A simple implementation of the classic Snake game using Python and the Turtle graphics library.
Table of Contents
- #features
- #requirements
- #installation
- #gameplay
- #code-structure
- #modules
- #classes
- #methods
- #future-development
- Snake movement using arrow keys
- Food pellets appear randomly on the screen
- Scorekeeping and display
- Game over condition when snake collides with wall or itself
- Python 3.x
- Turtle graphics library
- Clone the repository using git clone
- Navigate to the project directory
- Run the game using python main.py
- Use arrow keys to control the snake's movement
- Eat food pellets to increase score and snake length
- Avoid colliding with walls or the snake's own body
Code Structure The game is implemented in multiple modules, each focusing on a specific functionality:
- snake.py: Snake movement and collision detection
- food.py: Food pellet creation and placement
- scoreboard.py: Scorekeeping and display
- Snake: Handles snake movement, collision detection, and growth
- Food: Handles food pellet creation and placement
- Score: Handles scorekeeping and display
- Snake: Checks for collisions with walls(if modifies) or itself and Updates snake position
- Food: Creates a new food pellet at a random location
- Scoreboard.update_score(): Updates the score display
- main: Game logic and main loop
- data.txt: keep record of current high score
Future Development
- High score leaderboard feature