Changelog for this Good Scientific Code Workshop is kept with respect to version v1 (the first published version).
Drastically improved the Documentation block (block 5), in preparation for presenting it to JuliaCon 2024. The block is now more extensive with more useful information, much more examples and hyperlinks to external documentations, and much more exercises.
However, it focuses more on the Julia language as it was presented at JuliaCon2024. For Python users, one would need to contribute to this repository a couple of slides that
- Add examples from excellently documented Python packages
- Add links to the Python go-to documentation builder (likely Sphinx)
- Add premade GitHub CI files for building docs on GitHub CI.
As this material does not exist yet, the PDF for the previous (v1) documentation block is kept in the repo as well, even though it has much less material.
We would recommend even Python users to just go through the JuliaCon2024 new block instead of the older version, due to its higher quality and numerous examples.
Improved a lot the content on scientific project reproducibility (block 6) after presenting it to the JuliaHEP conference.