This Design system is all about the store button. While making web-page or any website we use multiple type of button with different purpose that allow user know the functionality of button just by looking at the apperance of button.
Store button is one of them. In Store button it contain complete description of button. It enclosed the button title with icon as well. It gives more clearity to the user.
- Amazon store button
- Google-Play store button
- Apple store button
- Windows store button
All 4 type of button has its both dark and light version. It will easily help to pick the bg and text color of button in dark and light mode.
Background | Dark | Light |
Code in Tailwind | bg-white | bg-slate-900 |
Color of bg
is generally used as shade of 100 / 700
Color of text
will depend on the bg
Color | Dark | Light |
Text | Light | Dark |
Code in Tailwind | text-white, text-gray-400 | Default-color(Black) |
: Color of the text [color]
will depend on the color of the background
For all buttons font is : font-semibold
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphic. It can be used to make graphics and animations like in HTML canvas. Path is always used within the svg tag to set the actual coordinate. Wihin the tag we give the some propety as what with be the co-ordinate, fill color, outer stroke, and some styling within class attribute.
The normal border-radius for the components are rounded-xl
. However this does not apply in many cases like buttons, input boxes and all.
Mostly all the icons are taken from → Hero Icons
: We follow a convention of equal margin between the text and the icon as padding in y axis py
. and always the margin is given from the side of icon.
Width | Type | |
Small | w-4 & h-4 | Hero Icons mini |
Medium | w-5 & h-5 | Hero Icons mini |
Large | w-6 & h-6 | Hero Icons filled |
Want to see this badges in action? Try copy pasting this code in Tailwind Playground. 💥
<!-- For Windows store button -->
<!-- Small -->
<div class="grid place-items-center p-10">
<button class="scale-75 flex w-60 cursor-pointer items-center justify-center gap-5 rounded-xl border px-5 py-3 shadow-md">
<svg width="25px" height="25px" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 305 305" style="enable-background:new 0 0 305 305;"
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d="M139.999,25.775v116.724c0,1.381,1.119,2.5,2.5,2.5H302.46c1.381,0,2.5-1.119,2.5-2.5V2.5 c0-0.726-0.315-1.416-0.864-1.891c-0.548-0.475-1.275-0.687-1.996-0.583L142.139,23.301 C140.91,23.48,139.999,24.534,139.999,25.775z" />
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d="M122.501,279.948c0.601,0,1.186-0.216,1.644-0.616c0.544-0.475,0.856-1.162,0.856-1.884V162.5 c0-1.381-1.119-2.5-2.5-2.5H2.592c-0.663,0-1.299,0.263-1.768,0.732c-0.469,0.469-0.732,1.105-0.732,1.768l0.006,98.515 c0,1.25,0.923,2.307,2.16,2.477l119.903,16.434C122.274,279.94,122.388,279.948,122.501,279.948z" />
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d="M2.609,144.999h119.892c1.381,0,2.5-1.119,2.5-2.5V28.681c0-0.722-0.312-1.408-0.855-1.883 c-0.543-0.475-1.261-0.693-1.981-0.594L2.164,42.5C0.923,42.669-0.001,43.728,0,44.98l0.109,97.521 C0.111,143.881,1.23,144.999,2.609,144.999z" />
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d="M302.46,305c0.599,0,1.182-0.215,1.64-0.613c0.546-0.475,0.86-1.163,0.86-1.887l0.04-140 c0-0.663-0.263-1.299-0.732-1.768c-0.469-0.469-1.105-0.732-1.768-0.732H142.499c-1.381,0-2.5,1.119-2.5,2.5v117.496 c0,1.246,0.918,2.302,2.151,2.476l159.961,22.504C302.228,304.992,302.344,305,302.46,305z" />
<p class="text-left text-sm font-semibold">Download on the</p>
<p class="text-left text-xl">Windows Store</p>
