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This solution guides users to establish a private connection between Cloud SQL instance and Compute Engine instance by setting up a host and a service project, creating a Cloud SQL instance and a Compute Engine instance in the service project, and connecting the Compute Engine instance to the Cloud SQL instance using the VM's private IP address. The host project contains the VPC networks, subnets and firewall rules.

Here is a brief overview of the components being created by the terraform solution :

  1. Creates a VPC Network and subnets in the host project
  2. Establishes a host and a service project
  3. Creates a Cloud SQL instance in the service project
  4. Creates a Compute Engine instance in the service project
  5. Establishes a connection between the Compute Engine instance to the Cloud SQL instance using the private IP address

This example is a good starting point for anyone who needs to quickly and easily connect a Compute Engine instance to a Cloud SQL instance using private IP address of the Cloud SQL instance.


Host Service Scenario


  1. User should have terraform and gcloud SDK installed in the machine from which they plan to execute this script.
  2. User should have two Google Cloud projects which will be used as part of this guide. One of the Google Cloud project will act as a Host Project and the other will act as a Service Project.
  3. User planning to run this script should have following permissions asssigned to them in the respective projects as described below. User can either use Google Cloud Platform console or gcloud SDK to assign these permission to the user identity using which these scripts will be executed. User can follow either step 3.a. or 3.b. or 3.c. to complete this step.
    • Host Project

      • roles/compute.networkAdmin
      • roles/compute.securityAdmin
      • roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
      • roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
      • roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin
    • Service Project

      • roles/compute.instanceAdmin
      • roles/cloudsql.admin
      • roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
      • roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
      • roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin
    • Compute XpnPermission

      • User should have roles/compute.xpnAdmin permission at a common folder owning the host and service project. This is required to associate the service project with the host project.

      a. Using Webconsole : User can either use GCP web console to assign the IAM permission to the user who plans to run this script.

      b. Using gcloud SDK : User can either use gcloud SDK to assign IAM permission to the user who plans to run the script.

      c. [Optionally] There is a helper script provided which can be used to create a Service Account with relevant permission at location cloudsql-easy-networking/helper-scripts/

      User can then use this Service Account and impersonate this Service Account while running the terraform code.

      Once you have created this service account you can then update file by updating the impersonate_service_account field with the service account you have created with appropriate permission as described above and renaming the to file.

      Once the file is updated. The Updated content of file may look like

      provider "google" {
        impersonate_service_account = "iac-sa@<GCP-HOST-PROJECT-ID>"
      provider "google-beta" {
        impersonate_service_account = "iac-sa@<GCP-HOST-PROJECT-ID>"

      Note : User should have service account admin and project iam admin permissions in the respective Google Cloud projects in order to assign the above mentioned permissions.


  1. User should have authenticated using gcloud command gcloud auth application-default login command in the CLI/machine using which user plans to execute the terraform code.
  2. User can now cd in to the example directory cloudsql-easy-networking/examples/1.Host-Service-Project in order to execute the terraform code.
  3. Update the variables in terraform.tfvars as per your configuration like host_project_id, service_project_id etc. User can also go through the Inputs section of this readme that describes the list of input variables that can be updated. Here are two examples of the terraform.tfvars file which can be referred while updating your terraform.tfvars file.
  4. Enter command terraform init . This command initializes the working directory containing terraform configuration files.
  5. Enter command terraform validate to validate the configuration files present in this directory.
  6. Enter command terraform plan. This command creates an execution plan, which lets you preview the changes that terraform plans to make in your infrastructure. Review the content displayed in the plan stage and if all looks good then move to next step.
  7. Enter terraform applyand type yes when asked for confirmation/approval. This command executes the actions proposed in a terraform plan and applies the configuration changes.
  8. Deleting resources : Enter terraform destroy and type yes when asked for confirmation/approval. This command will delete the resources created using the terraform.


