When performing an upgrade, NCN image customization and node personalization must be performed with the NCN worker node image to ensure the appropriate CFS layers are applied.
This step involves configuring CFS to use the default sat bootprep
files from the hpc-csm-software-recipe
repository and rebuilding the NCN worker nodes so they boot the newly customized image.
The following procedure describes how to access the CFS configuration. This procedure is used for both image customization and node personalization of NCNs.
) Set up a script to obtain thecrayvcs
user password from the Kubernetes secret.cat > vcs-creds-helper.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash kubectl get secret -n services vcs-user-credentials -o jsonpath={.data.vcs_password} | base64 -d EOF chmod u+x vcs-creds-helper.sh export GIT_ASKPASS="$PWD/vcs-creds-helper.sh"
) Clone the software recipe repo from the local Version Control Service (VCS).git clone https://[email protected]/vcs/cray/hpc-csm-software-recipe.git
) Change the current directory to the cloned repository.cd hpc-csm-software-recipe
) (Optional) Disable the pager for Git command output.export GIT_PAGER=
) Show the remote branches.git branch -r
) Check out the branch for the installed version.git checkout cray/hpc-csm-software-recipe/22.11
) List the defaultsat bootprep
input files in this repository:ls bootprep