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299 lines (283 loc) · 19.1 KB

File metadata and controls

299 lines (283 loc) · 19.1 KB

Release notes

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Add implementation for the methods CassandraResultSet.getArray(int | String) (see PR #55).
  • Add support for the special CQL command CONSISTENCY [level] in CassandraStatement (inspired by PR #56).


  • Update Java Driver for Apache Cassandra® to version 4.18.1.
  • Update Jackson dependencies to version 2.17.1.
  • Modify the scale value returned for the type TIMESTAMP (see PR #58).
  • Refactor handling of user-defined types and tuples in CassandraResultSet.getObject(int | String) (see PR #60).


  • Fix implementation of the methods CassandraStatement.execute(String) and CassandraPreparedStatement.execute() to return true even when the result set is empty (see PR #54).
  • Fix fetching null values in CassandraResultSet.getObject(int | String) (see PR #57).
  • Fix handling of VARINT values in CassandraResultSet.getObject(int | String) and CassandraMetadataResultSet.getObject(int | String) (see PR #59).
  • Fix return value of CassandraDatabaseMetaData.supportsBatchUpdates() (see PR #61).
  • Fix implementation of Statement.executeBatch() (see issue #63) to conform with JDBC specifications:
    • throws a BatchUpdateException when at least one statement in the batch fails or attempts to return a result set.
    • the returned array contains SUCCESS_NO_INFO for successful statements and EXECUTE_FAILED for statements that threw a BatchUpdateException.

4.12.0 - 2024-05-05


  • Add a parameter fetchsize to specify a default fetch size for all the queries returning result sets. This value is the number of rows the server will return in each network frame (see paging documentation).
  • Add support for Kerberos authentication provider.


  • Modify the types of some columns in the result sets of the following methods of CassandraDatabaseMetadata to respect the JDBC API specifications:
    • getAttributes(String, String, String, String)
    • getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean)
    • getColumns(String, String, String, String)
    • getFunctions(String, String, String)
    • getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String)
    • getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean)
    • getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String)
    • getTypeInfo()
    • getUDTs(String, String, String, int[])
  • In prepared statements, force the page size to the configured one (from JDBC URL or configuration file if present), or the default page size.
  • Update Apache Commons IO to version 2.16.1.
  • Update Jackson dependencies to version 2.17.0.
  • Update Semver4j to version 5.3.0.


  • Remove the parameter version (CQL version) in JDBC URL and the deprecated constructors of CassandraDataSource using this parameter.


  • Fix issue preventing a correct usage of DCInferringLoadBalancingPolicy (see PR #49).

4.11.1 - 2023-12-28


  • Fix issue #50 preventing a correct execution of multiple statements separated by semicolon characters (;) when at least one of the CQL queries contains a semicolon character which is not a query separator.

4.11.0 - 2023-12-03


  • Add support for connections with multiple contact points using different ports (see feature request #41).
  • Handle additional types and conversions in the methods CassandraPreparedStatement.setObject():
    • JDBC types BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB and Java types java.sql.Blob, java.sql.Clob, and java.sql.NClob handled as arrays of bytes (CQL type blob)
    • JDBC types LONGVARCHAR, NCHAR, NVARCHAR, LONGNVARCHAR and DATALINK and Java type handled as string (CQL types text, varchar and ascii)
    • JDBC type TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE and Java types java.time.OffsetTime and java.time.LocalTime handled as LocalTime (CQL type time)
    • JDBC type TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE and Java types java.util.OffsetDateTime, java.time.LocalDateTime, java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar handled as Instant (CQL type timestamp)
    • Java type java.time.LocalDate (CQL type date)
    • JDBC type BIT handled as boolean (CQL type boolean)
    • JDBC type NUMERIC handled as BigDecimal (CQL type decimal)
    • JDBC type REAL handled as float number (CQL type float)
  • Handle java.util.Calendar in the methods CassandraResultSet.getObject(int | String, Class).
  • Implement the following methods in CassandraResultSet: getAsciiStream(int | String), getCharacterStream(int | String), getClob(int | String), getNClob(int | String).


