及活跃开发者
XposedBridge - The Java part of the Xposed framework.
generator-webapp_DEPRECATED - Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a front-end web app
android-actionbarstylegenerator - [DEPRECATED] Easily create a simple, attractive and seamless custom action bar style for your Android application
free-programming-books-zh_CN - 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
flowplayer - The HTML5 video player for the web
echarts - A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser
CodeMirror - In-browser code editor
javascript - JavaScript Style Guide
Aardwolf - A remote JavaScript debugger for Android/iOS/WindowsPhone7/BlackBerry6. Written in JavaScript.
fks - 前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure
gfw_whitelist - A Pac File of the Whitelisted Websites for the Great Firewall of China (GFW)
han - a module for tanslating Chinese(汉字) into /\w+/ or pinyin
bilby.js - Serious functional programming library for JavaScript.
learnGitBranching - An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
RxKotlin - RxJava bindings for Kotlin
kotterknife - View "injection" library for Android.
face-generator - Generate human faces with neural networks
Algorithm-Implementations - Share, discuss and learn about algorithm implementations!
gitmagic - A guide to using Git
PhotoProcessing - A demo of how you can process photos leveraging the ndk.
DeepLearnToolbox - Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to get you started.
OpenTLD - Official source code for TLD
- nginx-boilerplate - Awesome Nginx configuration template
infer - A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
google-drive-ocamlfuse - FUSE filesystem over Google Drive
BeeHive - 🐝 BeeHive is a solution for iOS Application module programs, it absorbed the Spring Framework API service concept to avoid to coupling between modules.
react-native-toast - A android like toast for android and ios, android use native toast, ios use UIView+Toast
MMMarkdown - An Objective-C framework for converting Markdown to HTML.
FBSimulatorControl - A Mac OS X library for managing and manipulating iOS Simulators
PleaseBaoMe - A useful tool to view SQLite file in web browser during app running procedure.
TOCropViewController - A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects.
DWURecyclingAlert - Optimizing UITableViewCell For Fast Scrolling
KYGooeyMenu - A not bad gooey effects menu.
KYAnimatedPageControl - A custom UIPageControl with multiple animations
XMPPFramework - An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for Mac and iOS
Screentendo - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario
ChitChat - A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web
Context-Menu.iOS - You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
Alpha - Next generation debugging framework for iOS
AsyncImageView - AsyncImageView is a simple extension of UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously on iOS so that they do not lock up the UI.
CATweaker - A helper tool and an Xcode plugin for creating beautiful CAMediaTimingFunction curve
PhotoTweaks - Drag, Rotate, Scale and Crop
DFImageManager - Image loading, processing, caching and preheating
JSQMessagesViewController - An elegant messages UI library for iOS
YapDatabase - YapDatabase is an extensible database for iOS & Mac.
MSLiveBlur - Live blurring for iOS
HexFiend - A fast and clever hex editor for Mac OS X
Atlas-iOS - Chat and Messaging UI components for iOS, built to work with Layer
BLKFlexibleHeightBar - Create condensing header bars like those seen in the Facebook, Square Cash, and Safari iOS apps.
three20 - Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
Alcatraz - Package manager for Xcode
Bolts-ObjC - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
KVOController - Simple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X.
Objective-C-Optimized-Singleton - A Singleton Macro that swaps method implementations at runtime so that only the initialization portion will require syncrhonization (lock)
JTCalendar - A customizable calendar view for iOS.
AFNetworking - A delightful networking framework for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS.
SystemMonitor - iOS application providing you all information about your device - hardware, operating system, processor, memory, GPU, network interface, storage and battery, including OpenGL powered visual representation in real time.
origami - A Quartz Composer framework that enables interactive design prototyping without programming.
SVSegmentedControl - A UISwitch-like segmented control for your iOS app.
SLPagingView - Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like
AMPopTip - An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding.
ObjectGraph-Xcode - ObjectGraph can show oriented graph of dependencies between classes in your project.
trip-to-iOS - A curated list of delightful iOS resources.
SocketRocket - A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
GCDWebServer - Lightweight GCD based HTTP server for OS X & iOS (includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
MongoHub-Mac - MongoHub mac native version.
HeapInspector-for-iOS - Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
CBStoreHouseRefreshControl - Fully customizable pull-to-refresh control inspired by Storehouse iOS app
FastImageCache - iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
IntentKit - An easier way to handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps.
iHasApp - The iHasApp iOS Framework allows you to detect installed apps on a user's device.
