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Created 2023-02-21
Updated 2023-02-21
Author @Aiden
Tags #study

NGCF: Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering

Title Venue Year Code
NGCF: Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering SIGIR '19


Component Definition Example
Problem Definition Existing methods for obtaining user and item embeddings in recommender systems map from pre-existing features, but don't encode the collaborative signal latent in user-item interactions, which may not be sufficient to capture the collaborative filtering effect. The collaborative signal latent in user-item interactions is not encoded in existing methods for obtaining user and item embeddings, which may not capture the collaborative filtering effect.
Proposed Solution NGCF, a recommendation framework that integrates the user-item interactions, specifically the bipartite graph structure, into the embedding process by propagating embeddings on it. This effectively injects the collaborative signal into the embedding process in an explicit manner and models high-order connectivity in the user-item graph. NGCF integrates the user-item interactions into the embedding process by propagating embeddings on the bipartite graph structure to capture the collaborative signal and model high-order connectivity.
Experiment Result Extensive experiments on three public benchmarks demonstrate significant improvements over several state-of-the-art models, such as HOP-Rec and Collaborative Memory Network. Further analysis verifies the importance of embedding propagation for learning better user and item representations, justifying the rationality and effectiveness of NGCF. NGCF achieves better results than existing models in experiments on three public benchmarks. Embedding propagation is important for learning better user and item representations.

Proposed Solution


solution structure

First-order Propagation

Message Construction

Message construction is used to define the message from user-item pair $(u, i)$: $$ m_{u \leftarrow i} = f(e_i, e_u, p_{ui}) $$

Property Definition
$m_{u \leftarrow i}$ The message embedding, i.e., the information to be propagated
$f(\cdot)$ The message encoding function, which takes embeddings as input
$e_i$ The item embedding
$e_u$ The user embedding
$p_{ui}$ The coefficient to control the decay factor on each propagation on edge $(u,i)$

Let $f(\cdot)$ be defined as:

$$ m_{u \leftarrow i} = {\color{gray} \frac{1}{\sqrt{|N_u| |N_i|}}} \big( W_1 e_i + {\color{green} W_2 (e_i \odot e_u)} \big) $$

Property Definition
$W_1, W_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{d' \times d}$ The trainable weight matrices to distill useful information for propagtion.
$d$ The embedding size
$d'$ The transformation size
${\color{gray} \text{discount factor}}$ The the graph Laplacian norm
$N_u$ and $N_i$ The first-hop neighbors of user $u$ and item $i$
${\color{green} W_2 (e_i \odot e_u) }$ The message dependent on the affinity distinct from GCN, GraphSage, etc. Passing more information to similar nodes

Message Aggregation

Using Message aggregation mechanism to aggregate the messages propagated from $u$'s neighborhood to refine $u$'s representation. The aggregation function is:

$$ e_u^{(1)} = \text{LeakyReLU} ( {\color{cyan} m_{u \leftarrow u}} + {\color{magenta} \sum_{i \in N_u} m_{u \leftarrow i}} ) $$

Property Definition
$e_u^{(1)}$ The representation of $u$ after the first embedding propagation layer
$\text{LeakyReLU}$ Allow messages to encode both positive and small negative signals
${\color{cyan} m_{u \leftarrow u}}$ Self-connection of u with consideration of edge($u$, $u$)
${\color{magenta} \sum_{i \in N_u} m_{u \leftarrow i}}$ Connection with all neighbors of $u$

High-order Propagation

Using High-order propagation mechanism to stack more embedding propagation layers to explore the high‐order connectivity info.

high-order propagation

The representation of $u$ at the $l$-th layer is:

$$ e_u^{(l)} = \text{LeakyReLU} \big( {\color{cyan} m_{u \leftarrow u}^{(l)}} + {\color{magenta} \sum_{i \in N_u} m_{u \leftarrow i}^{(l)}} \big) $$

$$ &\left{ \begin{array}{rcl} m_{u \leftarrow i} =& p_{ui}\bigg(W_1^{(l)} e_i^{(l-1)} + W_2^{(l)} (e_i \odot e_u) \bigg), \\ m_{u \leftarrow u} =& W_1^{(l)} e_u^{(l-1)}, \\ p_{ui} =& \frac{1}{\sqrt{|N_u||N_i|}} \end{array}\right. $$