In this section we will be deploying Decision Services. To make this process easier, we'll be using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template, which allows us to deploy and configure the Decision Services resource.
If you have not done so already, please read the prerequisites before you get started.
Get the template and parameters file from the
here. Both will be needed to continue with this deployment option. The steps that follow will show how to deploy using the Azure CLI, but the provided template can also be deployed through the Azure portal.
Before deploying the ARM template, we need to define certain parameters.
Locate the InRule.Runtime.DecisionService.parameters.json file downloaded above.
Open the file with your text editor of choice and edit the parameters listed below:
Parameter | Example Values | Description |
decisionServiceName | yourcompanyname-inrule-environment-decision | Provide a name for the Azure App Service that the decision service will run on. |
decisionServicePlanSkuName | B1 | Describes runtime services plan's pricing tier and capacity. Plan Details |
catalogUri | https://{catalogAppService}/Service.svc | Provide the uri for the catalog service. |
inRuleVersion | 5.8.1 | Provide the inRule version you wish to deploy, default value is the latest inRule version. |
decisionServicePlanName | inruleDecisionServicePlan | The name for the app Service Plan. Leave blank for the value to be derived as decisionServiceName + Plan |
apiKeyPrimary | "" | Provide an api key value that will be used to authenticate to Decision Services. |
Save copy of the parameters after deployment to refer to and use for future upgrades
Now that the ARM template is configured, we’ll deploy it to get the resources up and running. The following will detail how to use the Azure CLI to deploy the ARM template (Note, this section assumes Azure CLI has already been installed):
First, open a PowerShell prompt and use the Azure CLI to sign in to your Azure subscription:
az login
If your Azure account has access to multiple subscriptions, you will need to set your active subscription to where you create your Azure resources:
# Example: az account set --subscription "Contoso Subscription 1"
az account set --subscription SUBSCRIPTION_NAME
Create the resource group (one resource group per environment is typical) that will contain the InRule-related Azure resources with the az group create command:
# Example: az group create --name inrule-prod-rg --location eastus
az group create --name RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location LOCATION
Replace RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME with the name of the Azure Resource Group you want to deploy to:
az deployment group create -g RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --template-file .\InRule.Runtime.DecisionService.json --parameters .\InRule.Runtime.DecisionService.parameters.json
In order for Decision Services to properly function, you must upload the InRuleLicense.xml file provided to you by InRule to the web app. The simplest way to upload the license file is via the App Service Editor available on the Azure portal.
First, navigate to the App Services listing page on the Azure portal and find your newly deployed web app in the list. Click the web app's name to be taken to its overview page. On the left-hand nav-bar, scroll down until you find the App Service Editor option, under the Development Tools header:
On the resulting page, click "Open Editor".
To upload the license file, you will need to drag and drop the InRuleLicense.xml file from your local machine into the top level wwwroot folder. You should be able to see a blue highlight when you are dragging the file into the correct location.
As a final verification that Decision Services is properly functioning, a REST call can be made to the status details endpoint.
Get status details from your Decision Services instance:
Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get' -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{"Accept"="application/json"; "inrule-apikey"="YOUR_API_KEY"} -Uri
If the request was successful, you should see results similiar to the following:
IsAvailable : True
ProcessorCount : 1
InRuleRuntimeVersion :
InRuleRepositoryVersion :
ProcessUpTimeMinutes : 4.01
CacheUpTimeMinutes : 0.63
MaxRuleAppCacheDepth : 25
CurrentRuleAppCacheDepth : 0
ErrorMessages : {}
PrecompileStatus : NotConfigured
PrecompileSeconds : 0
MachineName : dw1sdwk000QCC
After deployment, you have different options on how to execute rules. For detailed instructions on executing rules and decisions, visit the Decision API and/or Rule Execution API support articles.