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Clickhouse aggregation 代码分析
2022-10-26 09:37:44 -0700

Clickhouse Aggregation 源码分析


主要就是看 AggregateTransfom 的 prepare/work方法, 先来复习下 pipeline 的状态

        /// Processor needs some data at its inputs to proceed.
        /// You need to run another processor to generate required input and then call 'prepare' again.

        /// Processor cannot proceed because output port is full or not isNeeded().
        /// You need to transfer data from output port to the input port of another processor and then call 'prepare' again.

        /// All work is done (all data is processed or all output are closed), nothing more to do.

        /// No one needs data on output ports.
        /// Unneeded,

        /// You may call 'work' method and processor will do some work synchronously.

        /// You may call 'schedule' method and processor will return descriptor.
        /// You need to poll this descriptor and call work() afterwards.

        /// Processor wants to add other processors to pipeline.
        /// New processors must be obtained by expandPipeline() call.

看 ch 的 prepare, 最主要是关注 input 和 output, 简单来说就是啥时候从 input 拿, 啥时候往 output 放


IProcessor::Status AggregatingTransform::prepare()
    /// There are one or two input ports.
    /// The first one is used at aggregation step, the second one - while reading merged data from ConvertingAggregated

    auto & output = outputs.front();
    /// Last output is current. All other outputs should already be closed.
    auto & input = inputs.back();

    /// Check can output.
    if (output.isFinished())
        return Status::Finished;

    if (!output.canPush())
        return Status::PortFull;

    /// Finish data processing, prepare to generating.
    if (is_consume_finished && !is_generate_initialized)
        /// Close input port in case max_rows_to_group_by was reached but not all data was read.

        return Status::Ready;

    if (is_generate_initialized && !is_pipeline_created && !processors.empty())
        return Status::ExpandPipeline;

    /// Only possible while consuming.
    if (read_current_chunk)
        return Status::Ready;

    /// Get chunk from input.
    if (input.isFinished())
        if (is_consume_finished)
            return Status::Finished;
            /// Finish data processing and create another pipe.
            is_consume_finished = true;
            return Status::Ready;

    if (!input.hasData())
        return Status::NeedData;

    if (is_consume_finished)

    current_chunk = input.pull(/*set_not_needed = */ !is_consume_finished);
    read_current_chunk = true;

    if (is_consume_finished)
        read_current_chunk = false;
        return Status::PortFull;

    return Status::Ready;

if (is_consume_finished && !is_generate_initialized): 已经 consume 完, 但是还未 generate initialized, 返回 ready, 执行 work 的 initGenerate , 在 initGenerate 里会加上ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform: processors.emplace_back(std::make_shared<ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform>(params, std::move(prepared_data_ptr), max_threads));

if (is_generate_initialized && !is_pipeline_created && !processors.empty())
	return Status::ExpandPipeline;

已经 consume 完, 但是还没有expandPipeline, 返回 ExpandPipeline, 注意这里会创建新的 processor 并且作为 input 连接到 agg transfrom, 具体可以看 Processors AggregatingTransform::expandPipeline(), 注意, 这里会切换 input, 把原来 agg 的输入切换成 ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform

/// Get chunk from input.
if (input.isFinished())
    if (is_consume_finished)
        return Status::Finished;
        /// Finish data processing and create another pipe.
        is_consume_finished = true;
        return Status::Ready;

当 input finish 的时候, 这时候有两种可能

  • consume 完成了, 这种时候代表 initGenerate, 所以这个 agg transform 也完成了

  • consume 没完成但是input 又没数据, 代表agg 已经消费完下游的数据了, 设置 is_consume_finished 为 true, 然后开始 initGenerate

    if (is_consume_finished) input.setNeeded();

这里 input 已经切换成 ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform 了, 所以这里需要设置为 needed 让它把数据吐上来

current_chunk = input.pull(/*set_not_needed = */ !is_consume_finished);
read_current_chunk = true;
if (is_consume_finished)
    read_current_chunk = false;
    return Status::PortFull;

这里是拿到 ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform 吐回来的 chunk, 放到 output

if (many_data->num_finished.fetch_add(1) + 1 < many_data->variants.size())

这里也是很重要的一个点, 这个方法在 AggregatingTransform::initGenerate() 中, 这个方法说明了当 agg 的所有并发没有全部完成前, 不能进行initGenerate, 这就等于给pipeline 加了一个堤坝, 会比较影响性能.


Processors AggregatingTransform::expandPipeline()
    if (processors.empty())
        throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Can not expandPipeline in AggregatingTransform. This is a bug.");
    auto & out = processors.back()->getOutputs().front();
    inputs.emplace_back(out.getHeader(), this);
    connect(out, inputs.back());
    is_pipeline_created = true;
    return std::move(processors);

把 processors 里的 processor 和 agg transform 的 input connect


void AggregatingTransform::work()
    if (is_consume_finished)
        read_current_chunk = false;




