diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c758bde..a328cb3 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ node_modules
diff --git a/dist/index.html b/dist/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbdd97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ Ant Colony Optimisation
+ Iteration
+ Problem Name
+ Problem Size
+ Population
+ 20
+ Iterations
+ 100
+ Alpha
+ 1.0
+ Beta
+ 2.0
+ Evaporation Rate
+ 0.1
+ Initial Pheromones
+ 1.0
+ Q
+ 1.0
+ # |
+ Walk |
+ Length |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/problems/bayg29.tsp b/dist/problems/bayg29.tsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82112b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/problems/bayg29.tsp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+NAME: bayg29
+COMMENT: 29 Cities in Bavaria, geographical distances (Groetschel,Juenger,Reinelt)
+ 97 205 139 86 60 220 65 111 115 227 95 82 225 168 103 266 205 149 120 58 257 152 52 180 136 82 34 145
+129 103 71 105 258 154 112 65 204 150 87 176 137 142 204 148 148 49 41 211 226 116 197 89 153 124 74
+219 125 175 386 269 134 184 313 201 215 267 248 271 274 236 272 160 151 300 350 239 322 78 276 220 60
+167 182 180 162 208 39 102 227 60 86 34 96 129 69 58 60 120 119 192 114 110 192 136 173 173
+ 51 296 150 42 131 268 88 131 245 201 175 275 218 202 119 50 281 238 131 244 51 166 95 69
+279 114 56 150 278 46 133 266 214 162 302 242 203 146 67 300 205 111 238 98 139 52 120
+178 328 206 147 308 172 203 165 121 251 216 122 231 249 209 111 169 72 338 144 237 331
+169 151 227 133 104 242 182 84 290 230 146 165 121 270 91 48 158 200 39 64 210
+172 309 68 169 286 242 208 315 259 240 160 90 322 260 160 281 57 192 107 90
+140 195 51 117 72 104 153 93 88 25 85 152 200 104 139 154 134 149 135
+320 146 64 68 143 106 88 81 159 219 63 216 187 88 293 191 258 272
+174 311 258 196 347 288 243 192 113 345 222 144 274 124 165 71 153
+144 86 57 189 128 71 71 82 176 150 56 114 168 83 115 160
+ 61 165 51 32 105 127 201 36 254 196 136 260 212 258 234
+106 110 56 49 91 153 91 197 136 94 225 151 201 205
+215 159 64 126 128 190 98 53 78 218 48 127 214
+ 61 155 157 235 47 305 243 186 282 261 300 252
+105 100 176 66 253 183 146 231 203 239 204
+113 152 127 150 106 52 235 112 179 221
+ 79 163 220 119 164 135 152 153 114
+236 201 90 195 90 127 84 91
+273 226 148 296 238 291 269
+112 130 286 74 155 291
+130 178 38 75 180
+281 120 205 270
+213 145 36
+ 94 217
+ 1 1150.0 1760.0
+ 2 630.0 1660.0
+ 3 40.0 2090.0
+ 4 750.0 1100.0
+ 5 750.0 2030.0
+ 6 1030.0 2070.0
+ 7 1650.0 650.0
+ 8 1490.0 1630.0
+ 9 790.0 2260.0
+ 10 710.0 1310.0
+ 11 840.0 550.0
+ 12 1170.0 2300.0
+ 13 970.0 1340.0
+ 14 510.0 700.0
+ 15 750.0 900.0
+ 16 1280.0 1200.0
+ 17 230.0 590.0
+ 18 460.0 860.0
+ 19 1040.0 950.0
+ 20 590.0 1390.0
+ 21 830.0 1770.0
+ 22 490.0 500.0
+ 23 1840.0 1240.0
+ 24 1260.0 1500.0
+ 25 1280.0 790.0
+ 26 490.0 2130.0
+ 27 1460.0 1420.0
+ 28 1260.0 1910.0
+ 29 360.0 1980.0
diff --git a/dist/problems/bays29.tsp b/dist/problems/bays29.tsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..451a4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/problems/bays29.tsp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+NAME: bays29
