diff --git a/src/realmGeol.ttl b/src/realmGeol.ttl
index db546242..98cca2b0 100644
--- a/src/realmGeol.ttl
+++ b/src/realmGeol.ttl
@@ -1,42 +1,274 @@
@prefix : .
+@prefix geo: .
+@prefix npg: .
@prefix owl: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix sdo: .
-@prefix skos: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
-@prefix soreag: .
-@prefix somarock: .
-@prefix soprop: .
+@prefix prof: .
@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix wiki: .
+@prefix sohur: .
+@prefix sorea: .
@prefix sorel: .
+@prefix biblio: .
+@prefix soprop: .
+@prefix soreag: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix sorelph: .
-@prefix sorelsp: .
-@prefix sorea: .
@prefix sorelsc: .
+@prefix sorelsp: .
+@prefix sweetgf: .
+@prefix somarock: .
@base .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
- owl:imports ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ;
- rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Realm Geologic" ;
+ owl:versionIRI ;
dcterms:license ;
- owl:versionInfo "3.5.0" .
+ dcterms:modified "2020-02-21"^^xsd:date ;
+ rdfs:comment "This ontology includes a classification hierarchy of structural parts of the Earth's geosphere and classes of geologic feature within it"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Realm Geologic" ;
+ owl:versionInfo "3.5.0" ;
+ prof:isProfileOf .
+# Annotation properties
+### http://ns.nature.com/terms/hasJournal
+npg:hasJournal rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://ns.nature.com/terms/issue
+npg:issue rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://ns.nature.com/terms/pages
+npg:pages rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://ns.nature.com/terms/volume
+npg:volume rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo
+dcterms:conformsTo rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/contributor
+dcterms:contributor rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
+dcterms:created rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator
+dcterms:creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/date
+dcterms:date rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/description
+dcterms:description rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/format
+dcterms:format rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier
+dcterms:identifier rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/license
+dcterms:license rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified
+dcterms:modified rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher
+dcterms:publisher rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/source
+dcterms:source rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/title
+dcterms:title rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/type
+dcterms:type rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_1
+rdf:_1 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_10
+rdf:_10 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_11
+rdf:_11 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_12
+rdf:_12 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_13
+rdf:_13 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_14
+rdf:_14 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_15
+rdf:_15 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_16
+rdf:_16 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_17
+rdf:_17 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_2
+rdf:_2 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_3
+rdf:_3 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_4
+rdf:_4 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_5
+rdf:_5 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_6
+rdf:_6 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_7
+rdf:_7 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_8
+rdf:_8 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_9
+rdf:_9 rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#minCardinality
+owl:minCardinality rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#altLabel
+skos:altLabel rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition
+skos:definition rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#defintion
+skos:defintion rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#example
+skos:example rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel
+skos:prefLabel rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#scopeNote
+skos:scopeNote rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/ns/dx/prof/hasArtifact
+prof:hasArtifact rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/ns/dx/prof/hasRole
+prof:hasRole rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/ns/dx/prof/isProfileOf
+prof:isProfileOf rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### https://schema.org/affiliation
+sdo:affiliation rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### https://schema.org/email
+sdo:email rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### https://schema.org/identifier
+sdo:identifier rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### https://schema.org/lastReviewed
+sdo:lastReviewed rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### https://schema.org/name
+sdo:name rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### https://schema.org/url
+sdo:url rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+# Datatypes
+### http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date
+xsd:date rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .
+### http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#gYear
+xsd:gYear rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .
# Object Properties
+### http://sweetontology.net/rela/hasPart
+sorel:hasPart rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
### http://sweetontology.net/rela/hasRealm
sorel:hasRealm rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
+### http://sweetontology.net/rela/partOf
+sorel:partOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
### http://sweetontology.net/relaPhysical/hasPlanetaryStructure
sorelph:hasPlanetaryStructure rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
@@ -57,307 +289,1801 @@ sorelsp:hasUpperBoundary rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
# Classes
+### http://ns.nature.com/terms/Journal
+npg:Journal rdf:type owl:Class .
