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410 lines (342 loc) · 18.7 KB

This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places. See sources and examples!


Microled - Ultra -Luga Library for working with targeted tape/matrix

  • The main feature: compression of the color, the code takes many times less space in SRAM compared to analogues (Fastled, Neopixel, etc.)
  • Support for color compression: 8, 16 and 24 bits
  • the ability to work at all without a buffer (with some restrictions)
  • Work with color:
  • RGB
  • HSV
  • Hex (Web color)
  • "Color wheel" (1500 or 255 of the brightest shades)
  • 16 built -in colors
  • Color according to warmth
  • gradients
  • the ability to read compressed color in MHEX 0XRRGGBB and RGB array
  • optimized ASM conclusion
  • Built -in support for working with targeted matrices
  • Support of chips: 2811/2812/2813/2815/2818/WS6812/APA102
  • Built -in Tinyled to work on Attiny
  • compatibility of data and tools from Fastled
  • Expanded interruption setting
  • Native support for matrices
  • Preservation of the work Millis () (only for AVR)
  • Support for SPI ribbons (software and hardware)


Only AVR, Atmega and Attiny


There is [expanded documentation] to the library (


  • [installation] (# Install)
  • [initialization] (#init)
  • [use] (#usage)
  • [Example] (# Example)
  • [versions] (#varsions)
  • [bugs and feedback] (#fedback)



  • I recommend always updating the library: errors and bugs are corrected in the new versions, as well as optimization and new features are added
  • through the IDE library manager: find the library how to install and click "update"
  • Manually: ** remove the folder with the old version **, and then put a new one in its place.“Replacement” cannot be done: sometimes in new versions, files that remain when replacing are deleted and can lead to errors!


`` `CPP Microled <Amount, Pin, Clock, Chip, Order, Cli, Millis>

  • Amount - the number of LEDs in the tape.To work in the flow mode, you can specify 0, since the length of the tape is actually unlimited.
  • PIN- PIN, to which the date-entry of the tape is connected (D, DIN, DI).
  • Clock- PIN, to which the clock-input of the tape (C, CLK) is connected.This pin is connected only for SPI ribbons, such as APA102.
    • To work with the ribbons of the WSXXXX series, you need to specify instead of Pin the parameter MLED_NO_CLOCK or minus 1, i.e.-1
  • Chip - a model of tape (LEDs), in the library supportLED_WS2811, LED_WS2812, LED_WS2813, LED_WS2815, LED_WS2818, LED_WS6812, APA102, APA102_SPI.The choice of the tape model sets the speed of the protocol (they have different ones) and the consumption current settings for restriction modes (read more about them).
  • Order - the order of flowers in the tape.In the ideal world, the color order should depend on the chip model and this setting should be built into the choice of the chip, but the Chinese sell ribbons that coincide with one chip in the protocol, but have a different color order.Thus, the library supports more types of tapes than written above, but you need to guess with the choice of “clone” and the order of flowers.
    • Order: Order_RGB, Order_RBG, Order_BRG, Order_BGR, Order_GRB, Order_GBR.

Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, -1, led_ws2811, order_gbr> strip; Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, -1, led_ws2812, oorder_grb> strip; Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, -1, led_ws2813, oorder_grb> strip; Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, -1, led_ws2815, oorder_grb> strip; Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, -1, led_ws2818, oorder_rgb> strip; Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, -1, led_ws6812, oorder_rgb> strip; Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, claock_pin, led_apa102, order_bgr> strip; Microleds <numleds, -1, -1, led_apa102_spi, order_bgr> strip; `` `


See [documentation] ( `` `CPP // template: <quantity, pin, chip, order, interruption, millis> // initialization of the tape: no arguments Microled;

// Initialization Matrix: matrix width, matrix height, matrix type, connection angle, direction (see the connection of the matrix) Microled (Uint8_t Width, Uint8_t Height, M_type Type, M_connection Conn, M_dir Dir);

// Tape and Matrix VOID set (int n, mdata color);// put the color of the LED MDATA (equivalent to leds [n] = color) Mdata Get (int num);// Get the color of the diode in mdata (equivalent to leds [n]) Void Fill (Mdata Color);// pouring with color mdata VOID Fill (Int FROM, Int to, MDATA Color); // Pouring MDATA color VOID Fillgradient (Int frim, int to, mdata color1, mdata color2);// Pour a gradient of two colors VOID FADE (int num, byte val);// Reduce brightness

