In this part we'll talk about how to use Data in AzureML.
The file dataset is a way to upload data in AzureML. For that, you can go to the Data tab of AzureML.
For the example, we'll use the CLI v1.
Let's create a new dataset:
Upload a new file :
Bellow the hood, the file is copied in the default datastore.
In order to consume the file, there is different way we won't detail here. We'll view it when we'll talk about pipelines.
Anyway, there is one thing that is important. In CLI v2.0 you won't be able to consume the file out of a pipeline...
version | version | How | Consumable |
File | CLI v1 | Instance | Yes |
File | CLI v2 | Instance | Not |
File | Both | Pipeline | Yes |
Personnally i rarely use this option, i prefer using Managed Datastore. But it's a releavant solution if you work with notebooks.
Often, your data will be consumed from an external storage source. But before doing this, we'll have to focus a little on how to upload data on such storage !
For that, we'll play with MNIST dataset, in order to do it.
In order to upload data, we'll first have to create a container...
Azure Ressource Group>> Storage Account
Create a new container mnist-data-YOUR-ID
Replace <CONTAINER NAME> by mnist-data-YOUR-ID> and create the container.
Once the container is created, we'll have to declare it in AzureML, for that, we'll go in the data tab.
Click on Datastores, normally, you'll see this screen :
Now, you can add this container to AzureML, but for that, you'll need the account key. Go back to the storage account, and get it's Account Key, make sure you copied it.
Once done, you can go back in AzureML Workspace and add a new link to the datastore. Paste the Account key in the red part.
Once done, you'll be able to see the content of your storage in your workspace. (for the moment it's empty).
Now, we are ready to go back in AzureML !
In order to upload data manually in your storage, you have different options we won't detail here.
- Use Azure Storage Explorer - Doc MS | Doc Michelin
- Use Azure Blob SDK - Doc MS | Doc Michelin
We'll talk a little about blobfuse because it's a very convenient tool when you'll want to debug your pipeline.
Create a blobfuse directory in your arborescence. Under this directory, create a file.
# Install repository
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update
# Install dependancies
sudo apt-get install libfuse3-dev fuse3
# Install Blobfuse2
sudo apt install blobfuse2
Run this script with this command in a terminal...
# Install repository
sh blobfuse/
Create a config dir inside blobfuse and a file mnist_data in it.
# Refer ./setup/baseConfig.yaml for full set of config parameters
allow-other: true
type: syslog
level: log_debug
- libfuse
- file_cache
- attr_cache
- azstorage
attribute-expiration-sec: 120
entry-expiration-sec: 120
negative-entry-expiration-sec: 240
# Define the cache size / place
path: /tmp/.azcache
timeout-sec: 120
max-size-mb: 512
timeout-sec: 7200
type: block
# Enable virtual directory => Important to discover well files
virtual-directory : true
account-name: <STORAGE NAME>
endpoint: https://<STORAGE NAME>
# mode possible : key|sas|spn|msi
mode: key
account-key: <ACCOUNTKEY>
# allowlist takes precedence over denylist in case of conflicts
- mnist-data-YOUR-ID
Of course, replace your storage account_name / container_name / endpoint and account key to be the one corresponding to your storage.
Once done, create a and a script :
sudo mkdir /media/aml_data
sudo mkdir /tmp/.azcache
# Replace myuser by your user, in my case f296849
sudo chown azureuser /media/aml_data
sudo chown azureuser /tmp/.azcache
sudo blobfuse2 mount all /media/aml_data/ --config-file="blobfuse/config/mnist_data.yaml"
# Unmount All
sudo blobfuse2 unmount all
The arborescence should look like that :
Run script
# Install repository
sh blobfuse/
Let's try it :
# create a new file in mnist_data...
touch /media/aml_data/mnist-data/my_test
# list all file in /media...
tree -L 3 /media/
We can see that :
- we have mount our storage
- we have a read/write access to the datastore !