All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Migrate TCA type link allowedFileExtensions to array #665
- Remove bodytext andWhere in TYPO3 version 13.4.5 and onwards #669 (thanks to @nitori)
- Fix upgrade wizard registrations #664 (thanks to @arunspt)
- PHP 8.4 deprecation free (thanks to @florian-lst)
- Restore PHP 8.1 support
- Do not generate sys_file entries for Mask icons #652 (thanks to @jakowidhalm)
- TYPO3 v12 compatibility restored
- Dark Mode support #648 (thanks to @nitori)
- Enumeration deprecation #650 (thanks to @nitori)
- IconRegistry in ext_localconf.php deprecation
- TYPO3 v12 support (temporarily)
- TYPO3 v13 support
- TYPO3 v11 support
- Add default value for imageoverlayPalette #626
- Avoid undefined array key warning "foreign_match_fields" #616
- Use f:uri.resource over image ViewHelper for static assets #622
- Show hidden inline child elements in backend preview #620
- Undefined array key "colPos"
- Remove redundant information in json-split files #601
- Avoid undefined array key warning in MaskFunctionsProvider #599
- Required checkbox for richtext fields (Thanks to Sebastian Dernbach) #589
- Properly detect core assets field as media type #588
- Hand over parent caller object in itemsProcFunc #585
- Fix error in restructuring json command #584
- Apply file field appearance overrides #582
- Add, Update and Delete PSR-14 Events for Mask Elements (thanks to Sebastian Dernbach)
- Fix compatibility with PHP 7.4 #572
- Fix exception in UpgradeWizard "Migrate Content" #570
- Hidden restrictions applied for relations in Frontend #568
- Workspace overlays applied for relations
- Links to TCA option range fixed for TYPO3 v12
- Show correct field "l10n_parent" in language palette (thanks to Albrecht Köhnlein) #563
- Undefined array key warning (thanks to Georg Ringer) #563
- Fix error when saving bodytext field
- Mask supports now
. This means you can use the same field with different configuration per element! (BIG thanks to Sebastian Dernbach) #559
- Properly resolve nested IRRE elements of type content (Thanks to Alexander Schnitzler) #561
- Page Layouts not disappearing if added before first CE #539
- Do not render content element header twice #557
- Add softref "typolink" for link fields (thanks to Rémy DANIEL) #555
- maxitems no longer forced to 1 for File fields.
- Prevent error when
is used in preview template (Thanks to nitori) #549
- Errors in module appear in notification again
- Type Integer eval cleaned up
- Compatibility TYPO3 v12.4 LTS (deprecation-free)
- New TCA features adopted
- PSR-14 MaskAllowedFieldsEvent
- ES6 modules for TYPO3 v12
- Compatibility fix for upcoming new associative array keys for select items.
- Fixed error when naming own Mask field
- Error for file fields when upgrading from older installations #533
Important: If you already experience this error, you need to remove "coreField" from your custom file fields definition of your mask json file and then save the element again.
"coreField": 1,
"fullKey": "tx_mask_files",
"imageoverlayPalette": 1,
"key": "files",
"type": "file"
"fullKey": "tx_mask_files",
"imageoverlayPalette": 1,
"key": "files",
"type": "file"
- Compatibility TYPO3 v12.1
- Streamlined inline record filling.
- Fix error in frontend when using palettes in inline fields #529
- Followup bugfix for last release
- Saving palettes for page templates #528
- Backend preview rendering in TYPO3 v11
- TYPO3 v12 support
- TYPO3 v10 support
- Search for inline fields in backend enabled
- Set correct default value for collapseAll in type image / media
- Set correct default value for collapseAll in type content
- Allow setting an undefined state for "collapseAll" #515
- Avoid error on saving empty inline fields #517
- Fix disabling inline elements through inline control button #518
- Followup bugfix for last release #507
- Allow all CTypes if no restrictions are defined #506
- Ensure b13/container and gridelements are loaded before Mask #505
- Do not show core fields as shared in palettes
- Handle ResourceDoesNotExistException in PreviewIconResolver (Thanks to Markus Klein) #501
- Do not show migration notice for empty Mask definitions #502
- Followup bugfix. Resolves error when creating the first element.
