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Commit 5465ab3

Browse files
added Czech, French, Polish, Russian, others
deleted: ALWAYS READ THIS FIRST!.txt new file: CHINESE/FO1_Chinese_TransPack_SVN Revision 855.7z new file: CHINESE/ new file: CZECH/Czech translation changelog.TXT new file: CZECH/F1_Czech_TransPack_update new file: CZECH/F1_NPC_mod v0.9_by Avega_Czech.rar new file: CZECH/FIXT files for Czech (temp).zip new file: CZECH/FO1_TeamX_v1.3.3_NPC Mod v3.3_Czech_by JaW.exe new file: CZECH/FO1_TeamX_v1.3.4_NPC Mod v3.4_Czech_by JaW.exe new file: CZECH/fallout.cfg new file: ENGLISH_BASE/BADWORDS.TXT new file: ENGLISH_BASE/DIALOG/BOSASIST.MSG new file: ENGLISH_BASE/DIALOG/BOSLORRI.MSG modified: ENGLISH_BASE/DIALOG/RAZOR.MSG modified: ENGLISH_BASE/GAME/COMBAT.MSG modified: ENGLISH_BASE/GAME/LSGAME.MSG modified: ENGLISH_BASE/GAME/MAP.MSG new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/ABOUT.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/AUTODWN.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/AUTOMAP.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/AUTOUP.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/BARTER.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/BURST.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/CALLED.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/CHADN.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/CHAUP.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/DI_DONE1.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/DI_DONE2.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/DI_TALK.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/EL_BOS2.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/ENDANIM.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/ENDCMBTD.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/ENDCMBTU.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/ENDTURND.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/ENDTURNU.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HELPSCRN.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HELPSCRN.PAL new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_ICON_R.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_ICON_S.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_IFACELFT1.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_IFACELFT2.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_IFACERHT1.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_IFACERHT2.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_IFACE_800.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_IFACE_SELECT.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_MAINMENU.frm new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_MENU_BG.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_OPTIONS_BG.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_OPTIONS_DN.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_OPTIONS_UP.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_SCRN_BG.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_TAB1.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/HR_TAB2.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/IFACE.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/INVBOX.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/KICK.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/LOOT.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/MAINMENU.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/MAPDN.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/MAPUP.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/MONTHS.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/MOVEMULT.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/MVEPNT.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/New folder/DI_BGDN1.001 new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/New folder/DI_BGDN2.001 new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/New folder/DI_BGUP1.001 new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/New folder/DI_BGUP2.001 new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/New folder/DI_DONE1.001 new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/New folder/DI_DONE2.001 new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/New folder/HELPSCRN.PAL new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/PICKCHAR.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/PIP.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/PIP2.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/PIPDN.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/PIPUP.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/PUNCH.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/RELOAD.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/SINGLE.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/SWING.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/THROW.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/THRUST.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/UNARMED.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/USE.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/USEON.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/USET.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/USE_A.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/WMAPBOX.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/INTRFACE/WMAPLABS.FRM new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/SPLASH/SPLASH0.RIX new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/SPLASH/SPLASH1.RIX new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/SPLASH/SPLASH2.RIX new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/SPLASH/SPLASH3.RIX new file: FRENCH/ART/FRENCH/SPLASH/SPLASH4.RIX new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/ASSBLOW.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/BOB.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/DARL.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/DEMOCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/DEMODOG.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/DOG2.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/DOGMEAT.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/GHOUL.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/dialog/JUNKDOG.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/game/COMBATAI.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/game/MISC.MSG new file: FRENCH/F1_French_TransPack_Text Only -- compare to 'original French' folder, 12 files/game/PRO_ITEM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ABEL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ADYTOWNR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/AGATHA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/AGATHBED.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/AIRGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/AIRLOCK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ALAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ALLDOGS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ALLNONE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ALYA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/AMBER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ANDREW.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ARADESH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ARMOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ARTIFACT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ASSBLOW.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/AVERY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BARFLY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BARRACUS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BARRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BARTER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BECA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BILL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BILLY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BITSBOB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BLADE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BLAST.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BLKROM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BLKROOM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOBDOUG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOBSIGN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BONEBODY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOOKCASE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOSASIST.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOSDOCTR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOSLORI.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOSLORRI.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BOXGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BRAHMIN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BRENDEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BROELD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BROINVAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BULLBORD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BUTCH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BV2VAULT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVAIR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVAIRL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVBROKEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVCACHE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVCORE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVENT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVLAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVLIB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVLIVE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVMEET.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BVSTORE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BYCHRIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BYGREG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/BYMIKE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CABBOT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CALDER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CALEB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CALLY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CARARRIV.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CARCUST.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CARDRVR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CARGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CARVLEAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CATHSHOP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CAVEWALL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CCVAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHAIR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHANTER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHARBODY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHEPSLOT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHIDGAB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHIDINIT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHIDNITE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHIDSCOL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHILD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHILDMEM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHILDRN1.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHILDRN2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHOCTECH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CHUCK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CINDY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CITIZEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CLEO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CODEDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COKE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COMMAND.