diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a784ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.env.example
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# example env file for local docker run
+# Stripe Webhook:
+# Stripe Connect Webhook:
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 85b9fc4c..a65c98c6 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,3 +2,6 @@ __pycache__
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd4d1f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+FROM python:3
+RUN cd /tmp && \
+ wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/${VAULT_VERSION}/vault_${VAULT_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip && \
+ unzip vault_${VAULT_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip && \
+ mv vault /usr/local/bin/vault && \
+ rm vault_${VAULT_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip
+COPY docker/entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh
+RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh
+COPY . /app
+RUN cd /app && \
+ rm dist/localstripe-*.tar.gz && \
+ python setup.py sdist && \
+ pip install dist/localstripe-*.tar.gz && \
+ rm -rf /app
+ENV PORT=8420
+EXPOSE 8420
+CMD ["/usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh"]
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b529d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+.PHONY: all
+all: help
+PROJECTNAME = localstripe
+ENV ?= preview
+ifeq ($(ENV),sandbox)
+REGION = us-east-1
+REGION = us-west-1
+LOCAL_TAG = $(ENV)-$(REGION)-localstripe:latest
+ECR_URL = 819738237059.dkr.ecr.$(REGION).amazonaws.com
+ECR_TAG = $(ECR_URL)/$(ENV)-$(REGION)-localstripe:latest
+SYSTEM = $(shell uname -s)
+HOST_PORT ?= 8420
+RUN_ENV ?= development
+## docker-login: Login to ECR repository
+.PHONY: docker-login
+ @echo " > Logging in to ECR repository for environment $(ENV)"
+ @aws ecr get-login-password --region $(REGION) | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(ECR_URL)
+## docker-build: Build docker image ENV=preview (default)
+.PHONY: docker-build
+ @echo " > Building Docker image $(LOCAL_TAG)"
+ @docker build -t $(LOCAL_TAG) .
+ @echo " > Build Completed"
+## docker-push: Push docker image ENV=preview (default)
+.PHONY: docker-push
+ @echo " > Tagging image: $(ECR_TAG)"
+ @docker tag $(LOCAL_TAG) $(ECR_TAG)
+ @echo " > Pushing docker image: $(ECR_TAG)"
+ @docker push $(ECR_TAG)
+ @echo " > Push Completed"
+## docker-run: Run docker image locally RUN_ENV=development (default)
+.PHONY: docker-run
+ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
+ @echo " > Running docker image: $(LOCAL_TAG)"
+ @docker run --rm -p $(HOST_PORT):8420 --env-file .env.$(RUN_ENV) $(LOCAL_TAG)
+HOST_IP ?= $(shell docker network inspect bridge -f "{{json (index .IPAM.Config 0).Gateway}}")
+ @echo " > Running docker image: $(LOCAL_TAG) with host $(HOST_NAME):$(HOST_IP)"
+ @docker run --rm -p $(HOST_PORT):8420 --add-host "$(HOST_NAME):$(HOST_IP)" --env-file .env.$(RUN_ENV) $(LOCAL_TAG)
+## docker-image: Combine docker build and push
+.PHONY: docker-image
+docker-image: docker-build docker-push
+.PHONY: help
+help: Makefile
+ @echo
+ @echo "Choose a command to run in: '$(PROJECTNAME)':"
+ @echo
+ @sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /'
+ @echo
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index a18c0b11..940c2615 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -51,21 +51,17 @@ Then simply run the command ``localstripe``. The fake Stripe server is now
listening on port 8420.
Or launch a container using `the Docker image
.. code:: shell
- docker run -p 8420:8420 adrienverge/localstripe:latest
+ make docker-run ENV=development
Docker image can be rebuilt using:
.. code::
- docker build --no-cache -t adrienverge/localstripe -< {
this.value = {
card: {
- number: this._inputs.number.value,
- exp_month: this._inputs.exp_month.value,
- exp_year: '20' + this._inputs.exp_year.value,
- cvc: this._inputs.cvc.value,
+ number: this._inputs.number && this._inputs.number.value,
+ exp_month: this._inputs.exp_month && this._inputs.exp_month.value,
+ exp_year: this._inputs.exp_year && '20' + this._inputs.exp_year.value,
+ cvc: this._inputs.cvc && this._inputs.cvc.value,
- postal_code: this._inputs.postal_code.value,
- }
+ postal_code: this._inputs.postal_code && this._inputs.postal_code.value,
+ };
+ var evt = {
+ elementType: this._type,
+ empty: event.target.value.length == 0,
+ complete: false,
+ error: null,
+ brand: this._cardBrand(),
+ };
- if (event.target === this._inputs.number &&
- this.value.card.number.length >= 16) {
- this._inputs.exp_month.focus();
- } else if (event.target === this._inputs.exp_month &&
- parseInt(this.value.card.exp_month) > 1) {
- this._inputs.exp_year.focus();
- } else if (event.target === this._inputs.exp_year &&
- this.value.card.exp_year.length >= 4) {
- this._inputs.cvc.focus();
- } else if (event.target === this._inputs.cvc &&
- this.value.card.cvc.length >= 3) {
- this._inputs.postal_code.focus();
+ switch (event.target) {
+ case this._inputs.number:
+ var numberLen = evt.brand == 'amex' ? 15 : 16;
+ if (this.value.card.number.length >= numberLen) {
+ evt.complete = true;
+ this._inputs.exp_month && this._inputs.exp_month.focus();
+ }
+ break;
+ case this._inputs.exp_month:
+ if (parseInt(this.value.card.exp_month) > 1) {
+ evt.complete = true;
+ this._inputs.exp_year && this._inputs.exp_year.focus();
+ }
+ break;
+ case this._inputs.exp_year:
+ if (this.value.card.exp_year.length >= 4) {
+ evt.complete = true;
+ this._inputs.cvc && this._inputs.cvc.focus();
+ }
+ break;
+ case this._inputs.cvc:
+ if (this.value.card.cvc.length >= 3) {
+ evt.complete = true;
+ this._inputs.postal_code && this._inputs.postal_code.focus();
+ }
+ break;
- (this.listeners['change'] || []).forEach(handler => handler());
+ (this.listeners['change'] || []).forEach(handler => handler(evt));
Object.keys(this._inputs).forEach(field => {
@@ -157,10 +214,39 @@ class Element {
field === 'postal_code' ? 5 :
field === 'cvc' ? 3 : 2);
this._inputs[field].oninput = changed;
+ this._inputs[field].onblur = () => {
+ (this.listeners['blur'] || []).forEach(handler => handler());
+ };
+ this._inputs[field].onfocus = () => {
+ (this.listeners['focus'] || []).forEach(handler => handler());
+ }
this._domChildren.forEach((child) => domElement.appendChild(child));
+ (this.listeners['ready'] || []).forEach(handler => handler());
+ }
+ _cardBrand() {
+ if (!this._inputs.number) {
+ return 'unknown';
+ }
+ const brands = {
+ 'visa': '^4',
+ 'mastercard': '^(?:2(?:22[1-9]|2[3-9]|[3-6]|7[01]|720)|5[1-5])',
+ 'amex': '^3[47]',
+ 'discover': '^6(?:011|22|4[4-9]|5)',
+ 'diners': '^36',
+ 'jcb': '^35(?:2[89]|[3-8])',
+ 'unionpay': '^62',
+ }
+ Object.keys(brands).forEach(brand => {
+ if (this._inputs.number.value.match(brands[brand])) {
+ return brand;
+ }
+ });
+ return 'unknown';
unmount() {
@@ -172,8 +258,36 @@ class Element {
destroy() {
- if (this._stripeElements._cardElement === this) {
- this._stripeElements._cardElement = null;
+ if (this._stripeElements._elements[this._type] === this) {
+ this._stripeElements._elements[this._type] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ blur() {
+ Object.keys(this._inputs).forEach(field => {
+ this._inputs[field].blur();
+ });
+ (this.listeners['blur'] || []).forEach(handler => handler());
+ }
+ focus() {
+ var field = Object.keys(this._inputs)[0];
+ this._inputs[field].focus();
+ (this.listeners['focus'] || []).forEach(handler => handler());
+ }
+ clear() {
+ Object.keys(this._inputs).forEach(field => {
+ this._inputs[field].value = '';
+ });
+ }
+ update(options) {
+ if (!options) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (options.value && options.value.postalCode && this._inputs.postal_code) {
+ this._inputs.postal_code.value = options.value.postalCode;
@@ -181,22 +295,35 @@ class Element {
this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || [];
+ off(event, handler) {
+ if (handler) {
+ var i = this.listeners[event].indexOf(handler);
+ this.listeners[event].splice(i, 1);
+ } else {
+ delete this.listeners[event];
+ }
+ }
-Stripe = (apiKey) => {
- return {
+function Stripe(apiKey) {
+ var _elements = {};
+ return window.stripe = {
elements: () => {
return {
- _cardElement: null,
+ _elements: _elements,
