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714 lines (521 loc) · 36.1 KB

Tech Discuss

Tech Discuss is a website where people can talk about all things tech. It's a great place to find information and advice on all things related to technology. This is a site for people who are interested in technology. To be able to come together and report on the latest things that have happened in technology. Users can start discussions about different tech-related topics by posting their thoughts on these topics. Other users can then join in on these discussions by commenting on the posts.

The live link can be found here -

TD website responsive mockup

User Experience

User Stories

I made user stories to plan and develop the functionality of the website. Each user story was separated into Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have categories to help determine what was most important to focus on or leave out when building the website.

1. Must-Have

  • Upvote Posts: As a Site User I can upvote a post so that it indicates that I agree with it

  • Comment on a post: As a Site User I can write comments on a post so that I participate in the discussion

  • View post list: As a Site User I can look through a list of posts so that I can find which ones I want to view

  • Filter Categories: As a Site User I can filter posts by category so that I only see those that are relevant to me

  • Open a post: As a Site User I can click on a post so that I can see the entire post, including upvotes and comments on a separate page

  • Make a post: As a Site User I can create my own post so that I can receive upvotes and comments for posting it

  • Account registration: As a Site User I can register for an account so that I can make posts, comments, and upvote.

  • Manage Website Content: As a Site Admin I can delete user posts and comments so that the website is free of objective content

  • Profile page: As a Site User I can view my profile page so that I can see my information, posts, and comments

  • Notification Messages: As a Site User I can receive a message after I make a post, comment, sign up, login, or logout so that I know it was done successfully

2. Should-Have

  • Downvote Posts: As a Site User I can downvote a post so that it indicates that I disagree with it

  • Image post: As a Site User I can post an image so that I receive upvotes and comments for posting an image

  • User Managed Posts: As a Site User I can edit and delete my posts so that I can manage the posts I've contributed to the site

  • User Managed Comments: As a Site User I can edit and delete my comments so that I can manage the comments I've contributed to the site

  • Search for a post: As a Site User I can search for posts so that I can find a specific post

3. Could Have

  • Video post: As a Site User I can post a video so that I can receive upvotes and comments for posting video

  • Allow Social login: As a Site User I can register or login with my social account so that I don't have to create a new account

  • Password and Username reset: As a Site User I can reset my password/username so that I keep my account secure

  • View other users profile page: As a Site User I can look at another user's profile so that I can see their posts and comments

  • Delete own account: As a Site User I can delete my account so that I can remove all of my content as well as my profile from the website

  • Back to top button: As a Site User I can click a button to take me back to the post at the top of the page so that I can get to the top without having to scroll

  • Error Notification Messages: As a Site User I can receive an error message after I make mistake on a post, comment, sign up, or login so that I know it was not successful

4. Won’t Have

  • Dark mode: As a Site User I can set the website to dark mode so that I don’t strain my eyes

23 user stories in total composed of 10 Must-Have, 5 Should Have, 7 Could Have, and 1 Won’t Have. Must Haves make up 43% of the total user stories.


Colour Scheme

The website colours used are black, white and blue colours that contrast well with each other. I verified this using Adobe color. Colour contrast image

  • The navbar uses a white background with black text
  • The main website background used the blue colour
  • The card items are white and their contrast with blue makes for a satisfying look
  • Buttons are blue or black depending on their function. Blue usually edit buttons and black for everything else.
  • Footer is white


The website uses Helvetica Neue as the main font-family and it is supplied by Bootstrap default.


Wireframes were made with Figma to get a better idea on how things would look layout-wise on the website. The website is meant to look similar to Reddit, as it is a news posting website based on Reddit there are cards with post content inside them just like Reddit. wireframe


The projects feature on GitHub was used to create a Kanban board that lists all of the user stories. Each user story has a task that the user might be able to do on the website once the functionality has been added. All the must have user stories have been completed and the some of the user stories that are should have and could have will get implemented in the future when there is more time. User story kanban

Completed User Stories

1. Must Have

  • Upvote Posts: As a Site User I can upvote a post so that it indicates that I agree with it.
  • Comment on a post: As a Site User I can write comments on a post so that I participate in the discussion
  • View post list: As a Site User I can look through a list of posts so that I can find which ones I want to view
  • Filter Categories: As a Site User I can filter posts by category so that I only see those that are relevant to me
  • Open a post: As a Site User I can click on a post so that I can see the entire post, including upvotes and comments on a separate page
  • Make a post: As a Site User I can create my own post so that I can receive upvotes and comments for posting it
  • Account registration: As a Site User I can register for an account so that I can make posts, comments, and upvote.
  • Manage Website Content: As a Site Admin I can delete user posts and comments so that the website is free of objective content
  • Profile page: As a Site User I can view my profile page so that I can see my information, posts, and comments
  • Notification Messages: As a Site User I can receive a message after I make a post, comment, sign up, login, or logout so that I know it was done successfully