  • Deprecate the parameter version (CQL version) in JDBC URL because this one is purely informational and has no effect. This will be removed in the next release.
  • The index type returned by CassandraDatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) is now always tableIndexOther.
  • Improve the accuracy of the JDBC metadata of the collection types (list, map, set and vector).
  • Update the following methods of CassandraDatabaseMetaData: getNumericFunctions(), getSQLKeywords(), getSystemFunctions(), getTimeDateFunctions() and getTypeInfo() to add the new math, date/time and data masking functions introduced in Cassandra 5.0 and take into account the version of the database the driver in connected to.
  • Update Apache Commons IO to version 2.15.0.
  • Update Apache Commons Lang to version 3.14.0.
  • Update Jackson dependencies to version 2.16.0.
  • Use Apache Cassandra® 5.0 image to run tests.
  • Replace references to "DataStax Java driver" by "Java Driver for Apache Cassandra®" following the transfer of the codebase to Apache Software Foundation (see: IP clearance status and CEP-8)


  • Fix NullPointerException issue #38 when a null type name pattern is specified in a call to CassandraDatabaseMetaData.getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]).
  • Fix issue #39: return false when the method isSearchable(int) is called on the metadata of a result set without table or schema name (typically on CassandraMetadataResultSets).
  • Fix incorrect consistency level used to execute simple prepared statements.
  • Fix issue preventing to retrieve the metadata of an empty CassandraMetadataResultSet.
  • Add null safety on some methods of CassandraResultSet and CassandraMetadataResultSet.

4.10.2 - 2023-11-01


  • Fix issue #33 to handle VARBINARY and LONGVARBINARY types with either ByteArrayInputStream or byte[] in the methods CassandraPreparedStatement.setObject().
  • Fix issue #35: configuration of the local datacenter using the one from the configuration file when such a file is used.

4.10.1 - 2023-10-07


  • Update Apache Commons IO to version 2.14.0.
  • Harmonize logging.


  • Fix multiple issues related to the method findColumn(String) of CassandraResultSet and CassandraMetadataResultSet:
    • Fix issue #31 to return a 1-based index value.
    • Return a result even if there's no row in the result set but the column exist in the statement.
    • Fix the exception thrown by the method when the given column name does not exist in the result set (was an IllegalArgumentException instead of an SQLException.

4.10.0 - 2023-09-30


  • Add support for new vector CQL type defined in CEP-30. Also see PR #27.
  • Implement the method getWarnings() in CassandraResultSet.
  • Implement the following methods of CassandraDatabaseMetaData: getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) and getAttributes(String, String, String, String).


  • Update DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra® to version 4.17.0.
  • Update Apache Commons IO to version 2.13.0.
  • Update Apache Commons Lang to version 3.13.0.
  • Update Jackson dependencies to version 2.15.2.
  • Packages refactoring: utility classes, types and database metadata management have been moved to dedicated packages.


  • Remove the legacy package org.apache.cassandra2.cql.jdbc: only should be used now as java.sql.Driver implementation.

4.9.1 - 2023-09-03


  • Fix issue #25 causing failure when running with Liquibase. The fix includes several changes:
    • fixes result sets and statements closing.
    • introduces a new behaviour in Liquibase compliance mode to run multiple queries in the same statement synchronously (by default, they are executed asynchronously).
    • returns the schema name instead of null when the method CassandraConnection.getCatalog() is called in Liquibase compliance mode.
    • does not throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException when CassandraConnection.rollback() is called in Liquibase compliance mode.

4.9.0 - 2023-04-15


  • Add non-JDBC standard JSON support with the methods getObjectFromJson(int | String, Class) and getObjectFromJson(Class) in CassandraResultSet and setJson(int, Object) in CassandraPreparedStatement.
  • Add query parameter hostnameverification to specify whether the hostname verification must be enabled or not when SSL connection is used. See the discussion #20.
  • Add some socket options thanks to the additional query parameters: connecttimeout, tcpnodelay and keepalive. It fixes the issue #16 of the original project.
  • Implement the methods isSigned() and isSearchable() in the different ResultSetMetaData implementations.
  • Implement the method isValid(int) in CassandraConnection.
  • Implement the following methods of CassandraDatabaseMetaData: getFunctions(String, String, String), getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String), getNumericFunctions(), getSQLKeywords(), getStringFunctions(), getSystemFunctions(), getTimeDateFunctions(), getTypeInfo() and getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]).


  • Harmonize the implementations of Wrapper interface.
  • Rewrite the tests using Testcontainers with Apache Cassandra® 4.1.0 image.
  • Modify the implementation of setQueryTimeout(int) and getQueryTimeout() in CassandraStatement to update the request timeout on a specific statement.


