Deploying DevOps with an ARM template is highly recommended. A push button is below, as well as instructions on importing the ARM templates in the Azure Portal.
DevOps Enabled Catalog App Service Deployment
DevOps App Service Deployment
First download the CI/CD ARM template zip file.
From the Azure Portal search for Deploy a custom template.
Once the custom deployment screen loads select Build your own template in the editor.
Select Load file on the next screen and upload the InRule.DevOps.Runtime.Service.json from the zip file downloaded above. Once loaded click Save at the bottom of the screen.
Now load the paramaters file by clicking Edit parameters. On the next screen select Load file again and load the InRule.DevOps.Runtime.Service.parameters.json file. Click Save once complete.
Choose the resource group to be used and Iif installing a new service leave Create Or Update DevOps Service Plan as true and type the desired DevOps app service name, app service plan and plan Sku. If upgrading set to false and enter the existing app service plan and app service name where DevOps was previosuly installed. A finished example is below:
The last step is to deploy the license file to the newly created DevOps app service. This can easily be done by using the App Service Editor from within the DevOps app service. Under the Development Tools in the left hand navigation of the app service click the app service editor as shown below, then click Go when that page loads. Right click on some blank space under WWWROOT and click Upload Files to upload the InRuleLicense.xml file.
The app service editor can also be launched from the KUDU console by adding .scm before the base URL and add dev at the end. Here is an example: