- Just a bit rusty on kotlin it seems
Intellij managed to hurt a lot today. Although after checking the recording it seems I wouldn't have gotten any points anyway. However, stuff like this needs to be avoided in the future. My assumption is that Intellij didn't notice the file had been changed.
- Create download script.
- Download the file
- Force copy it to the
folder to bypass IntelliJ - Make it run automatically, or delay until after 6:00:01 am so that I don't have to alt tab to bash to run it
- The current way of io and stuff hurts Copilot, look into a better way of io.
Intellij managed to hurt a lot today again, due to the input files of last year still being in the output directory. They have been cleared
- Should've used
instead ofgetLines()
- make checklist for things to do before the contest
YYYEEEEEESSS, Got some point (19) =p
- Accidentally opened the question in a new tab, caused me some issues
- So I knew I had a
function, but it was not working.
59 points, 184th place
- add
? - add short
- add short form for creating sets and maps
- add short for
- add
) class which is iterable
76 points, 122nd place
- shorts for IntArray/LongArray?
22 points, 118th place
- The used theme was hiding the root cause of a compiler error
no points, 127th place
- Had some trouble understanding the input
- Forgot 0 existed
no points, 140th place
- If I had realised that I could pad the sides with 9 or 10 sooner, it would've been much faster to solve the problem.
- grids
- maybe add 2d filter for a grid, including a partial centered one
- multidimensional
lists etc -
- shortcut to enable/disable copilot
- for part 2, a repeat(1000) would have been enough, and less error prone
no points, 153rd place
- lol bracketstack
- should've copied the points table into a comment before making the points map
- Oh, I really wish we had for else loops in kotlin
no points, 162nd place
- look into grids again
to mutate a map in place (and multidimensional)
no points, 168th place
- didn't save the parsed data immediately
- graphs, eg from adjancency list
- path type
- short type names for mutable types
no points, 181st place
- Should have worked on the coordinates instead of an actual grid
- add
, short forsplitOn{it.isEmpty()}
- check the full checklist before the day
- Thinking that all I had to do was switch from ints to longs was dumb as you can never need to have a long for the count of items in a list, cause that would imply you had an oom error.
- Look into the current path stuff/add quick and easy path helpers