create: function(type, options) {
- if (this._cardElement) {
- throw new Error("Can only create one Element of type card");
+ if (this._elements[type]) {
+ throw new Error('Can only create one Element of type ' + type);
+ }
+ if (!['card', 'cardNumber', 'cardExpiry', 'cardCvc'].includes(type)) {
+ throw new Error('Element type not supported: ' + type);
- this._cardElement = new Element(this);
- return this._cardElement;
+ this._elements[type] = new Element(this, type);
+ return this._elements[type];
getElement: function(type) {
- return this._cardElement;
+ return this._elements[type];
@@ -334,7 +461,7 @@ Stripe = (apiKey) => {
- confirmCardPayment: async (clientSecret, data) => {
+ confirmCardPayment: async (clientSecret, data, options) => {
console.log('localstripe: Stripe().confirmCardPayment()');
try {
const success = await openModal(
@@ -401,9 +528,98 @@ Stripe = (apiKey) => {
- createPaymentMethod: async () => {},
+ createPaymentMethod: async (dataOrType, dataOrElement, legacyData) => {
+ console.log('localstripe: Stripe().createPaymentMethod()');
+ try {
+ let data, element;
+ let card = {};
+ if (typeof dataOrType === 'string') {
+ if (dataOrElement && dataOrElement.constructor && dataOrElement.constructor.name === 'Element') {
+ data = legacyData;
+ element = dataOrElement;
+ } else {
+ data = dataOrElement;
+ }
+ if (data.type && data.type !== dataOrType) {
+ return {error: 'The type supplied in payment_method_data is not consistent.'};
+ }
+ data.type = dataOrType;
+ } else {
+ data = dataOrType;
+ element = data.card;
+ }
+ if (element) {
+ let types = ['card', 'cardNumber', 'cardExpiry', 'cardCvc'];
+ types.forEach(type => {
+ let elem = element._stripeElements.getElement(type);
+ if (elem) {
+ Object.keys(elem._inputs).forEach(field => {
+ card[field] = elem._inputs[field].value;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ const url = `${LOCALSTRIPE_SOURCE}/v1/payment_methods`;
+ let response = await fetch(url, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ key: apiKey,
+ type: data.type,
+ card: card,
+ billing_details: data.billing_details,
+ }),
+ });
+ const body = await response.json().catch(() => ({}));
+ if (response.status !== 200 || body.error) {
+ return {error: body.error};
+ } else {
+ return {paymentMethod: body};
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (typeof err === 'object' && err.error) {
+ return err;
+ } else {
+ return {error: err};
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ confirmPaymentIntent: // deprecated
+ async function(clientSecret, data) {
+ return this.confirmCardPayment(clientSecret, data, {
+ handleActions: false,
+ });
+ },
+ paymentRequest: function() {
+ return {
+ listeners: [],
+ abort: () => {},
+ canMakePayment: () => {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ resolve(null);
+ });
+ },
+ show: () => {},
+ update: () => {},
+ on: (event, handler) => {
+ this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || [];
+ this.listeners[event].push(handler);
+ },
+ off: (event, handler) => {
+ if (handler) {
+ var i = this.listeners[event].indexOf(handler);
+ this.listeners[event].splice(i, 1);
+ } else {
+ delete this.listeners[event];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ },
console.log('localstripe: The Stripe object was just replaced in the page. ' +
'Stripe elements created from now on will be fake ones, ' +
diff --git a/localstripe/resources.py b/localstripe/resources.py
index fed2f444..7962fb4c 100644
--- a/localstripe/resources.py
+++ b/localstripe/resources.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import hashlib
+import json
import pickle
import random
import re
@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from .errors import UserError
-from .webhooks import schedule_webhook
+from .webhooks import schedule_webhook, register_webhook, unregister_webhook, \
+ list_webhooks
# Save built-in keyword `type`, because some classes override it by using
@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@
class Store(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.save_to_disk = True
def try_load_from_disk(self):
@@ -44,13 +47,35 @@ def try_load_from_disk(self):
old = pickle.load(f)
+ self._restore_webhooks()
except FileNotFoundError:
def dump_to_disk(self):
+ if not self.save_to_disk:
+ return
with open('/tmp/localstripe.pickle', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ def load_from_config(self, fp):
+ conf = json.load(fp)
+ if conf['WebhookEndpoints']:
+ self.load_config_webhooks(conf['WebhookEndpoints'])
+ self._restore_webhooks()
+ def load_config_webhooks(self, config):
+ for name in config:
+ obj = config[name]
+ WebhookEndpoint(url=obj['url'],
+ _secret=obj['secret'],
+ enabled_events=obj['events'])
+ def _restore_webhooks(self):
+ for key, obj in self.items():
+ if not key.startswith('webhook_endpoint:'):
+ continue
+ register_webhook(obj.id, obj.url, obj._secret, obj.enabled_events)
def __setitem__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -174,12 +199,13 @@ def _update(self, **data):
# Do not modify object during checks -> do two loops
for key, value in data.items():
if key.startswith('_') or not hasattr(self, key):
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(
+ 400, 'Bad request: field %s not recognised' % key)
# Treat metadata differently: do not delete absent fields
metadata = data.pop('metadata', None)
if metadata:
if type(metadata) is not dict:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: invalid metadata')
self.metadata = self.metadata or {}
for key, value in metadata.items():
self.metadata[key] = value
@@ -190,10 +216,10 @@ def _export(self, expand=None):
if expand is None:
expand = []
- assert type(expand) is list
- assert all([type(e) is str for e in expand])
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(expand) is list, 'invalid expand'
+ assert all([type(e) is str for e in expand]), 'invalid expand'
+ except AssertionError as ex:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from ex
if any(len(path.split('.')) > 4 for path in expand):
raise UserError(
@@ -244,6 +270,129 @@ def do_expand(path, obj):
return obj
+class Account(StripeObject):
+ object = 'account'
+ _id_prefix = 'acct_'
+ _default_account = None
+ def __init__(self,
+ type=None,
+ country=None,
+ email=None,
+ capabilities=None,
+ business_type=None,
+ company=None,
+ individual=None,
+ metadata=None,
+ tos_acceptance=None,
+ business_profile=None,
+ default_currency=None,
+ documents=None,
+ external_accounts=None,
+ settings=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ if kwargs:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
+ try:
+ assert type in ('custom', 'express', 'standard'), 'invalid type'
+ assert country is None or _type(country) is str, 'invalid country'
+ assert email is None or _type(email) is str, 'invalid email'
+ if type == 'custom':
+ assert capabilities is not None, \
+ 'custom account type must specify capabilities'
+ if capabilities is not None:
+ assert _type(capabilities) is dict, \
+ 'invalid capabilities'
+ assert set(capabilities.values()).issubset({
+ 'active', 'inactive', 'pending'}), \
+ 'invalid capabilities'
+ assert business_type is None or \
+ business_type in ('individual', 'company', 'non_profit',
+ 'government_entity'), \
+ 'invalid business_type'
+ assert company is None or _type(company) is dict, 'invalid company'
+ assert individual is None or _type(individual) is dict, \
+ 'invalid individual'
+ assert metadata is None or _type(metadata) is dict, \
+ 'invalid metadata'
+ assert tos_acceptance is None or _type(tos_acceptance) is dict, \
+ 'invalid tos_acceptance'
+ assert business_profile is None or \
+ _type(business_profile) is dict, 'invalid business_profile'
+ assert default_currency is None or \
+ _type(default_currency) is str, 'invalid default_currency'
+ assert documents is None or _type(documents) is dict, \
+ 'invalid documents'
+ if external_accounts is not None:
+ assert _type(external_accounts) is list, \
+ 'invalid external_accounts'
+ assert all(_type(v) is dict
+ for v in external_accounts.values()), \
+ 'invalid external_accounts'
+ assert settings is None or _type(settings) is dict, \
+ 'invalid settings'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
+ # All exceptions must be raised before this point.