- Followup bugfix. Resolves error when creating the first element.
- Persisting of shared array-like fields (e.g. items) #495
- Backend layout preview icon path in TYPO3 v10
- Removed unused added sys_file_reference database columns of Mask
- Updated troubleshooting guide
- Compatibility TYPO3 v10 relation fetching #490
- Relation records like category, group and select are now correctly translated #489
- Content Element search now works on the element key, too.
The new v7.2 version comes with a lot of new features!
Read the release article to learn more about the new version.
- Category field
- Slug field
- Media field
- Better UX
- Migration Manager
- New TYPO3 v11 features
- much, much more ...
- Exception in Upgrade Wizard if path to templates is empty (Thanks to Georg Ringer)
- Default value for type select "selectIcons"
- Error in JsonSplitLoader when path to backend layouts folder is not defined
- Index for tt_content CType
- Remove orphan inline fields
- Remove field key selector if dragged into inline field
- Prevent (new) core fields to be dragged into inline field
- Compatibility fix for very old Mask file fields
- Set TableDefinitionCollection to shared: false in DI
- Fix side effects of modifying the TableDefinitionCollection
- Fix MoveRteOptions Update Wizard adding TCA for core fields
- The bodytext field of Mask elements can now be searched #484
- Some warnings in the console
- UpgradeWizard for filling l10_source. Relevant, if you upgraded from TYPO3 v7 or lower.
- Empty "backend" setting no longer causing frontend templates to load
- Select item values now trimmed #482
- #StandWithUkraine
- Fix FolderDoesNotExistException (thanks Martin Lipp)
- Catch exception for orphan table definitions
- Richtext fields are now searchable in LiveSearch (Thanks Nitori) #471
- Fixed search fields generation in general
- Error prevented, when creating empty inline field
- Error prevented, when creating empty palette
- The auto-configuration module now generates the backend layout folder #469
- Fixed warning in PHP 8 due to generation of invalid TCA #470
- Inline items disabled in LIVE workspace are now visible in custom workspace. #468
- Disabled records are no longer loaded in backend preview.
- Page inline fields are now translated correctly.
- Avoid deprecated method call to fetchAll.
- Auto-Configuration won't remove config for other loader anymore.
- Prevent ConvertTemplates wizard from renaming every file #467
- Fix preview mode
- Prevent empty TCA error for extension fields
- Fix backend layout resolving #466
- JsonSplitLoader resolves now nested inline fields correctly (Thanks to Can Karadağ)
- Fetch workspace ID from context API (thanks to Susanne Moog)
- php-cs-fixer tests in CI
- Config cleaner fixes
- Improved documentation introduction
- HTML example generation works again on first save
- Labels and descriptions are visible again in inline fields
- Followup fix: Call to a member function isRenderable() on null
- Preserve order of elements
- Order of inline fields
- Compatibility layer for missing descriptions
- TypeError when facing orphan rte options #458
- Core fields of old mask json files do not throw exceptions anymore #457
- Add compatibility layer for breaking change Read more
- Default values for type content
- Default TCA output values now always applied (Compatibility fix) Read more
- Add compatibility layer for old link TCA format (wizards)
- Unknown/outdated configuration now removed, when persisting mask json
- Error with file fields (TCA attribute empty)
- Another doctrine/dbal compatibility
- Error in database update schema, when field does not exist
- Upgrade Wizard now correctly updates old rte format
- PHP 8 warnings
- Type Safety for cTypes
Compatibility PHP 8.1 #455
Compatibility with doctrine/dbal 2.10 #454
This is a big release (despite only the minor version has changed)! Huge cleanup of the code, which enabled cool new features.
Read the release article to learn more about the new version.
- JsonSplitLoader (split the Mask configuration into multiple json files)
- API for retrieving the Mask configuration
- Colorpicker field
- Description Overrides
- Auto-Configuration to get started faster with Mask
- Backend layout rootline lookup (Thanks to Tyrone Rogers)
- Deprecations
- Fix backend module not loading, if be-layout icon path is wrong.
- Internal value of cType is not shown twice #444
- Compatibility b13/container #449
- A lot of fixes regarding validation in the Mask builder.
