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118 lines (73 loc) · 4.78 KB


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Before starting, you need to make sure your local Java environment is set up, otherwise you will not be able to generate from the grammar file. You can check it by running java --version.

  • Install dependencies

    pnpm install
  • Compile g4 Files

    # Compile all g4 files
    pnpm antlr4
    # Compile for a specific language
    pnpm antlr4 --lang mysql
  • Run Unit Tests

    pnpm test
  • Run Benchmark Tests

    pnpm benchmark

Directory Overview

  • src/grammar: Contains g4 files (grammar files)
  • src/lib: Generated files from g4 grammar (produced by running pnpm antlr4)
  • src/parser: Implementations of SQL Parser classes
  • src/parser/common: Base classes and utility methods for SQL Parsers
  • test: Unit tests
  • benchmark: Benchmark tests

How to Add a New SQL Language

  1. Add New Grammar Files

    Add the new g4 grammar file to src/grammar/<SQL name>. Name the file in PascalCase. The grammar rules within the file should adhere to the following:

    • The root rule should be named program.
    • Support parsing multiple SQL statements.
    • Enable case-insensitive options (if the SQL language is case-insensitive).
    • Lexical rules for all keywords should prefix with KW_ (e.g., KW_SELECT: 'SELECT';). This aids in differentiating keyword lexical rules for autocomplete functionality.
  2. Generate Files from Grammar

    Run the following command to generate files from the new grammar:

    pnpm antlr4 --lang <SQL name>

    Check that the corresponding Lexer, Parser, Listener, and Visitor files are generated in the src/lib/<SQL name>/ directory.

  3. Implement SQL Parser Class

    Create a file src/parser/<SQL name>/index.ts and implement the corresponding SQL Parser class. This class should extend from the BasicSQL base class. Initially, implement the createLexerFromCharStream and createParserFromTokenStream methods; other methods can be left empty for now.

  4. Add Basic Unit Tests

    Add basic unit tests in test/parser/<SQL name> for:

    • Lexer
    • Visitor
    • Listener
    • parser.validate method

    You can reference tests from other SQL parsers.

  5. SQL Syntax Unit Tests

    Add unit tests for SQL syntax in the test/parser/<SQL name>/syntax directory. Ensure coverage of all SQL syntax rules. It is recommended to add tests based on the official grammar documentation to ensure accuracy.

  6. Implement SQLSplitListener

    Implement the SQLSplitListener and add the splitListener getter in the SQL Parser class. Also, add unit tests for the parser.splitSQLByStatement method, which splits SQL into individual statements.

  7. Autocomplete Features

    Implement methods processCandidates and preferredRules for autocomplete functionality. Familiarize yourself with antlr4-c3. Then, add autocomplete-related unit tests in test/parser/<SQL name>/suggestion.

  8. Context Information Collection

    Implement the SQLEntityCollector class and the createEntityCollector method in the SQL Parser class for SQL context information collection. This enhances the autocomplete functionality. For more details, refer to here.

    Then, add tests for entity collection methods in test/parser/<SQL name>/contextCollect.

Sources for Grammar Files

SQL grammar files can be quite complex. If you want to add a new SQL language to dt-sql-parser, it is not recommended to start from scratch. Consider the following sources, listed in order of preference:

  1. Official SQL Repositories:

    Some official SQL repositories use Antlr4 for SQL parsing. You can find the corresponding grammar files in their source code. For example:

    Grammar files from official repositories are generally the most reliable, stable, and performant.

  2. Grammar-v4 Repository:

    This is the official grammar file repository maintained by Antlr. It includes a variety of SQL grammar files. The files here are typically reliable.

  3. Community/Other Open Source Repositories:

    Grammar files obtained from the community or other open source repositories may be less reliable and often require significant time to fix grammar issues.