// matrix uint16_t getpixnumber (int x, int y);// Get a pixel number in the tape according to the coordinates VOID SET (int X, int y, mdata color);// put the color of the pixel x y in mdata mdata get (int x, int y);// get the color of the pixel in mdata VOID FADE (Int X, Int Y, Byte Val);// Reduce brightness VOID DRAWBITMAP8 (Int X, Int Y, COST UINT8_T *FRAME, Int Width, Intt Height);// Bitmap output (Bitmap 1mater Progmem) VOID DRAWBITMAP16 (Int X, Int Y, COST UINT16_T *FRAME, IntHIDTH, IntHTHT);// Bitmap output (Bitmap 1mater Progmem) VOID DRAWBITMAP32 (Int X, Int Y, COST UINT32_T *FRAME, IntHIDTH, IntHTHT);// Bitmap output (Bitmap 1mater Progmem)

// General VOID setmaxcurrent (int ma);// Set the maximum current (auto -correction of brightness).0 - off VOID Setbrightness (Uint8_T Newbright);// brightness 0-255 Void Clear ();// Cleaning VOID setcli (Type);// Prohibition of interruptions of pli_off, cli_low, cli_aver, cli_high

// Boofer conclusion VOID show ();// Determine the entire buffer

// Stream output VOID Begin ();// Start the conclusion with a stream VOID SEND (MDATA DATA);// Send one LED VOID end ();// End the output with a stream

// color uint32_t gethex (mdata data);// reproduce in 24 bits hex Mdata Getfade (Mdata Data, Uint8_t Val);// Reduce brightness by val MDATA Getblend (Int X, Intsount, MDATA C0, MDATA C1);// get an interim color mdata mrgb (uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);// RGB 255, 255, 255 Mdata mwheel (int color, uint8_t bright = 255);// Colors 0-1530 + brightness mdata mwheel8 (Uint8_t Color, Uint8_t Bright = 255);// Colors 0-255 + brightness mdata mhex (uint32_t color);// mhex color mdata mhsv (uint8_t h, uint8_t s, uint8_t v);// hsv 255, 255, 255 Mdata mhsvfast (uint8_th, uint8_t s, uint8_t v);// hsv 255, 255, 255 Mdata Mkelvin (Int Kelvin);// temperature

// Macros of brightness reduction fade8 (x, b) Fade8r (x, b) Fade8g (x, b) Fade8b (x, b)

// packaging-packing Getr (x) Getg (x) Getb (x) Mergergb (r, g, b) Mergergbraw (r, g, b) Getcrt (byte X) - get the adjusted value of brightness X taking into account the selected CRT model of gamma correction Getcrt_pgm (Byte X) - get CRT from the progress (it only works if the PGM model is selected) Getcrt_SQUARE (Byte X) - Get CRT by square model Getcrt_Qubic (Byte X) - Get CRT by cubic model RGB24TO16 (X)-Convertation 24-bit color in 16-bit RGB24TO8 (x)-Convertation 24-bit colors in 8-bit RGB16TO24 (X)-Convertation 16-bit color in 24-bit RGB8TO24 (x)-8-bit color conversion in 24-bit RGB24TOR (x) - pull out byt R of 24 -bit color RGB24TOG (x) - pull out byt G of 24 -bit color RGB24TOB (x) - pull out byte B of 24 -bit color Rgbto24 (r, g, b) - glue 24 -bit color Rgbto16 (r, g, b) - glue 16 -bit color Rgbto8 (r, g, b) - glue 8 -bit color `` `


The rest of the examples look at ** Examples **! `` `CPP // Basic example of working with the tape, basic possibilities // Library Microled version 3.0+ // For more information, read the documentation

// Constants for convenience #define strip_pin 2 // Pin tape #define numleds 20 // Sum of LEDs

// ===== Color depth ======== // 1, 2, 3 (byte for color) // on a smaller color resolution, the sketch will occupy many times less space, // But the number of shades and brightness levels will decrease! // Define is made before connecting the library // Without it there will be 3 bytes by default #define color_debth 3

#include <microled.h> // Connect the bibla

// ====== Entialization ============ // <Kolvo-training, pin, Klok Pin, chip, order> // microleds <numleds, data_pin, claock_pin, led_ws2818, oner_grb> strip; // Clock Pin is needed only for SPI tapes (for example, APA102) // For ordinary WS tapes, indicate mled_no_clock // by APA102 see a separate guide in the examples