+COMMENT: 29 cities in Bavaria, street distances (Groetschel,Juenger,Reinelt)
+ 0 107 241 190 124 80 316 76 152 157 283 133 113 297 228 129 348 276 188 150 65 341 184 67 221 169 108 45 167
+ 107 0 148 137 88 127 336 183 134 95 254 180 101 234 175 176 265 199 182 67 42 278 271 146 251 105 191 139 79
+ 241 148 0 374 171 259 509 317 217 232 491 312 280 391 412 349 422 356 355 204 182 435 417 292 424 116 337 273 77
+ 190 137 374 0 202 234 222 192 248 42 117 287 79 107 38 121 152 86 68 70 137 151 239 135 137 242 165 228 205
+ 124 88 171 202 0 61 392 202 46 160 319 112 163 322 240 232 314 287 238 155 65 366 300 175 307 57 220 121 97
+ 80 127 259 234 61 0 386 141 72 167 351 55 157 331 272 226 362 296 232 164 85 375 249 147 301 118 188 60 185
+ 316 336 509 222 392 386 0 233 438 254 202 439 235 254 210 187 313 266 154 282 321 298 168 249 95 437 190 314 435
+ 76 183 317 192 202 141 233 0 213 188 272 193 131 302 233 98 344 289 177 216 141 346 108 57 190 245 43 81 243
+ 152 134 217 248 46 72 438 213 0 206 365 89 209 368 286 278 360 333 284 201 111 412 321 221 353 72 266 132 111
+ 157 95 232 42 160 167 254 188 206 0 159 220 57 149 80 132 193 127 100 28 95 193 241 131 169 200 161 189 163
+ 283 254 491 117 319 351 202 272 365 159 0 404 176 106 79 161 165 141 95 187 254 103 279 215 117 359 216 308 322
+ 133 180 312 287 112 55 439 193 89 220 404 0 210 384 325 279 415 349 285 217 138 428 310 200 354 169 241 112 238
+ 113 101 280 79 163 157 235 131 209 57 176 210 0 186 117 75 231 165 81 85 92 230 184 74 150 208 104 158 206
+ 297 234 391 107 322 331 254 302 368 149 106 384 186 0 69 191 59 35 125 167 255 44 309 245 169 327 246 335 288
+ 228 175 412 38 240 272 210 233 286 80 79 325 117 69 0 122 122 56 56 108 175 113 240 176 125 280 177 266 243
+ 129 176 349 121 232 226 187 98 278 132 161 279 75 191 122 0 244 178 66 160 161 235 118 62 92 277 55 155 275
+ 348 265 422 152 314 362 313 344 360 193 165 415 231 59 122 244 0 66 178 198 286 77 362 287 228 358 299 380 319
+ 276 199 356 86 287 296 266 289 333 127 141 349 165 35 56 178 66 0 112 132 220 79 296 232 181 292 233 314 253
+ 188 182 355 68 238 232 154 177 284 100 95 285 81 125 56 66 178 112 0 128 167 169 179 120 69 283 121 213 281
+ 150 67 204 70 155 164 282 216 201 28 187 217 85 167 108 160 198 132 128 0 88 211 269 159 197 172 189 182 135
+ 65 42 182 137 65 85 321 141 111 95 254 138 92 255 175 161 286 220 167 88 0 299 229 104 236 110 149 97 108
+ 341 278 435 151 366 375 298 346 412 193 103 428 230 44 113 235 77 79 169 211 299 0 353 289 213 371 290 379 332
+ 184 271 417 239 300 249 168 108 321 241 279 310 184 309 240 118 362 296 179 269 229 353 0 121 162 345 80 189 342
+ 67 146 292 135 175 147 249 57 221 131 215 200 74 245 176 62 287 232 120 159 104 289 121 0 154 220 41 93 218
+ 221 251 424 137 307 301 95 190 353 169 117 354 150 169 125 92 228 181 69 197 236 213 162 154 0 352 147 247 350
+ 169 105 116 242 57 118 437 245 72 200 359 169 208 327 280 277 358 292 283 172 110 371 345 220 352 0 265 178 39
+ 108 191 337 165 220 188 190 43 266 161 216 241 104 246 177 55 299 233 121 189 149 290 80 41 147 265 0 124 263
+ 45 139 273 228 121 60 314 81 132 189 308 112 158 335 266 155 380 314 213 182 97 379 189 93 247 178 124 0 199