  • 列内存从哪里分配
  • 分配的内存结构,长度是如何的
  1. AggregatingStep::transformPipeline, 构造 many data & AggregatingTransform, 其中 ManyAggregatedData 用来传输数据的, 下面有具体介绍
auto many_data = std::make_shared<ManyAggregatedData>(streams);
for (size_t j = 0; j < streams; ++j)
    auto aggregation_for_set = std::make_shared<AggregatingTransform>(input_header, transform_params_for_set, many_data, j, merge_max_threads, temporary_data_merge_threads);
  1. AggregatingTransform::consume 里调用 Aggregator::executeOnBlock(Columns columns, UInt64 num_rows, AggregatedDataVariants & result, ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, AggregateColumns & aggregate_column, bool & no_more_keys)

其中这个 result 是 1 中的 many_data 加上 stream 号得到的 variants(*many_data->variants[current_variant])

  1. Aggregator::executeImplBatch

首先把所有的值都插入到 hash table 中, hash table 的内存是 hash table 的内存(本身 hash table 的), 聚合的中间态是聚合的中间态的内存(alignedAlloc), emplace_result.setMapped(aggregate_data); 这个操作把两个东西结合到了一起

    /// Is used for default implementation in HashMethodBase.
    FieldType getKeyHolder(size_t row, Arena &) const { return unalignedLoad<FieldType>(vec + row * sizeof(FieldType)); }

		std::unique_ptr<AggregateDataPtr[]> places(new AggregateDataPtr[rows]);

		/// For all rows.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
        AggregateDataPtr aggregate_data = nullptr;
        auto emplace_result = state.emplaceKey(, i, *aggregates_pool);
        /// If a new key is inserted, initialize the states of the aggregate functions, and possibly something related to the key.
        if (emplace_result.isInserted())
            /// exception-safety - if you can not allocate memory or create states, then destructors will not be called.
            aggregate_data = aggregates_pool->alignedAlloc(total_size_of_aggregate_states, align_aggregate_states);
        places[i] = aggregate_data;

createAggregateStates 的实现, 调用的是聚合函数的 create 方法, 这里看了一个实现是一个 placement new, 具体内存的分配是 Arena::alloc(size_t zie) 的调用(AggregateDataPtr place = aggregates_pool->alloc(xxx))

得到了 aggregate_data , 然后就给emplace_relult 设置emplace_result.setMapped(aggregate_data), 其中 emplace_result 是这么来的 auto emplace_result = state.emplaceKey(, i, *aggregates_pool); 其中的 data 是 AggregatedDataVariants 中的成员变量, 举例来说: using AggregatedDataWithUInt8Key = FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, AggregateDataPtr>;, 一般是一个 hash table (也有可能是 two level 的), 再调用 hash table 的 emplace

    for (size_t j = 0; j < params.aggregates_size; ++j)
            /** An exception may occur if there is a shortage of memory.
              * In order that then everything is properly destroyed, we "roll back" some of the created states.
              * The code is not very convenient.
            aggregate_functions[j]->create(aggregate_data + offsets_of_aggregate_states[j]);
        catch (...)
            for (size_t rollback_j = 0; rollback_j < j; ++rollback_j)
                if constexpr (skip_compiled_aggregate_functions)
                    if (is_aggregate_function_compiled[j])

                aggregate_functions[rollback_j]->destroy(aggregate_data + offsets_of_aggregate_states[rollback_j]);

IAggregateFunctionDataHelper:: create

using AggregateDataPtr = char *;
void create(AggregateDataPtr place) const override
    new (place) Data;

然后调用 agg func add的实现

/// Add values to the aggregate functions.
for (size_t i = 0; i < aggregate_functions.size(); ++i)
    AggregateFunctionInstruction * inst = aggregate_instructions + i;

    if (inst->offsets)
        inst->batch_that->addBatchArray(rows, places.get(), inst->state_offset, inst->batch_arguments, inst->offsets, aggregates_pool);
        inst->batch_that->addBatch(rows, places.get(), inst->state_offset, inst->batch_arguments, aggregates_pool);


  • add函数将对应AggregateDataPtr指针之中数据取出,与列columns中的第row_num的数据进行对应的聚合计算
  • addBatch函数:这是函数也是非常重要的,虽然它仅仅实现了一个for循环调用add函数。它通过这样的方式来减少虚函数的调用次数,并且增加了编译器内联的概率,同样,它实现了高效的向量化。
  • merge函数:将两个聚合结果进行合并的函数,通常用在并发执行聚合函数的过程之中,需要将对应的聚合结果进行合并。

举例 AggregateFunctionSum:

AggregateFunction的函数就是通过AggregateDataPtr指针来获取AggregateFunctionSumData的地址, 来调用add实现聚合算子的

static Data & data(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place) { return *reinterpret_cast<Data *>(place); }

void add(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place, const IColumn ** columns, size_t row_num, Arena *) const override
    const auto & column = assert_cast<const ColVecType &>(*columns[0]);
    if constexpr (is_big_int_v<T>)

AggregateFunctionSumData实现了前文提到的add, merge, write,read四大方法,正好与接口IAggregateFunction一一对应上了

template <typename T>
struct AggregateFunctionSumData
    T sum{};

    void add(T value)
        sum += value;

    void merge(const AggregateFunctionSumData & rhs)
        sum += rhs.sum;

    void write(WriteBuffer & buf) const
        writeBinary(sum, buf);

    void read(ReadBuffer & buf)
        readBinary(sum, buf);

    T get() const
        return sum;