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COMPUTER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COOK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COOKSHEL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COOKTABL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CORECOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COUGAR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COVER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/COW.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CRASHBOX.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CRASHRM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CREDDOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CRVNDRVR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CRVNENMY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/CURTIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DANE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DANWIFE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DARL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DARREL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DCMUTANT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEADBRO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEADCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEADGUY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEALER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DECKER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DECKGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMETRE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMOCLUE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMOCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMOCRYP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMODOG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMODOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMOFOOL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMOGEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMOPEAS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEMOPHIL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DEPFRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DESK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DIANA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DIRTNAP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DISKA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DISKD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DOCLOCKR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DOCWU.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DOGMEAT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DOLGAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DOORCODE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DRAGON.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DUC.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DUGAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/DUMAR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ELDER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ELECDOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ELECTRAP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ELEVATR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/EMITER1A.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ENEMY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FALCON1.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FARLI.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FARMPART.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FEARDARK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FEMFARMR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FEVDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FGTCARVN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FGTGARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FGTRTNVN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FIELDA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FIELDGEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FIRE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FISHRMAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FISHRSON.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FLARE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FLASH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FLIP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FOLGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FOLINIT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FOLINVAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FOLSCHOL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FOLSCOUT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FOOTPRNT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FORCCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FORCECON.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FRANCIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FREEZER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FRUIT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/FRYSTUB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GABRIEL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GAMBLER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GANGER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GAR2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GARL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GARRET.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GARY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GASTRAP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GATEDEMO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GDOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENCHANT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENCHAT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENCOP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENERIC.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENFGT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENGAMBL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENGHOUL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENGLOW1.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENGRDA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENGRDB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENKNIGH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENLOCK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENMERCA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENMERCB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENMUTAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENPALA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENPALAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENPALB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENRAID2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENRAIDB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENRAIDR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENSARG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENSCRIB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENSKAG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENSKULZ.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENSUPR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GENVAULT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHDORGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHGENDED.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHKICK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHOUL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHREFUGE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHRNDGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GHZERO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GIDEON.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GIZGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GIZMO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLO1WEAP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLO3SUPL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLO3WEP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLO4SUPL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLO4WEAP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOBLDOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOBLELV.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOCABN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLORDDOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOWCAGE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOWDESK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOWGEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOWONE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOWPUMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOWTABL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLOYLDOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLWALIEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GLWBOX.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GOODSLOT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GPWRTERM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GRAFFITI.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GRETCH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GROUNDR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUARD2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUARDEMO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUIDO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUNCACHE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUNLOCK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUNRNR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUNTHER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GUSTOFER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/GWEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HALLGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HAROLD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HARRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HBETH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HBILLIE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HBODGRD2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HCHDGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HDTDN2UP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HDTVAULT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HEATHER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HGENCVAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HGENFARM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HGENGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HHOOKER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HHOOKERA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HICRAPS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HIGHELD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HIGHHELD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HIGHTOWR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HJUSTIN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HOTGHOUL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HOTSPOT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HOUSCHAR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HTWRBOX.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HTWRGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HTWRGRGE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HTWRLEON.