+### http://sweetontology.net/humanResearch/Publication
+sohur:Publication rdf:type owl:Class .
+### http://sweetontology.net/matrRock/Rock
+somarock:Rock rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/realm/Geosphere
-sorea:Geosphere owl:equivalentClass soreag:SolidEarth .
+sorea:Geosphere rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ skos:altLabel "solid earth"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geosphere"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realm/PlanetaryBoundary
+sorea:PlanetaryBoundary rdf:type owl:Class .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realm/PlanetaryLayer
+sorea:PlanetaryLayer rdf:type owl:Class .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realm/PlanetaryRealm
+sorea:PlanetaryRealm rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/realm/PlanetarySurface
-sorea:PlanetarySurface owl:disjointWith soreag:Subsurface .
+sorea:PlanetarySurface rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:disjointWith soreag:Subsurface .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/AbundanceZone
+soreag:AbundanceZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:BiostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "The body of strata in which the abundance of a particular taxon or specified group of taxa is significantly greater than is usual in the adjacent parts of the section. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "abundance zone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Anticline
+soreag:Anticline rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A fold, generally convex upward, whose core contains the stratigraphically older rocks. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "anticline"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Anticlinorium
+soreag:Anticlinorium rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A composite anticlinal structure of regional extent composed of lesser folds. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "anticlinorium"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Antiform
+soreag:Antiform rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "Any convex-upward, concave downward fold. The term is usually used when the folded layers do not possess a stratigraphic order, when the stratigraphic order of the folded layers is not known, or when the fold core also contains the stratigraphically younger rock. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "antiform"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/AntiformalStack
+soreag:AntiformalStack rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A duplex in which the trailing branch lines coincide and the leading branch lines either nearly coincide or lie vertically above each other. This results in a stack of horses and leads to a local culmination in thrust sheet. (Neuendorf et al. (2011) citing Boyer & Elliott (1982))"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "antiformal stack"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Arch
+soreag:Arch rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A broad, open anticlinal fold on a regional scale; it is usually a basement doming. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "arch"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/AssemblageZone
+soreag:AssemblageZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:BiostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "The body of strata characterized by an assemblage of three or more fossil taxa that, taken together, distinguishes it in biostratigraphic character from adjacent strata. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "assemblage zone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/AssociationZone
+soreag:AssociationZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:BiostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "The body of strata between two designated biostratigraphical horizons, which represent the boundaries of the unit and separate it from any preceding or succeeding biozone. These bounding horizons may be delimited individually by: the level of the first stratigraphical appearance (lowermost or oldest occurrence) of a specified taxon (species, genus) in any one stratigraphical section; or another specified biostratigraphical feature considered to approximate a time horizon. The zone is further delimited by specified taxa (preferably, at least three), which have first appearances within the zone. (de Jersey & McKellar, 2013; Bomfleur et al., 2014)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "association zone"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Asthenosphere
soreag:Asthenosphere rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass soreag:UpperMantleFlowing ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:UpperMantle ;
- rdfs:label "asthenosphere"@en .