  1. This example leverages the existing network and subnetwork. Network information like network_name, network_id and subnetwork_id should be passed in the terraform.tfvars file. The terraform.tfvars should look like

    host_project_id        = "<GCP-HOST-PROJECT-ID>"
    service_project_id     = "<GCP-SERVICE-PROJECT-ID>"
    database_version       = "MYSQL_8_0"
    cloudsql_instance_name = "cn-sqlinstance10"
    region                 = "us-central1"
    zone                   = "us-central1-a"
    create_network         = false
    create_subnetwork      = false
    network_name           = "cloudsql-easy"
    subnetwork_name        = "cloudsql-easy-subnet"
  2. This example creates new network and subnetwork with the provided CIDR.

    host_project_id        = "<GCP-HOST-PROJECT-ID>"
    service_project_id     = "<GCP-SERVICE-PROJECT-ID>"
    database_version       = "MYSQL_8_0"
    cloudsql_instance_name = "cn-sqlinstance10"
    region                 = "us-central1"
    zone                   = "us-central1-a"
    create_network         = true
    create_subnetwork      = true
    network_name           = "cloudsql-easy"
    subnetwork_name        = "cloudsql-easy-subnet"
    subnetwork_ip_cidr     = ""


No requirements.


Name Version
google 4.81.0
template 2.2.0


Name Source Version
firewall_rules ../../modules/firewall-rules n/a
gce_sa ../../modules/iam-service-account n/a
google_compute_instance ../../modules/computeinstance n/a
host-vpc ../../modules/net-vpc n/a
host_project ../../modules/services n/a
nat ../../modules/net-cloudnat n/a
project_services ../../modules/services n/a
sql-db ../../modules/cloudsql n/a
terraform_service_accounts ../../modules/iam-service-account n/a


Name Type
google_compute_network.host_vpc data source
google_compute_subnetwork.host_vpc_subnetwork data source
template_file.mysql_installer data source


Name Description Type Default Required
cloudsql_instance_name Name of the cloud sql instance which will be created. string n/a yes
database_version Database version of the mysql in Cloud SQL . string n/a yes
host_project_id Project Id of the Host GCP Project. string n/a yes
network_name Name of the VPC network to be created if var.create_network is marked as true or Name of the already existing network if var.create_network is false. string n/a yes
region Name of a GCP region. string n/a yes
service_project_id Project Id of the Service GCP Project attached to the Host GCP project. string n/a yes
subnetwork_ip_cidr CIDR range for the subnet to be created if var.create_subnetwork is set to true. string n/a yes
subnetwork_name Name of the sub network to be created if var.create_subnetwork is marked as true or Name of the already existing sub network if var.create_subnetwork is false. string n/a yes
zone Name of a GCP zone, should be in the same region as specified in the region variable. string n/a yes
access_config Access configurations, i.e. IPs via which the VM instance can be accessed via the Internet.
nat_ip = string
network_tier = string
null no
cloudsql_private_range_cidr Cidr of the private IP range. string "" no
cloudsql_private_range_name Name of the default IP range. string "privateip-range" no
cloudsql_private_range_prefix_length Prefix length of the private IP range. string "20" no
create_nat Boolean variable to create the Cloud NAT for allowing the VM to connect to external Internet. bool true no
create_network Variable to determine if a new network should be created or not. bool true no
create_subnetwork Variable to determine if a new sub network should be created or not. bool true no
deletion_protection Enable delete protection. bool true no
gce_tags List of tags to be applied to gce instance. list(string)
nat_name Name of the cloud nat to be created. string "sqleasy-nat" no
network_routing_mode Network Routing Mode to be used, Could be REGIONAL or GLOBAL. string "GLOBAL" no
network_tier Networking tier to be used. string "PREMIUM" no
router_name Name of the router to be used by the NAT. string "sqleasynatrouter" no
source_image Source disk image. If neither source_image nor source_image_family is specified, defaults to the latest public image. string "" no
source_image_family Source image family. If neither source_image nor source_image_family is specified, defaults to the latest public image. string "ubuntu-2204-lts" no
source_image_project Project where the source image comes from. The default project contains images. string "ubuntu-os-cloud" no
test_dbname Database Name to be created from startup script. string "test_db" no


Name Description
cloudsql_instance_name Name of the my cloud sql instance created in the service project.
host_network_id Network ID for the host VPC network created in the host project.
host_subnetwork_id Sub Network ID created inside the host VPC network created in the host project.
host_vpc_name Name of the VPC created in the host project.