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HTWRRICK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HTWRWIFE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBBER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBCAPTR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBCARVN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBCOP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBFLRCD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBJAKE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBPATNT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBPRIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUBSMITY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/HUNTER.MSG new file: 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FIXT Dialog only v1/KERI.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/KILDOOR1.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/KILLIAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/KILLSAFE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/KNIGHTA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/KNIGHTB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/KRUPPER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/KYLE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LADDER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LANCE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LARRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LARS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LARYKNIG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LASHER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LAURA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LAZRTRAP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LEADER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/LEMMY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT 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only v1/MADSCI.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MANAGER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MANGLED.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MARCELLE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MARNEY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MASTER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MASTER1.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MASTER2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MATHIA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MAXSON.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MBENT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MBOUT2IN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MBSTRONG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MBVATS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MEANDER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MEDIC.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MEDLAB.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MEETING.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MERCH1.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MERCHRD1.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MICHAEL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MICHELLE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MIKE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MILES.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MINE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MISSBRO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MLCORIDR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MLMED.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MLOPS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MLPRISON.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MOATGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MODREACT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MORBCOOL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MORBID.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MORPCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MORPH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MRHANDYA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MRHANDYC.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MSTMERCH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MUTANT2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MUTANT3.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MUTANT4.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MUTANT5.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MUTDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MUTEJAR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MUTFRUIT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MVAIRLOC.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MVBSHELF.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MVCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MVNEWS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MVNUKE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MVRCRDOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/MVSCTSHF.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/NDEBRIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French 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FIXT Dialog only v1/PEASANTC.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PEASANTD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PENSMELL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PERNPWR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PETER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PETROX.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PHIL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PLEASANT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/POWERMUT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PRAYING.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PRISONR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/PSYCHIC.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/QUARTERS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/RADIO.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/RADIOCOM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/RADSCORP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/RAE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/RAIDGRD.MSG new file: 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file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SETGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SETH.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SETH2.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SETSCTDR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SHACK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SHADDESK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SHADYRUG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SHADYWST.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SHARK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SHERRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SID.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SINK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SINTHIA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SKUMDOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SLAPPY.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SLUMMER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SMELL.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/SMITTY.MSG new file: 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v1/VANCE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VANHAG.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VASQUEZ.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VATALERT.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VATSIGN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VATTEAM9.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VATWARN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VBOOM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VBROKELV.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VCOMPOP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VCONCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VCONDOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VICTOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VINNIE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VIOLA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VLASER.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VMONOWIR.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VPLASMA.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VREE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VREEDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/VSGTEAM9.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WEAPSYS.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WIFE.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WMCARVN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WMGROUP.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WOMEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WORKROOM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WTRGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WTRMGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/WTRTHIEF.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/YOURROOM.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ZACK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ZARK.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/ZAX.MSG new file: FRENCH/French FIXT Dialog only v1/crvnteam.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/AGATHA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/ALAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/AMBER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/BGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/CARVLEAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/HEATHER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/IAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/JAKE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/JULIANNA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/JUNKDOG.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/KATJA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/MARNEY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/MICHAEL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/MICHELLE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/MSTMERCH.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/NEIL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/NICOLE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/OBJ_DUDE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/PETER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/RAZOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/TANDI.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/TYCHO.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/UTHERN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/barter.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/beca.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/crvnteam.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/dolgan.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/dragon.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/elder.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/fire.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/hunter.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/lex.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/maxson.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/romero.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/scsupmut.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/shadywst.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/dialog/test.msg new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/game/COMBATAI.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/game/PIPBOY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta3_v2_TeamX_ v1.3.5_French_by Ultramedecine -- compare to 'original French' folder, 40 files/game/SCRNAME.