/** Aggregates the stream of blocks using the specified key columns and aggregate functions.
  * Columns with aggregate functions adds to the end of the block.
  * If final = false, the aggregate functions are not finalized, that is, they are not replaced by their value, but contain an intermediate state of calculations.
  * This is necessary so that aggregation can continue (for example, by combining streams of partially aggregated data).
  * For every separate stream of data separate AggregatingTransform is created.
  * Every AggregatingTransform reads data from the first port till is is not run out, or max_rows_to_group_by reached.
  * When the last AggregatingTransform finish reading, the result of aggregation is needed to be merged together.
  * This task is performed by ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform.
  * Last AggregatingTransform expands pipeline and adds second input port, which reads from ConvertingAggregated.
  * Aggregation data is passed by ManyAggregatedData structure, which is shared between all aggregating transforms.
  * At aggregation step, every transform uses it's own AggregatedDataVariants structure.
  * At merging step, all structures pass to ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform.


见上面章节, 不在赘述, 我们主要看看 work 里的两个方法 consume/initGenerate


注意, 当 executeOnBlock 返回 false 的时候, is_consume_finished 才会为 true

if (params->only_merge)
    auto block = getInputs().front().getHeader().cloneWithColumns(chunk.detachColumns());
    block = materializeBlock(block);
    if (!params->aggregator.mergeOnBlock(block, variants, no_more_keys))
        is_consume_finished = true;
    if (!params->aggregator.executeOnBlock(chunk.detachColumns(), num_rows, variants, key_columns, aggregate_columns, no_more_keys))
        is_consume_finished = true;

接下来进入 Aggregator 的逻辑, 主要逻辑都是在 Aggregator 这个类中



这个类串起来了 agg 的主体流程:

  1. 计算聚合结果
  2. 是否要把结果转成 two level 的
  3. 是否要把聚合的中间结果 flush 到磁盘上
bool Aggregator::executeOnBlock(Columns columns, UInt64 num_rows, AggregatedDataVariants & result,
    ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, AggregateColumns & aggregate_columns, bool & no_more_keys) const
    /// `result` will destroy the states of aggregate functions in the destructor
    result.aggregator = this;
    /// We select one of the aggregation methods and call it.
    /// For the case when there are no keys (all aggregate into one row).
    if (result.type == AggregatedDataVariants::Type::without_key)
        executeWithoutKeyImpl(result.without_key, num_rows,, result.aggregates_pool);
        /// This is where data is written that does not fit in `max_rows_to_group_by` with `group_by_overflow_mode = any`.
        AggregateDataPtr overflow_row_ptr = params.overflow_row ? result.without_key : nullptr;

        #define M(NAME, IS_TWO_LEVEL) \
            else if (result.type == AggregatedDataVariants::Type::NAME) \
                executeImpl(*result.NAME, result.aggregates_pool, num_rows, key_columns,, \
                    no_more_keys, overflow_row_ptr);

        if (false) {} // NOLINT
        #undef M
    bool worth_convert_to_two_level
        = (params.group_by_two_level_threshold && result_size >= params.group_by_two_level_threshold)
        || (params.group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes && result_size_bytes >= static_cast<Int64>(params.group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes));

    /** Converting to a two-level data structure.
      * It allows you to make, in the subsequent, an effective merge - either economical from memory or parallel.
    if (result.isConvertibleToTwoLevel() && worth_convert_to_two_level)
    /** Flush data to disk if too much RAM is consumed.
      * Data can only be flushed to disk if a two-level aggregation structure is used.
    if (params.max_bytes_before_external_group_by
        && result.isTwoLevel()
        && current_memory_usage > static_cast<Int64>(params.max_bytes_before_external_group_by)
        && worth_convert_to_two_level)
        size_t size = current_memory_usage + params.min_free_disk_space;

        std::string tmp_path = params.tmp_volume->getDisk()->getPath();

        // enoughSpaceInDirectory() is not enough to make it right, since
        // another process (or another thread of aggregator) can consume all
        // space.
        // But true reservation (IVolume::reserve()) cannot be used here since
        // current_memory_usage does not takes compression into account and
        // will reserve way more that actually will be used.
        // Hence let's do a simple check.
        if (!enoughSpaceInDirectory(tmp_path, size))
            throw Exception("Not enough space for external aggregation in " + tmp_path, ErrorCodes::NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE);

        writeToTemporaryFile(result, tmp_path);



  • 具体执行 agg 计算的函数
  • 构造了一个 AggregateDataPtr 的数组 places,这里是这就是后续我们实际聚合结果存放的地方。这个数据的长度也就是这个Batch的长度,也就是说,聚合结果的指针也作为一组列式的数据,参与到后续的聚合运算之中
  • 通过一个for循环,依次调用 state.emplaceKey,计算每列聚合key的hash值,进行分类,并且将对应结果依次和 places 对应
  • 通过一个for循环,调用聚合函数的 addBatch 方法, 每个 AggregateFunctionInstruction 都有一个制定的 places_offset 和对应属于进行聚合计算的value列,这里通过一个for循环调用AddBatch,将 places 之中对应的数据指针和聚合value列进行聚合,最终形成所有的聚合计算的结果。
/// Process one data block, aggregate the data into a hash table.
void executeImplBatch(
    Method & method,
    typename Method::State & state,
    Arena * aggregates_pool,
    size_t rows,
    AggregateFunctionInstruction * aggregate_instructions,
    AggregateDataPtr overflow_row) const
    /// Optimization for special case when there are no aggregate functions.
    if (params.aggregates_size == 0)
        if constexpr (no_more_keys)