// Various Chinese fakes can have compatibility // with one chip, but another order of flowers! // Supported tapes and their official color order: // Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, led_ws2811, order_gbr> strip; // Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, led_ws2812, order_grb> strip; // microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, LED_WS2813, Order_GRB> Strip; // Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, led_ws2815, order_grb> strip; // Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, led_ws2818, order_rgb> strip; // Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, led_ws6812, order_rgb> strip; // microleds <numleds, strip_pin, claock_pin, led_apa102, oorder_bgr> strip; // Microleds <numleds, mled_no_clock, mled_no_clock, led_apa102_spi, order_bgr> strip;// for hardware SPI

// ======= Interruption ============ // To increase the reliability of data transfer to the tape, you can turn off the interruption. // The library has 4 modes: // cli_Off - interruptions are not disconnected (tape failures are possible) // cli_low - interruptions are disconnected during the transmission of one color // cli_aver - interruptions are disconnected during the transfer of one LED (3 colors) // cli_high - interruptions are disconnected during the transfer of the given to the entire tape

// by default, the disabling of interruptions stands on Cli_off (do not turn off) // The parameter is transmitted to the 5th during initialization: // Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, led_ws2818, iter_grb, cli_aver> strip;

// ======= Save millis ============= // when disconnecting interruptions in medium and high proportion mode (Cli_aver and Cli_high) // Inevitably, the functions of the time millis () and micros () will be slightly lagging behind // The library is built into the maintenance of the functions of the time, for activation, we transfer Save_Millis // 6th argument in initialization: // Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, led_ws2818, order_grb, clai_aver, save_millis> strip; // This will slowly slow down on the tape, but will allow Millis to count without a lag!

// I initialize the tape (it was aboveHyde!) Microleds <numleds, strip_pin, mled_no_clock, led_ws2818, oorder_grb, cli_aver> strip;

VOID setup () { // ===================== Basic things ============================================ // brightness (0-255) strip.setbrightness (60); // brightness is used in CRT gamut // applies in the withdrawal of .show ()!

// Cleaning the buffer (turn off the diodes, black) strip.clear (); // applies in the withdrawal of .show ()! ();// Conclusion of changes to the tape DELAY (1);// Between the show challenges there should be a pause of at least 40 μs !!!!

// ====ward // The library supports two options for working with the tape: // Changing the color of a particular diode using the SET function (diode, color) // or work with the .LEDS [] "Manual" array

// recording Strip.set (diode, color);equivalent to strip.leds [diode] = color;

// ------------ The main functions of working with color ----------- // The following functions of the BRZENT are the type of data MDATA - compressed color view

// mrgb (uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);// Color RGB, 0-255 Each channel strip.set (0, mrgb (255, 0, 0));// diode 0, color RGB (255 0 0) (red)

// mhsv (uint8_t h, uint8_t s, uint8_t v);// color hsv, 0-255 each channel strip.leds [1] = mhsv (30, 255, 255);// diode 1, (color 30, brightness and saturation maximum)

// mhsvfast (uint8_t h, uint8_t s, uint8_t v);// color hsv, 0-255 each channel // The calculation is performed a little faster, but the colors are not so smooth Strip.set (2, mhsvfast (90, 255, 255));// diode 2, color 90, brightness and saturation maximum

// mhex (uint32_t color);// Web Colors (0xrrggb) strip.set (3, mhex (0x30b210));// diode 3, color hex 0x30b210

// The library has 17 pre -installed colors (max. Brightness) strip.leds [4] = maqua;// diode 4, color aqua

// mwheel (int color);// Rainbow colors 0-1530 // mwheel (int color, uint8_t bright);// rainbow colors 0-1530 + brightness 0-255 strip.set (5, mwheel (1200));// diode 5, color 1200

// mwheel8 (int color);// Rainbow colors 0-255 // mwheel8 (int color, uint8_t Bright);// rainbow colors 0-255 + brightness 0-255 //strip.set(6, mwheel8 (100));// diode 6, color 100 (range 0-255 along the rainbow) strip.set (6, mwheel8 (100, 50));// The second parameter can be conveyed brightness

// mkelvin (int Kelvin);// Color temperature 1'000-40'000 Kelvin strip.set (7, mkelvin (3500));// diode 7, color temperature 3500k ();// We display all changes to the tape DELAY (2000);// delay in the show

// =========================================ward // there is a ready -made function for filling the entire tape with color - .Fill () // accepts the converted color, for example, from color functions or constants above strip.fill (Myillow);// Pour yellow ();// We display changes DELAY (2000);