- PHP 8 warnings #440
- File References resolved in custom tt_content type #439
- Do not check for TCA internal type
anymore (TYPO3 v11). - Other bugfixes
- PHP 8.0 warnings #438
- The new TCA type
is detected as type select - Fix deprecation by using the new TCA type
- Error when overriding core labels #436
- Another PHP 8.0 warning
- Fixed errors regarding backend layouts
- TYPO3 v11 LTS support
- TCA overrides of mask fields no longer cause errors
- Backwards compatibility for old link allowedExtensions TCA
- TYPO3 11.4 support
- Some PHP 8 undefined array key errors
- Some PHP 8 undefined array key errors
- PHP 8.0 support
- Localized strings translated in list view
- Localized strings for labels work again
- Fixed JS-error when moving fields from outside into palette
- Compatibility TYPO3 v11.3
- multi-usage indicator behaviour
- Grouping of Mask fields in CType select
- TCA option showRemovedLocalizationRecords
- Database index for content fields
- Missing rte_ckeditor extension does no longer break Mask #417
- Varchar size for link fields changed back to 255 Read more
- Troubleshooting guide for
row size too large
- Page templates do not create templates on save
- Inline fields never shown as multiuse
- Guides for crop variants and rte config
- Corrected behaviour of backend_layout_next_level
- Css fixes
- Prevent error when saving empty element
- Non-existing tca definitions in mask.json are now ignored to prevent errors
- JSON label structure for fields in palettes in inline fields persisted correctly (new save required!)
- l10n_mode loading
- Loading existing field does not override sql definition anymore
- Field labels now also loaded when field is in palette
- Some edgecase validation behaviour fixed
- Show label of mask fields in existing key select
- Improved sticky styling for sidebar
- Fix file allowedFileExtensions not loading
- Changed mask.json default path
- Core field bodytext now generates html ViewHelper
- Improved CSS Styling
- Hide existing field select in palette of inline fields
- Checkboxes can be clicked again
- Css fixes
- Travis CI test execution
- Improved documentation
This huge release contains a completetely rewritten Mask Backend! Check out the release article for in depth information.
- Completey new Mask Backend based on VueJS
- New responsive UI/UX
- Updated documentation
- New Upgrade Guide / Tips and tricks
- Compatibility TYPO3 v11.2
- Frontend User Group restrictions are now taken into account for inline elements #404
- Some checkboxes do no longer reset to default value #402
- Fix blindLinkOptions not editable when two fields have the same key #397
- Fix error when mask key contains the string 'pages' and is placed in inline field #400
- Fix incorrect text field wrap inversion
- Cast element key to string when resolving template file
- Fix exception for editors when editing irre element #392
- Support for TYPO3 v11.1.0
- Date formatting of timestamp field
- Add responsive styling for notebook viewport widths #391
- Fix InvalidEnumerationValueException in backend #390
- TCA definition for parent field of fields of type content #389
- Infinite loop if irre field and containing content field have same key
- Empty backend layout icons do not throw error #388
- Backend layouts with icon identifier work now #385
- Always add softref to RTE fields #383
- Load correct cType list #382
- Fix old to new date format conversion
- Default field of float type converted to type number
- Core icon paths #379
- Inline syntax for format viewhelper in html generation
- Backend preview now shows changes from workspace #377
- Crowdin translation
- Documentation toctree rendered again
- Fixed wrong path in ConvertTemplate Upgrade Wizard when using "EXT:"
- Switched to new TYPO3 documentation server rendering.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed a JavaScript function not existing in older chrome browsers.
- Richtext fields now correctly identified as richtext and not text.
- Update Wizards to migrate mask.json and template names from older installations.
- Tabs / palettes for page templates only override pages table now.
- page templates with numeric keys don't cause type errors anymore.
- Inline fields added to frontend data array if in palette.
- Enumeration for field types added and replaced across all code.
- Labels of repeating fields are rendered again
- Inline fields added correctly again
- Support for palettes and linebreaks
- TCA group element
- timestamp element
There should be no problem to upgrade from 5 to 6 in most cases. For more details read the release notes
- Fields in page templates are now shown, if backend layout has non numeric name. #345
- Saving mask elements do not cause change in indexes when running db analyzer anymore.