        /// For all rows.
        AggregateDataPtr place = aggregates_pool->alloc(0);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
            state.emplaceKey(, i, *aggregates_pool).setMapped(place);
    std::unique_ptr<AggregateDataPtr[]> places(new AggregateDataPtr[rows]);

    /// For all rows.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
        AggregateDataPtr aggregate_data = nullptr;

        if constexpr (!no_more_keys)
            auto emplace_result = state.emplaceKey(, i, *aggregates_pool);

            /// If a new key is inserted, initialize the states of the aggregate functions, and possibly something related to the key.
            if (emplace_result.isInserted())
                /// exception-safety - if you can not allocate memory or create states, then destructors will not be called.

                aggregate_data = aggregates_pool->alignedAlloc(total_size_of_aggregate_states, align_aggregate_states);

                aggregate_data = emplace_result.getMapped();

            assert(aggregate_data != nullptr);
            /// Add only if the key already exists.
            auto find_result = state.findKey(, i, *aggregates_pool);
            if (find_result.isFound())
                aggregate_data = find_result.getMapped();
                aggregate_data = overflow_row;

        places[i] = aggregate_data;

    /// Add values to the aggregate functions.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aggregate_functions.size(); ++i)
        AggregateFunctionInstruction * inst = aggregate_instructions + i;

        if (inst->offsets)
            inst->batch_that->addBatchArray(rows, places.get(), inst->state_offset, inst->batch_arguments, inst->offsets, aggregates_pool);
            inst->batch_that->addBatch(rows, places.get(), inst->state_offset, inst->batch_arguments, aggregates_pool);

这里用了比较多模板, 细节还要继续追下去.

Method & method: AggregatedDataVariants 中定义的成员变量key8/key16/key32/key32_two_level..., 有非常多 typename Method::State & state: 上面成员变量中的类 State, 比如 AggregationMethodOneNumber 中的 State定义:

    /// To use one `Method` in different threads, use different `State`.
    using State = ColumnsHashing::HashMethodOneNumber<typename Data::value_type,
        Mapped, FieldType, consecutive_keys_optimization>;


这里可以说整个 agg 的精髓了

这里 CH 给每种数据类型都定义了相应的数据结构, 用来计算的时候更加高效, 每种数据类型都有他自己的类型以及 two_level 的定义, two level 的实现之后会详细介绍

/** Different data structures that can be used for aggregation
  * For efficiency, the aggregation data itself is put into the pool.
  * Data and pool ownership (states of aggregate functions)
  *  is acquired later - in `convertToBlocks` function, by the ColumnAggregateFunction object.
  * Most data structures exist in two versions: normal and two-level (TwoLevel).
  * A two-level hash table works a little slower with a small number of different keys,
  *  but with a large number of different keys scales better, because it allows
  *  parallelize some operations (merging, post-processing) in a natural way.
  * To ensure efficient work over a wide range of conditions,
  *  first single-level hash tables are used,
  *  and when the number of different keys is large enough,
  *  they are converted to two-level ones.
  * PS. There are many different approaches to the effective implementation of parallel and distributed aggregation,
  *  best suited for different cases, and this approach is just one of them, chosen for a combination of reasons.

std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt8, AggregatedDataWithUInt8Key, false>>           key8;
std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt32, AggregatedDataWithUInt64Key>>                key32;
std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt64, AggregatedDataWithUInt64Key>>                key64;
std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodStringNoCache<AggregatedDataWithShortStringKey>>               key_string;
std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt32, AggregatedDataWithUInt64KeyTwoLevel>>        key32_two_level;
std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt64, AggregatedDataWithUInt64KeyTwoLevel>>        key64_two_level;

using AggregatedDataWithoutKey = AggregateDataPtr;

using AggregatedDataWithUInt8Key = FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, AggregateDataPtr>;
using AggregatedDataWithUInt16Key = FixedImplicitZeroHashMap<UInt16, AggregateDataPtr>;


定义了 State, 这个是用来真正 emplaceKey 的, 会把数据 emplace 到 data 中 data.emplace(key_holder, it, inserted);

/// For the case where there is one numeric key.
/// FieldType is UInt8/16/32/64 for any type with corresponding bit width.
template <typename FieldType, typename TData,
        bool consecutive_keys_optimization = true>
struct AggregationMethodOneNumber
    using Data = TData;
    using Key = typename Data::key_type;
    using Mapped = typename Data::mapped_type;

    Data data;

    AggregationMethodOneNumber() = default;

    template <typename Other>
    AggregationMethodOneNumber(const Other & other) : data( {}

    /// To use one `Method` in different threads, use different `State`.
    using State = ColumnsHashing::HashMethodOneNumber<typename Data::value_type,
        Mapped, FieldType, consecutive_keys_optimization>;

    /// Use optimization for low cardinality.
    static const bool low_cardinality_optimization = false;

    /// Shuffle key columns before `insertKeyIntoColumns` call if needed.
    std::optional<Sizes> shuffleKeyColumns(std::vector<IColumn *> &, const Sizes &) { return {}; }