+ super().__init__()
+ self.type = type
+ self.country = country or 'US'
+ self.email = email
+ self.capabilities = capabilities or {}
+ self.business_type = business_type
+ self.company = company or {}
+ self.individual = individual or {}
+ self.metadata = metadata or {}
+ self.tos_acceptance = tos_acceptance or {}
+ self.business_profile = business_profile or {}
+ self.default_currency = default_currency or 'usd'
+ self.documents = documents or {}
+ self.external_accounts = List(
+ '/v1/accounts/' + self.id + '/external_accounts')
+ self.external_accounts._list = external_accounts or []
+ self.settings = settings or {}
+ self.details_submitted = False
+ self.payouts_enabled = False
+ self.charges_enabled = False
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_create(cls, external_account=None, **data):
+ external_accounts = None
+ if external_account is not None:
+ external_accounts = [external_account]
+ return super()._api_create(external_accounts=external_accounts, **data)
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_update(cls, id, external_account=None, **data):
+ obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
+ if external_account is not None:
+ if obj.external_accounts is None:
+ obj.external_accounts = [external_account]
+ else:
+ obj.external_accounts.append(external_account)
+ obj._update(**data)
+ return obj
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_list_all(cls, url, created=None, ending_before=None, **kwargs):
+ return super()._api_list_all(url, **kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_default(cls, **kwargs):
+ if cls._default_account is None:
+ cls._default_account = Account(type='standard')
+ return cls._default_account
+extra_apis.append(('GET', '/v1/account', Account._api_default))
class Balance(object):
object = 'balance'
@@ -304,22 +453,25 @@ def __init__(self, amount=None, currency=None, description=None,
amount = try_convert_to_int(amount)
exchange_rate = try_convert_to_float(exchange_rate)
- assert _type(amount) is int
- assert _type(currency) is str and currency
- assert description is None or _type(description) is str
- assert exchange_rate is None or _type(exchange_rate) is float
- assert reporting_category in ('charge', 'refund')
- assert _type(source) is str
- assert type in ('charge', 'refund')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert _type(amount) is int, 'invalid amount'
+ assert _type(currency) is str and currency, 'invalid currency'
+ assert description is None or _type(description) is str, \
+ 'invalid description'
+ assert exchange_rate is None or _type(exchange_rate) is float, \
+ 'invalid exchange_rate'
+ assert reporting_category in ('charge', 'refund'), \
+ 'invalid reporting_category'
+ assert _type(source) is str, 'invalid source'
+ assert type in ('charge', 'refund'), 'invalid type'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
if source.startswith('ch_'):
Charge._api_retrieve(source) # to return 404 if not existent
elif source.startswith('re_'):
Refund._api_retrieve(source) # to return 404 if not existent
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: unknown source prefix')
# All exceptions must be raised before this point
@@ -376,8 +528,8 @@ def __init__(self, source=None, **kwargs):
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(source) is dict
- assert source.get('object') == 'card'
+ assert type(source) is dict, 'invalid source'
+ assert source.get('object') == 'card', 'invalid source.object'
number = source.get('number')
exp_month = try_convert_to_int(source.get('exp_month'))
exp_year = try_convert_to_int(source.get('exp_year'))
@@ -389,16 +541,19 @@ def __init__(self, source=None, **kwargs):
address_state = source.get('address_state')
address_zip = source.get('address_zip')
name = source.get('name')
- assert type(number) is str and len(number) == 16
- assert type(exp_month) is int
- assert exp_month >= 1 and exp_month <= 12
- assert type(exp_year) is int
+ assert type(number) is str and len(number) == 16, \
+ 'invalid source.number'
+ assert type(exp_month) is int, 'invalid source.exp_month'
+ assert exp_month >= 1 and exp_month <= 12, \
+ 'invalid source.exp_month'
+ assert type(exp_year) is int, 'invalid source.exp_year'
if exp_year > 0 and exp_year < 100:
exp_year += 2000
- assert exp_year >= 2017 and exp_year <= 2100
- assert type(cvc) is str and len(cvc) == 3
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert exp_year >= 2017 and exp_year <= 2100, \
+ 'invalid source.exp_year'
+ assert type(cvc) is str and len(cvc) == 3, 'invalid source.cvc'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -456,23 +611,27 @@ def __init__(self, amount=None, currency=None, description=None,
amount = try_convert_to_int(amount)
capture = try_convert_to_bool(capture)
- assert type(amount) is int and amount >= 0
- assert type(currency) is str and currency
+ assert type(amount) is int and amount >= 0, 'invalid amount'
+ assert type(currency) is str and currency, 'invalid currency'
if description is not None:
- assert type(description) is str
+ assert type(description) is str, 'invalid description'
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if source is not None:
- assert type(source) is str
+ assert type(source) is str, 'invalid source'
assert (source.startswith('pm_') or source.startswith('src_')
- or source.startswith('card_'))
- assert type(capture) is bool
+ or source.startswith('card_')), 'invalid source'
+ assert type(capture) is bool, 'invalid capture'
if statement_descriptor is not None:
- assert type(statement_descriptor) is str
- assert len(statement_descriptor) <= 22
- assert re.search('[a-zA-Z]', statement_descriptor)
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(statement_descriptor) is str, \
+ 'invalid statement_descriptor'
+ assert len(statement_descriptor) <= 22, \
+ 'invalid statement_descriptor'
+ assert re.search('[a-zA-Z]', statement_descriptor), \
+ 'invalid statement_descriptor'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
if source is None:
customer_obj = Customer._api_retrieve(customer)
@@ -577,9 +736,9 @@ def _api_capture(cls, id, amount=None, **kwargs):
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('ch_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('ch_'), 'invalid id'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
@@ -588,10 +747,11 @@ def _api_capture(cls, id, amount=None, **kwargs):
amount = try_convert_to_int(amount)
- assert type(amount) is int and 0 <= amount <= obj.amount
- assert obj.captured is False
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(amount) is int and 0 <= amount <= obj.amount, \
+ 'invalid amount'
+ assert obj.captured is False, 'invalid captured'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
def on_success():
obj.captured = True
@@ -624,18 +784,21 @@ def _api_list_all(cls, url, customer=None, created=None, limit=10,
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if created is not None:
- assert type(created) in (dict, str)
+ assert type(created) in (dict, str), 'invalid created'
if type(created) is dict:
assert len(created.keys()) == 1 and \
- list(created.keys())[0] in ('gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte')
+ list(created.keys())[0] in \
+ ('gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte'), 'invalid created'
date = try_convert_to_int(list(created.values())[0])
elif type(created) is str:
date = try_convert_to_int(created)
- assert type(date) is int and date > 1500000000
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(date) is int and date > 1500000000, \
+ 'invalid created'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
if customer:
Customer._api_retrieve(customer) # to return 404 if not existant
@@ -671,21 +834,26 @@ def __init__(self, id=None, duration=None, amount_off=None,
percent_off = try_convert_to_float(percent_off)
duration_in_months = try_convert_to_int(duration_in_months)
- assert type(id) is str and id
- assert (amount_off is None) != (percent_off is None)
+ assert type(id) is str and id, 'invalid id'
+ assert (amount_off is None) != (percent_off is None), \
+ 'invalid amount_off'
if amount_off is not None:
- assert type(amount_off) is int and amount_off >= 0
+ assert type(amount_off) is int and amount_off >= 0, \
+ 'invalid amount_off'
if percent_off is not None:
- assert type(percent_off) is float
- assert percent_off >= 0 and percent_off <= 100
- assert duration in ('forever', 'once', 'repeating')
+ assert type(percent_off) is float, 'invalid percent_off'
+ assert percent_off >= 0 and percent_off <= 100, \
+ 'invalid percent_off'
+ assert duration in ('forever', 'once', 'repeating'), \
+ 'invalid duration'
if amount_off is not None:
- assert type(currency) is str and currency
+ assert type(currency) is str and currency, 'invalid currency'
if duration == 'repeating':
- assert type(duration_in_months) is int
- assert duration_in_months > 0
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(duration_in_months) is int, \
+ 'invalid duration_in_months'
+ assert duration_in_months > 0, 'invalid duration_in_months'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -716,43 +884,51 @@ def __init__(self, name=None, description=None, email=None,
if name is not None:
- assert type(name) is str
+ assert type(name) is str, 'invalid name'
if description is not None:
- assert type(description) is str
+ assert type(description) is str, 'invalid description'
if email is not None:
- assert type(email) is str
+ assert type(email) is str, 'invalid email'
if phone is not None:
- assert type(phone) is str
+ assert type(phone) is str, 'invalid phone'
if address is not None:
- assert type(address) is dict
+ assert type(address) is dict, 'invalid address'
assert set(address.keys()).issubset({
'city', 'country', 'line1', 'line2', 'postal_code',