- JQuery is minified again.
- Option to disable phone links. #336
- Undone symfony DI change because of breaking changes
- Fields
now generated on element save. #332
- After updating from 5.1.0 or lower, clear the hard caches under Maintenance->Flush cache. Clearing red caches in not enough.
- Run database analyzer after that.
- Mask uses now the symfony DI.
- Added fe_group and editlock fields for access tab of mask inline records.
- Labels of inline tt_content records having a mask element as default are now displayed. #327
- There are some issues with the new fluid based page layout module. Especially if dealing with languages, please turn off this feature if encountering any issues in Settings -> Feature Toggles -> Fluid based page module.
- It may be necessary to run the Database Analyzer and/or save your mask elements to apply some changes.
- If you save your elements, the mask.json may change. Don't forget to put the changes in your version control system.
- Mask elements can now be found in TYPO3 global search #191
- Added fluid_styled_content as dependency
- Added mask as global fluid namespace
- Added tests for core functionality of mask
- Migrated Signal slots to PSR-14 events
- Replaced datepicker with TYPO3 standard
- General code cleanup and refactoring
- Link element wizard config removed. #79440
- rte_transform mode override removed. #72856
- Removed parseFuncTSPath attribute in html code generation for RTE fields
- Fixed order of tabs for backend layout fields. #315
- Backend Layouts translated correctly if referencing language files.
- Removed html in delete/purge dialog #310
- Translation of inline fields in page records fixed #309
- Deleted inline fields removed in mask.json #307
- Validation of field keys works again in the element builder
- RTE presets in TSconfig are now applied #306
- Removed the inline css in blockquote #303
- Allowed content elements in nested content work again #296
- Mask doesn't generate error log entries anymore #294
- Support for TYPO3 v10. Thank you Jürgen Venne and all the sponsors!
- basic code cleanup and minor refactoring
- complete redesign of Mask backend module
- hidden IRRE elements are now visible in the backend #262
- declared strict_types in all classes for better code quality
- replaced deprecated composer option "replace" with extra/extension-key
- moved the mask backend module to the bottom of the admin tools
- Support for TYPO3 v9 LTS was dropped. Use Mask v4.x.x for TYPO3 v9 LTS
- Sort inline fields recursively to output correct order of fields in editor #267
- Added softref-config to rte fields #266
- Fixed TCA default value of field parentid for Inline-Tables #249
- Fixed the path resolution in backend preview images
- new version for typo3 repository without .git folder
- added banners
- fixed missing reusable mask fields in extending pages
- added indexes to tt_content for parent fields
- fixed wrong default-paths in extension config
- changed EM paths from EXT:... to typo3conf/ext/....
- Added support for "EXT:" paths in LocalConfiguration #193
- Fluid-Templates are now being generated all upperCamelCase, no more underscores, except for fallback#186
- Default paths in LocalConfiguration now point to EXT:mask_project/...
- Fixed broken sorting in repeating elements #181
- Fixed broken default checkboxes #178
- Fixed TS-Conditions for hidden pages and content elements #203
- Prevent error in starttime and endtime when using strict_mode
- Changed default value of date field to null as per MySQL Standard #197
- Fixed broken 'Activate/Deactivate content element' action [BUGFIX] fix wrong locallang structure
- Fixed broken LocalConfiguration paths when missing trailing slash
- Support TYPO3 v9. #168
- All contentelements are now natively rendered with FLUIDTEMPLATE and are enriched with dataprocessors
- Link backend header of element to its edit page. #159
- Added Localization Tab to every field
- Added possibility to use enableMultiSelectFilterTextfield with select boxes
- Added a hint that updating the validation of a repeating field could cause problems
- Sort complete
alphabetically to avoid merge conflicts. #163 - Default paths in extension configuration changed from outdated fileadmin paths to a dummy site package structure
- All Fluid-Templates/Partials/Layouts have to begin with an uppercase letter, as is standard with fluid
- Support for TYPO3 v8 LTS was dropped. #168
- Use
instead ofsubstr
to avoid encoding problems with German "umlauts". #167 - set correct icons for all content elements and add them to their own group in CType selectbox
- the configuration of the link wizard is now saved