ChatSecure-iOS - ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
SimulatorStatusMagic - Clean up your status bar for taking screenshots on the iOS simulator.
JGProgressHUD - Modern and extensive Apple-style progress HUD for iOS.
iOS8-Sampler - Code examples for the new features of iOS 8.
RDVTabBarController - Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS
MGSwipeTableCell - An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
CBZSplashView - Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
MPlayerX - media player on Mac OS X
macdown - Open source Markdown editor for macOS.
CXCardView - Easy, simple and card-style overlay on screen to deliver message to users.
selfcontrol - 💀 Mac app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.
GPUImage - An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
WaveTrans - 声波传输
popping - A collection of animation examples for iOS apps.
Interpreter - Node.js Interpreter for iOS 7
Quicksilver - Quicksilver Mac OS X Project Source
Cakebrew - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
FCFileManager - iOS File Manager on top of NSFileManager for simplifying files management.
ASProgressPopUpView - A progress view showing percentage complete in a popup view
CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout - The waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView.
Shimmer - An easy way to add a simple, shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app.
Tweaks - An easy way to fine-tune, and adjust parameters for iOS apps in development.
SDWebImage - Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
xctool - An extension for Apple's xcodebuild that makes it easier to test iOS and macOS apps.
FuzzyAutocompletePlugin - A Xcode 5+ plugin that adds more flexible autocompletion rather than just prefix-matching.
TEAChart - Simple and intuitive iOS chart library. Contribution graph, clock chart, and bar chart.
BRFlabbyTable - Bouncy and distorded table view cells, available on Cocoapods
ClipMenu - A clipboard manager for Mac OS X
WebViewJavascriptBridge - An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
CocoaSPDY - SPDY for iOS and OS X
ANBlurredImageView - Animated blur-in and blur-out on UIImageView.
RPFloatingPlaceholders - UITextField and UITextView subclasses with placeholders that change into floating labels when the fields are populated with text.
SWTableViewCell - An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail Application)
FlappyBlock - Flappy Block No Mercy: You lose the game and you have to quit the app.
CodePilot - Code Pilot is an Xcode plugin which lets you woosh through your code and save a lot (and we mean a lot) of your time.
Colours - A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your iOS/OSX development life easier.
UIImageView-BetterFace - a UIImageView category to let the picture-cutting with faces showing better
AMSlideMenu - Sliding Menu for iOS (Left and Right menus). Multiple storyboards and XIBs support.
TheSidebarController - A container view controller that implements different popular sidebar view controllers like Facebook, Airbnb, Flipboard, etc.
RESideMenu - iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
RestKit - RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X
SVPullToRefresh - Give pull-to-refresh & infinite scrolling to any UIScrollView with 1 line of code.
M13ProgressSuite - A suite containing many tools to display progress information on iOS.
iOS7-day-by-day - Repo containing the sample projects associated with the iOS7 Day-by-Day blog series
PNChart - A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
BeeFramework - [Experimental] A semi-hybrid framework that allows you to create mobile apps using Objective-C and XML/CSS
componentkit - A React-inspired view framework for iOS.
AsyncDisplayKit - Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
pop - An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
v8 - The official mirror of the V8 git repository
atswift-2016-resources - Resource files for atswift conference 2016, including keynote, pdf, source projects or playgrounds. 2016中国Swift开发者大会源文件,包括keynote, pdf 和源工程文件
retrofit2-rxjava2-adapter - An RxJava 2 CallAdapter.Factory implementation for Retrofit 2.
gradle-tips - Gradle tips for all of us
security-guide-for-developers - Security Guide for Developers (实用性开发人员安全须知)
android-fat-aar - Gradle script that allows you to merge and embed dependencies in generted aar file
functional-programming-jargon - Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms!
weex - A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
awesome-service-workers - 🔩 A collection of awesome resources for learning Service Workers
vim-practice - 💟 Vim is awesome! Here is my awesome practice and study log.
