All Vim options can be found in the documentation
As a backup, we have a copy in this repository
A list of currently supported options.
expandtab | use spaces when <Tab> is inserted |
shiftwidth | number of spaces to use for (auto)indent step |
autoindent | take indent for new line from previous line |
tabstop | number of spaces that <Tab> in file uses |
hlsearch | highlight matches with last search pattern |
ignorecase | ignore case in search patterns |
incsearch | highlight match while typing search pattern |
wrap | long lines wrap and continue on the next line |
number | print the line number in front of each line |
relativenumber | show relative line number in front of each line |
colorcolumn | columns to highlight |
cursorline | highlight the screen line of the cursor |
foldenable | set to display all folds open |