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pip install zipapps -U

Quick Start

zip as the app

  1. zipapps with requirements
    1. python3 -m zipapps -u AUTO -a -m entry:main -o app.pyz aiohttp,psutils

  2. run app.pyz
    1. python3 app.pyz

    2. cache will be unzipped to ./zipapps_cache/app

zip as the venv

  1. zipapps with requirements
    1. python3 -m zipapps -u AUTO -o venv.pyz -r requirements.txt

  2. run with venv.pyz
    1. python3 app.pyz

    2. cache will be unzipped to ./zipapps_cache/venv

Use cases

Scene-1: Package your code with requirements as a standalone application.

Package zippapps self

  1. Package with zipapps
    1. python3 -m zipapps -c -m zipapps.__main__:main -o zipapps.pyz -p /usr/bin/python3 zipapps
  2. Check whether success
    1. ./zipapps.pyz --version or python3 zipapps.pyz --version
    2. output: 2020.11.21

What do the args mean?

  1. -c / --compress
    1. whether to compress the files to reduce file size.
  2. -m / --main
    1. The main function of the application, such as package.module:function.
  3. -o / --output
    1. The path of the output file, defaults to ./app.pyz.
  4. -p / --python
    1. The path of the Python interpreter to use, defaults to null (no shebang line).
    2. With the shebang line, you can use ./zipapps.pyz instead of python3 zipapps.pyz for short.
  5. the tail zipapps arg
    1. all the unknown args will be sent to the tail of pip install .
    2. so you can use -r requirements.txt or -i here.

Scene-2: Package your code with requirements as a standalone application, but there are .pyd or .so files.

zipimport could accept .py and .pyc files but reject .pyd and .so files, so we have to unzip them and add the cache folder to sys.path, view more from the Doc.

Package psutils and check the import path

  1. Package with zipapps
    1. python3 -m zipapps -c -u psutil psutil
  2. Check whether success
    1. λ python3 app.pyz -c "import psutil;print(psutil.__file__)"
    2. output: {CWD}/zipapps_cache/app/psutil/
      1. {CWD} is the current work directory.
      2. If you didn't set -u psutil, the output will be {CWD}/app.pyz/psutil/

New args?

  1. -u / --unzip
    1. choose the files/folders to unzip while running,
    2. multiple names can be splited by the ",", like bottle,dir_name, this arg support * for glob usage,
    3. if you are not sure which to unzip, use * for all,
    4. the files/folders will not be unzipped duplicately if there is an old cache contains the same _zip_time_ file.

Scene-3: Package the main package with the requirements.txt

Similar to Scene-1, and add the package folder togather

  1. python3 -m zipapps -c -a package_name,static_file_path -m package_name.__main__:main -u=* -up "./cache" -r requirements.txt
  2. python3 app.pyz

New args, again?

  1. -up / --unzip-path
    1. If -u / --unzip arg is not null, cache files will be unzipped to the given path.
    2. Defaults to ./zipapps_cache, support TEMP/HOME/SELF as internal variables.
    3. And you can overwrite it with environment variable ZIPAPPS_CACHE or UNZIP_PATH while running.
    4. TEMP means tempfile.gettempdir()
    5. HOME means Path.home()
    6. SELF means .pyz file path
  2. -a / --add / --includes
    1. add some files/folders into zipped file, so you can unzip (or import) them (with the -u arg) while running.
    2. multiple paths will be splited by ",".

Scene-4: Package the whole requirements.txt as a zipped virtual environment

Package the requirements.txt

  1. python3 -m zipapps -c -o venv.pyz -p /usr/bin/python3 -r requirements.txt

Run script like using a python Interpreter

  1. python3 venv.pyz
    1. or ./venv.pyz

Scene-5: Package multiple requirements.txt files and import them together

Package all the requirements.txt

python3 -m zipapps -c -o venv1.pyz -p /usr/bin/python3 bottle
python3 -m zipapps -c -o venv2.pyz -p /usr/bin/python3 -u AUTO psutil

Run script with adding new path to sys.path, unzip files/folders if necessary

There are 3 ways to active PYTHONPATH below

  1. [Easy] After 2020.12.27 version, you can use --zipapps arg for other pyz files.

python3 venv1.pyz --zipapps="venv2.pyz" -c "import bottle,psutil;print(bottle.__file__,psutil.__file__)"

  1. Activate pyz files if unzip is no null
import os
import sys

# reset the unzip cache path to temp dir
os.environ['ZIPAPPS_CACHE'] = 'TEMP/_cache'
# add new import paths
sys.path.insert(0, 'venv1.pyz')
sys.path.insert(0, 'venv2.pyz')

import bottle
# unzip psutil for importing
import ensure_venv2  # or import ensure_zipapps_venv2
import psutil

print(bottle.__file__)  # venv1.pyz/
print(psutil.__file__)  # /tmp/_cache/venv2/psutil/
  1. Use the activate function in any zipapps zipped file
    1. or use the activate function of zipapps.activate_zipapps if zipapps has been installed:
      1. from zipapps import activate

import os
import sys

# reset the unzip cache path to temp dir
os.environ['ZIPAPPS_CACHE'] = 'TEMP/_cache'
print(sys.path)  # old sys.path including cwd path at index 0
# add PYTHONPATH to import activate_zipapps
sys.path.insert(0, 'venv1.pyz')
print(sys.path)  # including `venv1.pyz` at index 0
from activate_zipapps import activate

print(sys.path)  # absolute path of `venv1.pyz` has been insert to index 0
print(sys.path)  #  $(TEMP)/_cache/venv2 and absolute path of `venv2.pyz` added

View more

python3 -m zipapps -h

Using as the venv zip file example

As you see, import ensure_zipapps_bottle_env only works for packaging with a non-null unzip arg.