- 'state'})
- assert all(type(f) is str for f in address.values())
+ 'state'}), 'invalid address key'
+ assert all(type(f) is str for f in address.values()), \
+ 'invalid address value'
if invoice_settings is None:
invoice_settings = {}
- assert type(invoice_settings) is dict
+ assert type(invoice_settings) is dict, 'invalid invoice_settings'
if 'default_payment_method' not in invoice_settings:
invoice_settings['default_payment_method'] = None
if invoice_settings['default_payment_method'] is not None:
- assert type(invoice_settings['default_payment_method']) is str
+ assert type(invoice_settings['default_payment_method']) \
+ is str, 'invalid invoice_settings default_payment_method'
assert (invoice_settings['default_payment_method']
- .startswith('pm_'))
+ .startswith('pm_')), \
+ 'invalid invoice_settings default_payment_method'
if business_vat_id is not None:
- assert type(business_vat_id) is str
+ assert type(business_vat_id) is str, 'invalid business_vat_id'
if preferred_locales is not None:
- assert type(preferred_locales) is list
- assert all(type(lo) is str for lo in preferred_locales)
+ assert type(preferred_locales) is list, \
+ 'invalid preferred_locales'
+ assert all(type(lo) is str for lo in preferred_locales), \
+ 'invalid preferred_locales'
if tax_id_data is None:
tax_id_data = []
- assert type(tax_id_data) is list
+ assert type(tax_id_data) is list, 'invalid tax_id_data'
for data in tax_id_data:
- assert type(data) is dict
- assert set(data.keys()) == {'type', 'value'}
- assert data['type'] in ('eu_vat', 'nz_gst', 'au_abn')
- assert type(data['value']) is str and len(data['value']) > 10
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(data) is dict, 'invalid tax_id_data'
+ assert set(data.keys()) == {'type', 'value'}, \
+ 'invalid tax_id_data'
+ assert data['type'] in ('eu_vat', 'nz_gst', 'au_abn'), \
+ 'invalid tax_id_data'
+ assert type(data['value']) is str and \
+ len(data['value']) > 10, 'invalid tax_id_data'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -824,6 +1000,18 @@ def _api_delete(cls, id):
schedule_webhook(Event('customer.deleted', obj))
return super()._api_delete(id)
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_list_all(cls, url, email=None, created=None, ending_before=None,
+ limit=None, starting_after=None, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
+ li = super()._api_list_all(url, limit, starting_after, **kwargs)
+ if email is not None:
+ li._list = [c for c in li._list if c.email == email]
+ return li
def _api_retrieve_source(cls, id, source_id, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
@@ -839,7 +1027,7 @@ def _api_retrieve_source(cls, id, source_id, **kwargs):
if source_obj.customer != id:
raise UserError(404, 'This customer does not own this card')
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: unknown source prefix')
return source_obj
@@ -855,11 +1043,11 @@ def _api_add_source(cls, id, source=None, **kwargs):
if type(source) is str:
- assert source[:4] in ('src_', 'tok_')
+ assert source[:4] in ('src_', 'tok_'), 'invalid source'
- assert type(source) is dict
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(source) is dict, 'invalid source'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
@@ -908,10 +1096,10 @@ def _api_add_tax_id(cls, id, type=None, value=None, **kwargs):
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type in ('eu_vat', 'nz_gst', 'au_abn')
- assert _type(value) is str and len(value) > 10
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type in ('eu_vat', 'nz_gst', 'au_abn'), 'invalid type'
+ assert _type(value) is str and len(value) > 10, 'invalid value'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
@@ -1029,27 +1217,31 @@ def __init__(self, customer=None, subscription=None, metadata=None,
tax_percent = try_convert_to_float(tax_percent)
date = try_convert_to_int(date)
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if subscription is not None:
- assert type(subscription) is str
- assert subscription.startswith('sub_')
+ assert type(subscription) is str, 'invalid subscription'
+ assert subscription.startswith('sub_'), 'invalid subscription'
if date is not None:
- assert type(date) is int and date > 1500000000
+ assert type(date) is int and date > 1500000000, 'invalid date'
date = int(time.time())
if description is not None:
- assert type(description) is str
+ assert type(description) is str, 'invalid description'
if tax_percent is not None:
- assert default_tax_rates is None
- assert type(tax_percent) is float
- assert tax_percent >= 0 and tax_percent <= 100
+ assert default_tax_rates is None, 'invalid default_tax_rates'
+ assert type(tax_percent) is float, 'invalid tax_percent'
+ assert tax_percent >= 0 and tax_percent <= 100, \
+ 'invalid tax_percent'
if default_tax_rates is not None:
- assert tax_percent is None
- assert type(default_tax_rates) is list
+ assert tax_percent is None, 'invalid tax_percent'
+ assert type(default_tax_rates) is list, \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
assert all(type(txr) is str and txr.startswith('txr_')
- for txr in default_tax_rates)
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ for txr in default_tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
Customer._api_retrieve(customer) # to return 404 if not existant
@@ -1186,12 +1378,14 @@ def charge(self):
return pi.charges._list[-1]
def _finalize(self):
- assert self.status == 'draft'
+ assert self.status == 'draft', \
+ 'cannot transition from status %s' % self.status
self._draft = False
self.status_transitions['finalized_at'] = int(time.time())
def _on_payment_success(self):
- assert self.status == 'paid'
+ assert self.status == 'paid', \
+ 'cannot transition from status %s' % self.status
self.status_transitions['paid_at'] = int(time.time())
schedule_webhook(Event('invoice.payment_succeeded', self))
if self.subscription:
@@ -1199,7 +1393,8 @@ def _on_payment_success(self):
def _on_payment_failure_now(self):
- assert self.status in ('open', 'void')
+ assert self.status in ('open', 'void'), \
+ 'cannot transition from status %s' % self.status
if self.status == 'void':
self.status_transitions['voided_at'] = int(time.time())
schedule_webhook(Event('invoice.payment_failed', self))
@@ -1211,7 +1406,8 @@ def _on_payment_failure_now(self):
def _on_payment_failure_later(self):
- assert self.status in ('open', 'void')
+ assert self.status in ('open', 'void'), \
+ 'cannot transition from status %s' % self.status
if self.status == 'void':
self.status_transitions['voided_at'] = int(time.time())
schedule_webhook(Event('invoice.payment_failed', self))
@@ -1238,31 +1434,45 @@ def _get_next_invoice(cls, customer=None, subscription=None,
subscription_proration_date = \
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if default_tax_rates is not None:
- assert type(default_tax_rates) is list
+ assert type(default_tax_rates) is list, \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
assert all(type(txr) is str and txr.startswith('txr_')
- for txr in default_tax_rates)
+ for txr in default_tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
if subscription_items is not None:
- assert type(subscription_items) is list
+ assert type(subscription_items) is list, \
+ 'invalid subscription_items'
for si in subscription_items:
- assert type(si.get('plan')) is str
+ assert type(si.get('plan')) is str, \
+ 'invalid subscription_items plan'
si['tax_rates'] = si.get('tax_rates')
if si['tax_rates'] is not None:
- assert type(si['tax_rates']) is list
- assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in si['tax_rates'])
+ assert type(si['tax_rates']) is list, \
+ 'invalid subscription_items tax_rates'
+ assert all(type(tr) is str
+ for tr in si['tax_rates']), \
+ 'invalid subscription_items tax_rates'
if subscription_default_tax_rates is not None:
- assert subscription_tax_percent is None
- assert type(subscription_default_tax_rates) is list
+ assert subscription_tax_percent is None, \
+ 'invalid subscription_default_tax_rates'
+ assert type(subscription_default_tax_rates) is list, \
+ 'invalid subscription_default_tax_rates'
assert all(type(txr) is str and txr.startswith('txr_')
- for txr in subscription_default_tax_rates)
+ for txr in subscription_default_tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid subscription_default_tax_rates'
assert all(type(tr) is str
- for tr in subscription_default_tax_rates)
+ for tr in subscription_default_tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid subscription_default_tax_rates'
if subscription_proration_date is not None:
- assert type(subscription_proration_date) is int
- assert subscription_proration_date > 1500000000
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(subscription_proration_date) is int, \
+ 'invalid subscription_proration_date'
+ assert subscription_proration_date > 1500000000, \
+ 'invalid subscription_proration_date'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# return 404 if not existant
customer_obj = Customer._api_retrieve(customer)
@@ -1282,7 +1492,9 @@ def _get_next_invoice(cls, customer=None, subscription=None,
if ii.invoice is None]
if (not upcoming and not subscription and
not subscription_items and not pending_items):
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(
+ 400, 'Bad request: need one of upcoming, subscription, ' +
+ 'subscription_items, pending_items')
simulation = subscription_items is not None or \
subscription_prorate is not None or \
@@ -1399,7 +1611,8 @@ def _api_create(cls, customer=None, subscription=None, tax_percent=None,
def _api_delete(cls, id):
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
if obj.status != 'draft':
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(
+ 400, 'Bad request: can only delete if status is draft.')
