Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (QMSS)
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS)
Columbia University
Course: QMSS G4063 Spring 2015
Lecture: MW 1:10pm-2:25pm at 313 Fayerweather
Office Hours: W 2:30pm-3:30pm at IAB 270C
Elliot Cohen, Ph.D.
Lecturer in the Department of Statistics
Columbia University
... and resources to help you get there
- Tufte's Rules. Above all else, show the data.
- Grammar of Graphics: Wilkinson's theory and Wickham's implementation.
- Meet your computer
- command line essentials & more
- text editors
- file paths
- Working with data in
- basic training
- data analysis with plyr
- data visualization with ggplot
- scripting, debugging and writing functions
- reproducible research and dynamic output with Rmarkdown
- Communicating & sharing your results in the browser
- github.io
- document object model:
- interactive visualization with
- Version control and collaboration with
Subject to change. Syllabus will be updated periodically throughout the semester based on progress assessments and student learning outcomes.
Jan. 21 (W): Welcome! Introduction, context and history of Data Viz. Review syllabus and course resources.
Jan. 26 (M): Anscombe's Quartet. Statistical graphics. Visual model diagnostics.
Jan. 28 (W):
tutorial. -
Feb. 02 (M): Quiz 1 (Tufte and Wilkinson Ch. 1-3). From Wilkinson's grammar of graphics to implementation with Hadley's ggplot2.
Feb. 04 (W): Meet your computer. Git and
tutorial. -
Feb. 09 (M): Guest Lecture Michael Malecki - Data Maps. Reading due today: value-by-alpha maps & more on value-by-alpha maps
Feb. 11 (W): Guest Lecture Swupnil Sahai -
. -
Feb. 16 (M): Time Series: The Climate Hockey Stick (IPCC). WSJ and NYT Business Section graphics. gapminder
Feb. 18 (W): Handling time series in
with date() and POSIX() objects. In-class assignment: Handling geophysical time series -- example from wind energy analysis. -
Feb. 23 (M):
- Quiz 2.
- Quiz 2 review.
- Project status updates.
- Narrative Graphics of Space and Time: Minard's narrative of Napoleon's Failed Conquest of Russia. NYT Ebola Graphics. Ornithology and botany field guides.
- Reading due today: Tufte chapters 4-9. Wilkinson chapters 4-7 (you can skim ch. 5).
- HW2 due Monday Mar. 2nd: Re-Create Minard's Napolean Conquest or Ebola/contagion graphic in
Feb. 25 (W): R and git.
Mar. 02 (M): HW2 due today! Project status updates due today! In class: scripting, debugging and writing functions in
. -
Mar. 04 (W): Peer code review of HW2 (30min). Time to work on projects (45min). Elliot at conference in Portugal; Hueiyi will be available for questions.
Mar. 09 (M): Cartography and Choropleths with sp, rMaps, maps, maptools and other
libraries.install.packages(c("sp", "maps", "maptools", "reshape", "deldir")) require(devtools) install.packages("base64enc") install_github('ramnathv/rCharts@dev') install_github('ramnathv/rMaps')
Mar. 11 (W): DOM
- Quiz 3.
- Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM) paradigm:
- Reading for next week:
- Data Viz w. D3.js Cookbook (Zhu) Ch. 1-3: setup, selections, data.
- Interactive Data Viz for the Web (Murray) Ch. 3-6: technology, setup, data.
- Color Theory Basics
- Semantically-Resonant Colors
- Categorical Colors
- ColorBrewer
- I want Hue
- ColorPicker
Mar. 16 (M): Spring Break
Mar. 18 (W): Spring Break
Mar. 23 (M): Colors! Semantically resonant colors. Color scales. Color pallettes. HEX.
Mar. 25 (W): Document Object Model (DOM) part I & II
- Prerequisites
- command line essentials & more
- text editors (TextEdit, Sublime Text, BBEdit, Chocolat, Atom and many more)
- file paths (hint: no spaces)
- local server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888
- Prerequisites
Mar. 30 (M): Document Object Model (DOM) part III
.- Reading due today (YES READ BOTH):
- Data Viz w. D3.js Cookbook (Zhu) Ch. 4-6: scales, axes, transitions.
- Interactive Data Viz for the Web (Murray) Ch. 7-9: scales, axes, transitions.
Apr. 01 (W): Putting together the DOM with JsFiddle, Plunkr or local server.
Apr. 06 (M): D3 part I: setup, selections and data.
Apr. 08 (W): D3 practice
Apr. 13 (M): D3 part II: scales, axes, transitions.
- Reading due today:
- Data Viz w. D3.js Cookbook (Zhu) Ch. 7-9: shapes, charts, layouts.
- D3 on blocks
- D3 intro
- Reading due today:
Apr. 15 (W): Build a webpage on github.io
Apr. 20 (M): Exam! Covers all topics since Spring Break.
- Reading due today (YES READ BOTH):
- Data Viz w. D3.js Cookbook (Zhu) Ch. 10: Interactivity.
- Interactive Data Viz for the Web (Murray) Ch. 10: Interactivity.
- Study!
- Reading due today (YES READ BOTH):
Apr. 22 (W): TBD
Apr. 27 (M): Revisiting sage advice from Edward Tufte: Corruption in Evidence Presentation - Effects without causes. Actions without actors. Passive voice as obfuscation. - Cherry-picking, overreaching, the rage to conclude. - Chartjunk strikes back! - Why PowerPoint insults your audience's intelligence.
Apr. 29 (W): First FULL draft of conference paper due! Instructor review. - In class introduce new data-viz libraries for R: dygraphs, plotly and leaflet.
May 04 (M): First FULL draft of project website due! Peer code review.
May 11 (M): FINAL EXAM (1:10-4:00pm): Present final project: conference paper with accompanying web-based visualizations.