Releases: Catana791/Fading-Revelations
Bundles DE
German Bundles are back!
Enjoy new and improved German translations!
This snapshot just re-arranges some blocks and items to make the research tree look better.
Also added the batter turret that pushes away enemies.
Update 1.07 - Mission HIVE!
This release adds the monstrous HIVE unit that spawns specialized support and attack units!
Thanks to Rem Armiger for the Sprites!
Further additions include minor bug changes, fixes and balance changes
Release v1.06 - Mission Strahl!
This version adds the amazing unit "Orbital Platform Strahl", a unit with heavy armor, firepower and a unit spawn ability!
Thanks to @Rem-Armiger for making the AMAZING sprite.
This version also adds:
- Uraniumrods
- Nuclear Reactor
Snapshot 21w11a
This snapshot adds the Nuclear Reactor and Uraniumrods.
It is a snapshot of v1.06 that is currently in work (no release date yet).
Bundles ES
This release adds Spanish translations for the content of the mod!
Huge thank you to Hairy Nugget for translating everything!!
Bundles DE, Iteration II
Fixed issues with ä, ü and ö and some ß's.
Fixed typos.
If you find any more typos then please let me know using the issues tab!
Thank you :)
Bundles DE
Introducing bndls_ versions!
bndls stands for bundles.
A bundle update will add translations of all of the blocks for a specific language.
This bndls update adds translations for german.
21w10a is again: 2021, Week 10, Snapshot a (=1)
I typed every single letter and the whole manually. I just realized before finishing that I could have written a JAVA script to do it for me but at that point, I was working on the translations for about 3 hours (I am from germany so the translations were not too hard of course but still, typing a whole .properties file takes time) so please excuse and report typos. I will fix them then.
Thank you :)
Snapshot 21w09a
Introducing Snapshots!:
How it works:
snpsht_21w09a for example stands for: "Snapshot 2021, Week 9". The "a" is just there in case there are multiple snapshots per week. (The second snapshot of a week would then be "b").
Snapshots introduce:
A part of an update
Fixes, Balance changes, etc.
This snapshot puts the files into their respective folders for a better overview of the repository/directory and:
Added greenhouse
Added Liquid Minigun
Added Sprinkler
Added Induced Kiln
Added King Tier II
Added S.E.H.R.O.B.B