+ 167 79 77 205 97 185 435 243 111 163 322 238 206 288 243 275 319 253 281 135 108 332 342 218 350 39 263 199 0
+ 1 1150.0 1760.0
+ 2 630.0 1660.0
+ 3 40.0 2090.0
+ 4 750.0 1100.0
+ 5 750.0 2030.0
+ 6 1030.0 2070.0
+ 7 1650.0 650.0
+ 8 1490.0 1630.0
+ 9 790.0 2260.0
+ 10 710.0 1310.0
+ 11 840.0 550.0
+ 12 1170.0 2300.0
+ 13 970.0 1340.0
+ 14 510.0 700.0
+ 15 750.0 900.0
+ 16 1280.0 1200.0
+ 17 230.0 590.0
+ 18 460.0 860.0
+ 19 1040.0 950.0
+ 20 590.0 1390.0
+ 21 830.0 1770.0
+ 22 490.0 500.0
+ 23 1840.0 1240.0
+ 24 1260.0 1500.0
+ 25 1280.0 790.0
+ 26 490.0 2130.0
+ 27 1460.0 1420.0
+ 28 1260.0 1910.0
+ 29 360.0 1980.0
diff --git a/dist/problems/berlin52.tsp b/dist/problems/berlin52.tsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f35791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/problems/berlin52.tsp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+NAME: berlin52
+COMMENT: 52 locations in Berlin (Groetschel)
+1 565.0 575.0
+2 25.0 185.0
+3 345.0 750.0
+4 945.0 685.0
+5 845.0 655.0
+6 880.0 660.0
+7 25.0 230.0
+8 525.0 1000.0
+9 580.0 1175.0
+10 650.0 1130.0
+11 1605.0 620.0
+12 1220.0 580.0
+13 1465.0 200.0
+14 1530.0 5.0
+15 845.0 680.0
+16 725.0 370.0
+17 145.0 665.0
+18 415.0 635.0
+19 510.0 875.0
+20 560.0 365.0
+21 300.0 465.0
+22 520.0 585.0
+23 480.0 415.0
+24 835.0 625.0
+25 975.0 580.0
+26 1215.0 245.0
+27 1320.0 315.0
+28 1250.0 400.0
+29 660.0 180.0
+30 410.0 250.0
+31 420.0 555.0
+32 575.0 665.0
+33 1150.0 1160.0
+34 700.0 580.0
+35 685.0 595.0
+36 685.0 610.0
+37 770.0 610.0
+38 795.0 645.0
+39 720.0 635.0
+40 760.0 650.0
+41 475.0 960.0
+42 95.0 260.0
+43 875.0 920.0
+44 700.0 500.0
+45 555.0 815.0
+46 830.0 485.0
+47 1170.0 65.0
+48 830.0 610.0
+49 605.0 625.0
+50 595.0 360.0
+51 1340.0 725.0
+52 1740.0 245.0
diff --git a/dist/problems/eil51.tsp b/dist/problems/eil51.tsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..543d101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/problems/eil51.tsp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+NAME : eil51
+COMMENT : 51-city problem (Christofides/Eilon)
+1 37 52
+2 49 49
+3 52 64
+4 20 26
+5 40 30
+6 21 47
+7 17 63
+8 31 62
+9 52 33
+10 51 21
+11 42 41
+12 31 32
+13 5 25
+14 12 42
+15 36 16
+16 52 41
+17 27 23
+18 17 33
+19 13 13
+20 57 58
+21 62 42
+22 42 57
+23 16 57
+24 8 52
+25 7 38
+26 27 68
+27 30 48
+28 43 67
+29 58 48
+30 58 27
+31 37 69
+32 38 46
+33 46 10
+34 61 33
+35 62 63
+36 63 69
+37 32 22
+38 45 35
+39 59 15
+40 5 6
+41 10 17
+42 21 10
+43 5 64
+44 30 15
+45 39 10
+46 32 39
+47 25 32
+48 25 55
+49 48 28
+50 56 37
+51 30 40
diff --git a/dist/problems/ulysses16.tsp b/dist/problems/ulysses16.tsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0960ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/problems/ulysses16.tsp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+NAME: ulysses16.tsp
+COMMENT: Odyssey of Ulysses (Groetschel/Padberg)
+ 1 38.24 20.42
+ 2 39.57 26.15
+ 3 40.56 25.32
+ 4 36.26 23.12
+ 5 33.48 10.54
+ 6 37.56 12.19
+ 7 38.42 13.11
+ 8 37.52 20.44
+ 9 41.23 9.10
+ 10 41.17 13.05
+ 11 36.08 -5.21
+ 12 38.47 15.13
+ 13 38.15 15.35
+ 14 37.51 15.17
+ 15 35.49 14.32
+ 16 39.36 19.56