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FreeRTOS / HAL on STM32 Nucleo64 C031C6 with Wokwi Simulation

Build and test

Screenshot during debugging

⭐ Description

  • Framework: FreeRTOS / HAL
  • Toolchain: ARM GCC
  • Builder: Make
  • Configuration: STM32CubeMX
  • Board: Nucleo C031C6
    • MCU: STM32C031C6
      • CPU: ARM Cortex-M0+
      • Clock: 4-48 MHz
      • RAM: 12 KB
      • Flash: 32 KB
  • IDE: VSCode
  • Simulation: Wokwi
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions + Wokwi CI

🔽 Prerequisites

✅ Recommended usage

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open it in VSCode
  3. Install the recommended extensions
  4. Run the debugger on the Build & Debug task

VSCode will automatically build the project, start the Wokwi simulator and attach the debugger. The simulation will be paused for the debugger to attach. Once ready, you can continue by clicking ⏯️ or pressing F5.

🔠 Alternate usage

Build 🔨

Run make from the terminal or use the Makefile Tools extension.

By default the build will be in debug mode. To build for release, set DEBUG=0 in the Makefile.

Simulate 🎮

  1. Install Wokwi extension for VSCode
  2. Command Palette -> Wokwi: Request a New License and get license from
  3. Command Palette -> Wokwi: Select Config File and select Wokwi/wokwi.toml
  4. Command Palette -> Wokwi: Start Simulator


  • You will see the serial output directly in the Wokwi terminal.
  • The simulation only runs while the Wokwi tab is visible in VSCode.
  • The simulation requires an internet connection. You can get a license for offline use.
  • You can add more components to the simulation by editing Wokwi/diagram.json and restarting the simulator.

Relevant files:

Debug ⏯

  1. Install C/C++ extension for VSCode
  2. Start simulation
  3. Run VSCode debugger on Debug task


🔼 Further usage

Serial communication 📞

  1. Install Serial Monitor extension for VSCode
  2. Command Palette -> Serial Monitor: Focus on Serial Monitor View
  3. Monitor Mode: TCP - Host: localhost - Port: 4000
  4. Start simulation
  5. Click Start Monitoring


  • The serial interface corresponds to the VCOM (BSP abstraction of UART2) on the Nucleo C031C6.
  • rfc2217ServerPort = <port> in Wokwi/wokwi.toml is used to forward the serial port to a local TCP port.
  • The serial monitor can be used to send data to the simulation.
    • However, it does not append \r or \n to the input, and there is no way to send either. So use another separator for inputs.

FreeRTOS inspection 🕵️

To monitor the FreeRTOS tasks and queues

  1. Install Embedded Tools extension for VSCode
  2. Start debugging
  3. Go to the Embedded Tools tab in the panel (which contains the terminal etc.)

RTOS Views is another good extension for FreeRTOS task inspection.

Continuous Integration 🚀

Configured in .github/workflows/ci.yml. Upon push to GitHub, the workflow will build and test the project in Wokwi simulator. See Wokwi CI for more details.

STM32CubeMX 🔧

This project was initially generated using STM32CubeMX. You can open Nucleo-C031C6-FreeRTOS.ioc in STM32CubeMX to reconfigure the project and regenerate the code. The generated code has some issues. Check or run for the fixes.

💻 Development

The main user code is in Core/Src/main.c and Core/Src/app_freertos.c. The FreeRTOS configuration is in Core/Inc/FreeRTOSConfig.h. It is recommended that you write your code within the USER CODE sections, as STM32CubeMX will overwrite the rest of the files if you use it to reconfigure the project and regenerate the code. (Hence the need for the script.)

Relevant documentation:


  • This project integrates
    • the Nucleo-C031C6 BSP code for the onboard LED (PA5), user button (PC13, EXTI), and VCOM (USAR2: PA2 & PA3)
    • the CMSIS-RTOS API v2

🙏 Acknowledgements

  • Originally based on Wokwi/stm32-hello-wokwi.
  • Big thanks to the Wokwi team for their amazing work on the simulator and various integrations.
  • Also thanks to the Open-Source and Embedded communities online.