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11. How to assess CO2MPAS results.

Víctor Valverde edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 4 revisions

This section provides instructions on CO2MPAS usage so that one can be confident that the tool is used as it is originally planed and with all its potential.

  • Make sure that the versions of CO2MPAS tool and input file are the most recent ones and that the code is coming from the original source.

  • Check that the installed libraries of python are the ones distributed with the All-in-One and not updates have been manually done. In order to get a list of the installed libraries and their versions in your Python environment, open a console (Windows Start Menu --> CO2MPAS --> open bash console) and type pip ls > libraries.txt. This command will create a text file containing all the Python installed libraries and versions.

  • The CO2MPAS input file has only the data required for its use.

  • Check that all necessary input data have been provided as should. This covers also time series (velocity, engine rpm, engine load, alternator current, battery current, etc.). The CO2MPAS output report provides indications on the behaviour of the model and potential issues with the input data.

  • All input time series must originate from the same measurement (or simulation). Mixing time series between different measurements (eg RPMs from test A with engine temperatures from test B) will most likely lead to failures in the calibration of certain submodels and eventually to inaccurate results. CO2MPAS calibration is based on a series of methods that correlate the instantaneous performance of different modules. Mixing up of input from different sources should be strictly avoided in case of official (Type Approval related) runs.

  • Check that all necessary time series input data are properly aligned (OBD data against dyno data and data measured by other data-loggers). Misalignments of more than 1 second are known to produce inaccuracies particularly in the case of vehicles with automatic transmissions.

  • WLTP test masses in CO2MPAS input file (vehicle_mass WLTP-H and vehicle_mass WLTP-L) correspond to the masses applied on dyno during the test and not to the WLTP theoretical ones. For NEDC vehicle inertia (eg. vehicle_mass NEDC-H) the corresponding inertia class should be used as input.

  • Engine idle fuel consumption cannot be 0 even for vehicles equipped with Start/Stop technology. The idle engine fuel consumption corresponds to the idle fuel consumption of the vehicle (engine coupled with clutch/torque converter and gearbox) at warm conditions (eg. after one WLTP cycle) when the battery state of charge is at balance conditions and the engine start-stop function is disactivated. Check a tip on how to measure this parameter in the lab.

  • Check that the electric currents of the alternator are: a. not greater than zero (with the exception of engine start events), b. zero (+-0.3A) when the engine is switched off c. aligned approprately with the rest of the signals (eg. current is zeroed at the second an engine stop event takes place)

  • Check that no NEDC input data (time, velocity, gears) are provided without being necessary. Such data should be provided only in cases where the vehicle cannot perform the full official NEDC (capped cycles) or in case alternative gearshiftings are allowed (eg, starting directly from second gear).

  • Check that the first Start Stop event during WLTP occurs as expected. For example if the Start Stop activation time is set to 50sec in the input file and in WLTP the engine is still switched on during idling phases after 50sec, this will most likely cause errors in the calibration of the model.

  • In case of automatic vehicles check that predicted engine RPMs during UDC and EUDC plateaus are not lower than those actually measured. If lower than those actually measured repeat the simulation with the input variable (fuel saving A/T strategy set to 0 and compare which of the two RPM predictions returns the lowest error (as reported in the output_report) compared to the measured RPM signal.

  • A series of technology options are enabled in CO2MPAS. Some of them are at the moment -Feb. 2017- not fully validated due to the lack of necessary test data. They can be used for improving CO2MPAS accuracy. It is advisable that simulations are run both with and without these technologies and that the configuration that gives the best accuracy is used. In cases of random-testing however it should be verified that the configuration that has been actually used led to more accurate CO2MPAS results and not to lower CO2 values.

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