+ owl:equivalentClass soreag:UpperMantleFlowing ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:UpperMantle ;
+ rdfs:label "asthenosphere"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Basement
soreag:Basement rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicStructure ;
- rdfs:label "basement"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicStructure ;
+ rdfs:label "basement"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Batholith
soreag:Batholith rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
- rdfs:label "batholith"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
+ rdfs:label "batholith"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Bed
+soreag:Bed rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "Bed (Beds) is the smallest formal unit in the hierarchy of sedimentary lithostratigraphic units, e.g. a single stratum lithologically distinguishable from other layers above and below (Salvador, 2013; ICS Online, January 2020). Customarily, only distinctive beds (commonly known as marker beds), which are particularly useful for stratigraphic purposes, like correlation or reference, are given proper names and considered formal lithostratigraphic units (Staines, 1985)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "bed"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Bedrock
soreag:Bedrock rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ;
- rdfs:label "bedrock"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ;
+ rdfs:label "bedrock"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Beds
+soreag:Beds rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "beds (uncapitalised): an informal unit applied to a sequence of poorly known strata until further work is carried out, as advised in the Field Geologist’s Guide to Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature in Australia (Staines, 1985), and endorsed by the Stratigraphic Nomenclature Committee, Geological Society of Australia."@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "beds"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/BiostratigraphicUnit
+soreag:BiostratigraphicUnit rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "Biostratigraphic units/Biostratigraphic Zones (biozones) are bodies of strata that are defined or characterized on the basis of their contained fossils. The different types have no hierarchical significance, and are not based on mutually exclusive criteria. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "biostratigraphic unit"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Block
+soreag:Block rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:altLabel "fault block"@en ;
+ skos:definition " A block of the crust that has been displaced by movement on a fault. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "block"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/BrittleDuctileTransitionZone
soreag:BrittleDuctileTransitionZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Crust ;
- rdfs:label "brittle ductile transition zone"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Crust ;
+ rdfs:label "brittle ductile transition zone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/ChronostratigraphicUnit
+soreag:ChronostratigraphicUnit rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "As the term implies, Chronostratigraphic Units are Time-Rock Units. They are bodies of rocks, layered or unlayered, that were formed during a specified interval of geologic time. [The units of geologic time during which chronostratigraphic units were formed are called geochronologic (geological-time) units.] (ICS, Online, December, 2019). NB: The North American Stratigraphic Code (2005) and Owen (2009) advise that geochronologic units should only be associated with Lithodemic (non-stratigraphic) Units."@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "chronostratigraphic unit"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Complex
+soreag:Complex rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:LithodemicFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "In the classification of Kumpulainen (2016), a complex is a non-ranked lithodemic unit that corresponds to a suite or supersuite. Its usage applies to the organisation and classification of an assemblage of two or more genetically different rock types (i.e. igneous, metamorphic and/or sedimentary). For example, a tectonic amalgamation of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks may form a structural complex; and a volcanic complex may comprise extrusive, sedimentary and the related intrusive components."@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "complex"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/ConcurrentRangeZone
+soreag:ConcurrentRangeZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:BiostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "The body of strata including the overlapping parts of the range zones of two specified taxa. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "concurrent range zone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Continent
+soreag:Continent rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:TectonicEntity ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "One of Earth’s major landmasses (or former major landmasses), including continental shelves. (Neuendorf et al., 2011; Blewett, 2012). The Australian Continent, as an example, is divided into fundamental geological elements embracing geological provinces."@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "continent"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Continental
soreag:Continental rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sorea:PlanetaryRealm ;
- rdfs:label "continental"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf sorea:PlanetaryRealm ;
+ rdfs:label "continental"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Core
soreag:Core rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ;
- rdfs:label "core"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ;
+ rdfs:label "core"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/CoreMantleBoundary
soreag:CoreMantleBoundary rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass soreag:GuttenburgDiscontinuity ;
- rdfs:label "core mantle boundary"@en .
+ owl:equivalentClass soreag:GuttenburgDiscontinuity ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicBoundary ;
+ rdfs:label "core mantle boundary"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Cover
soreag:Cover rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicStructure ;
- rdfs:label "cover"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicStructure ;
+ rdfs:label "cover"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Crust
soreag:Crust rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass soreag:SkinLayer ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelsp:hasLowerBoundary ;
- owl:allValuesFrom soreag:Moho
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "crust"@en .
+ owl:equivalentClass soreag:SkinLayer ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty sorelsp:hasLowerBoundary ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom soreag:Moho
+ ] .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/CrustMantleBoundary
soreag:CrustMantleBoundary rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass soreag:Moho ;
- rdfs:label "crust mantle boundary"@en .
+ owl:equivalentClass soreag:Moho ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicBoundary ;
+ rdfs:label "crust mantle boundary"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/CrustalElement
+soreag:CrustalElement rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeophysicalDomain ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty sorel:partOf ;
+ owl:hasValue soreag:Crust
+ ] ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "Crustal Elements are geophysical domains that represent upper-crustal segments showing some overall commonality of geophysical properties, primarily magnetic and gravity data sets. Crustal elements are not geologically defined features, such as basement provinces. The latter are defined on the basis of geological criteria and are three-dimensional bodies that have a definite thickness and represent time-rock units whose maximum and minimum ages are generally, but not always, well established. Some crustal elements could represent a set of overlying or overlapping basement provinces. (Shaw et al., 1996)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "crustal element"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/DLayer
soreag:DLayer rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Mantle ;
- rdfs:label "d layer"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Mantle ;
+ rdfs:label "d layer"@en .
-### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Dike
-soreag:Dike rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
- rdfs:label "dike"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/DenudationalFeature
+soreag:DenudationalFeature rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "Structures shaped by weathering and erosion; include inlier, outlier, window, klippe, unconformity and peneplain (Kumpulainen, 2017)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "denudational feature"@en .
-### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Fabric
-soreag:Fabric rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soprop:Configuration ;
- rdfs:label "fabric"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Depression
+soreag:Depression rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A structurally low area formed in the crust, with various mechanisms of formation. (Modified from Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "depression"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Dike
+soreag:Dike rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
+ rdfs:label "dike"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Dome
+soreag:Dome rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "An uplift or anticlinal structure, either circular or elliptical in outline, in which the rocks dip gently away in all directions. A dome may be small or many kilometers in diameter. Domes include diapirs, volcanic domes, and cratonic uplifts. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "dome"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Duplex
+soreag:Duplex rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:altLabel "Duplex Fault Zone"@en ;
+ skos:definition "A structural complex consisting of a roof thrust at the top and a floor thrust at the base, within which a suite of more steeply dipping imbricate thrust faults thicken and shorten the intervening panel of rock (Neuendorf et al. (2011) citing Dahlstrom (1970), Boyer (1976))"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "duplex"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Embayment
+soreag:Embayment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A downwarped area containing stratified rocks, either sedimentary or volcanic or both, that extends into a terrain of other rocks. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "embayment"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Escarpment
+soreag:Escarpment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:altLabel "cuesta"@en ,
+ "scarpland"@en ;
+ skos:definition "(a) A long, more or less continuous cliff or relatively steep slope facing in one general direction, breaking the continuity of the land by separating two levels of gently sloping surfaces, and produced by erosion or faulting. The term is often used synonymously with scarp, although escarpment is more often applied to a cliff formed by differential erosion; (b) A steep, abrupt face of rock, often presented by the highest strata in a line of cliffs, and generally marking the outcrop of a resistant layer occurring in a series of gently dipping softer strata, specifically the steep face of a cuesta; (c) A term used loosely in Great Britain as a synonym of cuesta. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "cuesta"@es ,
+ "escarpment"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Fault
+soreag:Fault rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition " A discrete surface or zone of discrete surfaces separating two rock masses across which one mass has slid past the other. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "fault"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/FaultScarp
+soreag:FaultScarp rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:altLabel "cliff of displacement"@en ,
+ "fault cliff"@en ,
+ "fault escarpment"@en ;
+ skos:definition "(a) A steep slope or cliff formed directly by movement along a fault and representing the exposed surface of the fault before modification by erosion and weathering. It is an initial landform; (b) A term used loosely in England for any scarp that is due to the presence of a fault, even though the relief may be erosional. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "fault scarp"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/FaultSet
+soreag:FaultSet rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition " A group of faults that are parallel or nearly so, and that are related to a particular deformational episode. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "fault set"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/FaultSystem
+soreag:FaultSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "(a) An array of interconnected and kinematically related faults; (b) Two or more geometrically related fault sets, e.g., a conjugate fault system. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "fault system"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/FaultZone
+soreag:FaultZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A fault that is expressed as a zone of numerous small fractures, breccia, and/or fault gouge. A fault zone may be as wide as hundreds of meters. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "fault zone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Flow
+soreag:Flow rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition " A discrete extrusive volcanic body distinguishable by texture, composition, or other objective criteria. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "flow"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Fold
+soreag:Fold rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A curve or bend of a planar structure, such as rock strata, bedding planes, foliation or cleavage. A fold is usually the product of deformation, involving the compression of strata, but may include primary structures, as its definition is descriptive, not genetic. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "fold"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/FoldBelt
+soreag:FoldBelt rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ;
+ skos:altLabel "fold and thrust belt"@en ,
+ "folded zone"@en ;
+ skos:definition "A region in Earth’s lithosphere characterised by compressional tectonics, involving folding (usually parellel) and thrusting (both causing crustal shortening). Fold belts generally develop in the foreland bordering an ogogenic zone that was initiated by convergence between two tectonic plates or major crustal blocks. (Modified from: Neuendorf et al., 2011; Allaby, 2013 (Oxford Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences))"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "fold belt"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Formation
+soreag:Formation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "The primary formal unit of lithostratigraphic classification. Formations are the only formal lithostratigraphic units into which the stratigraphic column everywhere should be divided completely on the basis of lithology. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "formation"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeoResourceAccumulation
+soreag:GeoResourceAccumulation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "Georesource accumulations are naturally occurring masses, volumes or concentrations of geological materials that have existing or potential economic value. These resources may include, but are not limited to, minerals (including coal), hydrocarbons, quarry resources and groundwater."@en ,
+ "Georesource accumulations are naturally occurring masses, volumes or concentrations of geological materials that have existing or potential economic value. These resources may include, but are not limited to, minerals (including coal), hydrocarbons, quarry resources and groundwater. (Definition created here)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "georesource accumulation"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeologicBoundary
soreag:GeologicBoundary rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sorea:PlanetaryBoundary ;
- rdfs:label "geologic boundary"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf sorea:PlanetaryBoundary ;
+ rdfs:label "geologic boundary"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeologicFeature
soreag:GeologicFeature rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorel:hasRealm ;
- owl:allValuesFrom sorea:Geosphere
- ] ;
- dcterms:contributor [
- a sdo:Organization ;
- sdo:name "Geological Survey of Queensland" ;
- sdo:identifier ;
- ] ;
- skos:altLabel "Geologic Feature" , "Geological Feature" ;
- skos:definition "A geologic feature is a conceptual feature a that is hypothesized to exist coherently in the Earth that results from geological processes"@en ;
- skos:example "Individuals: Lake Eyre Basin, Sarmatian Craton, Victoria Point Sandbar, Mount Erebus Volcano. Subclasses: Basin, Craton, Shield, Province, Sub-Province."@en ;
- skos:scopeNote "Geologic Features include sedimentary basins, stratigraphic units, non-stratigraphic (lithodemic) units, stratigraphic event features, provinces, tectonic and structural features, georesource accumulations, and geologically significant sites, among others"@en ;
- rdfs:label "geologic feature"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty sorel:hasRealm ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom sorea:Geosphere
+ ] ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ skos:altLabel "Geological Feature"@en ;
+ skos:definition [ dcterms:created "2020-01-21"^^xsd:date ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:modified "2020-01-21"^^xsd:date ;
+ rdfs:comment "A geologic feature is a conceptual feature a that is hypothesized to exist coherently in the Earth that results from geological processes"@en
+ ] ;
+ skos:example "Individuals: Lake Eyre Basin, Sarmatian Craton, Victoria Point Sandbar, Mount Erebus Volcano. Subclasses: Basin, Craton, Shield, Province, Sub-Province"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "cechy geologiczne"@pl ,
+ "geologic feature"@en ;
+ skos:scopeNote "Geologic Features include sedimentary basins, stratigraphic units, non-stratigraphic (lithodemic) units, stratigraphic event features, provinces, tectonic and structural features, georesource accumulations, and geologically significant sites, among others"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeologicProvince
soreag:GeologicProvince rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicFeature ;
- rdfs:label "geologic province"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:TectonicEntity ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "Geologic provinces are tectonic entities that include cratons/shields (in the continental realm), orogens, sedimentary basins, and tectonised/metamorphosed and/or mineralised regions, as well as large igneous provinces (LIPs). (Definition created here)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geologic province"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeologicStructure
soreag:GeologicStructure rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sorea:Geosphere ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorel:hasRealm ;
- owl:allValuesFrom sorea:Geosphere
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "geologic structure"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf sorea:Geosphere ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty sorel:hasRealm ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom sorea:Geosphere
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "geologic structure"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeologicalHeritageSite
+soreag:GeologicalHeritageSite rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicallySignificantSite ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source [ rdf:type sohur:Publication ;
+ dcterms:creator "Geological Society of Australia" ;
+ dcterms:date "2020"^^xsd:gYear ;
+ dcterms:publisher "Geological Society of Australia" ;
+ dcterms:title "ACT Geoheritage" ;
+ dcterms:type wiki:Q35127 ;
+ sdo:url
+ ] ;
+ skos:definition "Geological Heritage Sites (formerly known as Geological Monuments) display geological features that are so outstanding or so rare that they form part of our natural heritage, requiring recognition, description and protection, for education, research and their geotourism potential. They show evidence of the geological processes that have occurred on Earth, and of the plants and animals that have lived on it. These sites include landforms, rock outcrops, river banks, sea cliffs and shore platforms, and are, in part, represented in road cuttings, mines, quarries and other excavations. (Geological Society of Australia)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geological heritage site"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeologicallySignificantSite
+soreag:GeologicallySignificantSite rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicFeature ,
+ geo:Feature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "Single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geologically significant site"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Geopark
+soreag:Geopark rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicallySignificantSite ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A Geopark is a nationally protected area containing a number of geological heritage sites of particular importance, rarity or aesthetic appeal. These Earth heritage sites are part of an integrated concept of protection, education and sustainable development. (UNESCO, 2006)"@en ;
+ skos:example """Four UNESCO-designated Geoparks (from http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/) are:
+ 1. Papuk UNESCO Global Geopark in Slavonia, Croatia (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/croatia/papuk/);
+ 2. Lesvos Island Global Geopark (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/greece/lesvos-island/);
+ 3. Muskauer Faltenboen / Łuk Mużakowa UNESCO Global Geopark, Germany & Poland (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/germanypoland/muskauer-faltenbogenluk-muzakowa/); and
+ 4. Alxa Desert UNESCO Global Geopark, China (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/china/alxa-desert/)."""@en ,
+ """Four UNESCO-designated Geoparks (from http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/) are:
+ 1. Papuk UNESCO Global Geopark in Slavonia, Croatia (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/croatia/papuk/);
+ 2. Lesvos Island Global Geopark (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/greece/lesvos-island/);
+ 3. Muskauer Faltenboen / Łuk Mużakowa UNESCO Global Geopark, Germany & Poland (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/germanypoland/muskauer-faltenbogenluk-muzakowa/); and
+ 4. Alxa Desert UNESCO Global Geopark, China (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/unesco-global-geoparks/list-of-unesco-global-geoparks/china/alxa-desert/)."""@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geopark"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeophysicalDomain
+soreag:GeophysicalDomain rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeophysicalFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ;
+ skos:defintion "Geophysical Domains are Geologic Features delimited by their geophysical properties, primarily magnetic and gravity properties or, in the case of Seismic Provinces, their crustal reflectivity. They represent discrete \"volumes\" of middle to lower crust. (Terminology based on usage of Shaw et al., 1996; Korsch et al., 2012)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geophysical domain"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeophysicalFeature
+soreag:GeophysicalFeature rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A feature associated with, and interpreted from, the physical properties and processes of the Earth, e.g., seismology. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geophysical feature"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GeosphereLayer
soreag:GeosphereLayer rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sorea:PlanetaryLayer ,
- soreag:Subsurface ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorel:hasRealm ;