    // Insert the key from the hash table into columns.
    static void insertKeyIntoColumns(const Key & key, std::vector<IColumn *> & key_columns, const Sizes & /*key_sizes*/)
        const auto * key_holder = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&key);
        auto * column = static_cast<ColumnVectorHelper *>(key_columns[0]);

HashMethodBase#EmplaceResult emplaceImpl

template <typename Data, typename KeyHolder>
ALWAYS_INLINE EmplaceResult emplaceImpl(KeyHolder & key_holder, Data & data)
    if constexpr (Cache::consecutive_keys_optimization)
        if (cache.found && cache.check(keyHolderGetKey(key_holder)))
            if constexpr (has_mapped)
                return EmplaceResult(cache.value.second, cache.value.second, false);
                return EmplaceResult(false);

    typename Data::LookupResult it;
    bool inserted = false;
    data.emplace(key_holder, it, inserted);

    [[maybe_unused]] Mapped * cached = nullptr;
    if constexpr (has_mapped)
        cached = &it->getMapped();

    if (inserted)
        if constexpr (has_mapped)
            new (&it->getMapped()) Mapped();

    if constexpr (consecutive_keys_optimization)
        cache.found = true;
        cache.empty = false;

        if constexpr (has_mapped)
            cache.value.first = it->getKey();
            cache.value.second = it->getMapped();
            cached = &cache.value.second;
            cache.value = it->getKey();

    if constexpr (has_mapped)
        return EmplaceResult(it->getMapped(), *cached, inserted);
        return EmplaceResult(inserted);


上面介绍了到 data.emplace(key_holder, it, inserted); 而这个 data 就是这个模板的第二个参数, 举例来说, 比如 AggregatedDataWithUInt8Key

std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt8, AggregatedDataWithUInt8Key, false>> key8;


using AggregatedDataWithUInt8Key = FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, AggregateDataPtr>;

template <typename Key, typename Mapped, typename Allocator = HashTableAllocator>
using FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize = FixedHashMap<
    FixedHashMapImplicitZeroCell<Key, Mapped>,
    FixedHashTableCalculatedSize<FixedHashMapImplicitZeroCell<Key, Mapped>>,

最后的实现是 FixedHashTable, 下面是它的介绍:

/** Used as a lookup table for small keys such as UInt8, UInt16. It's different
  *  than a HashTable in that keys are not stored in the Cell buf, but inferred
  *  inside each iterator. There are a bunch of to make it faster than using
  *  HashTable: a) It doesn't have a conflict chain; b) There is no key
  *  comparison; c) The number of cycles for checking cell empty is halved; d)
  *  Memory layout is tighter, especially the Clearable variants.
  * NOTE: For Set variants this should always be better. For Map variants
  *  however, as we need to assemble the real cell inside each iterator, there
  *  might be some cases we fall short.


记个 todo 把 看不动


using AggregatedDataWithUInt64KeyTwoLevel = TwoLevelHashMap<UInt64, AggregateDataPtr, HashCRC32<UInt64>>;

using TwoLevelHashMap = TwoLevelHashMapTable<Key, HashMapCell<Key, Mapped, Hash>, Hash, Grower, Allocator, ImplTable>;



using AggregatedDataVariantsPtr = std::shared_ptr<AggregatedDataVariants>;
using ManyAggregatedDataVariants = std::vector<AggregatedDataVariantsPtr>;

ManyAggregatedDataVariants variants;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::mutex>> mutexes;
std::atomic<UInt32> num_finished = 0;


    /** Working with states of aggregate functions in the pool is arranged in the following (inconvenient) way:
      * - when aggregating, states are created in the pool using IAggregateFunction::create (inside - `placement new` of arbitrary structure);
      * - they must then be destroyed using IAggregateFunction::destroy (inside - calling the destructor of arbitrary structure);
      * - if aggregation is complete, then, in the Aggregator::convertToBlocks function, pointers to the states of aggregate functions
      *   are written to ColumnAggregateFunction; ColumnAggregateFunction "acquires ownership" of them, that is - calls `destroy` in its destructor.
      * - if during the aggregation, before call to Aggregator::convertToBlocks, an exception was thrown,
      *   then the states of aggregate functions must still be destroyed,
      *   otherwise, for complex states (eg, AggregateFunctionUniq), there will be memory leaks;
      * - in this case, to destroy states, the destructor calls Aggregator::destroyAggregateStates method,
      *   but only if the variable aggregator (see below) is not nullptr;
      * - that is, until you transfer ownership of the aggregate function states in the ColumnAggregateFunction, set the variable `aggregator`,
      *   so that when an exception occurs, the states are correctly destroyed.
      * PS. This can be corrected by making a pool that knows about which states of aggregate functions and in which order are put in it, and knows how to destroy them.
      * But this can hardly be done simply because it is planned to put variable-length strings into the same pool.
      * In this case, the pool will not be able to know with what offsets objects are stored.


    const Aggregator * aggregator = nullptr;

    size_t keys_size{};  /// Number of keys. NOTE do we need this field?
    Sizes key_sizes;     /// Dimensions of keys, if keys of fixed length

    /// Pools for states of aggregate functions. Ownership will be later transferred to ColumnAggregateFunction.
    Arenas aggregates_pools;
    Arena * aggregates_pool{};    /// The pool that is currently used for allocation.

