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Iron Remote GUI

This is the core of the web client written on top of Svelte and built as a reusable Web Component.


Make you modification in the source code then use iron-svelte-client to test.


Run npm run build


As member of the Devolutions organization, you can import the Web Component from JFrog Artifactory by running the following npm command:

$ npm install @devolutions/iron-remote-gui

Otherwise, you can run npm install targeting the dist/ folder directly.

Import the iron-remote-gui.umd.cjs from node_modules/ folder.

Then use the HTML tag <iron-remote-gui/> in your page.

In your code add a listener for the ready event on the iron-remote-gui HTML element. Get evt.detail.irgUserInteraction from the Promise, a property whose type is UserInteractionService. Call the connect method on this object.


For now, we didn't make the enums used by some method directly available (I didn't find the good way to export them directly with the component.). You need to recreate them on your application for now (it will be improved in future version);

Also, even if the connection to RDP work there is still a lot of improvement to do. As of now, you can expect, mouse movement and click (4 buttons) - no scroll, Keyboard for at least the standard. Windows and CTRL+ALT+DEL can be called by method on UserInteractionService. Lock keys (like caps lock), have a partial support. Other advanced functionalities (sharing / copy past...) are not implemented yet.

Component parameters

You can add some parameters for default initialization on the component <iron-remote-gui />.

Note that due to a limitation of the framework all parameters need to be lower-cased.

  • scale: The scaling behavior of the distant screen. Can be fit, real or full. Default is real;
  • verbose: Show logs from iron-remote-gui. true or false. Default is false.
  • debugwasm: Show debug info from web assembly. Can be "OFF", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "TRACE". Default is "OFF".
  • flexcentre: Helper to force iron-remote-gui a flex and centering the content automatically. Otherwise, you need to manage manually. Default is true.

UserInteractionService methods

  username: string,
  password: string,
  destination: string,
  proxyAddress: string,
  serverDomain: string,
  authToken: string,
  desktopSize?: DesktopSize,
  preConnectionBlob?: string,
  kdc_proxy_url?: string,
): Observable<NewSessionInfo>;

username and password are the credentials to use on the remote host.

destination refers to the Devolutions Gateway hostname and port.

authtoken is the authentication token to send to the Devolutions Gateway.

serverDomain is the Windows domain name (if the target computer has one)

kdc_proxy_url is the URL to a KDC Proxy, as specified in MS-KKDCP documentation


Sends the ctrl+alt+del key to server.


Sends the meta key event to remote host (i.e.: Windows key).

setVisibility(value: bool)

Shows or hides rendering canvas.

setScale(scale: ScreenScale)

Sets the scale behavior of the canvas. See the ScreenScale enum for possible values.