Some explorations in syntax analysis. As an example of how to parse text, here we use an implementation of a "machine" picking out characters (or tokens) from an input "tape", matching expected characters and acting accordingly (as a program). There is also an output "tape" where we can store results.
Production rules are an old concept used in such theories as parsing (other uses are e.g. expert systems). A simple block of production rules are:
S → A B
A → a | ac
B → b | cb
From this we can generate a limited set of "products".
S → AB → aB → ab
S → AB → aB → acb
S → AB → acB → acb
S → AB → acB → accb
You can probably easily follow the substitutions for each step where finite terms in lower case replace the upper case placeholders.
Metcalfe machine1
In short here are the instructions the machine can use:
call <label> : Push current position of input and output on a stack. Call some subprogram/-routine at label (possibly recursive calls).
false <label>
: Conditional jump, if flag
false then jump to label.
flag false
: Set flag
to false.
flag true
: Set flag
to true.
match <item>
: Compare one item with the input. Move input pointer forward.
If match the set flag
true, else set flag
to false.
print <item> : Print current item to output.
return : Return from call (pop from stack address and set the program counter). Also pop positions of input and output pointers from a separate stack.
stop : Stop the machine, print all of output.
true <label>
: Conditional jump, if flag
is true.
I've given an attempt at creating a machine from the above description in
. The former
translate a program in the
language above to a corresponding binary. The the latter
the program and applies a given formula as an array.
A sample '' (simple text) which is an abbreviation for 'expression, term, factor' is a program for converting infix expressions to prefix expressions. One such expression could be e.g. '(45+89)' which translates into '+ 45 89'. If we allow for a simple abstraction, we can put 'i' as placeholder for numbers or variables. This machine can thus be used for simple parsing.
First compile or assemble the program '' (source code) into
'etf.b' (binary). Then run the binary with a sample file 'etf.test'
such as (,i,+,i,)
. This is then parsed into a list
['(', 'i', '+', 'i', ')']
for easier handling of cases where
matching is done with concatenated characters into their own
tokens, e.g. 'ab'.
> python3 -v -i -o etf.b
> python3 -v -t etf.test -i etf.b -o etf.out
The result should be + i i
In the test file 'etf.test' there is a line at the end which reads:
. Change that expression to reflect your tests
or e.g. (,(,i,+,i,),*,i,+,(,i,*,i,*,i,),)
Howard H. Metcalfe, "A Parametrized Compiler based on Machanical Linguistics", Annual Review in Automatic Programming: International Tracts in Computer Science and Technology and Their Application, Vol. 4, ed. Richard Goodman, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1964. Reprinted Pergamon Press, 2014. Also see Mick Farmer, Compiler physiology for beginners, Chartwell-Bratt, Bromley, 1985. Another source which I find relevant is: Hopcroft, John E., Motwani, Rajeev & Ullman, Jeffrey D., Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation, 3. ed., New international ed., Pearson Addison-Wesley, Harlow, 2014. ↩