An example of an autoscale group consisting and Amazon Linux 2 instances.
We use user-data scripts to install the sensor during initialisation and autoscale Lifecycle hooks to remove the instance from the Falcon Console when it is terminated.
Create s3 bucket
Upload lambda files contained in the lambda directory to the bucket
The lambda files required are
Upload the relevant Agent install file for Amazon AMI to the same bucket
Create API keys in falcon console for managing hosts
Complete the CFT
- Template will deploy an ASG with a host count of one. An example install script using "user-data" is included.
- The install script will pull the install file from the s3 bucket.
- API keys are stored in Env variables in lambda but should be stored in SSM parameter store for production
- Lambda Instance lifecycle hooks are used to remove the host from the falcon console when it is terminated.
CFT - UserData
Fn::Base64: !Sub |
echo 'Starting'
REGION=`curl|grep region|awk -F\" '{print $4}'`
echo $REGION
echo 'Configuring region'
aws configure set region $REGION
aws s3 cp s3://${FalconInstallerBucket}/${FalconFileName} ./
yum install ${FalconFileName} -y
eval /opt/CrowdStrike/falconctl -s --cid="${CCID}"
#Starting Falcon sensor
if [[ -L "/sbin/init" ]]
systemctl start falcon-sensor
sudo service falcon-sensor start
cd /var/tmp
# Verification
if [[ -n $(ps -e | grep falcon-sensor) ]]
echo "Successfully finished installation..."
echo "Installation failed..."
exit 1
The CrowdStrike customer ID is passed from the input parameters, this could be stored in the the ssm parameter store if required.
eval /opt/CrowdStrike/falconctl -s --cid="${CCID}"
The location and name of the install file is passed from the input parameters.
aws s3 cp s3://${FalconInstallerBucket}/${FalconFileName} ./
Lambda Function For simplicity the CrowdStrike API keys are stored in Environment variables.
client_id = os.environ['Falcon_ClientID']
client_secret = os.environ['Falcon_Secret']
Code is included that would allow the lambda function to fetch the values from the ssm parameter store if required