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Aug 23, 2023
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Aug 23, 2023

#More pointers, arrays and strings.


  1. strcat

Write a function that concatenates two strings.

Prototype: char *_strcat(char *dest, char *src); This function appends the src string to the dest string, overwriting the terminating null byte (\0) at the end of dest, and then adds a terminating null byte Returns a pointer to the resulting string dest FYI: The standard library provides a similar function: strcat. Run man strcat to learn more.

  1. strncat

Write a function that concatenates two strings.

Prototype: char *_strncat(char *dest, char *src, int n); The _strncat function is similar to the _strcat function, except that it will use at most n bytes from src; and src does not need to be null-terminated if it contains n or more bytes Return a pointer to the resulting string dest FYI: The standard library provides a similar function: strncat. Run man strncat to learn more.

  1. strncpy

Write a function that copies a string.

Prototype: char *_strncpy(char *dest, char *src, int n); Your function should work exactly like strncpy FYI: The standard library provides a similar function: strncpy. Run man strncpy to learn more.

  1. strcmp

Write a function that compares two strings.

Prototype: int _strcmp(char *s1, char *s2); Your function should work exactly like strcmp FYI: The standard library provides a similar function: strcmp. Run man strcmp to learn more.

  1. I am a kind of paranoid in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy

Write a function that reverses the content of an array of integers.

Prototype: void reverse_array(int *a, int n); Where n is the number of elements of the array

  1. Always look up

Write a function that changes all lowercase letters of a string to uppercase.

Prototype: char *string_toupper(char *);

  1. Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes

Write a function that capitalizes all words of a string.

Prototype: char *cap_string(char *); Separators of words: space, tabulation, new line, ,, ;, ., !, ?, ", (, ), {, and }

  1. Mozart composed his music not for the elite, but for everybody

Write a function that encodes a string into 1337.

Letters a and A should be replaced by 4 Letters e and E should be replaced by 3 Letters o and O should be replaced by 0 Letters t and T should be replaced by 7 Letters l and L should be replaced by 1 Prototype: char *leet(char *); You can only use one if in your code You can only use two loops in your code You are not allowed to use switch You are not allowed to use any ternary operation

  1. rot13

Write a function that encodes a string using rot13.

Prototype: char *rot13(char *); You can only use if statement once in your code You can only use two loops in your code You are not allowed to use switch You are not allowed to use any ternary operation

  1. Numbers have life; they're not just symbols on paper

Write a function that prints an integer.

Prototype: void print_number(int n); You can only use _putchar function to print You are not allowed to use long You are not allowed to use arrays or pointers You are not allowed to hard-code special values

  1. A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work

Add one line to this code, so that the program prints a[2] = 98, followed by a new line.

You are not allowed to use the variable a in your new line of code You are not allowed to modify the variable p You can only write one statement You are not allowed to use , You are not allowed to code anything else than the line of expected line of code at the expected line Your code should be written at line 19, before the ; Do not remove anything from the initial code (not even the comments) and don’t change anything but the line of code you are adding (don’t change the spaces to tabs!) You are allowed to use the standard library

11. It is the addition of strangeness to beauty that constitutes the romantic character in art

Write a function that adds two numbers.

Prototype: char *infinite_add(char *n1, char *n2, char *r, int size_r);
Where n1 and n2 are the two numbers
r is the buffer that the function will use to store the result
size_r is the buffer size
The function returns a pointer to the result
You can assume that you will always get positive numbers, or 0
You can assume that there will be only digits in the strings n1 and n2
n1 and n2 will never be empty
If the result can not be stored in r the function must return 0

12. Noise is a buffer, more effective than cubicles or booth walls

Write a function that prints a buffer.

Prototype: void print_buffer(char *b, int size);
The function must print the content of size bytes of the buffer pointed by b
The output should print 10 bytes per line
Each line starts with the position of the first byte of the line in hexadecimal (8 chars), starting with 0
Each line shows the hexadecimal content (2 chars) of the buffer, 2 bytes at a time, separated by a space
Each line shows the content of the buffer. If the byte is a printable character, print the letter, if not, print .
Each line ends with a new line \n
If size is 0 or less, the output should be a new line only \n
You are allowed to use the standard library
The output should look like the following example, and formatted exactly the same way