  • Remove vulnerable Guava compile dependency and replace it by standard Java, Apache Commons libraries and Caffeine for sessions caching.


  • Fix the JDBC driver version returned by the methods of the classes CassandraDriver and CassandraDatabaseMetaData to be consistent with the version of the JDBC wrapper artifact (see issue #19).
  • Fix an issue on collections of tuples and UDTs that threw NullPointerException in result sets when calling methods such as getList(), getSet() and getMap().

4.8.0 - 2023-01-12


  • Implement the methods getMetaData() and getParameterMetaData() into the implementation class CassandraPreparedStatement of PreparedStatement interface. It fixes the issue #19 of the original project.


  • Update DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra® to version 4.15.0.
  • Fully implement methods from Wrapper interface for Cassandra connections, results sets and statements (see pull request #14).


  • Fix the implementations of the methods getInt(int) and getLong(int) in MetadataRow and used in the class CassandraMetadataResultSet to be compliant with the JDBC API specifications (see pull request #12, issue #10).

4.7.0 - 2022-09-23


  • Add a system of compliance mode with the query parameter compliancemode: for some usages (for example with Liquibase), some default behaviours of the JDBC implementation have to be adapted. See the readme file for details about the overridable behaviours and the available compliance modes. See pull request #8.
  • Add an additional CassandraConnection constructor using a pre-existing session (see pull request #8).


  • Update DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra® to version 4.14.1.

4.6.0 - 2022-03-20


  • Add support for connecting to Cassandra DBaaS cluster with secure connect bundle. See the feature request #1.
  • Add query parameter configfile to use a configuration file instead of the settings defined in the JDBC URL.
  • Add query parameter requesttimeout to specify a non-default timeout for queries. See the feature request #5.


  • Update DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra® to version 4.14.0.
  • Update Apache Commons Lang to version 3.12.0.


  • Remove cassandra-all and libthrift dependencies to limit exposure to vulnerable libraries (see pull request #6).


  • User credentials parameters in the connection string were ignored.

4.5.0 - 2021-04-13


  • Manage additional CQL types: duration, smallint and tinyint.
  • Add support for SSL between the driver and the Cassandra cluster.
  • Implement the methods getSchema(), setSchema(String) and getTypeMap() in the class ManagedConnection.
  • Implement the methods getPrecision(int) and getScale(int) into the implementations of the interface ResultSetMetaData for the classes CassandraResultSet and CassandraMetadataResultSet.
  • Implement the methods getURL(int|String) in the classes CassandraResultSet and CassandraMetadataResultSet. The URL values are handled as String values.
  • Add codecs for conversions between Integer and CQL types varint, smallint and tinyint. It also fixes the issue #33 of the original project.


  • Update DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra® to version 4.10.0.
  • Update cassandra-all to version 3.11.9.
  • Improve documentation and code quality (refactoring, removing dead code, adding tests, ...).
  • Improve the implementation of the metadata precision/size for the columns.


  • Fix values returned by some methods in CassandraDatabaseMetaData according to the capabilities described into the CQL3 documentation.
  • Fix issue #24 of the original project by correctly implementing JDBC API regarding the result returned by the methods CassandraStatement.execute(String) and CassandraPreparedStatement.execute().
  • Fix CassandraResultSet.getLong(int | String) implementations to return 0 when the stored value is SQL NULL.
  • Add null-safety into the methods CassandraResultSet.getString(int | String), CassandraMetadataResultSet.getBigDecimal(int | String, int), CassandraMetadataResultSet.getBinaryStream(int | String), CassandraMetadataResultSet.getBlob(int | String), CassandraMetadataResultSet.getByte(int | String), CassandraMetadataResultSet.getBytes(int | String) and CassandraMetadataResultSet.getString(int | String).
  • Validate column existence when calling the methods CassandraResultSet.getBytes(int | String).

4.4.0 - 2020-12-23

For this version, the changelog lists the main changes comparatively to the latest version of the original project.


  • Update DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra® to version 4.9.0.
  • Update cassandra-all to version 3.11.8.
  • Force using libthrift 0.13.0 instead of the vulnerable version included into cassandra-all.
  • Manage separately the type LocalDate in CassandraResultSet.


  • Remove deprecated load balancing policy (DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy).


  • Fix issue #27 of the original project by implementing the method CassandraResultSet.getObject(String, Class<>).
  • Fix logs in CassandraConnection constructor.