// You can also specify the beginning and end of the filling strip.fill (3, 7, mwheel8 (100));// Pour ~ green from 3 to 6: the account goes from 0, poured to the specified -1 ();// We display changes DELAY (2000);

// ------------- Manual filling in the cycle ----------- // For example, paint half the tape into one, half in the other for (int i = 0; i <numleds / 2; i ++) strip.Leds [i] = mhsv (0, 255, 255);// red for (int i = numleds / 2; i <numleds; i ++) strip.leds [i] = mhsv (80, 255, 255);// approximately green ();// We display changes DELAY (2000);

// ------------------------------------ // To accelerate manual fills (acceleration of color calculation), you can create a variable type MDATA Mdata Value1, Value2; Value1 = mhsv (60, 100, 255); Value2 = mhsv (190, 255, 190); for (int i = 0; i <numleds; i ++) { if (i <numleds / 2) strip.leds [i] = value1;// First half of the tape else strip.leds [i] = value2;// second half of the tape } ();// We display changes DLAY (2000);

// ------------------------------------ // In the cycle, you can change the color generation parameters.For example, make a rainbow for (int i = 0; i <numleds; i ++) strip.set (i, mwheel8 (I * 255 / numleds));// Full circle from 0 to 255 ();// We display changes DELAY (2000);

// or gradient from red to black (sequentially changing brightness) for (int i = 0; i <numleds; i ++) strip.set (I, mwheel8 (0, I * 255 / numleds));// Full circle from 0 to 255 ();// We display changes }

VOID loop () { } `` `


  • V1.1

    • The initialization is corrected
    • added orange color
  • V2.0

    • rewritten and greatly accelerated the output algorithm
    • Added current restriction
  • V2.1

    • corrected error with the matrix
  • V2.2

    • Pink color is replaced by Magenta
  • V2.3

    • Added define setting Microled_allow_interrupts
    • Fixed small errors, improved stability
  • V2.4

    • Added Order_BGR
  • V2.5

    • CRT Gamma brightness
  • V3.0

    • Added functions and colors:
    • color temperature .Setkelvin () and Kelvin date
    • Getblend (position, total color1, color2) and getblend2 (position, all, color1, color2)
    • .Fill (from, to)
    • .Fillgradient (from, to, color1, color2)
    • added the noise of Perlin (pulled out of Fastled)
    • Added gradients
    • the conclusion is completely redone and optimized
    • the ability to work at all without a buffer
    • Setting up current restrictions for all types of tapes
    • Networking ban on interruptions
    • Preservation of the work of Millis for the duration of sending
    • Support for tapes 2811, 2812, 2813, 2815, 2818
    • Support for 4 color tapes: WS6812
    • Initialization was converted to the template, see examples!
    • Many changes in the names, everything is redone and simplified, read the documentation!
  • V3.1

    • Correction errors for non -standard nuclei Arduino and Attini are adjusted
    • added Tinyled.h class for output with a stream from Attiny and in general any avr (see example)
    • Fastled tools are cut out (random, noise), we will work directly from the fastric
    • Added support for joint work with the Fastled library and converting from its types!
    • Added support for the APA102 tape (as well as other SPIs), software and hardware SPI
  • V3.2

    • slightly optimization and corrections
  • V3.3

    • Fixed a critical bug with influence on other pins
  • V3.4

    • ASM recycled, less weighs, adapts easier to other frequencies / timings
    • Added Support LGT8F328P with a frequency of 32/16/8 MHZ
    • redesigned Polling Millis ()/Micros () - direct call call to interrupt Timer0_OVF, removed the extra code
  • V3.5

    • Fixed compilation error in some cases
  • V3.6

    • Added adjustment of the interruption ban regime on the fly

bugs and feedback

Create ** Issue ** when you find the bugs, and better immediately write to the mail [[email protected]] (mailto: [email protected]) The library is open for refinement and your ** pull Request ** 'ow!

When reporting about bugs or incorrect work of the library, it is necessary to indicate:

  • The version of the library
  • What is MK used
  • SDK version (for ESP)
  • version of Arduino ide
  • whether the built -in examples work correctly, in which the functions and designs are used, leading to a bug in your code
  • what code has been loaded, what work was expected from it and how it works in reality
  • Ideally, attach the minimum code in which the bug is observed.Not a canvas of a thousand lines, but a minimum code