- owl:allValuesFrom sorea:Geosphere
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "geosphere layer"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf sorea:PlanetaryLayer ,
+ soreag:Subsurface ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty sorel:hasRealm ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom sorea:Geosphere
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "geosphere layer"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Geotrail
+soreag:Geotrail rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicallySignificantSite ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source [ rdf:type sohur:Publication ;
+ dcterms:creator "Geological Society of Australia" ;
+ dcterms:date "2020"^^xsd:gYear ;
+ dcterms:publisher "Geological Society of Australia" ;
+ dcterms:title "Geotourism and Geotrails" ;
+ dcterms:type wiki:Q35127 ;
+ sdo:url
+ ] ;
+ skos:definition "Geotrails aim to provide a tourism experience linking an area’s geology and landscape (i.e., its geological heritage features, including mining heritage) to its biodiversity and cultural history. (Geological Society of Australia)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "geotrail"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GiantDikeSwarm
soreag:GiantDikeSwarm rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Dike ;
- rdfs:label "giant dike swarm"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Dike ;
+ rdfs:label "giant dike swarm"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Graben
+soreag:Graben rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "An elongate trough or basin, bounded on both sides by high-angle normal faults that dip toward one another. It is a structural form that may or may not be geomorphologically expressed as a rift valley. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "graben"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Group
+soreag:Group rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A succession of two or more contiguous or associated formations with significant and diagnostic lithologic properties in common. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "group"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/GuttenburgDiscontinuity
soreag:GuttenburgDiscontinuity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicBoundary ;
- rdfs:label "guttenburg discontinuity"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicBoundary ;
+ rdfs:label "guttenburg discontinuity"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/HalfGraben
+soreag:HalfGraben rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "An elongate, asymmetric trough or basin bounded on one side by a normal fault. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "half graben"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Horst
+soreag:Horst rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StructuralFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "An elongate block that is bounded on both sides by normal faults that dip away from one another. It is a structural form and may or may not be expressed geomorphologically. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "horst"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/IgneousProvince
+soreag:IgneousProvince rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicProvince ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:altLabel "Petrographic province"@en ;
+ skos:definition "A broad area in which similar igneous rocks are considered to have been formed during the same period of (igneous) activity. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "igneous province"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Inlier
+soreag:Inlier rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:DenudationalFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "An area or group of rocks surrounded by younger rocks, e.g., an eroded anticlinal crest. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "inlier"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/InnerCore
soreag:InnerCore rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Mantle ;
- owl:disjointWith soreag:OuterCore ;
- rdfs:label "inner core"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Core ;
+ owl:disjointWith soreag:OuterCore ;
+ rdfs:label "inner core"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/IntervalZone
+soreag:IntervalZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:BiostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "The body of fossiliferous strata between two specified biohorizons. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "interval zone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Klippe
+soreag:Klippe rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:DenudationalFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:altLabel "thrust outlier"@en ;
+ skos:definition "An isolated rock unit that is an erosional remnant or outlier of a nappe. Plural: klippen. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "klippe"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Laccolith
soreag:Laccolith rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
- rdfs:label "laccolith"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
+ rdfs:label "laccolith"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/LargeIgneousProvince
+soreag:LargeIgneousProvince rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicProvince ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition " A region characterized by massive crustal emplacements of predominantly mafic (Mg- and Fe-rich) extrusive and intrusive rocks which originated through processes other than \"normal\" seafloor spreading (Coffin & Eldholm, 1994); includes continental flood basalt provinces (e.g., Deccan Traps), oceanic plateaus (e.g., Ontong & Java Oceanic Plateaus), and North Atlantic volcanic passive margins. Abbrev: LIP. (Neuendorf et al., 2011)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "large igneous province"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/LehmannDiscontinuity