2. Should-Have

  • User Managed Posts: As a Site User I can edit and delete my posts so that I can manage the posts I've contributed to the site
  • User Managed Comments: As a Site User I can edit and delete my comments so that I can manage the comments I've contributed to the site
  • Search for a post: As a Site User I can search for posts so that I can find a specific post

3. Could-Have

  • View other users profile page: As a Site User I can look at another user's profile so that I can see their posts and comments

Unompleted User Stories

1. Should-Have

  • Downvote Posts: As a Site User I can downvote a post so that it indicates that I disagree with it
  • Image post: As a Site User I can post an image so that I receive upvotes and comments for posting an image

2. Could Have

  • Video post: As a Site User I can post a video so that I can receive upvotes and comments for posting video
  • Allow Social login: As a Site User I can register or login with my social account so that I don't have to create a new account
  • Password and Username reset: As a Site User I can reset my password/username so that I keep my account secure
  • Delete own account: As a Site User I can delete my account so that I can remove all of my content as well as my profile from the website
  • Back to top button: As a Site User I can click a button to take me back to the post at the top of the page so that I can get to the top without having to scroll
  • Error Notification Messages: As a Site User I can receive an error message after I make mistake on a post, comment, sign up, or login so that I know it was not successful

3. Won't-Have

  • Dark mode: As a Site User I can set the website to dark mode so that I don’t strain my eyes

Data Model

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD


User Model

  • User model is automatically generated by Django when a user creates their account.

Topic Model

  • Topics are created by the admin user using superuser access to the admin interface. With this only the admin is capable of creating topics.
  • The name attribute has a character field that allows the admin write a name for the topic.

Post Model

  • Post model allows users to make posts as authors
  • The title attribute has character field for users to be able to write a title for their post.
  • The slug attribute has slug field that will slugify title of the post so it shows in the url
  • The author attribute has a foreign key field that has a relationship with the User model id attribute.
  • The topic attribute has a foreign key field that has a relationship with the Topic model id attribute.
  • The updated_on attribute has a datetime field that will show the date when the post was edited
  • The content attribute has a text filed for users to be able to write text content in their post.
  • The created_on attribute has a datetime field that will show the date when the post was made.

Comment Model

  • The post attribute has a foreign key field that has a relationship with the Post model id attribute.
  • The user attribute has a foreign key field that has a relationship with the User model id attribute.
  • The body attribute has a text field for users to be able to write a comment.
  • The created_on attribute has a DateTime field that will show the date when the comment was created.

Upvote Model

  • The user and post attributes have many to many relationship with the User model id and Post model id
  • Allows users to put upvotes on a post


The SQL Relational database used was PostgreSQL

Technologies Used

languages used


Version Control


Test Responsiveness

Site Design







Manual Testing


Test Action Expected Result Pass
Logo Click “Tech Discuss” Sends user to the home page
Plus Icon Click “Plus Icon” Sends user to the post create page
Home Click “Home” Sends user to the home page
Profile Click “Profile” Sends user to the profile page
Logout Click “Logout” Sends user to the sign out page
Search Search for a post Displays posts related to the search
Sign up Click “Sign up” Sends user to the sign up page
Login Click “Login” Sends user to the sign in page
Plus Visit page logged in Displays plus icon
Profile Visit page logged in Displays profile
Logout Visit page logged in Displays logout
Plus Visit page not logged in Hides plus icon
Profile Visit page not logged in Hides profile
Logout Visit page not logged in Hides logout
Sign up Visit page not logged in Displays sign up
Login Visit page not logged in Displays login
Sign up Visit page logged in Hides sign up
Login Visit page logged in Hides login
Home Tablet/ mobile screen view logged in Hides Home in navigation bar
Profile Tablet/ mobile screen view logged in Hides Profile in navigation bar
Logout Tablet/ mobile screen view logged in Hides Logout in navigation bar
Sign up Tablet/ mobile screen view unauthorised Hides Sign up in navigation bar
Login Tablet/ mobile screen view unauthorised Hides Login in navigation bar


