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File metadata and controls

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  • Radio-API can be run using Docker (recommend way) ↓.
  • It is also possible to run Radio-API on a simple webserver with PHP ↓.
  • For backups and migrations see the Im- & Export feature ↓.

Setup using Docker

The entire API is bundled in a Docker Image.

  1. Redirect the HTTP requests of the radio to your server (running Radio-API).
    • This is can be done by altering the DNS queries or other techniques depending on your network setup and router.
    • In the end, the HTTP request of the radio to * need to be routed to Radio-API. Besides the HTTP requests, the radio fetches the current time via NTP and expects an NTP server at
    • The Radio-DNS Docker Image is a an all-inclusive solution
      • Radio-DNS provides a DNS server altering requests for *
      • It has a feature to define an ALLOWED_DOMAIN, only requests from the corresponding IP address will be answered. Use a DynDNS hostname as your ALLOWED_DOMAIN. If hosted in the local network ALLOWED_DOMAIN can be all.
      • Change the DNS server in the configuration of your radio to the IP of your DNS resolver. (This may be done via the web interface of the radio, accessible at the local IP address of the radio.)
  2. Run the Docker Container of Radio-API.
    • See docker-compose.yml for Docker configuration and below for reverse proxy setup.
    • It is recommended to save the folder /php-code/data/ als volume, because all stations and podcasts are stored there.
    • Configure the image
      • CONF_DOMAIN The domain where the system is hosted (will be reached via HTTP).
      • CONF_ALLOWED_DOMAIN Like ALLOWED_DOMAIN in the DNS image, only requests from the corresponding IP address will be answered. Use, e.g., the dynamic DNS host name of you local home router. You may give a list of multiple allowed host names, divided by ,. The API would be public useable, if CONF_ALLOWED_DOMAIN is set to all. If hosted in a local network using all is recommended.
      • CONF_STREAM_JSON Url to a JSON list of streams or false to disable (see Own Streams)
      • There are some more options, see defaults in docker-compose.yml.
      • The default setup uses Redis for fast caching of values. Redis may be disable by setting CONF_USE_JSON_CACHE=true, which enables an json file based caching as fallback (cached items are then stored in ./data/cache).
    • Make sure, that Radio-API is available at port 80 for requests with the hostname * and CONF_DOMAIN.
    • There are two ways to store which episodes of podcasts have already been listened to (new ones are marked by *)
      • Create a cron job to /cron.php, e.g., docker exec --user www-data radio_api php /cron.php. (This will dump the already played episodes to a JSON file in ./data/ and Radio-API will load the file into redis on container startup).
      • Use the data volume of Redis. (Redis will (re-)load its dump files on container startup.)
  3. Done
    • Start the radio and open Internet Radio.
    • You will see the entries described at Usage.
    • Use the GUI to define the list of stations and podcasts. It can be accessed with a browser at CONF_DOMAIN/gui.
    • You will need the code shown by the radio to log into the GUI.
    • Each connected radio has is own list of user defined radio stations and podcasts, the own streams are global.

The API can be placed outside of the local network as well as inside.


The Docker Image of Radio-API is available for linux/amd64, linux/arm/v6, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm64/v8, and linux/arm64 and thus also for, e.g., Raspberry Pis. The image of Radio DNS is available for linux/amd64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm64/v8, and linux/arm64.

Manual Setup

We recommend the Docker-based setup as the manual setup might be a bit fiddly and is less tested.
You are welcome to file bug reports as issues or open pull requests!