soreag:LehmannDiscontinuity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicBoundary ;
- rdfs:label "lehmann discontinuity"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicBoundary ;
+ rdfs:label "lehmann discontinuity"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/LineageZone
+soreag:LineageZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:BiostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "The body of strata containing specimens representing a specific segment of an evolutionary lineage. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "lineage zone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Lithodeme
+soreag:Lithodeme rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:LithodemicFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A lithodeme is the fundamental formal unit in lithodemic classification and corresponds to formation in lithostratigraphy. A lithodeme may consist of a single rock type, several rock types (if they form a lithologically coherent unit) or several rock types that have become tectonically intermingled to form a lithological unit. A lithodeme may contain informal sub-lithodemes, some of which may be named phase or zone (e.g., mineralized zone, pegmatitic zone). The term complex can be used for a non-ranked lithodemic unit. (Kumpulainen, 2017)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "lithodeme"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/LithodemicFeature
+soreag:LithodemicFeature rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeologicFeature ;
+ owl:disjointWith soreag:StratigraphicFeature ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "A Lithodemic Unit is a defined body of predominantly intrusive, highly metamorphosed, or intensely deformed rock that, because it is intrusive or has lost primary structure through metamorphism or tectonism, generally does not conform to the Law of Superposition. Expressions of age of lithodemic units (because they are non-stratigraphic) should be given in terms of the appropriate geochronologic (geological-time) unit, and thus not by chronstratigraphic (time-rock) terms. (North American Stratigraphic Code, 2005)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "lithodemic feature"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Lithosphere
soreag:Lithosphere rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelsc:containsMaterial ;
- owl:allValuesFrom somarock:Rock
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "lithosphere"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:GeosphereLayer ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty sorelsc:containsMaterial ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom somarock:Rock
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "lithosphere"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/LithostratigraphicUnit
+soreag:LithostratigraphicUnit rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:StratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ skos:definition "Lithostratigraphic units are bodies of rocks, bedded or unbedded, that are defined and characterized on the basis of their lithologic properties and their stratigraphic relations. Lithostratigraphic units are the basic units of geologic mapping. (ICS, Online, December 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "lithostratigraphic unit"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/Lopolith
soreag:Lopolith rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
- rdfs:label "lopolith"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:PlutonicStructure ;
+ rdfs:label "lopolith"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/LowerMantle
soreag:LowerMantle rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Mantle ;
- rdfs:label "lower mantle"@en .
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:Mantle ;
+ rdfs:label "lower mantle"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/MagnetostratigraphicPolaritySubzone
+soreag:MagnetostratigraphicPolaritySubzone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:MagnetostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "Polarity Zones may be subdivided into Polarity Suzones. The corresponding interval of geological time during which the rocks in the Polarity Subzone were deposited is referred to as its associated Polarity Subchron. (Salvador, 2013; ICS, Online, December, 2019)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "magnetostratigraphic polarity subzone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/MagnetostratigraphicPolaritySuperzone
+soreag:MagnetostratigraphicPolaritySuperzone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:MagnetostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ dcterms:source ,
+ ,
+ ;
+ skos:definition "Polarity Zones may be grouped into Polarity Superzones (Hyperzones in Russian literature). The corresponding interval of geological time during which the rocks in the Polarity Superzone were deposited is referred to as its associated Polarity Superchron. As an example of the latter, the mid-Carboniferous – Middle Permian Kiaman Superchron is the longest known period of predominantly reversed polarity, which was terminated by the Illawarra Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal near the base of the Capitanian. (Salvador, 2013; ICS, Online, December, 2019; Gradstein et al., 2012)"@en ;
+ skos:prefLabel "magnetostratigraphic polarity superzone"@en .
+### http://sweetontology.net/realmGeol/MagnetostratigraphicPolarityZone
+soreag:MagnetostratigraphicPolarityZone rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf soreag:MagnetostratigraphicUnit ;
+ dcterms:contributor ,