return super()._api_delete(id)
@@ -1408,12 +1621,13 @@ def _api_list_all(cls, url, customer=None, subscription=None, limit=None,
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if subscription is not None:
- assert type(subscription) is str
- assert subscription.startswith('sub_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(subscription) is str, 'invalid subscription'
+ assert subscription.startswith('sub_'), 'invalid subscription'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
li = super(Invoice, cls)._api_list_all(url, limit=limit,
@@ -1458,7 +1672,7 @@ def _api_pay_invoice(cls, id):
if obj.status == 'paid':
raise UserError(400, 'Invoice is already paid')
elif obj.status not in ('draft', 'open'):
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: status must be draft or open')
obj._draft = False
@@ -1484,7 +1698,7 @@ def _api_void_invoice(cls, id):
obj = Invoice._api_retrieve(id)
if obj.status not in ('draft', 'open'):
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: status must be draft or open')
@@ -1535,30 +1749,35 @@ def __init__(self, invoice=None, subscription=None, plan=None, amount=None,
proration = try_convert_to_bool(proration)
if invoice is not None:
- assert type(invoice) is str and invoice.startswith('in_')
+ assert type(invoice) is str and invoice.startswith('in_'), \
+ 'invalid invoice'
if subscription is not None:
- assert type(subscription) is str
- assert subscription.startswith('sub_')
+ assert type(subscription) is str, 'invalid subscription'
+ assert subscription.startswith('sub_'), 'invalid subscription'
if plan is not None:
- assert type(plan) is str and plan
- assert type(amount) is int
- assert type(currency) is str and currency
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(plan) is str and plan, 'invalid plan'
+ assert type(amount) is int, 'invalid amount'
+ assert type(currency) is str and currency, 'invalid currency'
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if period_start is not None:
- assert type(period_start) is int and period_start > 1500000000
- assert type(period_end) is int and period_end > 1500000000
+ assert type(period_start) is int and \
+ period_start > 1500000000, 'invalid period_start'
+ assert type(period_end) is int and \
+ period_end > 1500000000, 'invalid period_end'
period_start = period_end = int(time.time())
- assert type(proration) is bool
+ assert type(proration) is bool, 'invalid proration'
if description is not None:
- assert type(description) is str
+ assert type(description) is str, 'invalid description'
description = 'Invoice item'
if tax_rates is not None:
- assert type(tax_rates) is list
- assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in tax_rates)
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(tax_rates) is list, 'invalid tax_rates'
+ assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid tax_rates'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
Customer._api_retrieve(customer) # to return 404 if not existant
if invoice is not None:
@@ -1591,9 +1810,10 @@ def _api_list_all(cls, url, customer=None, limit=None,
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
li = super(InvoiceItem,
cls)._api_list_all(url, limit=limit,
@@ -1612,9 +1832,10 @@ class InvoiceLineItem(StripeObject):
def __init__(self, item):
- assert isinstance(item, (InvoiceItem, SubscriptionItem))
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert isinstance(item, (InvoiceItem, SubscriptionItem)), \
+ 'invalid item'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -1672,11 +1893,13 @@ def __init__(self, url=None, limit=None, starting_after=None):
limit = try_convert_to_int(limit)
limit = 10 if limit is None else limit
- assert type(limit) is int and limit > 0
+ assert type(limit) is int, 'invalid limit type %s' % limit
+ assert limit > 0, 'invalid limit, must be greater than 0'
if starting_after is not None:
- assert type(starting_after) is str and len(starting_after) > 0
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(starting_after) is str and \
+ len(starting_after) > 0, 'invalid starting_after'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -1730,17 +1953,19 @@ def __init__(self, amount=None, currency=None, customer=None,
amount = try_convert_to_int(amount)
# Invoices with amount == 0 don't create PaymentIntents:
- assert type(amount) is int and amount > 0
- assert type(currency) is str and currency
+ assert type(amount) is int and amount > 0, 'invalid amount'
+ assert type(currency) is str and currency, 'invalid currency'
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if payment_method is not None:
- assert type(payment_method) is str
+ assert type(payment_method) is str, 'invalid payment_method'
assert (payment_method.startswith('pm_') or
payment_method.startswith('src_') or
- payment_method.startswith('card_'))
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ payment_method.startswith('card_')), \
+ 'invalid payment_method'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
if customer:
Customer._api_retrieve(customer) # to return 404 if not existant
@@ -1766,19 +1991,24 @@ def __init__(self, amount=None, currency=None, customer=None,
def _trigger_payment(self):
if self.status != 'requires_confirmation':
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(
+ 400, 'Bad request: status must be requires_confirmation')
def on_success():
+ schedule_webhook(Event('payment_intent.succeeded', self))
if self.invoice:
invoice = Invoice._api_retrieve(self.invoice)
+ self._api_delete(self.id)
def on_failure_now():
+ schedule_webhook(Event('payment_intent.payment_failed', self))
if self.invoice:
invoice = Invoice._api_retrieve(self.invoice)
def on_failure_later():
+ schedule_webhook(Event('payment_intent.payment_failed', self))
if self.invoice:
invoice = Invoice._api_retrieve(self.invoice)
@@ -1831,14 +2061,15 @@ def _api_create(cls, confirm=None, off_session=None, **data):
off_session = try_convert_to_bool(off_session)
if confirm is not None:
- assert type(confirm) is bool
+ assert type(confirm) is bool, 'invalid confirm'
if off_session is not None:
- assert type(off_session) is bool
- assert confirm is True
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(off_session) is bool, 'invalid off_session'
+ assert confirm is True, 'invalid confirm'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = super()._api_create(**data)
+ schedule_webhook(Event('payment_intent.created', obj))
if confirm:
@@ -1854,14 +2085,15 @@ def _api_confirm(cls, id, payment_method=None, **kwargs):
raise UserError(500, 'Not implemented')
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pi_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pi_'), 'invalid id'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
if obj.status != 'requires_confirmation':
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(
+ 400, 'Bad request: status must be requires_confirmation')
obj._authentication_failed = False
payment_method = PaymentMethod._api_retrieve(obj.payment_method)
@@ -1882,17 +2114,18 @@ def _api_cancel(cls, id, **kwargs):
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pi_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pi_'), 'invalid id'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
if obj.status not in ('requires_payment_method', 'requires_capture',
'requires_confirmation', 'requires_action'):
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: invalid status transition')
obj._canceled = True
obj.next_action = None
+ schedule_webhook(Event('payment_intent.canceled', obj))
return obj
@@ -1903,18 +2136,20 @@ def _api_authenticate(cls, id, client_secret=None, success=False,
success = try_convert_to_bool(success)
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pi_')
- assert type(client_secret) is str
- assert type(success) is bool
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pi_'), 'invalid id'
+ assert type(client_secret) is str, 'invalid client_secret'
+ assert type(success) is bool, 'invalid success'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
if client_secret != obj.client_secret:
raise UserError(401, 'Unauthorized')
- if obj.status != 'requires_action':
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ if obj.status not in ('requires_action', 'requires_confirmation'):
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: status must be ' +
+ 'requires_action or requires_confirmation',
+ {'status': obj.status})
obj.next_action = None
if success:
@@ -1946,29 +2181,34 @@ def __init__(self, type=None, billing_details=None, card=None,
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type in ('card', 'sepa_debit')
- assert billing_details is None or _type(billing_details) is dict
+ assert type in ('card', 'sepa_debit'), 'invalid type'
+ assert billing_details is None or _type(billing_details) is dict, \
+ 'invalid billing_details'
if type == 'card':
assert _type(card) is dict and card.keys() == {
- 'number', 'exp_month', 'exp_year', 'cvc'}
+ 'number', 'exp_month', 'exp_year', 'cvc'}, 'invalid card'
card['exp_month'] = try_convert_to_int(card['exp_month'])
card['exp_year'] = try_convert_to_int(card['exp_year'])
- assert _type(card['number']) is str
- assert _type(card['exp_month']) is int
- assert _type(card['exp_year']) is int
- assert _type(card['cvc']) is str
- assert len(card['number']) == 16
- assert card['exp_month'] >= 1 and card['exp_month'] <= 12
+ assert _type(card['number']) is str, 'invalid card.number'
+ assert _type(card['exp_month']) is int, \
+ 'invalid card.exp_month'
+ assert _type(card['exp_year']) is int, 'invalid card.exp_year'
+ assert _type(card['cvc']) is str, 'invalid card.cvc'
+ assert len(card['number']) == 16, 'invalid card.number'
+ assert card['exp_month'] >= 1 and card['exp_month'] <= 12, \
+ 'invalid card.exp_month'
if card['exp_year'] > 0 and card['exp_year'] < 100:
card['exp_year'] += 2000
- assert len(card['cvc']) == 3
+ assert len(card['cvc']) == 3, 'invalid card.cvc'
elif type == 'sepa_debit':
- assert _type(sepa_debit) is dict
- assert 'iban' in sepa_debit
- assert _type(sepa_debit['iban']) is str
- assert 14 <= len(sepa_debit['iban']) <= 34
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert _type(sepa_debit) is dict, 'invalid sepa_debit'
+ assert 'iban' in sepa_debit, 'invalid sepa_debit'
+ assert _type(sepa_debit['iban']) is str, \
+ 'invalid sepa_debit.iban'
+ assert 14 <= len(sepa_debit['iban']) <= 34, \
+ 'invalid sepa_debit.iban'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
if type == 'card':
if not (2019 <= card['exp_year'] < 2100):