    // Disable consecutive key optimization for Uint8/16, because they use a FixedHashMap
    // and the lookup there is almost free, so we don't need to cache the last lookup result
    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt8, AggregatedDataWithUInt8Key, false>>           key8;
    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt16, AggregatedDataWithUInt16Key, false>>         key16;

    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt32, AggregatedDataWithUInt64Key>>                key32;
    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt64, AggregatedDataWithUInt64Key>>                key64;
    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodStringNoCache<AggregatedDataWithShortStringKey>>               key_string;
    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodFixedStringNoCache<AggregatedDataWithShortStringKey>>          key_fixed_string;
    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodKeysFixed<AggregatedDataWithUInt16Key, false, false, false>>   keys16;
    std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodKeysFixed<AggregatedDataWithUInt32Key>>                        keys32;
    Type type = Type::EMPTY;
    void convertToTwoLevel();


/** Memory pool to append something. For example, short strings.
  * Usage scenario:
  * - put lot of strings inside pool, keep their addresses;
  * - addresses remain valid during lifetime of pool;
  * - at destruction of pool, all memory is freed;
  * - memory is allocated and freed by large MemoryChunks;
  * - freeing parts of data is not possible (but look at ArenaWithFreeLists if you need);
  * ArenaKeyHolder is a key holder for hash tables that serializes a StringRef
  * key to an Arena.
struct ArenaKeyHolder
    StringRef key;
    Arena & pool;




/// Generates chunks with aggregated data.
/// In single level case, aggregates data itself.
/// In two-level case, creates `ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource` workers:
/// ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource ->
/// ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource -> ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform -> AggregatingTransform
/// ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource ->
/// Result chunks guaranteed to be sorted by bucket number.


void createSources()
    AggregatedDataVariantsPtr & first = data->at(0);
    shared_data = std::make_shared<ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource::SharedData>();

    for (size_t thread = 0; thread < num_threads; ++thread)
        /// Select Arena to avoid race conditions
        Arena * arena = first->;
        auto source = std::make_shared<ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource>(params, data, shared_data, arena);




如果是 two level 的, 则可以并行

/** If the remote servers used a two-level aggregation method,
  *  then blocks will contain information about the number of the bucket.
  * Then the calculations can be parallelized by buckets.
  * We decompose the blocks to the bucket numbers indicated in them.

auto block = getInputPort().getHeader().cloneWithColumns(chunk.getColumns()); = agg_info->is_overflows; = agg_info->bucket_num;



/// TODO: this operation can be made async. Add async for IAccumulatingTransform.
params->aggregator.mergeBlocks(std::move(bucket_to_blocks), data_variants, max_threads);
blocks = params->aggregator.convertToBlocks(data_variants, params->final, max_threads);
next_block = blocks.begin();

Two level group by

参数 group_by_two_level_threshold/group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes


判断位置: Aggregator::executeOnBlock

if (result.isConvertibleToTwoLevel() && worth_convert_to_two_level)

std::unique_ptr<AggregationMethodOneNumber<UInt32, AggregatedDataWithUInt64KeyTwoLevel>> key32_two_level;

using AggregatedDataWithUInt64KeyTwoLevel = TwoLevelHashMap<UInt64, AggregateDataPtr, HashCRC32<UInt64>>;


生成 bucket 位置: ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource

static constexpr UInt32 NUM_BUCKETS = 256;

Chunk generate() override
    UInt32 bucket_num = shared_data->next_bucket_to_merge.fetch_add(1);

    if (bucket_num >= NUM_BUCKETS)
        return {};

    Block block = params->aggregator.mergeAndConvertOneBucketToBlock(*data, arena, params->final, bucket_num, &shared_data->is_cancelled);
    Chunk chunk = convertToChunk(block);

    shared_data->is_bucket_processed[bucket_num] = true;

    return chunk;

template <typename Method>
Block Aggregator::convertOneBucketToBlock(
    AggregatedDataVariants & data_variants,
    Method & method,
    Arena * arena,
    bool final,
    size_t bucket) const
    Block block = prepareBlockAndFill(data_variants, final,[bucket].size(),
        [bucket, &method, arena, this] (
            MutableColumns & key_columns,
            AggregateColumnsData & aggregate_columns,
            MutableColumns & final_aggregate_columns,
            bool final_)
                key_columns, aggregate_columns, final_aggregate_columns, arena, final_);
        }); = bucket;
    return block;


static constexpr size_t NUM_BUCKETS = 1ULL << BITS_FOR_BUCKET;
static constexpr size_t MAX_BUCKET = NUM_BUCKETS - 1;
template <typename KeyHolder>
void ALWAYS_INLINE emplace(KeyHolder && key_holder, LookupResult & it, bool & inserted)
    size_t hash_value = hash(keyHolderGetKey(key_holder));
    emplace(key_holder, it, inserted, hash_value);

Clickhouse distributed aggregation memory efficient


开启 distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient 的优势是和原来的内存比, 最多只会消耗 1/256 * the_number_of_threads 的原内存, 但是劣势是执行速度变慢

  1. set distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient=1;
  2. set group_by_two_level_threshold=1;
  3. set group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes=1;

官网: When merging data flushed to the disk, as well as when merging results from remote servers when the distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient setting is enabled, consumes up to 1/256 * the_number_of_threads from the total amount of RAM.

