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Created 2023-02-21
Updated 2023-02-21
Author @Aiden
Tags #study

EX3: Explainable Attribute-aware Item-set Recommendations

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EX3: Explainable Attribute-aware Item-set Recommendations RecSys '21 X


  • Generate K sets of items (recommendations) each of which is associated with an important attribute (explanation) to justify why the items are recommended to users.
    • based on important item attributes whose value changes will affect user purchase decisions.
  • attempt to help users broaden their consideration set by presenting them with differentiated options by an attribute type.


The contributions of this paper are three-fold:

  • Highlight the importance of jointly considering important attributes and relevant items in achieving the optimal user experience in explainable recommendations.
    • e.g. in matrix-factorization, only consider relevant items, which is without considering the importance of attributes.
  • Propose a novel three-step framework, EX3, to approach the explainable attribute-aware item-set recommendation problem along with a couple of novel components.
    • The whole framework is carefully designed towards large-scale real-world scenarios.
  • Extensively conduct experiments on the real-world benchmark for item-set recommendations. The results show that EX3 achieves 11.35% better NDCG than state-of-the-art baselines, as well as better explainability in terms of important attribute ranking.


  • Modeling behavior-oriented attributes from users’ historical actions rather than manual identification is a critical component to conduct explainable recommendations.

  • Symbolic Interpretation

    • $\mathcal{P}$ : the universal set of items.
    • $\mathcal{A}$ : the set of all available attributes.
    • $\mathcal{B}$ : the items with relationship
      • $\mathcal{B}_{cp}$ : co-purchase
      • $\mathcal{B}_{cv}$ : co-view
      • $\mathcal{B}_{pv}$ : view-then-purchased
    • $\mathcal{N}_p$ : the related items for an item p $\in \mathcal{P}$
      • $\mathcal{N}_p = {p_i|(p, p_i)} \in \mathcal{B}$
  • Proposed method

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    • Extract-Step

      • An attention-based item embedding learning framework, which is scalable to generating embeddings for billions of items, and can be leveraged to refine coarse-grained candidate items for a given pivot item.
        • coarse-grained candidate (?)
        • pivot item (?)

      $$ f(p, N_p) = \lambda \ - \parallel \phi(p) - h(N_p) \parallel_2^2 $$

      • Define a metric function $f(p, N_p)$ to measure the distance between the item and its related items.

      • $\lambda$ : the base distance to distinguish $p$ and $N_p$.

      • $\phi$ : item encoder, which is modeled as an MLP with non-linear activation function.

      • $h(\cdot)$: denotes an aggregation function over item set $N_p$, encodes $N_p$ into the same $d_p$-dimensional space as $\phi(p)$ .

        • a weighted sum over item embeddings via dot-product attention.

        $$ h(N_p) = \sum_{pi \in N_p} \alpha_i\phi(p_i) \ \alpha_i = \frac{exp(\phi(p)^\intercal \phi(p_i))}{\sum_{p_j \in N_p}exp(\phi(p)^{\intercal}\phi(p_j))} $$

      • The encoder $\phi$ can be trained by minimizing a hinge loss

        • with the following objective function:

          $$ \ell_{extract} = \sum_{p \in \mathcal{P}} max(0, \epsilon - y^+ f(p, N_p)) + max(0, \epsilon-y^-f(p, N_p^-)) $$

          • Assign a positive label $y^+$ = 1 for each pair of $(p, N_p)$.
          • For non-trivial learning(?) to distinguish item relatedness, randomly sample $|N_p|$ items from $B_{pv}$ as negative samples denoted by $N_p^-$ with assigned label $y^- = -1$.
          • $\epsilon$ is the margin distance.
      • For each pivot item $q \in \mathcal{P}$, we can retrieve a set of $m$ coarse-grained related items as q’s candidate set $C_q$.

        • |$N_p$| << $m$ << $|\mathcal{P}|$
        • $C_q =$ { $p_i$| rank$($ $f(q, {q})$$)$ = $i$, $p_i$ $\in$ $\mathcal{P}$ \ {q}, $i$ $\in$ [$m$] }
    • Expect-Step

      • Learn the utility function $u(q, p, a)$ to estimate how likely a candidate item $p$ will be clicked or purchased by users after being compared with pivot item $q$ on attribute $a$.

      • Assume the utility function can be decomposed into 2 parts:

        $$ u(q, p,a) = g(u_{rel}(q,p), u_{att}(a | q, p)) $$

        • $u_{rel}$: item relevance
          • reveals the fine-grained item relevance
          • the likelihood of item $p$ being clicked by users after compared with pivot $q$, no matter which attributes are considered.
        • $u_{att}$: Attribute importance
          • the importance of displaying attribute $a$ to users when they compare items $q$ and $p$
        • $g$: [0, 1] $\times$ [0, 1] → [0, 1], a binary operation.
        • Practically, the ground truth of important attributes still remains unknown, which leads to the challenge of how to infer the attribute importance without supervision.
          • each item may contain arbitrary number of attributes and their values may contain arbitrary content and data types.
          • This paper proposes a novel neural model named Attribute Differentiating Network to solve this issue.
      • $\text{Attribute Differentiating Network}$$, ADN$

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        • Input
          • a pivot item $q$
          • a candidate item $p$
          • along with the corresponding $n$ attribute-value pairs $A_q$, $A_p$
            • e.g. $A_q$ = {$($$a_1$, $v(q, a_1)$$)$, ...}
            • in Attribute Brand, q’s value is “Orgain” and p’s value is “Bulletproof”
        • Output
          • item relevance score $\hat{Y_p} \in [0, 1]$
          • attribute importance scores $\hat{y_{p,j}} \in [0, 1]$ for attribute $a_j (j = 1, ..., n)$
        • $\text{3 Components}$
          • $\text{Value-difference module}$

            • capture the different levels of attribute values of two items.

