- /power ---- Start/Stop Badboy Entirely
- /aoe ------- Toggles AoE Modes
- /cooldowns -- Toggles Cooldowns
- /pause ---- Stop attacking
Old standar UnitBuff
UnitBuffID(UnitID, SpellID, Filter) - 1/nil
Returns 1 if Buff found on target
UnitDebuffID(UnitID, SpellID, Filter) - 1/nil
Returns 1 if Debuff found on target
CAN - Booleans
canAttack(Unit1,Unit2) - Bool
Returns true if Unit1 can attack Unit2
canDispel(Unit,spellID) - Bool
Retruns true if the Unit have a valid Dispel
canHeal(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if we can heal that Unit
canInterrupt(spellID,percentint) - Bool
Returns true if we can Interrupt that target
canPrepare() - Bool
Returns true if ready to buff(ooc)
canRun() - Bool
Returns true if we can Run profile(incombat)
canUse(itemID) - Bool
Returns true if the item can be used
CAST - Function Methods
Used to cast Spells on ground. Returns true if everything passes.
Used to ground cast between yourself and target. Returns true if everything passes.
Used to ground cast between lowest br.friend members. Returns true if everything passes.
castSpell(Unit,SpellID,FacingCheck,MovementCheck,SpamAllowed,KnownSkip) Used to cast Spells. Returns true if everything passes.
GET - Mixed
getAllies(Target,Radius) - Table
Returns a table of the allies found within Radius of the target
getBuffRemain(Unit,BuffID) - Num
Returns how long remain on this Unit buff.
getBuffStacks(Unit,BuffID) - Num
Returns number of stacks of this Units buff.
getCombatTime() - Num
Returns time since combat started.
getCreatureType(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if Unit is not a pet battle or a totem.
getCombo() - Num
Returns combo points on current target.
getDebuffRemain(Unit,DebuffID) - Num
Returns how long remain on this Units Debuff.
getDebuffStacks(Unit,DebuffID) - Num
Returns number of stacks of this Units Debuff.
getDistance(Unit1,Unit2) - Num
Returns distance to target in yards.
getEnemies(Target,Radius) - Table
Returns a table of the Enemies found within Radius of the target
getFacing(Unit1,Unit2) - Bool
Returns true if Unit1 is facing Unit2
getFallTime() - Num
Returns the time the character has been falling.
getGround(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if ground is found under the target
getHP(Unit) - Num
Returns Unit HP %
getLineOfSight(Unit1,Unit2) - Bool
Returns true if the Unit1 can see Unit2
getLowAllies(Value) - Num
Returns number of units under Value HP in br.friend
getMana(Unit) - Num
Returns Unit Mana %
getNumEnemies(Target,Radius) - Num
Returns number of Enemies found within Radius of the target
getPetLineOfSight(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if our pet is in sight of target
getPower(Unit) - Num
Returns Unit Power %
getRegen(Unit) - Num
Returns power regen rate of Unit
round2(num, idp) - Num
Used to round numbers
getSpellCD(SpellID) - Num
Returns how long remain until the CD is ready
getTimeToDie(unit) - Num
Returns approximative Time To Die for Unit
getTimeToMax(Unit) - Num
Returns how long it will take until our ressources are maxed
getTotemDistance(Unit1) - Num
Returns distance from totem to target
getVengeance() - Num
Returns player vengeance(considers classes)
Returns true if we have this Glyph
IS - Booleans
isAlive(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if Unit is alive
isBoss() - Bool
Returns true if a boss is found in boss 1-2-3-4-5
isBuffed(UnitID,SpellID,TimeLeft) - Bool
Rturns true if Unit have at least Timeleft remaining on SpellId Buff
isCasting(SpellID,Unit) - Bool
Returns true if Unit is casting given spell
isCastingSpell(spellID) - Bool
returns true if WE are casting spellid
isDummy(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if Unit is a dummy
isEnnemy(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if we can attack the Unit
isGarrMCd(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if Unit if affected by Garrosh MC
isInCombat(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if Unit is in combat
isInMelee(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if we are withing 4 yard of the Unit
isInPvP() - Bool
Returns true if we are in PvP
isKnown(spellID) - Bool
Returns true if we know this spell(via spellbook check)
isLooting() - Bool
Returns true if we are currently looting
isMoving(Unit) - Num
Returns Unit movement speed
IsMovingTime(time) - Bool
Returns true if we have been moving for time seconds
isSpellInRange(SpellID,Unit) - Bool
Returns true spell is in Range of Unit
isValidTarget(Unit) - Bool
Returns true if the target is valid
Uncategorized - Mixed
- does not return anything but create br.enemy that hold br.enemy[i].unit br.enemy[i].distance and br.enemy[i].hp of all enemies in 40 yards
nDbDmg(tar, spellID, player) - Num
Returns tooltip damage
pause() - Bool
Returns true if pause is engaged
castingUnit() - Bool
Returns true is said unit is casting.
Use item via ID
shouldStopCasting(SpellID) - Bool
Built into casts methods. Prevents spell locking.
Config Queries - Mixed
isChecked(Value) - Bool
Returns true if Value Checkbox is checked in UI
isSelected(Value) - Bool
Returns true if Value Checkbox is checked in UI and CD requirements are met.
getValue(Value) - Num
Returns drop or box Value from UI
CreateNewCheck(value, textString, tip1, state)
- Used to create checkboxes in UI
- value must always be thisConfig - Do not change
- textString - the name of your option - String
- tip1 - the tooltip displayed when the user mouseover the checkbox - String
- state - the désired deployment state - Numeric 0(Unchecked)/1(Checked)
- Used to create valueboxes in UI
- value must always be thisConfig - Do not change
- textString - the name of your option - String
- minValue - minimum value for this option
- maxValue - maximum value for this option
- step - how much you want to add/sub from the actual value when user wheel-up/down over the box
- base - what is the base value for this option
CreateNewDrop(value, textString, base, tip1, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6, value7, value8, value9, value10)
- Used to create selectors in UI. Assigning tip "Toggles" will use predefined toggles, values should be empty when doing so.
- value must always be thisConfig - Do not change
- textString - the name of your option - String
- the tooltip displayed when the user mouseover the checkbox - String 4 and more. Selections enumeration - Strings