<!-- Medium -->
<div class="grid place-items-center p-10">
<button class="scale-100 flex w-60 cursor-pointer items-center justify-center gap-5 rounded-xl border px-5 py-3 shadow-md">
<svg width="25px" height="25px" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 305 305" style="enable-background:new 0 0 305 305;"
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d="M122.501,279.948c0.601,0,1.186-0.216,1.644-0.616c0.544-0.475,0.856-1.162,0.856-1.884V162.5 c0-1.381-1.119-2.5-2.5-2.5H2.592c-0.663,0-1.299,0.263-1.768,0.732c-0.469,0.469-0.732,1.105-0.732,1.768l0.006,98.515 c0,1.25,0.923,2.307,2.16,2.477l119.903,16.434C122.274,279.94,122.388,279.948,122.501,279.948z" />
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d="M2.609,144.999h119.892c1.381,0,2.5-1.119,2.5-2.5V28.681c0-0.722-0.312-1.408-0.855-1.883 c-0.543-0.475-1.261-0.693-1.981-0.594L2.164,42.5C0.923,42.669-0.001,43.728,0,44.98l0.109,97.521 C0.111,143.881,1.23,144.999,2.609,144.999z" />
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d="M302.46,305c0.599,0,1.182-0.215,1.64-0.613c0.546-0.475,0.86-1.163,0.86-1.887l0.04-140 c0-0.663-0.263-1.299-0.732-1.768c-0.469-0.469-1.105-0.732-1.768-0.732H142.499c-1.381,0-2.5,1.119-2.5,2.5v117.496 c0,1.246,0.918,2.302,2.151,2.476l159.961,22.504C302.228,304.992,302.344,305,302.46,305z" />
<p class="text-left text-sm font-semibold">Download on the</p>
<p class="text-left text-xl">Windows Store</p>
<!-- Large -->
<div class="grid place-items-center p-10">
<button class="scale-125 flex w-60 cursor-pointer items-center justify-center gap-5 rounded-xl border px-5 py-3 shadow-md">
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version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 305 305" style="enable-background:new 0 0 305 305;"
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d="M122.501,279.948c0.601,0,1.186-0.216,1.644-0.616c0.544-0.475,0.856-1.162,0.856-1.884V162.5 c0-1.381-1.119-2.5-2.5-2.5H2.592c-0.663,0-1.299,0.263-1.768,0.732c-0.469,0.469-0.732,1.105-0.732,1.768l0.006,98.515 c0,1.25,0.923,2.307,2.16,2.477l119.903,16.434C122.274,279.94,122.388,279.948,122.501,279.948z" />
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d="M2.609,144.999h119.892c1.381,0,2.5-1.119,2.5-2.5V28.681c0-0.722-0.312-1.408-0.855-1.883 c-0.543-0.475-1.261-0.693-1.981-0.594L2.164,42.5C0.923,42.669-0.001,43.728,0,44.98l0.109,97.521 C0.111,143.881,1.23,144.999,2.609,144.999z" />
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d="M302.46,305c0.599,0,1.182-0.215,1.64-0.613c0.546-0.475,0.86-1.163,0.86-1.887l0.04-140 c0-0.663-0.263-1.299-0.732-1.768c-0.469-0.469-1.105-0.732-1.768-0.732H142.499c-1.381,0-2.5,1.119-2.5,2.5v117.496 c0,1.246,0.918,2.302,2.151,2.476l159.961,22.504C302.228,304.992,302.344,305,302.46,305z" />
<p class="text-left text-sm font-semibold">Download on the</p>
<p class="text-left text-xl">Windows Store</p>
<!-- For Windows-dark store button -->
<div class="grid place-items-center p-10">
class="flex w-60 cursor-pointer items-center justify-center gap-5 rounded-xl border bg-slate-900 px-5 py-3 text-white shadow-md">
<svg width="25px" height="25px" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
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d="M139.999,25.775v116.724c0,1.381,1.119,2.5,2.5,2.5H302.46c1.381,0,2.5-1.119,2.5-2.5V2.5 c0-0.726-0.315-1.416-0.864-1.891c-0.548-0.475-1.275-0.687-1.996-0.583L142.139,23.301 C140.91,23.48,139.999,24.534,139.999,25.775z" />
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d="M122.501,279.948c0.601,0,1.186-0.216,1.644-0.616c0.544-0.475,0.856-1.162,0.856-1.884V162.5 c0-1.381-1.119-2.5-2.5-2.5H2.592c-0.663,0-1.299,0.263-1.768,0.732c-0.469,0.469-0.732,1.105-0.732,1.768l0.006,98.515 c0,1.25,0.923,2.307,2.16,2.477l119.903,16.434C122.274,279.94,122.388,279.948,122.501,279.948z" />