@@ -2045,10 +2285,11 @@ def _api_attach(cls, id, customer=None, **kwargs):
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pm_')
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pm_'), 'invalid id'
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
Customer._api_retrieve(customer) # to return 404 if not existant
@@ -2058,6 +2299,7 @@ def _api_attach(cls, id, customer=None, **kwargs):
{'code': 'card_declined'})
obj.customer = customer
+ schedule_webhook(Event('payment_method.attached', obj))
return obj
@@ -2066,12 +2308,13 @@ def _api_detach(cls, id, **kwargs):
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pm_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('pm_'), 'invalid id'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
obj.customer = None
+ schedule_webhook(Event('payment_method.detached', obj))
return obj
@@ -2090,10 +2333,11 @@ def _api_retrieve(cls, id):
def _api_list_all(cls, url, customer=None, type=None, limit=None,
- assert _type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
- assert type in ('card', )
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert _type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
+ assert type in ('card', ), 'invalid type'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
Customer._api_retrieve(customer) # to return 404 if not existant
@@ -2136,34 +2380,41 @@ def __init__(self, id=None, metadata=None, amount=None, product=None,
trial_period_days = try_convert_to_int(trial_period_days)
active = try_convert_to_bool(active)
- assert id is None or type(id) is str and id
- assert type(active) is bool
- assert billing_scheme in ['per_unit', 'tiered']
+ assert id is None or type(id) is str and id, 'invalid id'
+ assert type(active) is bool, 'invalid active'
+ assert billing_scheme in ['per_unit', 'tiered'], \
+ 'invalid billing_scheme'
if billing_scheme == 'per_unit':
- assert type(amount) is int and amount >= 0
+ assert type(amount) is int and amount >= 0, 'invalid amount'
- assert tiers_mode in ['graduated', 'volume']
- assert type(tiers) is list and len(tiers) > 0
+ assert tiers_mode in ['graduated', 'volume'], \
+ 'invalid tiers_mode'
+ assert type(tiers) is list and len(tiers) > 0, 'invalid tiers'
for t in tiers:
assert \
type(t) is dict and 'up_to' in t and \
(t['up_to'] == 'inf' or
- type(try_convert_to_int(t['up_to'])) is int)
+ type(try_convert_to_int(t['up_to'])) is int), \
+ 'invalid tiers up_to'
unit_amount = try_convert_to_int(t.get('unit_amount', 0))
- assert type(unit_amount) is int and unit_amount >= 0
+ assert type(unit_amount) is int and unit_amount >= 0, \
+ 'invalid tiers unit_amount'
flat_amount = try_convert_to_int(t.get('flat_amount', 0))
- assert type(flat_amount) is int and flat_amount >= 0
- assert type(currency) is str and currency
- assert type(interval) is str
- assert interval in ('day', 'week', 'month', 'year')
- assert type(interval_count) is int
+ assert type(flat_amount) is int and flat_amount >= 0, \
+ 'invalid tiers flat_amount'
+ assert type(currency) is str and currency, 'invalid currency'
+ assert type(interval) is str, 'invalid interval'
+ assert interval in ('day', 'week', 'month', 'year'), \
+ 'invalid interval'
+ assert type(interval_count) is int, 'invalid interval_count'
if trial_period_days is not None:
- assert type(trial_period_days) is int
+ assert type(trial_period_days) is int, \
+ 'invalid trial_period_days'
if nickname is not None:
- assert type(nickname) is str
- assert usage_type in ['licensed', 'metered']
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(nickname) is str, 'invalid nickname'
+ assert usage_type in ['licensed', 'metered'], 'invalid usage_type'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
if type(product) is str:
Product._api_retrieve(product) # to return 404 if not existant
@@ -2210,23 +2461,25 @@ def __init__(self, amount=None, currency=None, description=None,
amount = try_convert_to_int(amount)
- assert type(amount) is int and amount > 0
- assert currency in ('eur',)
+ assert type(amount) is int and amount > 0, 'invalid amount'
+ assert currency in ('eur',), 'invalid currency'
if description is not None:
- assert type(description) is str
+ assert type(description) is str, 'invalid description'
if metadata is not None:
- assert type(metadata) is dict
+ assert type(metadata) is dict, 'invalid metadata'
if statement_descriptor is not None:
assert type(statement_descriptor) is str \
- and len(statement_descriptor) <= 22
+ and len(statement_descriptor) <= 22, \
+ 'invalid statement_descriptor'
if method is not None:
- assert method in ('standard', 'instant')
+ assert method in ('standard', 'instant'), 'invalid method'
if source_type is not None:
- assert type(source_type) is str
+ assert type(source_type) is str, 'invalid source_type'
if status is not None:
- assert status in ('paid', 'pending', 'failed')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert status in ('paid', 'pending', 'failed'), \
+ 'invalid status'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -2308,24 +2561,26 @@ def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, type='service', active=True,
active = try_convert_to_bool(active)
- assert id is None or _type(id) is str and id
- assert _type(name) is str and name
- assert type in ('good', 'service')
- assert _type(active) is bool
+ assert id is None or _type(id) is str and id, 'invalid id'
+ assert _type(name) is str and name, 'invalid name'
+ assert type in ('good', 'service'), 'invalid type'
+ assert _type(active) is bool, 'invalid active'
if caption is not None:
- assert _type(caption) is str
+ assert _type(caption) is str, 'invalid caption'
if description is not None:
- assert _type(description) is str
+ assert _type(description) is str, 'invalid description'
if attributes is not None:
- assert _type(attributes) is list
- assert _type(shippable) is bool
+ assert _type(attributes) is list, 'invalid attributes'
+ assert _type(shippable) is bool, 'invalid shippable'
if url is not None:
- assert _type(url) is str
+ assert _type(url) is str, 'invalid url'
if statement_descriptor is not None:
- assert _type(statement_descriptor) is str
- assert len(statement_descriptor) <= 22
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert _type(statement_descriptor) is str, \
+ 'invalid statement_descriptor'
+ assert len(statement_descriptor) <= 22, \
+ 'invalid statement_descriptor'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -2354,11 +2609,12 @@ def __init__(self, charge=None, amount=None, metadata=None, **kwargs):
amount = try_convert_to_int(amount)
- assert type(charge) is str and charge.startswith('ch_')
+ assert type(charge) is str and charge.startswith('ch_'), \
+ 'invalid charge'
if amount is not None:
- assert type(amount) is int and amount > 0
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(amount) is int and amount > 0, 'invalid amount'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
charge_obj = Charge._api_retrieve(charge)
@@ -2388,9 +2644,10 @@ def __init__(self, charge=None, amount=None, metadata=None, **kwargs):
def _api_list_all(cls, url, charge=None, limit=None, starting_after=None):
if charge is not None:
- assert type(charge) is str and charge.startswith('ch_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(charge) is str and charge.startswith('ch_'), \
+ 'invalid charge'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
li = super(Refund, cls)._api_list_all(url, limit=limit,
@@ -2416,19 +2673,24 @@ def __init__(self, type=None, currency=None, owner=None, metadata=None,
assert type in (
'ach_credit_transfer', 'ach_debit', 'alipay', 'bancontact',
'bitcoin', 'card', 'eps', 'giropay', 'ideal', 'multibanco',
- 'p24', 'sepa_debit', 'sofort', 'three_d_secure')
- assert _type(currency) is str and currency
+ 'p24', 'sepa_debit', 'sofort', 'three_d_secure'), \
+ 'invalid type'
+ assert _type(currency) is str and currency, 'invalid currency'
if owner is not None:
- assert _type(owner) is dict
- assert _type(owner.get('name', '')) is str
- assert _type(owner.get('email', '')) is str
+ assert _type(owner) is dict, 'invalid owner'
+ assert _type(owner.get('name', '')) is str, \
+ 'invalid owner.name'
+ assert _type(owner.get('email', '')) is str, \
+ 'invalid owner.email'
if type == 'sepa_debit':
- assert _type(sepa_debit) is dict
- assert 'iban' in sepa_debit
- assert _type(sepa_debit['iban']) is str
- assert 14 <= len(sepa_debit['iban']) <= 34
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert _type(sepa_debit) is dict, 'invalid sepa_debit'
+ assert 'iban' in sepa_debit, 'invalid sepa_debit'
+ assert _type(sepa_debit['iban']) is str, \
+ 'invalid sepa_debit.iban'
+ assert 14 <= len(sepa_debit['iban']) <= 34, \
+ 'invalid sepa_debit.iban'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -2479,17 +2741,20 @@ def __init__(self, customer=None, usage=None, payment_method_types=None,
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if usage is None:
usage = 'off_session'
- assert usage in ('off_session', 'on_session')
+ assert usage in ('off_session', 'on_session'), 'invalid usage'
if payment_method_types is None:
payment_method_types = ['card']
- assert type(payment_method_types) is list
+ assert type(payment_method_types) is list, \
+ 'invalid payment_method_types'
assert all(t in ('card', 'sepa_debit', 'ideal')
- for t in payment_method_types)
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ for t in payment_method_types), \
+ 'invalid payment_method_types'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -2510,13 +2775,14 @@ def _api_confirm(cls, id, use_stripe_sdk=None, client_secret=None,
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('seti_')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('seti_'), 'invalid id'
if client_secret is not None:
- assert type(client_secret) is str
+ assert type(client_secret) is str, 'invalid client_secret'
if payment_method_data is not None:
- assert type(payment_method_data) is dict
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(payment_method_data) is dict, \
+ 'invalid payment_method_data'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
@@ -2525,7 +2791,7 @@ def _api_confirm(cls, id, use_stripe_sdk=None, client_secret=None,
if payment_method_data:
if obj.payment_method is not None:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request: missing payment_method')
pm = PaymentMethod(**payment_method_data)
obj.payment_method = pm.id
@@ -2559,11 +2825,11 @@ def _api_cancel(cls, id, use_stripe_sdk=None, client_secret=None,