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/CUTS/OVRINTRO.SVE new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ABEL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ADYTOWNR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/AGATHA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/AIRGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ALAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ALEX.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ALLNONE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ALYA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/AMBER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ANDREW.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ARADESH.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ARMOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ARTIFACT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ASSBLOW.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/AVERY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BARFLY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BARRACUS.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BARRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BARTER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BECA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BILL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BILLY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BITSBOB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BLADE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BLAST.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BOB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BOBDOUG.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BOBSIGN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BONEBODY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BOSLORRI.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BOXGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BRENDEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BULLBORD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BUTCH.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BYCHRIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BYGREG.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/BYMIKE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CABBOT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CALDER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CALEB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CALLY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CARCUST.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CARDRVR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CARGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CARVLEAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CATHSHOP.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CCVAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHAIR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHANTER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHDGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHDSCOUT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHEPSLOT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHIDGAB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHIDNITE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHIDSCOL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHILD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHILDMEM.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHILDRN1.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHILDRN2.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHOCTECH.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CHUCK.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CINDY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CITIZEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CLEO.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CODEDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/COMMAND.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/COOK.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/COUGAR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/COW.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CRASHBOX.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CRASHRM.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CRVNDRVR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/CURTIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DANE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DANWIFE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DARL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DARREL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DCMUTANT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEADBRO.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEADGUY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEALER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DECKER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DECKGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMETRE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMOCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMOCRYP.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMODOG.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMOFOOL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMOGEN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMOPEAS.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEMOPHIL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DEPFRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DIANA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DISKA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DISKD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DOCLOCKR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DOCWU.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DOGMEAT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DOLGAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DOOR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DOORCODE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DRAGON.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DUC.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/DUGAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/ENEMY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FALCON1.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FARLI.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FEMFARMR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FEVDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FGTCARVN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FGTGARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FGTRTNVN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FIRE.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FISHRMAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FISHRSON.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FLASH.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FLIP.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FLSUPMUT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FOLGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FOLINIT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FOLINVAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FOLSCHOL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FOLSCOUT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FORCCOMP.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FRANCIS.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FREEZER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/FRY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GABRIEL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GAMBLER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GANGER.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GAR2.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GARL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GARRET.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GARY.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GATEDEMO.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENCHANT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENCHAT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENCOP.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENDISK.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENERIC.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENFGT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENGAMBL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENGHOUL.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENGLOW1.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENGRDA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENGRDB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENKNIGH.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENMERCA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENMERCB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENMUTAN.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENPALA.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENPALAD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENPALB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENRAID2.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENRAIDB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENRAIDR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENSARG.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENSCRIB.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENSKAG.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENSKULZ.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENSUPR.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GENVAULT.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GHDORGRD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/GHGUARD.MSG new file: FRENCH/PNOF1_beta_French -- compare to 'original French' folder, 482 files/DIALOG/…
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CZECH/Czech translation changelog.TXT

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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
FALLOUT CZ update v.1.0.3
Rozbalte do adres��e, kde je Fallout nainstalov�n, a p�epi�te v�echny soubory. N�sledn� otev�ete soubor 'FALLOUT.CFG' a p�epi�te (nebo dopl�te) v sekci [SYSTEM] polo�ky 'critter_patches' a 'master_patches' tak, aby obsahovaly cestu k adres��i DATA, kter� se nach�z� v adres��i, kde je Fallout nainstalov�n. Ve h�e pak nezapom��te zapnout titulky.
Co update opravuje?
Odpov�di str�n�mu Pahork� v noci
�pravy v dialogu Loxleye
Popis cesty k Beth od Far Go Traders
Nelogick� "Nevad�" ve spoust� dialog�
"Jsi v�t�n" u Taluse
Dal�� drobn� �pravy
Odstra�uje "pozn�mky p�ekl." z pipboye
N�zev lokace na map� (Kl�ter m�sto Kr�ter).
"Mu�sk� rod" u Beth v Hubu.
Stylizaci n�kter�ch jin�ch dialog�.
P�ejeme skv�lou z�bavu
V� Level
Q: Kde bych sehnal origin�lku anglick�ho Fallouta?
A: Fallout vy�el jako p��loha k Levelu 6-99. Pokud ho nem�te, m��ete si ho objednat v Chip Shopu - adresa Sokolovsk� 73, Praha 8, 18621 tel. (02) 21808900
Q: Kde bych na�el na tuto skv�lou hru n�vod?
A: Velice obs�hl� n�vod v �e�tin� najdete na adrese nebo na Level CD 7-99
Q: Fallout mi stra�n� pad�. Co s t�m?
A: Bohu�el Fallout opravdu na n�kter�ch po��ta��ch z nezn�m�ch d�vod� abnorm�ln� pad�. Pokud je to v� p��pad, zkuste maxim�ln� instalaci, instalaci dosov� verze (z CD souborem INSTALL.EXE), odstran�n� adres��e DATA\ART, ve kter�m jsou po�e�t�n� bitmapy hern�ho interfacu, �i zv��it hodnotu ART_CACHE_SIZE pod polo�kou [system] v souboru FALLOUT.CFG. Na disku byste m�li m�t minim�ln� 150 MB voln�ho m�sta. Pad�n� nen� zp�sobeno chybou p�i p�ekladu. Ten, kdo p�ijde na n�jak� univerz�ln� �e�en�, m� u n�s fla�ku!