和原来的内存比, 最多只会消耗 1/256 * the_number_of_threads 的原内存

pipeline 构成


void addMergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientTransform(
    Pipe & pipe,
    AggregatingTransformParamsPtr params,
    size_t num_merging_processors)
    pipe.addTransform(std::make_shared<GroupingAggregatedTransform>(pipe.getHeader(), pipe.numOutputPorts(), params));

    if (num_merging_processors <= 1)
        /// --> GroupingAggregated --> MergingAggregatedBucket -->

    /// -->                                        --> MergingAggregatedBucket -->
    /// --> GroupingAggregated --> ResizeProcessor --> MergingAggregatedBucket --> SortingAggregated -->
    /// -->                                        --> MergingAggregatedBucket -->


    pipe.addSimpleTransform([params](const Block &)
        return std::make_shared<MergingAggregatedBucketTransform>(params);

    pipe.addTransform(std::make_shared<SortingAggregatedTransform>(num_merging_processors, params));

加了三个 processor:

  1. GroupingAggregatedTransform
  2. MergingAggregatedBucketTransform
  3. SortingAggregatedTransform



  1. 上游的 input 是其他分布式节点经过 partial agg 的数据, 被 split 成了 256 个 buckets, 有多个 inputs, 单个输出
  2. 按照 bucket number group by, 对上游的 chunk 组成一个 list 传给下游
  3. 上游传输的 chunk 都是按照 agg_info 中 的 bucket number 保序传输过来的, 如果a < b, 则bucket_num = a 块在bucket_num = b 之前, 利用这个机制, 可以每次只保留一个 chunk 在内存中



GroupingAggregatedTransform 最主要逻辑就在 prepare 方法中

IProcessor::Status GroupingAggregatedTransform::prepare()
    /// Check can output.
    auto & output = outputs.front();

    if (output.isFinished())
        for (auto & input : inputs)

        return Status::Finished;

    /// Read first time from each input to understand if we have two-level aggregation.
    if (!read_from_all_inputs)
        if (!read_from_all_inputs)
            return Status::NeedData;

    /// Convert single level to two levels if have two-level input.
    if (has_two_level && !single_level_chunks.empty())
        return Status::Ready;

    /// Check can push (to avoid data caching).
    if (!output.canPush())
        for (auto & input : inputs)

        return Status::PortFull;

    bool pushed_to_output = false;

    /// Output if has data.
    if (has_two_level)
        pushed_to_output = tryPushTwoLevelData();

    auto need_input = [this](size_t input_num)
        if (last_bucket_number[input_num] < current_bucket)
            return true;

        return expect_several_chunks_for_single_bucket_per_source && last_bucket_number[input_num] == current_bucket;

    /// Read next bucket if can.
    for (; ; ++current_bucket)
        bool finished = true;
        bool need_data = false;

        auto in = inputs.begin();
        for (size_t input_num = 0; input_num < num_inputs; ++input_num, ++in)
            if (in->isFinished())

            finished = false;

            if (!need_input(input_num))


            if (!in->hasData())
                need_data = true;

            auto chunk = in->pull();
            addChunk(std::move(chunk), input_num);

            if (has_two_level && !single_level_chunks.empty())
                return Status::Ready;

            if (!in->isFinished() && need_input(input_num))
                need_data = true;

        if (finished)
            all_inputs_finished = true;

        if (need_data)
            return Status::NeedData;

    if (pushed_to_output)
        return Status::PortFull;

    if (has_two_level)
        if (tryPushTwoLevelData())
            return Status::PortFull;

        /// Sanity check. If new bucket was read, we should be able to push it.
        /// This is always false, but we still keep this condition in case the code will be changed.
        if (!all_inputs_finished) // -V547
            throw Exception("GroupingAggregatedTransform has read new two-level bucket, but couldn't push it.",
        if (!all_inputs_finished) // -V547
            throw Exception("GroupingAggregatedTransform should have read all chunks for single level aggregation, "
                            "but not all of the inputs are finished.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

        if (tryPushSingleLevelData())
            return Status::PortFull;

    /// If we haven't pushed to output, then all data was read. Push overflows if have.
    if (tryPushOverflowData())
        return Status::PortFull;

    return Status::Finished;

比较关键的是里面两个 for 循环, 会遍历所有的 inputs, 如果 input 的当前的 last_bucket_number(Last bucket read from each input) 小于 current_bucket(``need_input` 方法), 就说明需要从上游 pull data

举例来说, 如果这个算子有两个 input(对应两个节点), current_bucket 是 1, 可以看到截图里第 0 号 input 接受的 chunk 的 bucket num已经是 1 了, 所以它 need_input 返回 false, 而另一个 input 的 last_bucket_number 是 0, 小于 current_bucket, 下面会有个判断, 如果 in->hasData, 会直接 pull 然后 addChunk, 否则会直接返回Status::NeedData

