All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- CI: switch to ruff
- Ability to load a robot description at a specific commit
- Example: display all frames of a URDF description
- Recover from empty or invalid cache git repositories
- Description: B1
- Description: Z1
- A1: use original URDF from Unitree
- Updated
- iDynTree: loader now supports package directories.
- Update example-robot-data repository to v4.0.3
- CI: check code style
- Loader: iDynTree
- Description: Spryped
- Loader: RoboMeshCat
- CI: run loader tests in separate jobs (avoids a memory limit)
- Command-line: only require yourdfpy for show command
- Pinocchio: bump minimum supported version to 2.6.10
- CI: remove exceptions for bugs that have been fixed upstream
- Examples: remove exception on Crazyflie 2.0 description as it has been fixed
- Description: JAXON
- Description: Kinova Gen3
- Description: NEXTAGE
- Description: SigmaBan
- Unit tests for repository cloning
- MuJoCo examples: try
suffix rather thandescription
- Update Cassie URDF description to an MIT-licensed repository
- Shadow Hand MJCF: upstream fix to joint axes
- Update cached repository after a description was updated
- CI: check that all URDF descriptions load in yourdfpy
- Example: load in yourdfpy
- Loader: yourdfpy
- CI: check that all MJCF descriptions load in MuJoCo
- Description: BarrettHand
- Description: Eve R3
- Description: Robonaut 2
- Description: Valkyrie
- Loader: MuJoCo
- Unit tests to check that MuJoCo loads all MJCF descriptions successfully
- Cassie: update to description from MuJoCo Menagerie
- Pinocchio loader: no root joint by default
- Update MuJoCo Menagerie repository to propagate fix
- CI: check that all URDF descriptions load in PyBullet
- Description: Poppy Ergo Jr
- Description: Poppy Torso
- Loader: PyBullet
- Show description formats in
robot_descriptions list
- Unit tests to check that Pinocchio loads all descriptions successfully
- Unit tests to check that PyBullet loads all descriptions successfully
- A1: Split description again into URDF and MJCF again
- Command-line: refer to yourdfpy for animation
- eDO: update cache path to match package name
- Flatten cache directory structure
- Ginger: update cache path to match package name
- Go1: Split description again into URDF and MJCF again
- Match cache path with package name when it helps PyBullet
- Remove
- CI: check that URDF descriptions load in Pinocchio
- Description: ANYmal B MJCF
- Description: ANYmal C MJCF
- Description: Atlas v4
- Description: Fetch
- Description: Ginger
- Description: Go1
- Description: Laikago MJCF
- Description: Panda MJCF
- Description: Pepper
- Description: Robotiq 2F-85
- Description: Robotiq 2F-85 MJCF
- Description: Shadow Hand MJCF
- Description: UR5e MJCF
- Description: YuMi
- Loader: Pinocchio
- Unit test fixture for loaders
- Merge MJCF and URDF descriptions for Aliengo
- Renamed former "Atlas" description to "Atlas DRC"
- Switch to a dual MJCF/URDF descriptions for A1
- Description: Aliengo MJCF
- Description: Cassie MJCF
- Description: JVRC-1 MJCF
- Example: load in MuJoCo
- Example: load in Pinocchio
- Example: load in PyBullet
- Example: show in MeshCat
- Example: show in MuJoCo
- Example: show in PyBullet
- Example: show in yourdfpy
- New
member for each description - Support MJCF descriptions
- iCub description
- Command line usage instructions
- Upload coverage results based on
This initial release includes 33 robot descriptions:
- A1
- Aliengo
- Allegro Hand
- ANYmal B
- ANYmal C
- Atlas
- Baxter
- Bolt
- Cassie
- Crazyflie 2.0
- Double Pendulum
- e.DO
- FingerEdu
- Gen2
- HyQ
- iCub
- iiwa 14
- JVRC-1
- Laikago
- Mini Cheetah
- Minitaur
- Panda
- PR2
- Reachy
- Romeo
- Simple Humanoid
- Solo
- Upkie
- UR10
- UR3
- UR5
- Caching of git repositories
- Command line to show or animate robot descriptions
- Contributing instructions
- This changelog