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('seti_')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('seti_'), 'invalid id'
if client_secret is not None:
- assert type(client_secret) is str
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(client_secret) is str, 'invalid client_secret'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
obj = cls._api_retrieve(id)
@@ -2610,52 +2876,68 @@ def __init__(self, customer=None, metadata=None, items=None,
billing_cycle_anchor = try_convert_to_int(billing_cycle_anchor)
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if trial_end is not None:
if trial_end == 'now':
trial_end = int(time.time())
- assert type(trial_end) is int
- assert trial_end > 1500000000
+ assert type(trial_end) is int, 'invalid trial_end'
+ assert trial_end > 1500000000, 'invalid trial_end'
if tax_percent is not None:
- assert default_tax_rates is None
- assert type(tax_percent) is float
- assert tax_percent >= 0 and tax_percent <= 100
+ assert default_tax_rates is None, 'invalid default_tax_rates'
+ assert type(tax_percent) is float, 'invalid tax_percent'
+ assert tax_percent >= 0 and tax_percent <= 100, \
+ 'invalid tax_percent'
if default_tax_rates is not None:
- assert tax_percent is None
- assert type(default_tax_rates) is list
+ assert tax_percent is None, 'invalid tax_percent'
+ assert type(default_tax_rates) is list, \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
assert all(type(txr) is str and txr.startswith('txr_')
- for txr in default_tax_rates)
+ for txr in default_tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
if trial_period_days is not None:
- assert type(trial_period_days) is int
+ assert type(trial_period_days) is int, \
+ 'invalid trial_period_days'
if backdate_start_date is not None:
- assert type(backdate_start_date) is int
- assert backdate_start_date > 1500000000
+ assert type(backdate_start_date) is int, \
+ 'invalid backdate_start_date'
+ assert backdate_start_date > 1500000000, \
+ 'invalid backdate_start_date'
if billing_cycle_anchor is not None:
- assert type(billing_cycle_anchor) is int
- assert billing_cycle_anchor > int(time.time())
+ assert type(billing_cycle_anchor) is int, \
+ 'invalid billing_cycle_anchor'
+ assert billing_cycle_anchor > int(time.time()), \
+ 'invalid billing_cycle_anchor'
if proration_behavior is not None:
- assert proration_behavior in ['create_prorations', 'none']
- assert type(items) is list
+ assert proration_behavior in ['create_prorations', 'none'], \
+ 'invalid proration_behavior'
+ assert type(items) is list, 'invalid items'
for item in items:
- assert type(item.get('plan')) is str
+ assert type(item.get('plan')) is str, 'invalid items plan'
if item.get('quantity') is not None:
item['quantity'] = try_convert_to_int(item['quantity'])
- assert type(item['quantity']) is int
- assert item['quantity'] > 0
+ assert type(item['quantity']) is int, \
+ 'invalid items quantity'
+ assert item['quantity'] > 0, 'invalid items quantity'
item['quantity'] = 1
item['tax_rates'] = item.get('tax_rates')
if item['tax_rates'] is not None:
- assert type(item['tax_rates']) is list
- assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in item['tax_rates'])
+ assert type(item['tax_rates']) is list, \
+ 'invalid items tax_rates'
+ assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in item['tax_rates']), \
+ 'invalid items tax_rates'
item['metadata'] = item.get('metadata')
if item['metadata'] is not None:
- assert type(item['metadata']) is dict
- assert type(enable_incomplete_payments) is bool
+ assert type(item['metadata']) is dict, \
+ 'invalid items metadata'
+ assert type(enable_incomplete_payments) is bool, \
+ 'invalid enable_incomplete_payments'
assert payment_behavior in ('allow_incomplete',
- 'error_if_incomplete')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ 'error_if_incomplete'), \
+ 'invalid payment_behavior'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
if len(items) != 1:
raise UserError(500, 'Not implemented')
@@ -2810,48 +3092,58 @@ def _update(self, metadata=None, items=None, trial_end=None,
if trial_end is not None:
if trial_end == 'now':
trial_end = int(time.time())
- assert type(trial_end) is int
- assert trial_end > 1500000000
+ assert type(trial_end) is int, 'invalid trial_end'
+ assert trial_end > 1500000000, 'invalid trial_end'
if tax_percent is not None:
- assert default_tax_rates is None
- assert type(tax_percent) is float
- assert tax_percent >= 0 and tax_percent <= 100
+ assert default_tax_rates is None, 'invalid default_tax_rates'
+ assert type(tax_percent) is float, 'invalid tax_percent'
+ assert tax_percent >= 0 and tax_percent <= 100, \
+ 'invalid tax_percent'
if default_tax_rates is not None:
- assert tax_percent is None
- assert type(default_tax_rates) is list
+ assert tax_percent is None, 'invalid tax_percent'
+ assert type(default_tax_rates) is list, \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
assert all(type(txr) is str and txr.startswith('txr_')
- for txr in default_tax_rates)
+ for txr in default_tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid default_tax_rates'
if prorate is not None:
- assert type(prorate) is bool
+ assert type(prorate) is bool, 'invalid prorate'
if proration_date is not None:
- assert type(proration_date) is int
- assert proration_date > 1500000000
+ assert type(proration_date) is int, 'invalid proration_date'
+ assert proration_date > 1500000000, 'invalid proration_date'
if cancel_at_period_end is not None:
- assert type(cancel_at_period_end) is bool
+ assert type(cancel_at_period_end) is bool, \
+ 'invalid cancel_at_period_end'
if cancel_at is not None:
- assert type(cancel_at) is int
- assert cancel_at > 1500000000
+ assert type(cancel_at) is int, 'invalid cancel_at'
+ assert cancel_at > 1500000000, 'invalid cancel_at'
if items is not None:
- assert type(items) is list
+ assert type(items) is list, 'invalid items'
for item in items:
id = item.get('id')
if id is not None:
- assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('si_')
+ assert type(id) is str and id.startswith('si_'), \
+ 'invalid items id'
if item.get('quantity') is not None:
item['quantity'] = try_convert_to_int(item['quantity'])
- assert type(item['quantity']) is int
- assert item['quantity'] > 0
+ assert type(item['quantity']) is int, \
+ 'invalid items quantity'
+ assert item['quantity'] > 0, 'invalid items quantity'
item['quantity'] = 1
item['tax_rates'] = item.get('tax_rates')
if item['tax_rates'] is not None:
- assert type(item['tax_rates']) is list
- assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in item['tax_rates'])
+ assert type(item['tax_rates']) is list, \
+ 'invalid items tax_rates'
+ assert all(type(tr) is str
+ for tr in item['tax_rates']), \
+ 'invalid items tax_rates'
item['metadata'] = item.get('metadata')
if item['metadata'] is not None:
- assert type(item['metadata']) is dict
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(item['metadata']) is dict, \
+ 'invalid items metadata'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
old_plan = self.plan
if items is not None:
@@ -2948,13 +3240,15 @@ def _api_list_all(cls, url, customer=None, status=None, limit=None,
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
if status is not None:
assert status in ('all', 'incomplete', 'incomplete_expired',
'trialing', 'active', 'past_due', 'unpaid',
- 'canceled')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ 'canceled'), \
+ 'invalid status'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
li = super(Subscription,
cls)._api_list_all(url, limit=limit,
@@ -2982,15 +3276,16 @@ def __init__(self, subscription=None, plan=None, quantity=1,
quantity = try_convert_to_int(quantity)
if subscription is not None:
- assert type(subscription) is str
- assert subscription.startswith('sub_')
- assert type(plan) is str
- assert type(quantity) is int and quantity > 0
+ assert type(subscription) is str, 'invalid subscription'
+ assert subscription.startswith('sub_'), 'invalid subscription'
+ assert type(plan) is str, 'invalid plan'
+ assert type(quantity) is int and quantity > 0, 'invalid quantity'
if tax_rates is not None:
- assert type(tax_rates) is list
- assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in tax_rates)
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(tax_rates) is list, 'invalid tax_rates'
+ assert all(type(tr) is str for tr in tax_rates), \
+ 'invalid tax_rates'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
plan = Plan._api_retrieve(plan) # to return 404 if not existant
# To return 404 if not existant:
@@ -3077,15 +3372,15 @@ def __init__(self, country=None, customer=None, type=None, value=None,
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert _type(customer) is str
- assert customer.startswith('cus_')
- assert type in ('eu_vat', 'nz_gst', 'au_abn')
- assert _type(value) is str and len(value) > 10
+ assert _type(customer) is str, 'invalid customer'
+ assert customer.startswith('cus_'), 'invalid customer'
+ assert type in ('eu_vat', 'nz_gst', 'au_abn'), 'invalid type'
+ assert _type(value) is str and len(value) > 10, 'invalid value'
if country is None:
country = value[0:2]
- assert _type(country) is str
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert _type(country) is str, 'invalid country'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
Customer._api_retrieve(customer) # to return 404 if not existant
@@ -3122,15 +3417,18 @@ def __init__(self, display_name=None, inclusive=None, percentage=None,
percentage = try_convert_to_float(percentage)
active = try_convert_to_bool(active)
- assert type(display_name) is str and display_name
- assert type(inclusive) is bool
- assert type(percentage) is float
- assert type(active) is bool
- assert percentage >= 0 and percentage <= 100
- assert description is None or type(description) is str
- assert jurisdiction is None or type(jurisdiction) is str
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(display_name) is str and display_name, \
+ 'invalid display_name'
+ assert type(inclusive) is bool, 'invalid inclusive'
+ assert type(percentage) is float, 'invalid percentage'
+ assert type(active) is bool, 'invalid active'
+ assert percentage >= 0 and percentage <= 100, 'invalid percentage'
+ assert description is None or type(description) is str, \
+ 'invalid description'
+ assert jurisdiction is None or type(jurisdiction) is str, \
+ 'invalid jurisdiction'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# All exceptions must be raised before this point.