Test Action Expected Result Pass
Create Post button Click “Create Post button” Sends user to the post create page
User link Click “User link” Sends user to the clicked on user’s profile page
Post link Click “Post link” Sends user to the clicked on post’s display page
Edit Click “Edit” Sends user to the clicked on post’s edit page
Delete Click “Delete” Sends user to the clicked on post’s delete page
Topic Click a topic Displays posts related that topic
Create Post button Visit page logged in Displays Create Post button
Create Post button Visit page not logged in Hides Create Post button
Edit Visit page logged in Displays only on posts by logged in user
Edit Visit page logged out Hides Edit
Delete Visit page logged in Displays only on posts by logged in user
Delete Visit page logged out Hides Delete
Side panel Visit page logged in Displays only Categories
Side panel Visit page logged out Displays welcome card and Categories
Side panel mobile screen view Hides side panel

Create Post page

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Form Fill in form correctly then click post Adds a new post to the homepage
Form Leave form empty then click post Prompts user to fill in fields on form
Quick tips card Desktop view Displays Quick tips card next to form
Quick tips card Tablet/ mobile screen view Hides Quick tips card

Post display page

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Upvote click upvote logged in increments by 1
Upvote click upvote logged out nothing happens
Edit button on post Visit page logged in Displays only on posts by logged in user
Edit button on post Visit page logged out Hides Edit button
Edit button on post Click “Edit” Sends user to the clicked on post’s edit page
Delete button on post Visit page logged in Displays only on posts by logged in user
Delete button on post Visit page logged out Hides Delete button
Delete button on post Click “Delete” Sends user to the clicked on post’s delete page
Comment form Visit page logged in Displays comment form
Comment form Visit page logged out Hides comment form
Comment form Fill in form correctly then click comment Adds a new comment to that post page
Comment form Leave form empty then click comment Prompts user to fill in fields on form
Edit button in comments Visit page logged in Displays only on comments by logged in user
Edit button in comments Visit page logged out Hides Edit button
Delete button in comments Visit page logged in Displays only on comments by logged in user
Delete button in comments Visit page logged out Hides Delete button
Side panel Visit page logged in Displays only Polite reminder card
Side panel Visit page logged out Displays Welcome and Polite reminder card
Side panel Desktop screen view Displays side panel
Side panel Tablet/ mobile screen view Hides side panel

Profile page

Test Action Expected Result Pass
User link on user post Click “User link” Sends user to the clicked on user’s profile page
Post link on post Click “Post link” Sends user to the clicked on post’s display page
Edit button on post Click “Edit” Sends user to the clicked on post’s edit page
Delete button on post Click “Delete” Sends user to the clicked on post’s delete page
Edit button on post User is authorised Displays edit button
Delete button on post User is authorised Displays delete button
Edit button on post User is not authorised Hides edit button
Delete button on post User is not authorised Hides delete button

Edit post page

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Form fill in form edits posts same page, but now edited
Form leave fields empty Prompts user to fill in fields on form

Delete post page

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Go back button Click “Go back button” Sends user back to their last page
Confirm Click “Confirm” Deletes the post then redirects back to homepage

Edit comment page

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Form fill in form edits edits the comment and sends user back to the page they were on
Form leave fields empty Prompts user to fill in fields on form

Delete comment page

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Go back button Click “Go back button” Sends user back to their last page
Confirm Click “Confirm button” Deletes the comment then redirects user back to the page the comment was from

Django’s Allauth login, logout, and sign up pages

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Sign in form Fill in fields correctly then click sign in User gets logged in
Sign in form Leave fields empty then click sign in Nothing
Sign in form Fill in fields with incorrect info Prompts user to fill in fields with correct info
Sign in form Click sign up link Sends user to signup page instead
Logout form Click sing out Button signs user out
Sign up form Fill in fields correctly then click sign up Creates a new user for the website and sends them to homepage
Sign up form Leave fields empty then click sign in Nothing
Sign up form Fill in fields with incorrectly Prompts user to fill in fields correctly
Sign up form Click sign in link Sends user to sign in page instead

Django Messages

Test Action Expected Result Pass
Django Message When user Logs in Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user Logs out Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user Signs up Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user Creates a post Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user edits a post Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user deletes a post Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user Creates a comment Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user edits a comment Message pops up with a success confirmation message
Django Message When user deletes a comment Message pops up with a success confirmation message



  • Django Generic list view does a lot things that is not clear and raised errors when a page with a slug URL was clicked on. Switching to a normal view fixed the issue.