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<p class="text-sm font-semibold text-left">Download on the</p>
<p class="text-xl text-left">Windows Store</p>
<!-- Amazon store button -->
<div class="grid place-items-center p-10">
class="flex cursor-pointer items-center justify-center gap-5 rounded-xl border bg-white px-5 py-3 text-black shadow-md w-60">
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d="M825 768.9c-3.3-.9-7.3-.4-11.9 1.3-61.6 28.2-121.5 48.3-179.7 60.2C507.7 856 385.2 842.6 266 790.3c-33.1-14.6-79.1-39.2-138-74a9.36 9.36 0 0 0-5.3-2c-2-.1-3.7.1-5.3.9-1.6.8-2.8 1.8-3.7 3.1-.9 1.3-1.1 3.1-.4 5.4.6 2.2 2.1 4.7 4.6 7.4 10.4 12.2 23.3 25.2 38.6 39s35.6 29.4 60.9 46.8c25.3 17.4 51.8 32.9 79.3 46.4 27.6 13.5 59.6 24.9 96.1 34.1s73 13.8 109.4 13.8c36.2 0 71.4-3.7 105.5-10.9 34.2-7.3 63-15.9 86.5-25.9 23.4-9.9 45-21 64.8-33 19.8-12 34.4-22.2 43.9-30.3 9.5-8.2 16.3-14.6 20.2-19.4 4.6-5.7 6.9-10.6 6.9-14.9.1-4.5-1.7-7.1-5-7.9zM527.4 348.1c-15.2 1.3-33.5 4.1-55 8.3-21.5 4.1-41.4 9.3-59.8 15.4s-37.2 14.6-56.3 25.4c-19.2 10.8-35.5 23.2-49 37s-24.5 31.1-33.1 52c-8.6 20.8-12.9 43.7-12.9 68.7 0 27.1 4.7 51.2 14.3 72.5 9.5 21.3 22.2 38 38.2 50.4 15.9 12.4 34 22.1 54 29.2 20 7.1 41.2 10.3 63.2 9.4 22-.9 43.5-4.3 64.4-10.3 20.8-5.9 40.4-15.4 58.6-28.3 18.2-12.9 33.1-28.2 44.8-45.7 4.3 6.6 8.1 11.5 11.5 14.7l8.7 8.9c5.8 5.9 14.7 14.6 26.7 26.1 11.9 11.5 24.1 22.7 36.3 33.7l104.4-99.9-6-4.9c-4.3-3.3-9.4-8-15.2-14.3-5.8-6.2-11.6-13.1-17.2-20.5-5.7-7.4-10.6-16.1-14.7-25.9-4.1-9.8-6.2-19.3-6.2-28.5V258.7c0-10.1-1.9-21-5.7-32.8-3.9-11.7-10.7-24.5-20.7-38.3-10-13.8-22.4-26.2-37.2-37-14.9-10.8-34.7-20-59.6-27.4-24.8-7.4-52.6-11.1-83.2-11.1-31.3 0-60.4 3.7-87.6 10.9-27.1 7.3-50.3 17-69.7 29.2-19.3 12.2-35.9 26.3-49.7 42.4-13.8 16.1-24.1 32.9-30.8 50.4-6.7 17.5-10.1 35.2-10.1 53.1L408 310c5.5-16.4 12.9-30.6 22-42.8 9.2-12.2 17.9-21 25.8-26.5 8-5.5 16.6-9.9 25.7-13.2 9.2-3.3 15.4-5 18.6-5.4 3.2-.3 5.7-.4 7.6-.4 26.7 0 45.2 7.9 55.6 23.6 6.5 9.5 9.7 23.9 9.7 43.3v56.6c-15.2.6-30.4 1.6-45.6 2.9zM573.1 500c0 16.6-2.2 31.7-6.5 45-9.2 29.1-26.7 47.4-52.4 54.8-22.4 6.6-43.7 3.3-63.9-9.8-21.5-14-32.2-33.8-32.2-59.3 0-19.9 5-36.9 15-51.1 10-14.1 23.3-24.7 40-31.7s33-12 49-14.9c15.9-3 33-4.8 51-5.4V500zm335.2 218.9c-4.3-5.4-15.9-8.9-34.9-10.7-19-1.8-35.5-1.7-49.7.4-15.3 1.8-31.1 6.2-47.3 13.4-16.3 7.1-23.4 13.1-21.6 17.8l.7 1.4.2h4.6c.8 0 1.8-.1 3.2-.2 1.4-.1 2.7-.3 3.9-.4 1.2-.1 2.9-.3 5.1-.4 2.1-.1 4.1-.4 6-.7.3 0 3.7-.3 10.3-.9 6.6-.6 11.4-1 14.3-1.3 2.9-.3 7.8-.6 14.5-.9 6.7-.3 12.1-.3 16.1 0 4 .3 8.5.7 13.6 1.1 5.1.4 9.2 1.3 12.4 2.7 3.2 1.3 5.6 3 7.1 5.1 5.2 6.6 4.2 21.2-3 43.9s-14 40.8-20.4 54.2c-2.8 5.7-2.8 9.2 0 10.7s6.7.1 11.9-4c15.6-12.2 28.6-30.6 39.1-55.3 6.1-14.6 10.5-29.8 13.1-45.7 2.4-15.9 2-26.2-1.3-31z" />
<div class="">
<p class="text-sm font-semibold text-left">Download on the</p>
<p class="text-xl text-left"></p>
<!-- Amazon-dark store button -->
<!-- small -->
<div class="grid place-items-center p-10">
class="flex cursor-pointer items-center justify-center gap-5 rounded-xl border bg-slate-900 px-5 py-3 text-white shadow-md w-60 scale-75">
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<div class="">
<p class="text-left text-sm font-semibold">Download on the</p>
<p class="text-left text-xl"></p>
<!-- medium -->
<div class="grid place-items-center p-10">
class="flex cursor-pointer items-center justify-center gap-5 rounded-xl border bg-slate-900 px-5 py-3 text-white shadow-md w-60 scale-100">
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