@@ -3158,11 +3456,12 @@ def __init__(self, card=None, customer=None, **kwargs):
raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
- assert type(card) is dict
+ assert type(card) is dict, 'invalid card'
if customer is not None:
- assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_')
- except AssertionError:
- raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
+ assert type(customer) is str and customer.startswith('cus_'), \
+ 'invalid customer'
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Bad request') from e
# If this raises, abort and don't create the token
card['object'] = 'card'
@@ -3175,3 +3474,60 @@ def __init__(self, card=None, customer=None, **kwargs):
self.type = 'card'
self.card = card_obj
+class WebhookEndpoint(StripeObject):
+ object = 'webhook_endpoint'
+ _id_prefix = 'we_'
+ _secret_prefix = 'whsec_'
+ def __init__(self, id=None, url=None, enabled_events=None,
+ api_version=None, description=None, application=None,
+ status=None, _secret=None, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected ' + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
+ super().__init__()
+ self.id = id
+ self.url = url
+ self.enabled_events = enabled_events or []
+ self.api_version = api_version
+ self.description = description or ''
+ self.application = application
+ self.status = status or 'enabled'
+ self._secret = _secret or \
+ getattr(self, '_secret_prefix') + random_id(14)
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_create(cls, **data):
+ if '_secret' in data:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected _secret')
+ obj = super()._api_create(**data)
+ register_webhook(obj.id, obj.url, obj._secret, obj.enabled_events)
+ return obj
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_update(cls, **data):
+ if '_secret' in data:
+ raise UserError(400, 'Unexpected _secret')
+ obj = super()._api_update(**data)
+ register_webhook(obj.id, obj.url, obj.secret, obj.enabled_events)
+ return obj
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_retrieve(cls, id):
+ obj = list_webhooks().get(id)
+ if obj is None:
+ raise UserError(404, 'Not Found')
+ return WebhookEndpoint(id=id, url=obj.url, enabled_events=obj.events)
+ @classmethod
+ def _api_delete(cls, id):
+ if id not in list_webhooks().keys():
+ raise UserError(404, 'Not Found')
+ unregister_webhook(id)
diff --git a/localstripe/server.py b/localstripe/server.py
index 081d7b84..2f6b96a6 100644
--- a/localstripe/server.py
+++ b/localstripe/server.py
@@ -21,13 +21,15 @@
import os.path
import re
import socket
+import sys
from aiohttp import web
+from aiohttp.abc import AbstractAccessLogger
-from .resources import BalanceTransaction, Charge, Coupon, Customer, Event, \
- Invoice, InvoiceItem, PaymentIntent, PaymentMethod, Payout, Plan, \
+from .resources import Account, BalanceTransaction, Charge, Coupon, Customer, \
+ Event, Invoice, InvoiceItem, PaymentIntent, PaymentMethod, Payout, Plan, \
Product, Refund, SetupIntent, Source, Subscription, SubscriptionItem, \
- TaxRate, Token, extra_apis, store
+ TaxRate, Token, WebhookEndpoint, extra_apis, store
from .errors import UserError
from .webhooks import register_webhook
@@ -159,6 +161,9 @@ async def auth_middleware(request, handler):
elif request.path.startswith('/_config/'):
is_auth = True
+ elif request.path.startswith('/_status'):
+ is_auth = True
# There are exceptions (for example POST /v1/tokens, POST /v1/sources)
# where authentication can be done using the public key (passed as
@@ -169,6 +174,7 @@ async def auth_middleware(request, handler):
+ r'^/v1/payment_methods$',
@@ -200,7 +206,10 @@ async def save_store_middleware(request, handler):
+norm_path_middleware = web.normalize_path_middleware(append_slash=False,
+ remove_slash=True)
app = web.Application(middlewares=[error_middleware, auth_middleware,
+ norm_path_middleware,
@@ -273,10 +282,10 @@ async def f(request):
app.router.add_route(method, url, api_extra(func, url))
-for cls in (BalanceTransaction, Charge, Coupon, Customer, Event, Invoice,
- InvoiceItem, PaymentIntent, PaymentMethod, Payout, Plan, Product,
- Refund, SetupIntent, Source, Subscription, SubscriptionItem,
- TaxRate, Token):
+for cls in (Account, BalanceTransaction, Charge, Coupon, Customer, Event,
+ Invoice, InvoiceItem, PaymentIntent, PaymentMethod, Payout, Plan,
+ Product, Refund, SetupIntent, Source, Subscription,
+ SubscriptionItem, TaxRate, Token, WebhookEndpoint):
for method, url, func in (
('POST', '/v1/' + cls.object + 's', api_create),
('GET', '/v1/' + cls.object + 's/{id}', api_retrieve),
@@ -302,12 +311,14 @@ async def config_webhook(request):
url = data.get('url', None)
secret = data.get('secret', None)
events = data.get('events', None)
+ expand = data.pop('expand', None)
if not url or not secret or not url.startswith('http'):
raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
if events is not None and type(events) is not list:
raise UserError(400, 'Bad request')
register_webhook(id, url, secret, events)
- return web.Response()
+ wh = WebhookEndpoint(id=id, url=url, enabled_events=events, _secret=secret)
+ return json_response(wh._export(expand=expand))
async def flush_store(request):
@@ -315,16 +326,37 @@ async def flush_store(request):
return web.Response()
+async def get_status(request):
+ return web.Response(text='{"status": "ok"}\n',
+ content_type='application/json')
app.router.add_post('/_config/webhooks/{id}', config_webhook)
app.router.add_delete('/_config/data', flush_store)
+app.router.add_get('/_status', get_status)
+class AccessLogger(AbstractAccessLogger):
+ def log(self, request, response, time):
+ if request.path.startswith('/_status'):
+ return
+ self.logger.info(f'{request.remote} '
+ f'"{request.method} {request.path}" '
+ f'done in {time}s: {response.status}')
def start():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=8420)
parser.add_argument('--from-scratch', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--config', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--no-save', default=False, action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
+ store.save_to_disk = not args.no_save
+ if args.config:
+ store.load_from_config(sys.stdin)
if not args.from_scratch:
@@ -337,7 +369,10 @@ def start():
- web.run_app(app, sock=sock, access_log=logger)
+ web.run_app(app,
+ sock=sock,
+ access_log=logger,
+ access_log_class=AccessLogger)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/localstripe/webhooks.py b/localstripe/webhooks.py
index 700a921b..72679857 100644
--- a/localstripe/webhooks.py
+++ b/localstripe/webhooks.py
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ def register_webhook(id, url, secret, events):
_webhooks[id] = Webhook(url, secret, events)
+def unregister_webhook(id):
+ del _webhooks[id]
+def list_webhooks():
+ return _webhooks
async def _send_webhook(event):
payload = json.dumps(event._export(), indent=2, sort_keys=True)
payload = payload.encode('utf-8')
@@ -45,6 +53,7 @@ async def _send_webhook(event):
await asyncio.sleep(1)
logger = logging.getLogger('aiohttp.access')
+ logger.debug('sending webhook %s if registered' % event.type)
for webhook in _webhooks.values():
if webhook.events is not None and event.type not in webhook.events:
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 8d0d0c52..2d0e6f26 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- url='https://github.com/adrienverge/localstripe',
+ url='https://github.com/Fatsoma/localstripe',
description=('A fake but stateful Stripe server that you can run locally, '
'for testing purposes.'),