- Update comment passed help for all functions
- Grab/use/adapt parameter help from the UWP Community Toolkit
- Consider Markdown/External help (platyPS), help link could then link to MD file on GitHub for online viewing (noice!)
- Include public function to toggle functionlevel between basic/advanced
- Need a function based way to edit other config items: default appid/applogo?
- Allow path to (supported) media files for toast audio
- Include parameter validation where appropriate
- Credential parameter was removed during re-write, is it actually needed? Consider just checking and warning, leave to user to re-run as correct account.
- Check if app id is valid, and offer to create - or otherwise provide guidance - the required registry item.
- See if anything from UWP Community Toolkit has been included that doesn't apply to Toasts and/or desktop only apps. No point exposing mobile only features, for example.
- AdaptiveGroup
- ToastGenericAttributionText
- Ensure ContextMenuItems and SelectionBoxes actually work.
- ActivationOptions