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{100}{}{You see the Doctor's assistant.}
{179}{}{You should see the Doctor.}
{180}{}{She's the Doctor, not me.}
{181}{}{I'm only in training.}
{182}{}{I can't help you, officially.}
{183}{}{Lori's the Doctor.}
{184}{}{You have to ask the Doctor.}
{185}{}{Don't worry, she's just a kidder.}
{186}{}{She just likes to tease, don't worry.}


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
{100}{}{You see the Brotherhood's Doctor.}
{102}{}{Hello, how can I help you?}
{103}{}{I'm injured.}
{104}{}{I'm radiated.}
{105}{}{Do you do operations?}
{106}{}{Tell me about the operations again.}
{108}{}{Are you injured? Let's see...}
{109}{}{That was the problem. There you go. Be more careful out there.}
{110}{}{Sorry, I can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong.}
{111}{}{ You seem fine.}
{112}{}{There you are. I hope you feel better.}
{113}{}{There you go, but stop getting into fights.}
{114}{}{That should've fixed you up.}
{115}{}{Good as new.}
{116}{}{All healed up.}
{117}{}{Radiation is very dangerous; you should be more careful.}
{118}{}{I don't have the time for games.}
{119}{}{But of course, but it's very costly and time consuming.}
{121}{}{Okay, never mind.}
{122}{}{Well, I can help make you stronger, more perceptive, increase
your endurance, help improve your learning process, and
increase your dexterity. Which would you like more
information on? I can only do each operation once.}
{126}{}{Okay, which operation did you want to talk about?}
{132}{}{Never mind.}
{133}{}{That's easy to do but there's a long recovery time. It only
costs 2000 scripts but takes 3 weeks to heal.}
{135}{}{I'll do it!}
{136}{}{I'll pass.}
{137}{}{Now that's a difficult operation. It costs 4000 scripts, but
the recovery from this operation is only a week.}
{139}{}{This one's not that difficult. It takes about a week and
will cost 3000 scripts.}
{141}{}{This is the most complex and dangerous! It'll take 3 weeks
and costs 6000 scripts.}
{143}{}{This isn't that tough of an operation but it is very costly
and time consuming. It will take 3 weeks and cost 5000
{146}{}{Okay, there you go. I hope the foam didn't irritate your skin.}
{147}{}{I'm sorry I can't help you if you don't have the money.}
{148}{}{I'm sorry, but you are an outsider. After you're in the
Brotherhood for ten years or so I'll be able to do the
operation for free, but we have expenses and you're not a
regular working member of the Brotherhood, yet.}
{149}{}{Let me know when you have the funds.}
{153}{}{Did you want to ask about another one?}
{154}{}{Okay, here goes nothing... Just kidding. We can start right
away. (She gases you and you slowly slip away.)}
{156}{}{So how are we feeling? (You can already tell the difference.)
You're quite a talkative person in your sleep. You're free
to go! Good day.}
{159}{}{Out with the old and in with the new... (You drop like a rock
into an abyss.)}
{161}{}{You look exactly the same, but how do you feel? (All of your
senses feel much sharper.) Well, you're taking up valuable
bed space. Get going!}
{164}{}{I hope you have a heart... (She winks at you as you fall
{166}{}{Well, you look a little bulkier. (You feel great!) Well, let
me know if there are any problems.}
{168}{}{Now where's the brain again? What's this thing supposed to do?
(You try to fight the drugs but it's a losing battle.)}
{170}{}{Well, it looks like I got it all back in and everything's
running great. (It's as if the pathways of your thoughts
have direct links to everywhere in your head and your
memories are much crisper.) Take it easy.}
{174}{}{All right, let's give it a spin. (The drugs, are so...
friendly. Your slumber comes quickly.)}
{176}{}{Okay you're ready for duty. (You flex your muscles and can
feel the increased speed and control.) All I ask of you is
to please not damage my masterpiece.}
{200}{}{You see the Doctor's assistant.}
{279}{}{You should see the Doctor.}
{280}{}{She's the Doctor, not me.}
{281}{}{I'm only in training.}
{282}{}{I can't help you, officially.}
{283}{}{Lori's the Doctor.}
{284}{}{You have to ask the Doctor.}
{285}{}{Don't worry, she's just a kidder.}
{286}{}{She just likes to tease, don't worry.}
{300}{}{I'm sorry but this operation will not help you.}
{400}{}{Hmmm. If anyone here needs an Intelligence Enhancement, it
would be you. In fact, I'll do it for 3000 caps instead of the 6000
you would normally need for the operation. I can't guarantee that it
will help you, but I think it would be worth a try. It will also
take 3 weeks of recovery time. You probably don't understand this
though, do you?}
{401}{}{Me want smart.}
{402}{}{No want.}
{403}{}{Are you radiated or hurt? I'll help you if I can.}
{404}{}{mE hUrt.}
{405}{}{hAir faLl ouT.}
{407}{}{Ok. You're awake. Let's see here. Do you feel any smarter?}
{410}{}{Damn! It was a failure. Well I didn't have much to work with.
Sorry, you're just an idiot and will most likely remain an idiot. We
can only do the operation once, sorry to say.}
{411}{}{It was a success! I was able to increase your IQ to an acceptable
level. How does it feel to have half a brain?}
{412}{}{It's great. Thanks, Doc. Bye.}
{413}{}{There you go. All better}


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{105}{}{Razor's the name. I'm the closest thing we have to a leader.}
{106}{}{So you are the leader of this gang?}
{107}{}{What's the story with the Fenced area to the south?}
{108}{}{Good to meet you. I'm NAME.}
{108}{}{Good to meet you. I'm }
{109}{}{Good to meet you. But I must be going.}
{110}{}{Gang? We're hardly a gang. But I am the leader here.}
{111}{}{If you're not a gang, then what are you?}

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