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File metadata and controls

133 lines (94 loc) · 4.78 KB

Gradle Script Plugins

Properties are set in the project's file(s).

About Maven Credentials

Publish operations to external URLs require credentials: these are supplied through envronment variables:

  • MAVEN_ACTOR - username
  • MAVEN_TOKEN - the you-know-what

Also, sometimes an insecure registry is involved. See this link to understand that particular setting.

List of Tasks

Publish Java Library

Publishes source and binary JAR files for "library" projects to a Maven repository. See also Kotlin Examples.


  • Tasks
    • libraryDistributioncreates and publishes the binary and source JARs
      • if the environment variable PUBLISH_LIBRARY is true, the artifacts are pushed to the designated repository
      • otherwise they are published "locally"
      • the project's -javadoc.jar is automatically generated from artifacts labelled as "javadoc"
        • if no Javadoc is generated, an "empty" JAR is produced
  • Requirements
    • Java and/or Kotlin source files
    • group, module, and version properties are properly set
  • Properties
    • library.publish.repoName - the name of the "publish" repository to target
    • library.publish.repoUrl - the URL of the "publish" repository
    • library.publish.insecure - if "true" (default false), allows for use of an insecure registry (see above)

Generate Java and Kotlin protobuf implementations

Generates protobuf libraries.

This plugin:

  • sets up IDEA "source directories" so generated source is available to projects
  • creates artifacts with the project version
    • message classes are compiled to Java
    • service classes are compiled to both Java and Kotln client/server stubs
    • stub dependencies included transitively (including the runtime-libraries)



This is simply just the "typical" protobuf generate setup as documented, nothing "fancy" added: just the Java and Kotlin generation parts. This should be completely transparent when used and all other options available should be available.

  • Properties
    • protobuf.javaVersion - sets the version of Java to use; defaults to 17

Simple Semantic Versions

Really nothing more than a very simple "version counter" that keeps track of a semantic version (Major.Minor.Patch) in a project file.

It does NOT:

  • alter any project properties at run-time
  • interact with .git or any other tag/library system
  • modify any build scripts or properties

It does:

  • provide a very simple way of incrementing a version-like object and keeping track of if


  • Properties
    • set the location/name of the file relative to the root project:
      If not set, the default is a file named semver.version in the project directory. NOTE This means that each subproject can have it's own version, so caveat emptor.
  • Tasks
    • incrementPatch - incre ments the patch version
    • incrementMinor - increments the minor version
    • incrementMajor - increments the major version
    • showVersion - logs the version to INFO (not suitable for sripts)
    • printVersion - outputs the version to STDOUT

Directly using semver.get() returns a SimpleSemverVersion object with major, minor, and patch fields. The toString() returns major.minor.patch.

To set the project version to the semantic version, you can use the following:

  import crackers.buildstuff.semver.SimpleSemverVersion

val semver: Provider<SimpleSemverVersion> by project
version = semver.get().toString()   

‼️ NOTE!!! This sets the version during the configuration phase of the build lifecycle: it cannot be changed at "runtime".

This does not work:

./gradlew incrementPatch doSomethingWithVersion

since project.version is set before incrementPatch is executed.

This will do the expected thing:

./gradlew incrementPatch
./gradlew doSomethingWithVersion