The processor in compliance with the open RISC-V standard is designed using the hardware description language – VHDL
. The focus was on addressing the challenge of verifying the correctness and functionality of the designed RISC-V processor through simulation
and testing
, ensuring that it meets RISC-V – RV32IMZicsr
specifications and architectural requirements.
The processor designed has the classical pipeline implementation of five stages, with the unit for data forwarding, simple dynamic branch prediction, the handling of precise exceptions and interrupts, as well as the Wishbone interface for data and instructions.
The processor has been integrated into a SoC architecture to include embedded peripherals and experiment with various functionalities. The goal is to explore the interaction between the processor and its peripherals. This integration provides a platform to experiment with processor and peripheral interactions, such as handling Interrupts, Programmed I/O, and peripheral control.
The wishbone interconnect has been autogenerated using Wishbone interconnect utilities.
For simulation Verilator has been used for different reasons like:
- Easier to write testbenches in C++.
- Easier to integrate third party libraries like vidbo.
- Open-Source.
- Known for its speed of simulation.
The goal of user simulation
is to interact with the virtual board the same as we would with the physical board. Since the processor is designed in VHDL and Verilator supports Verilog
, we used GHDL where the VHDL source code gets translated to a module Verilog netlist.
Vidbo uses websockets to handle the input and output, in our case the web browser handles the user interactions and over websockets that information is sent to the C++
code in Verilator that simulates the chip.
The example
provided in Vidbo
was used and modified for our use cases.
GTKWave was used during debuggingg, when something was not working as it should, GTKWave made it possible to view the waveforms of the signals and find in which digital logic block the issue was.
e8: 00000993 li s3, 0
000000ec <count_loop>:
ec: 01342023 sw s3,0(s0)
f0: 00198993 add s3,s3,1
f4: 0072a023 sw t2,0(t0)
f8: 01c2a023 sw t3,0(t0)
The software examples are located at sw/examples/
, to run lets say led_example
- First step
$ cd sw/examples/led_example
$ make
This step converts the C code to RISC-V machine code. And autogenerates a VHDL memory file, that will be used to initialzie the ROM of the SoC.
- Second step
$ cd vidbo
$ make clean && make -j12
This step runs Verilator, which performs a cycle-accurate simulation of the hardware we have described. It compiles the digital design into C++ code, allowing us to simulate the behavior of the hardware alongside the software.
- Third step
$ ./Vrvsocsim
- Fourth step
$ python -m http.server --directory nexys-board
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...
The fourth step starts the http
server, with the resources in directory nexys-board, then opening the URL in any browser, we can interact with the virtual Nexys board.
It has been implemented in a Nexys4 DDR FPGA
with a maximum operating frequency of 50 MHz
In Vivado import the project using the tcl
file located in rtl/vivado/nexys4_ddr
Vivado can be used to generate the bitstream and program Nexys4 DDR. To run the software examples in Nexys4, follow the first two steps as with simulation, then in Vivado simply run
the project.
RISCOF is used in order to test the RISC-V Processor for compatibility to the RISC-V user and privileged ISA specifications. In riscv-target
directory is the implementation needed to run the RISC-V Architecture Test SIG, the comparison of the signatures for the core designed is done in reference to RISCV Sail Model.
Resource | Utilization | Available | Utilization % |
LUT | 2545 | 63400 | 4.01 |
LUTRAM | 172 | 19000 | 0.91 |
FF | 1419 | 126800 | 1.12 |
DSP | 8 | 240 | 3.33 |
IO | 175 | 210 | 83.33 |
In the software examples, you can find the CoreMark benchmark, which when run using dp_rom
and compiler optimization flags, the result was 0.9 CM/MHz