Potatso - Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
awesome-kotlin - A curated list of awesome Kotlin frameworks, libraries, documents and other resources
swagger.io - The content of swagger.io
iOS-Programming-Sharing - 28岁,零基础,学习 iOS 编程经验分享
iOSAppReverseEngineering - The world’s 1st book of very detailed iOS App reverse engineering skills :)
topics - Android 精选话题讨论, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
what-happens-when - An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type google.com into your browser and press enter?"
what-happens-when-zh_CN - What-happens-when 的中文翻译,原仓库 https://github.com/alex/what-happens-when
big-data-study - 🐳 big data study
npm-algos - Curated List of Node.js Modules Implementing Computer Science Concepts
ZjDroid - Android app dynamic reverse tool based on Xposed framework.
the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
awesome-ios-animation - A curated list of awesome iOS animation, including Objective-C and Swift libraries
datasharing - The Leek group guide to data sharing
awesome - 😎 Curated list of awesome lists
soter - Gradle plugin that adds support for Findbugs, Checkstyle and PMD to android projects.
Awesome-MaterialDesign - Collection of material design libs and res.
react-native-guide - React Native指南汇集了各类react-native学习资源、开源App和组件
open-source-android-apps - Open-Source Android Apps
android-discuss - Android 问题交流讨论坛, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
nginx-conf - A collection of useful Nginx configuration snippets
objective-c-style-guide - The Objective-C Style Guide used by The New York Times
android-open-project-analysis - Android 源码解析开发版,网站:
android-open-project-analysis - Analysis implementation of android open source project, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
fuck-2014-flirt-2015 - 2014 总结和 2015 展望, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
share - Android 开源交流 QQ 群分享汇总, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
awesome-android-ui - A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
awesome-android-libraries - This is an alphabetical list of libraries for Android development, the majority being actively maintained.
awesome-public-datasets - An awesome list of high-quality open datasets in public domains (on-going). By everyone, for everyone!
gitattributes - A collection of useful .gitattributes templates
iOSDevTools - Set of repositories for different development tasks.
awesome-java - A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software.
awesome-wpo - 📝 A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here!
TTAndroidClient - The android client of mogutt
android-best-practices - Do's and Don'ts for Android development, by Futurice developers
API - Documentation and Samples for the Official HN API.
awesome-cpp - A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
DeviceConnect - DeviceConnect WebAPI
awesome-nodejs - ⚡ Delightful Node.js packages and resources
android-jobs - 我们相信来到这里的,无论工程师还是招聘者都是靠谱的!微信公众号:codekk,
travis-ci - Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects.
translations - 🐼 Chinese translations for classic IT resources
Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
wiki -
http-api-design - HTTP API design guide extracted from work on the Heroku Platform API
sublime-markdown-extended - Top 100 Sublime Text plugin! Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. YAML Front Matter. Works with ST2/ST3. Goes great with Assemble.
sublime-monokai-extended - Extends Monokai from Soda with additional syntax highlighting for Markdown, LESS, HTML, Handlebars and more.
android-dev-com - Some Famous Android Developers Information, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
android-dev-cn - Some Chinese Android Developers Information, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
soda-theme - Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text
base16 - Syntax highlighting for hackers
javascript - GitBook teaching programming basics with Javascript
android-lifecycle - A diagram of the Android Activity / Fragment lifecycle
github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
sketch-ios - iOS Sketch.app Templates
gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
CN-Chrome-DevTools - Chrome开发者工具中文手册
papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
mobileTech - A useful tools or tips list for mobile web application developing
node-v0.x-archive - Moved to https://github.com/nodejs/node
Projects - 📃 A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
WindowsIcons - Windows Phone and Windows RT CC Icons
twidere - Twitter client, ∞
chips-edittext-library - Chips EditText, Token EditText, Bubble EditText, Spannable EditText and etc.. There are many names of this control. Here I develop easy to understand , modify and integrate Chips Edit Text widget for Android
trinea-download - Some open project apk files, or other files upload by trinea.cn
Learn-Git-in-30-days - 這是 Will 保哥在 2013 第 6 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽年度大獎的得獎著作【30 天精通 Git 版本控管】,歡迎大家 fork 我,如果有看見任何文字勘誤,也歡迎利用 pull request 來通知我修正,謝謝!
awesome-php - A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
Best-App - 收集&推荐优秀的 Apps/硬件/技巧/周边等
Android-Action-Bar-Icons - Font Awesome and Android Stock icons in holo_light/holo_dark and ldpi/mdpi/hdpi/xhdpi/xxhdpi versions
stackoverflow-py-top-qa - stackoverflow上Python相关回答整理翻译
Old-Deleted-FullScreenMario - An HTML5 remake of the original Super Mario Brothers - expanded for wide screens.
patchrom_miui - The miui resources, apks, framework jars and the modified framework source code
Protobuf-PHP - PHP implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers with a protoc plugin compiler
minify - Combines. minifies, and serves CSS or Javascript files
framework - Typecho Framework整体框架
patternlab-php - The PHP version of Pattern Lab
selfoss - selfoss: The multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
wechat-php-sdk - 微信公众平台php开发包, weixin developer SDK.
php-github-api - NOT MAINTAINED - Development moved to github.com/KnpLabs/php-github-api
razor - Cobub Razor - Open Source Mobile Analytics Solution
guzzle - Guzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client
inews - 极简 UGC 分享程序,轻松拥有一个属于自己的 Hack News
- longview - Linode Longview Agent
CTags - CTags support for Sublime Text 2/3
kimchi - An HTML5 management interface for KVM
deep-learning-models - Keras code and weights files for popular deep learning models.
CuteR -
fplutil - fplutil is a set of small libraries and tools that can be useful when developing applications for Android and other platforms.
awesome-scala - A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
isign - Code sign iOS applications, without proprietary Apple software or hardware
mongodb-tools - Tools for working w/ a MongoDB installation
RocAlphaGo - An independent, student-led replication of DeepMind's 2016 Nature publication, "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search" (Nature 529, 484-489, 28 Jan 2016), details of which can be found on their website https://deepmind.com/publications.html.
pip - The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages
RoboGif - A small utility to record Android device screen to a GIF
python-user-agents - A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings.
mongo-connector - Data replication from MongoDB to MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Solr, and more!
LayoutCast - Cast android code and resource changes to the running application through ADB.
bridgy - Bridgy pulls comments and likes from social networks back to your web site. You can also use it to publish your posts to those networks.
material-theme - Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino
enjarify -
django-rest-auth - This app makes it extremely easy to build Django powered SPA's (Single Page App) or Mobile apps exposing all registration and authentication related functionality as CBV's (Class Base View) and REST (JSON)
sublime-path-tools - A suite of commands for copying or inserting the current file's path in Sublime Text 2 or 3.
img2xls - Convert images to colored cells in an Excel spreadsheet.
augmented-traffic-control - Augmented Traffic Control: A tool to simulate network conditions
html2text - Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text.
airnotifier - Easy to use push notifications for iOS, Android and Windows
sublimetext-markdown-preview - markdown preview and build plugin for sublime text 2/3
YouCompleteMe - A code-completion engine for Vim
SublimeCodeIntel - Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine
sublime-jsfmt - jsfmt plugin for Sublime Text
BracketHighlighter - Bracket and tag highlighter for Sublime Text
CommonMark - CommonMark spec, with reference implementations in C and JavaScript
nltk - NLTK Source
reddit - the code that powers reddit.com
awesome-python - A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
eclipse2buck - some simple python script to help us generate buck script
httpie - Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc. https://httpie.org
drawille - Pixel graphics in terminal with unicode braille characters
python-patterns - A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
calibre - The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager
uiautomator - Python wrapper of Android uiautomator test tool.
viewfinder - Viewfinder client and server code
JsFormat - Javascript formatting for Sublime Text 2 & 3
android-resource-remover - A simple utility to remove unused resources in your Android app to lower the size of the APK. It's based on the Android lint tool output.
psdash - A linux system information web dashboard using psutils and flask
jieba - 结巴中文分词
youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
you-get - ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
leapcast - ChromeCast emulation app for any device
q - q - Run SQL directly on CSV or TSV files
autojump - A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
xiaohuangji - 人人网小黄鸡【不再维护】
pystache - Mustache in Python
lxml - The lxml XML toolkit for Python
skyline - It'll detect your anomalies! Part of the Kale stack.
pidcat - Colored logcat script which only shows log entries for a specific application package.
nginx-book - Nginx开发从入门到精通
bokeh - Interactive Web Plotting for Python
tornado - Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
pydown - An HTML5 presentation builder written by python
gitfiti - abusing github commit history for the lulz
android-devices - Android UI statistics for designers, product managers and developers.
