In every day life you are using web servers everywhere, even when you visit a website like Flipkart, Amazon, or Google. Ever wondered what is a web server and how it works?
Let me tell you what a web server does?
A HTTP Web Server is nothing but a process that is running on your machine/laptop and does two things:
- Listen : For incoming http requests on a specific TCP socket address (IP address and Port number).
- Handles : Handles this request and sends a response to the user.
Python Version used: 3.8.0
To create HTTP server we need two modules: http.server, socketserver
PORT stores the value of 8000, then the server will be listening on incoming requests on that port.
To handle the requests and send the response to the user. A simple HTTP request handler that serves files from the current directory and any of its subdirectories.
socketserver.TCPServer: TCPServer describes a server that uses the TCP protocol to send and receive messages.
For TCP server to instantiate, we need: 1. TCP address (IP address, Port number) 2. Handler -
serve_forever is a method on the TCPServer instance that starts the server and begins listening and responding to incoming requests.
$ python