所以这也带来一个问题, 一个流需要等另一个流的 input, 只有所有流的 bucket_num 都对齐, 才能进行下一步的工作


对这个 case 来说, 当下面的 chunk 被加到 chunks_map 的时候, 这里的 for 循环就算执行完成了



这个方法比较简单, 就是把上游 input 收到的 chunk 加到一个 chunks_map 中, 这也是我们要关注的核心结构, 同时也把上面提到的last_bucket_number 更新

std::map<Int32, Chunks> chunks_map, 虽然是一个 map, 但是他只会存储一个 bucket num 的数据, 每当所有 input 的某个 bucket num 的 chunk 都收齐之后, 会发给下游算子, 然后会把这个 bucket numb 的 chunk erase 掉

void GroupingAggregatedTransform::addChunk(Chunk chunk, size_t input)
    const auto & info = chunk.getChunkInfo();
    if (!info)
        throw Exception("Chunk info was not set for chunk in GroupingAggregatedTransform.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

    const auto * agg_info = typeid_cast<const AggregatedChunkInfo *>(info.get());
    if (!agg_info)
        throw Exception("Chunk should have AggregatedChunkInfo in GroupingAggregatedTransform.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

    Int32 bucket = agg_info->bucket_num;
    bool is_overflows = agg_info->is_overflows;

    if (is_overflows)
    else if (bucket < 0)
        has_two_level = true;
        last_bucket_number[input] = bucket;


这里会把会判断下 chunk 能不能被 push, 如果可以的话, 就从 map 中 erase 掉, 然后调用pushData 方法, 这就是为什么 distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient 可以节省内存, 他每次只存储一个 bucket_num 的 chunk 列表, 发到下游之后就 erase 掉

bool GroupingAggregatedTransform::tryPushTwoLevelData()
    auto try_push_by_iter = [&](auto batch_it)
        if (batch_it == chunks_map.end())
            return false;

        Chunks & cur_chunks = batch_it->second;
        if (cur_chunks.empty())
            return false;

        pushData(std::move(cur_chunks), batch_it->first, false);
        return true;

    if (all_inputs_finished)
        /// Chunks are sorted by bucket.
        while (!chunks_map.empty())
            if (try_push_by_iter(chunks_map.begin()))
                return true;
        for (; next_bucket_to_push < current_bucket; ++next_bucket_to_push)
            if (try_push_by_iter(chunks_map.find(next_bucket_to_push)))
                return true;

    return false;


会把同个 bucket 的 chunk 放到 ChunksToMerge 中去, 作为 ChunkInfo 传递给下游output, 算是个 trick 把

void GroupingAggregatedTransform::pushData(Chunks chunks, Int32 bucket, bool is_overflows)
    auto & output = outputs.front();
    auto info = std::make_shared<ChunksToMerge>();
    info->bucket_num = bucket;
    info->is_overflows = is_overflows;
    info->chunks = std::make_unique<Chunks>(std::move(chunks));

    Chunk chunk;


Merge aggregated data from single bucket.

这一步比较简单, 上面 GroupingAggregatedTransform 算子传下来的 chunk 是空的, 实际数据存储在 chunk_info 中, ChunksToMerge 里面记录了同一个 bucket num 的所有 chunks

可以并发: pipe.resize(num_merging_processors);

    /// -->                                        --> MergingAggregatedBucket -->
    /// --> GroupingAggregated --> ResizeProcessor --> MergingAggregatedBucket --> SortingAggregated -->
    /// -->                                        --> MergingAggregatedBucket -->
struct ChunksToMerge : public ChunkInfo
    std::unique_ptr<Chunks> chunks;
    Int32 bucket_num = -1;
    bool is_overflows = false;

MergingAggregatedBucketTransform 做的就是把童儿 bucket num 的 chunk merge 起来: params->aggregator.mergeBlocks(blocks_list, params->final)

void MergingAggregatedBucketTransform::transform(Chunk & chunk)
    const auto & info = chunk.getChunkInfo();
    const auto * chunks_to_merge = typeid_cast<const ChunksToMerge *>(info.get());

    if (!chunks_to_merge)
        throw Exception("MergingAggregatedSimpleTransform chunk must have ChunkInfo with type ChunksToMerge.",

    auto header = params->aggregator.getHeader(false);

    BlocksList blocks_list;
    for (auto & cur_chunk : *chunks_to_merge->chunks)
        const auto & cur_info = cur_chunk.getChunkInfo();
        if (!cur_info)
            throw Exception("Chunk info was not set for chunk in MergingAggregatedBucketTransform.",

        const auto * agg_info = typeid_cast<const AggregatedChunkInfo *>(cur_info.get());
        if (!agg_info)
            throw Exception("Chunk should have AggregatedChunkInfo in MergingAggregatedBucketTransform.",

        Block block = header.cloneWithColumns(cur_chunk.detachColumns()); = agg_info->is_overflows; = agg_info->bucket_num;


    auto res_info = std::make_shared<AggregatedChunkInfo>();
    res_info->is_overflows = chunks_to_merge->is_overflows;
    res_info->bucket_num = chunks_to_merge->bucket_num;

    auto block = params->aggregator.mergeBlocks(blocks_list, params->final);
    size_t num_rows = block.rows();
    chunk.setColumns(block.getColumns(), num_rows);


读取 MergingAggregatedBucketTransform 聚合好后的数据, 按照 bucket num 排序然后输出, 代码感兴趣大家自行看下吧

Presumption: inputs 返回的 chunks 都是递增的bucket number, 每个 bucket number 都至多只有一个 chunk(因为上面都聚合过了)