  1. Redirect the HTTP request of the radio to your server (running Radio-API).
    • This is the same as with the Docker based setup (see here).
  2. Run the Radio-API on your webserver.
    • Preface:
      • The manual setup does not rely on Redis (which is replaced by a file-based caching).
      • The only requirement a current version of PHP (code analysis shows compatibility with PHP > 8.0, code is tested with 8.2 and 8.3).
      • In most cases the default extensions of PHP are sufficient for Radio-API. Is uses among others php-mbstring.
      • You do not need a cron job, all data is stored in ./data/ and the cache files in ./data/cache/.
      • You may change the folder for cache files to, e.g., a ramdisk. If you do so, use the script ./utils/backup-restore.php to backup data which is only stored by the cache (using Docker this is done by the cron job).
      • The proxy feature is provided by PHP, but might be less stable than the NGINX proxy.
      • The EndURL feature uses the cURL extension of PHP (else it will error!).
      • Assure, that PHP/ the webserver can write to ./data/ (and the folders configured for logs and cache files)! If you use logo caching, also ./media/ needs to be writable.
    • Download the lastest source of the Radio-API here.
    • Extract the zip and place the folder php in the web-root of our server (this is our ./, other files are not needed).
    • Configure Radio-API in ./data/env.json (The config values are the same as for the Docker-based mode, always use strings for the values!):
      • CONF_DOMAIN The domain where the system is hosted (will be reached via HTTP).
      • CONF_RADIO_DOMAIN (optional) A different domain used for connections from the radio. This allow to use Radio-API with two domains, one for GUI access and one for access by the radios. Will default to CONF_DOMAIN if not set.
      • CONF_ALLOWED_DOMAIN You may give a list of multiple allowed host names, divided by ,. The API would be public useable, if CONF_ALLOWED_DOMAIN is set to all. If hosted in a local network using all is recommended.
      • CONF_SHUFFLE_MUSIC Randomly shuffle music in Nextcloud radio stations
      • CONF_CACHE_EXPIRE Cache duration of ips, podcasts, RadioBrowser requests, ...
      • CONF_STREAM_JSON Url to a JSON list of streams or false to disable (see Own Streams).
      • CONF_LOG_DIR (optional) Change the folder where log files are written to (defaults to ./data/).
      • CONF_CACHE_DIR (optional) Change the folder used by the file based cache (defaults to ./data/cache/).
      • CONF_IM_EXPORT_TOKEN (optional) Define a token for use with the Im- & Export web interface Im- & Export ↓.
      • CONF_USE_LOGO_CACHE (optional, default false) Cache logos of radio stations. This will make sure logos are served without https and convert svg files to png (assuming rsvg-convert is available on system). Logos are stored in ./media/.
      • CONF_FAVORITE_ITEMS (optional, default empty) Comma separated list of items to be favorites and shown on top of list by radio, e.g., Radio,Radio-Browser
      • Attention: Optional parameters have a leading ____ in the default env.json, make sure to remove them.
      • The CONF_REDIS_* values are ignored and CONF_USE_JSON_CACHE is always true.
    • Make sure, that Radio-API is available at port 80 for requests with the hostname * and CONF_DOMAIN.
    • Block HTTP access to ./data/ (and ./classes/) for security reasons (might be omitted in a local network installation).
    • Rewrite requests to PHP:
      • All requests which do not point to an existing file need to be redirected to ./index.php.
      • E.g. must call ./index.php.
      • ./index.php checks the get parameter uri for the path value, e.g., "/setupapp/iden/asp/BrowseXML/loginXML.asp". If this fails, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is checked and the part before the first ? is taken as path value.
      • It is important, that the path value starts with / and contains the full path, but without get parameters starting at ?.
      • See the example for NGINX below. The built in webserver of PHP may be used for development with the ./utils/router.php in this repository.
  3. Done
    • Start the radio and open Internet Radio.
    • You will see the entries described above at Usage.


This is for manual installs, Docker users must make sure to store the redis volume or to run the cron job. Then Radio-API can be restarted using a newer version of the Docker Image.

Generally, the Im- & Export ↓ interface may be used for backups and restores after updates!

  • Run the ./utils/backup-restore.php script to export all relevant data from the cache. This will result in two files, which may be stored in ./data or somewhere else.
  • Create a copy of files in the folder ./data (./data/cache can be deleted).
  • Install the new version of Radio-API (download zip, extract ./php folder to webroot).
  • Copy the previously saved files back to ./data.
  • Run the ./utils/backup-restore.php script to import all relevant data to the cache. This will read the two files created during the export.

