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Redis driver

**⚠️ WARNING: This module is deprecated and scheduled for removal in a future release. It has not been actively tested since v2.21.0. Please migrate to an alternative solution. **

commons-redis - Scala driver for Redis

libraryDependencies += "com.avsystem.commons" %% "commons-redis" % avsCommonsVersion

API reference

Quickstart example

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


The module commons-redis contains from-the-scratch implementation of Scala driver for Redis. Its most important goals and characteristics are:

  • non-blocking network communication (based on Pekko IO)
  • asynchronous API
  • support for Redis Cluster
  • type safety
  • functional(ish) design
  • flexibility and genericity of API
  • good performance


  • Redis 5 API support, excluding pub/sub, MEMORY commands and some unsafe/debugging commands like MONITOR.
  • four client implementations: for single connection (RedisConnectionClient), connection pool to a single node (RedisNodeClient), for master-slave installations with Redis Sentinel (RedisMasterSlaveClient) and for Redis Cluster (RedisClusterClient), each client supporting only appropriate API subset.
  • TLS support (requires Redis 6 with TLS support enabled)
  • support for batching (pipelining), with functional design (composable RedisBatch objects) and automatic distribution of batch contents over multiple Redis Cluster masters
  • dedicated support for atomic transactions (every RedisBatch may be easily wrapped into a MULTI/EXEC block)
  • dedicated support for transactions with optimistic locking (multiple RedisBatch objects may be composed into multi-stage RedisOp objects which may contain WATCH/UNWATCH commands and MULTI/EXEC blocks)
  • various API flavors (raw API that creates RedisBatch objects, asynchronous API returning Futures and blocking API)
  • strong conceptual separation between "Redis API" and "Redis client", e.g. multiple API flavors may reuse the same client
  • customizable key, hash key and value types for every API flavor with automatic serialization powered by GenCodec
  • genericity - ability to easily create your own API flavors

Missing features:

  • Publish/Subscribe
  • Full Redis 6 support (RESP3 protocol, new commands)

Quickstart example

import com.avsystem.commons.redis._

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util._

implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
val client = new RedisNodeClient
val api = RedisApi.Node.Async.StringTyped(client)

api.get("key").onComplete {
  case Success(Opt(value)) => println(s"Got value $value")
  case Success(Opt.Empty) => println(s"Got no value")
  case Failure(t) => t.printStackTrace()

More examples can be found in test sources.

APIs and clients

AVSystem Redis driver makes a clear distinction between a client and an API. In order to talk to Redis, you'll need both of these.

A client is an object whose responsibility is to maintain connection(s) to Redis server(s) and communicate with it. However, clients don't directly expose Redis commands as plain Scala API. This is because that API can come in many flavors and therefore, it's implemented by separate object.

Clients and APIs are very loosely coupled. Thanks to that, you can use multiple API flavors with the same client and reuse allocated network resources.

Client types

AVSystem Redis driver comes with three client types.

  • RedisConnectionClient uses a single, non-reconnectable connection to a Redis instance. This type of client can execute all commands available in the driver. This includes commands which change state of the connection, e.g. CLIENT SETNAME. Because such commands can be executed, this type of client will not try to reconnect when the connection is lost (and its state along with it). RedisConnectionClient instances must be manually recreated after connection failures. If you need a single-connection client which automatically reconnects, you might use RedisConnectionClient configured with connection pool size equal to 1, but you won't be able to invoke connection-state-changing commands on it (except for initialization, e.g. AUTH)
  • RedisNodeClient uses a fixed-size round-robin connection pool to a single Redis instance. It can execute almost all commands available in the driver except for the ones which change connection state. When connections are lost, they are automatically reconnected, using an exponential backoff procedure (each consecutive reconnection attempt is appropriately delayed to avoid too many reconnection attempts when node is down).
  • RedisMasterSlaveClient connects to a Redis Master/Slave installation with Redis Sentinels. It maintains connections to all known Sentinels and uses them to obtain and monitor the address of the current master node. Internally, a RedisNodeClient is allocated for the master node. Master/Slave client can execute the same set of commands as RedisNodeClient.
  • RedisClusterClient connects to a Redis Cluster deployment. It uses dynamically allocated RedisNodeClient instances for every cluster master known at given moment. Cluster state is monitored with separate monitoring connections. Cluster client can only execute commands which contain keys. It automatically dispatches every command to appropriate master. It is also possible to gain direct access to individual master node clients.

API variants

API objects provide you with plain Scala API where every method roughly corresponds to a Redis native command, e.g. there's get method for Redis GET command. However, the exact signature of these methods depends on the API variant you are using. They can differ in following ways:

  • the subset of commands supported

    Some API objects are directly associated with client instances. Since different clients support different subsets of commands (e.g. RedisClusterClient can only execute keyed commands), this limitation is also reflected in methods available in API objects which use these clients.

  • method result types

    An API object might by asynchronous and return Futures but it may also be synchronous and return result of every method directly (without wrapping into a Future). There are also API variants which return command results as "unexecuted" RedisBatch objects that need to be manually passed to the client for execution.

  • representation of keys, hash fields, values and records

    Redis internally stores keys, has fields and data as arbitrary byte sequences, but on Scala level we don't usually want to deal with raw binary data. Therefore, the driver allows you to use any types as long as you specify how they are serialized to binary form. Every API object is bound to particular key type, hash key type and value type.

As you can see, even though every API variant provides a get method, its exact signature is not determined until result type, key type and value type are chosen.

The "generic" signature of get looks like this:

def get(key: Key): Result[Opt[Value]]

But for concrete API variant, e.g. RedisApi.Keyed.Async.StringTyped (asynchronous keyed commands with keys and values represented as String) it looks like this:

def get(key: String): Future[Opt[String]]

Predefined API variants are defined in RedisApi object. Consult its documentation for more details.


Examples can be found in test sources.


Some simple JMH benchmarks have been implemented in RedisClientBenchmark

Here's an example result:

[info] Benchmark                                                     Mode  Cnt        Score       Error  Units
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.clusterClientBatchBenchmark             thrpt   40   972566.875 ± 23690.312  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.clusterClientCommandBenchmark           thrpt   40   321375.083 ± 50150.155  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.clusterClientDistributedBatchBenchmark  thrpt   40   762133.038 ± 18547.533  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.clusterClientOperationBenchmark         thrpt   40    25720.818 ±   949.894  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.clusterClientTransactionBenchmark       thrpt   40   993998.179 ± 30108.538  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.connectionClientBatchBenchmark          thrpt   40  1079675.683 ± 14930.129  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.connectionClientCommandBenchmark        thrpt   40   714678.686 ± 42471.005  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.connectionClientOperationBenchmark      thrpt   40    13692.019 ±   563.235  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.connectionClientTransactionBenchmark    thrpt   40   805744.265 ± 26065.241  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.nodeClientBatchBenchmark                thrpt   40   935836.711 ± 19358.894  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.nodeClientCommandBenchmark              thrpt   40   684494.740 ± 44997.728  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.nodeClientOperationBenchmark            thrpt   40    24945.317 ±   920.142  ops/s
[info] RedisClientBenchmark.nodeClientTransactionBenchmark          thrpt   40   735208.728 ± 23660.125  ops/s

Hardware & environment:

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
  • Ubuntu 14.04, Linux 4.4.0 x86_64
  • Oracle Java 1.8.0_111-b14, Scala 2.11.8
  • Redis 3.2 running on the same machine
  • For Redis Cluster benchmarks - 3 masters running on the same machine