            • Each attribute $a_j$ as a one-hot vector, embed it into $d_a$-dimensional space via linear transformation.

              $$ ⁍ $$

              • $W_a$ learnable parameters
            • Treat value $v(p, a_j)$ of item $p$ as a sequence of characters, which can represent as a matrix:

              $$ v_{pj} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_c \times d_c} $$

              • $d_c$: Each character is embedded into a $d_c$-dimensional vector.
              • $n_c$: Suppose the length of character sequence is at most $n_c$.
            • Inspired by character-level CNN, adopt convolutional layers to encode the character sequence as follows:

              $$ x_{ij} = maxpool(ReLU(conv(ReLU(conv(v_{pj}))))) $$

              • $conv(\cdot)$: the 1D convolution layer
              • $maxpool(\cdot)$: the 1D pooling layer
              • $x_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}^{d_C}$: output is the latent representation of arbitrary value $v_{ij}$
            • Encode the attribute vector $a_j$ and the value vectors $x_{qj}$ and $x_{pj}$ via an MLP:

              $$ x_{vj} = MLP_{v}([a_j;x_{qj};x_{ij}]) $$

          • $\text{Attention-based attribute scorer}$

            • implicitly predict the attribute contribution.

            • entangle each value-difference vector $x_{vj}$ of attribute $a_j$ conditioned on item vector $x_{qp}$ as follows:

              $$ w_{pj}=MLP_p([x_{qp};x_{v_j};x_{qp}\odot x_{v_j};\parallel x_{qp}-x_{v_j} \parallel]) $$

              • $w_{pj}$: item-conditioned value-difference vector.
            • Use attention mechanism to aggregate n item-conditioned attribute vectors $w_{p1}, ..., w_{pn}$ for representation and automatic detection of important attributes.

            • $\text{Ramdom-masking Attention Block (RAB)}$

              • To alleviate issues when directly applying existing attention mechanisms.

                • The learned attention weights may have a bias on frequent attributes.
                  • That is higher weights may not necessarily indicate attribute importance, but only because they are easy to acquire and hence occur frequently in datasets.
                • Attribute cardinality varies from item to item due to the issue of missing attribute values.
                  • so model performance is not supposed to only rely on a single attribute. i.e. distributing large weight on one attribute.
              • Define

                $$ \begin{align} Q &= W_Q x_{qp},K_j \ &= W_Kw_{pj},V_j \ &= W_Vw_{pj}, j\in [n] \end{align} $$

                $$ \hat{y}{p,j} = \frac{exp(\frac{Q^{\intercal}K_j}{\sqrt{d}\tau_j}) \cdot \eta_j}{\sum{i\in[n]}exp(\frac{Q^{\intercal}K_i}{\sqrt{d}\tau_j}) \cdot \eta_i} $$

                $$ z_v = ln(MLP_o(o)+o), \ o = ln(Q+\sum_j{\hat{y}_{p,j}V_j}) $$

                • $\eta_j$:(\eta) a random mask that
                  • has value $r$ with probability frequency of atrribute $a_j$ ($freq_j$)
                  • value 1 otherwise.
                  • used to alleviate the influence by imbalanced attribute frequencies.
                • $\tau_j$:(\tau) The temperature in softmax.
                  • set as $(1+freq_j)$ by default.
                  • Used to shrink the attention on the attribute assigned with large weight.
                • $\hat{y}{p,j}$: used to approximate attribute importance $u{att}(a_j|q,p)$
                • $z_v$: encodes the aggregated information contributed by all attributes.
          • $\text{Relevance predictor}$

            • Adopt a linear binary classifier that estimates the fine-grained relevance of two items based on the item vector as well as the encoded attribute-value vector.

              $$ \hat{Y}p = \sigma(W_y[x{qp};z_v]) $$

              • The objective function defined as follows:

              $$ \ell_{expect} = - \sum_{(q,p,Y)} Ylog{\hat{Y}_p} - (1-Y)log(1-\hat{Y}_p) $$

          • Estimate the utility value $u(q,p,a_j)$

            • The relevance score $u_{rel}(q,p) \approx \hat{Y}_p$

            • The attribute importance score $u_{att}(a_j|q,p) \approx \hat{y}_{p,j}(j=1,...,n)$

            • The estimated utility value:

              $$ g(u_{rel}(q,p), u_{att}(a_j|q,p)) \approx \hat{Y_p} \cdot \hat{y}_{p,j} \approx u(q,p, a_j) $$

    • Explain-Step

My Summary

  • Item-Based Recommender
    • Compare The similarity Between pivot items & candidate items
  • Proposed Framework Structure
    • Attention-based Item Embedding with an encoder (MLP + non-linear activation function)
    • Learning utility function from item embedding and items attributes.
    • Use utility function in step2, to group items by attributes to j groups. Then, get top k groups as the final result.
  • Measure Method
    • Compare NDCG, Recall, Precision with competitors in overall and subdomain.
    • Still research...