engineering-blogs - A curated list of engineering blogs
octopress - Octopress 3.0 – Jekyll's Ferrari
markup - The code we use to render README.your_favorite_markup
synx - A command-line tool that reorganizes your Xcode project folder to match your Xcode groups
sequel - Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby
CocoaPods - The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
git-internals-pdf - PDF on Git Internals
calabash-android - Automated Functional testing for Android based on cucumber
gitbook - Git Community Book Source
ruboto - A platform for developing apps using JRuby on Android.
legacy-homebrew - 💀 The former home of Homebrew
awesome-svg - A curated list of SVG.
rails - Ruby on Rails
progit - Pro Git Book Content, 1st Edition - See 2nd edition at progit2
awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
WWDC-Downloader - Script to download the sample code for all WWDC 2016 sessions.
bootstrap-sass - Official Sass port of Bootstrap 2 and 3.
gitlabhq - GitLab CE | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on GitLab.com
html-pipeline - HTML processing filters and utilities
burr - (废弃)电子书制作工具(PDF, ePub, Mobi, HTML)
geo_pattern - Create beautiful generative geometric background images from a string.
jekyll - 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
ruby - The Ruby Programming Language
- tiny-http - Low level HTTP server library in Rust
shadowsocks-android - A shadowsocks client for Android
scala - The Scala programming language
scaloid - Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
playframework - Play Framework
textteaser - TextTeaser is an automatic summarization algorithm.
android-ffmpeg - a system for building custom ffmpeg binaries for Android
git-flow-completion - Bash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow.
docker_practice - Learn and understand Docker, with real DevOps practice!
jenv - Manage your Java environment
ImageOptim-CLI - Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process
zsh-completions - Additional completion definitions for Zsh.
nvm - Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
busybox-android - A Busybox binary that is ready to be integrated into your Android project
idea-live-templates - An #androidDev collection of Live Templates for Android Studio
rancher - Platform for operating Docker in production
docker-gitlab - Dockerized GitLab
wifi-password - Get the password of the wifi you're on (bash)
oh-my-zsh - A delightful community-driven (with 1,000+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
headless-android - Headless Android Device
bash2048 - Bash implementation of 2048 game
Dropbox-Uploader - Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.
maven-android-sdk-deployer - A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.
java-code-styles - IntelliJ IDEA code style settings for Square's Java and Android projects.
- simplify - Generic Android Deobfuscator
RxSwift - Reactive Programming in Swift
awesome-ios - A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
PixPic - PixPic, a Photo Editing App
Then - ✨ Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers.
StateView - UIViews that update themselves when your data changes.
Neon - A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework.
Charts - Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
BreakOutToRefresh - Play BreakOut while loading - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit
Aerial - Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac
ViewMonitor - ViewMonitor can measure view positions with accuracy.
Carthage - A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
RazzleDazzle - A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros.
awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome swift resources. Feel free to contribute!
Starburst - A collection of animated loading sequences for Apple Watch
MarkdownTextView - Rich Markdown editing control for iOS
androidtool-mac - One-click screenshots, video recordings, app installation for iOS and Android
GuillotineMenu - Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
Kingfisher - A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
Cartography - A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift 📱📐
SwiftGuide - 这份指南汇集了Swift语言主流学习资源,并以开发者的视角整理编排。http://dev.swiftguide.cn
ReactiveCocoa - Streams of values over time
open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
XLPagerTabStrip - Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
swift-weekly - Weekly Swift Language Gems, Tips and Tricks
CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS
Alamofire - Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
iOS8-day-by-day - Selection of projects accompanying the iOS8-Day-by-Day blog series http://www.shinobicontrols.com/iOS8DayByDay
GoogleWearAlert - An Android Wear style confirmation view for iOS
FlappySwift - swift implementation of flappy bird. More at fullstackedu.com
swift-2048 - 2048 for Swift
- minted - minted is a LaTeX package that provides syntax highlighting using the Pygments library. Highlighted source code can be customized using fancyvrb.
vscode-ios-web-debug - Debug your JavaScript code running in Safari on iOS devices from VS Code.
ionic - Build amazing native and progressive web apps with Angular and open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
vim-two-firewatch - A blend between duotone light and firewatch for atom
solarized - precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
- iview - A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js
- FragmentTransactionExtended - FragmentTransactionExtended is a library which provide us a set of custom animations between fragments.
http2-spec - Working copy of the HTTP/2 Specification
http2-spec - Working copy of the HTTP/2 Specification
To the extent possible under law, Trinea has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.