If you don't need to unzip any files/folders, sys.path.append('app.pyz') is enough.

WARNING: multiple pyz files for venv, you need to ensure each file by special name like import ensure_zipapps_{output_file_name}(such as import ensure_zipapps_bottle) instead of import ensure_zipapps.

zip env as usual:
python3 -m zipapps -u bottle -o bottle_env.pyz bottle
import sys

# add `bottle_env.pyz` as import path

# now import bottle to see where it located

import bottle
# yes, it's in the bottle_env.pyz: bottle_env.pyz/

# now `import ensure_zipapps` to activate the unzip step
import ensure_zipapps_bottle_env

# reload bottle module to check if the location of bottle changed
import importlib

# now import bottle to see where it located
# yes again, it changed to the unzip path: zipapps_cache/bottle_env/


  1. How to zip apps with C-Lib requirements for zipimport ingore .pyd, .so files?
    1. as
    2. we can unzip those packages in temp dirs with -u args
    3. python3 -m zipapps -c -u selectolax selectolax

    4. python3 app.pyz

  2. How to avoid unlimited unzip cachefolder size growth?
    1. There is a null file named like zip-time in zip files and unzip folders
    2. The cache with same zip-time will not be unzipped duplicately.
  3. PYTHONPATH between zipapps's zip file and global python environment?
    1. If you set -spp for strict PYTHONPATH, you will not use the global PYTHONPATH.
    2. else you will use global libs as a second choice.
  4. How to use multiple venv pyz files in one script?
    1. os.environ['UNZIP_PATH'] = '/tmp/unzip_caches'
      1. or os.environ['ZIPAPPS_CACHE'] = '/tmp/unzip_caches'
    2. sys.path.insert(0, 'PATH_TO_PYZ_1')
    3. sys.path.insert(0, 'PATH_TO_PYZ_2')
    4. import ensure_zipapps_{output_name_2}
      1. only if app2 needs to unzip files while running


  • Zip pure python code without cache folder while running.
    • pure python code will not unzip anything by default.
  • Zip files/folders by your choice, and unzip which you want.
    • files/libs/folders will be unzip to -up/--unzip-path, default is ./zipapps_cache while running.
    • unzip_path could use the given variable HOME / TEMP / SELF, for example
      • HOME/cache => ~/cache folder
      • TEMP/cache => /tmp/cache in linux
        • or C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\cache in win32
      • SELF/cache => app.pyz/../cache
        • SELF equals to the parent folder of pyz file
    • or you can reset a new path with environment variable UNZIP_PATH or ZIPAPPS_CACHE
      • have a try:
        • linux: python3 -m zipapps -u bottle -o bottle_env.pyz bottle&&export UNZIP_PATH=./tmp&&python3 bottle_env.pyz -c "import bottle;print('here is bottle unzip position:', bottle.__file__)"
        • win: python3 -m zipapps -u bottle -o bottle_env.pyz bottle&&set UNZIP_PATH=./tmp&&python3 bottle_env.pyz -c "import bottle;print('here is bottle unzip position:', bottle.__file__)"
  • Zip the dynamic modules (.pyd, .so) which zipimport not support.
    • package with -u for these libs.
  • Reuse the unzip cache folder for the same zip timestamp.
    • zip-timestamp will play as a build_id
  • Use like a venv or interpreter with python3 ./env.pyz, will enjoy the PYTHONPATH of env.pyz.
    • package without -m arg, then run codes in Popen.
  • Fix psutil ImportError of DLL loading.
    • package with -ss to use Popen instead of import directly.
  • Support import pyz as venv zip file.
    • activate auto-unzip by import ensure_zipapps after sys.path.append("app.pyz")
      • or active with accurate import import ensure_zipapps_bottle_env while activating multiple environments
      • or run python3 ./app.pyz directly.
    • view the example below for more infomation.
  • Support compile to pyc for better performance.
    • activate compile by --compile or -cc.
    • but __pycache__ folder in zip file will not work,
    • so you can unzip them by --unzip=xxx,
    • to check whether pyc worked by import bottle;print(bottle.__cached__)
  • Support build_id to skip duplicate builds.
    • using like python3 -m zipapps -b requirements.txt -r requirements.txt
    • python3 -m zipapps, -r requirements.txt
    • python3 -m zipapps --build-id=./*.py -r requirements.txt
    • python3 -m zipapps --build-id=efdd0a5584169cdf791 -r requirements.txt
    • python3 -m zipapps --build-id=version1.0 -r requirements.txt
  • A simple way to active multiple zipped venv pyz files.
  • Support auto-check .pyd/.so to be unzipped.
  • Combile multiple pyz files.