All notable changes to the "Evilbot" repository will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added: More holidays
- Updated: All dependencies
- Added: Commitizen (for dev)
- Changed: Halloween end date from 6.11 to 4.11
- Added: Cristmas holiday
- Added: RichPresence show bot version
- Added: Support halloween holiday
- Auto enable from 25.10 to 6.11
- Change temp voice name
- DEV: Support any holiday in
- Added: support to multiple lavalink nodes
- Fixed: crashes in music module
- Fixed: temp voice channel creation and deletion instantly
- DEV: Remove db temporary
- DEV: Move all settings to .env
- DEV: Move lavalink nodes settings to lavalink.json
- Versions prior to 4.0.0 are no longer supported and the code has been removed, so changes prior to 5.0.0 will not be noted