Rewrite with NGINX

# error pages (optional)
error_page 404 /gui/index.php?err=404;
error_page 403 /gui/index.php?err=403;

# handle file requests
location / {
	try_files $uri $uri/ @nofile;

# block access to configuration
location ~ ^/(data|classes){
	deny all;
	return 403;

# do the path value rewrite to get parameter "uri"
location @nofile {
	rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php?uri=$1 last;

General Information


  • A log file of (unknown) request received by the Radio-API is created at CONF_LOG_DIR/requests.log. (CONF_LOG_DIR defaults to ./data)
  • Errors with the RadioBrowser API are logged at CONF_LOG_DIR/radiobrowser.log.
  • If the Radio-API is unable to parse a JSON-file in ./data/, it will initialize a new one, while the old one is renamed to *.error.json.
  • PHP error messages are disabled by default, set DEV=dev in the environment to enable them.
  • Restart Radio-API (e.g., the Docker container will reload the radio mac/ id table).
  • Erase the data folder/ volume of redis and restart Radio-API.
  • Check the outputs from the Docker Container docker-compose logs
    • Make sure, that your radio sends the requests to Radio-API (i.e., the DNS setup works)
  • Test the Radio-API with your browser
    1. (returns <EncryptedToken>3a3f5ac48a1dab4e</EncryptedToken>)
    2. (returns <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ListOfItems> ... </ListOfItems>)
    3. Get the GUI-Code from the preceding response and try to used it to access the GUI at

Im- & Export

There is an Im- & Export web interface at ./gui/im-export.php. To activate and use it, a token must be set in the configuration as CONF_IM_EXPORT_TOKEN. This token needs to have at least 15 chars and must consist only of [A-Za-z0-9].

Using the token a JSON file containing all Radio-API data can be created and downloaded. This files contains for each radio the list of radio stations, podcasts, stations last listened to via RadioBrowser, and podcast episodes already listened to. It also contains the list for assigning GUI-Codes to radios and the configuration file used in non-Docker mode.

Such an export JSON file can be imported to Radio-API afterwards. Thereby, all data can be replaced, appended, or only the data for one radio might be overwritten. (The configuration file used in non-Docker mode will not be imported.) More information is available at the Im- & Export web interface.

Nginx Load Balancer

An example file to use Radio-API behind a nginx load balancer as reverse proxy.

server {

	location / {
		set $url "${scheme}${request_uri}";
		if ( $url ~* "^http/gui.*$" ){ # rewite GUI to ssl
			return 301$request_uri;

		proxy_pass; # the port of the running Docker Container with *Radio-API*
		proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; # needed to detect allowed domains 
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_read_timeout 3m;
		proxy_send_timeout 3m;
		proxy_set_header Host $host;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

	listen 80; # needed by radio
	listen [::]:80;	

	listen [::]:443 ssl; # add for GUI
	listen 443 ssl;
	# more ssl setup ....

Own Streams

By setting CONF_STREAM_JSON to a url pointing to a JSON resource, the Own Streams can be enabled. (CONF_STREAM_JSON=false disables the feature completely.) Own Streams are server specific and shared across all users of one Radio-API server.

The idea of Own Streams is to be able to automatically add files for streaming to the Radio when these files are available and created outside of Radio-API. E.g. some external service creates audio files by cutting the audio tracks from videos, then this service may provide a CONF_STREAM_JSON url to pass the files to Radio-API. This makes it easy to listen via the radio to the audio files created.

The JSON resource at CONF_STREAM_JSON should look like this:

		"name": "Name A",
		"url": "",
		"live": false,
		"proxy": true,
		"logo" : ""
		"name": "Name B",
		"url": "",
		"live": true,
		"proxy": false,
		"logo" : ""

JSON list of objects with the following keys each:

  • name Contains the name of the file to stream as shown by the radio.
  • url Contains the url of the stream (either a file, .e.g., mp3, or a streamable ressource, e.g., m3u).
  • live (optional, default true) Live streams can not be paused or fast forwarded, for non live streams the entire file needs to be available from the start.
  • proxy (optional, default false) Use the internal proxy to allow https urls.
  • logo (optional) Url to an image to display as logo in the radio's display.