Remaining found Bugs

  • Posts and comments aren’t ordered by most recernt even though the meta class is set to order by created on date

  • Likes and Comments don't show on homepage

  • Trying to edit or delete comments on profile pages causes errors



  1. Create Repo

  2. Clone Repo

  3. Install python

  4. Install Django and the supporting libraries

    pip3 install django gunicorn
    pip3 install dj_database_url psycopg2
    pip3 install dj3-cloudinary-storage
  5. Create requirements file for Heroku

    pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
  6. Like this

  7. Create a new Django Project

    django-admin startproject <projectName>
  8. Create a new Django app

    python3 startapp <appName>
  9. Then add the new app to file

        'newapp', #new goes here
  10. Now you need to migrate changes

python3 migrate

  1. then run the project to make sure everything is working okay
python3 runserver

  1. Then you sign up or login into Heroku to create the app

  2. Create a new app on Heroku by clicking the new app button

  3. Go to the resources tab

  4. Search for ‘Heroku Postgres’

  5. Click the submit order form button

  6. Go to the settings tab

  7. Click on the reveal Config Vars button

  8. Copy the Postgres URL value to the right of the Database_url key

  9. Go back to the Django project on the code editor

  10. Create an file in the same directory as your file.

  11. Add in these environment variables for the database and secret key inside the file.

  12. Now copy the name value of your secret key and paste it into config vars on Heroku then click add.

  13. Go to the file

  14. Add these imports at the top of the file.

from pathlib import Path
import os
import dj_database_url
if os.path.isfile(''):
    import env

  1. Then go to the insecure SECRET-KEY in and change its value to target the secret key in the file instead.

  2. Then go down to the database section in Comments out the default DATABASES python dictionary with ctrl +/ then add your own database link to the file.

  3. Now you need to migrate changes again

python3 migrate

  1. You can go back to Heroku app now and click the resources tab

  2. Then click on the Heroku Postgres add-on to check that the database is working.

  3. Now you just need to log into your Cloudinary account and copy your API Emviroment Variable.

  4. Go back to the Django project then go to the file.

  5. Then paste it in as a new environment variable. Make sure to remove the Cloudinary_url= part at the beginning of the value or else it won’t be valid.

  6. Then copy the same key and value to Heroku config vars

  7. Now add another config var DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC

  8. Then go back to the Django project on your code editor. Go to the file.

  9. Add the cloudinary libraries to

     'news', #new goes here

  1. Now we just need to tell Django to use Cloudinary to store our media and static files.

  2. Go to the static files section that is near the end of the file. Then add in these links.

# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)
# <>

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')]
STATIC_ROOT = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')]

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

  1. Now you need to tell Django where the templates will be stored.

  2. Back to the top of file in the base directory section. Add the templates directory variable

# Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'.
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')

  1. Then go to the middle section in you need to find the templates list and add TEMPLATES_DIR to the DIRS KEY in the dictionary.
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [TEMPLATES_DIR],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

  1. Now go to the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable in the file and add the Heroku host name.
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['<appname>']

  1. Now you to create 3 directories; media, static, templates in the root directory.

  2. Now we nee to crate a ‘Procfile’ that contains this text

web: gunicorn <projectName>.wsgi

  1. Now you save all the files then use git to commit files to GitHub
git add. 
git commit -m "deployment commit"
git push

  1. Then we deploy to heroku

  2. Open the terminal.

command: heroku login -i

  1. Get your app name from heroku.
heroku apps

  1. Set the heroku remote. (Replace <app_name> with your actual app name and remove the <> characters)
heroku git:remote -a <app_name>

  1. Add and commit any changes to your code if applicable
command: git add . && git commit -m "Deploy to Heroku via CLI"

  1. Push to both GitHub and Heroku
git push origin main
git push heroku main



  1. Go to the file and set DEBUG to True

  2. Then below that add X_FRAME_OPTIONS = ‘SAMEORIGIN’

  3. Then you save eve thing then commit then push to GitHub

    git add .
    git commit -m "commit message"
    git push
  4. Then head over to your Heroku app on the Heroku website.

  5. Go to settings reveal config vars then remove DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC variable

  6. Then deploy to Heroku

  7. Open the terminal.

    command: heroku login -i
  8. Get your app name from Heroku.

    heroku apps
  9. Set the Heroku remote. (Replace <app_name> with your actual app name and remove the <> characters)

    heroku git:remote -a <app_name>
  10. Add and commit any changes to your code if applicable

command: git add . && git commit -m "Deploy to Heroku via CLI"

  1. Push to both GitHub and Heroku
git push origin main
git push heroku main





The posts on the website to fill it with user content came from these links