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File metadata and controls

773 lines (640 loc) · 28.2 KB

Upload file in chunks with client-streaming gRPC - Java

Hello and welcome back to the gRPC course. In this lecture, we will learn how to implement client-streaming RPC with Java. We're gonna implement an API that allows clients to upload a laptop image file in multiple chunks.

Define client-streaming RPC in proto file

OK let's start! This is the pcbook-java project that we've been working on. The first thing we need to do is to define the new upload image RPC. As we've already done that in the previous lecture with Golang, I will just open the pcbook golang project, and copy-paste the content of the laptop_service.proto file. Here we have the UploadImageRequest message. It has a oneof data field which can either be image info, or a chunk of image data.

message UploadImageRequest {
  oneof data {
    ImageInfo info = 1;
    bytes chunk_data = 2;

message ImageInfo {
  string laptop_id = 1;
  string image_type = 2;

The ImageInfo contains the laptop ID and image type such as .jpg or .png. The chunk_data is a sequence of bytes. The idea is that we will divide the image into multiple chunks of 1 kilobyte and send them to the server sequentially via the stream. Then the server send back 1 single response, which contains the ID of the uploaded image and the total size of that image.

message UploadImageResponse {
  string id = 1;
  uint32 size = 2;

So the UploadImage RPC will take a stream of UploadImageRequest as input and return a UploadImageResponse.

service LaptopService {
  rpc CreateLaptop(CreateLaptopRequest) returns (CreateLaptopResponse) {};
  rpc SearchLaptop(SearchLaptopRequest) returns (stream SearchLaptopResponse) {};
  rpc UploadImage(stream UploadImageRequest) returns (UploadImageResponse) {};

Alright, let's build the project to generate Java codes. The build is successful.

Implement the image store

Now before we implement the RPC we will need to add a new store to save the uploaded image. I will create a new ImageStore interface in service folder. It has 1 function: Save, which takes the laptopID, the imageType and the imageData as input and returns the imageID, or throws out an IOException.

package com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.service;


public interface ImageStore {
    String Save(String laptopID, String imageType, ByteArrayOutputStream imageData) throws IOException;

Let's say we want to store the image on disk and its metadata on memory. So I will create a new DiskImageStore class to implement this interface. In this class, we need a field to tell us where to store the images. We also need a concurrent map to store the metadata of the images. The key of the map is the image ID, and its value is the metadata.

package com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.service;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

public class DiskImageStore implements ImageStore {
    private String imageFolder;
    private ConcurrentMap<String, ImageMetadata> data;

    public String Save(String laptopID, String imageType, ByteArrayOutputStream imageData) throws IOException {
        return null;

I will create a new class for the ImageMetadata. In this class we will store the laptop ID, the type of the image, and the path to the image on disk. Let's write a constructor to initialize the object. And also create some getter functions for each of the fields.

package com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.service;

public class ImageMetadata {
    private String laptopID;
    private String type;
    private String path;

    public ImageMetadata(String laptopID, String type, String path) {
        this.laptopID = laptopID;
        this.type = type;
        this.path = path;
    public String getLaptopID() {
        return laptopID;
    public String getType() {
        return type;
    public String getPath() {
        return path;

OK, now go back to our DiskImageStore. First we create a new constructor that takes only the imageFolder as input. We initialize the data map with a new ConcurrentHashMap. Then in the Save function, we generate a random UUID that will be used as the image ID. We make the path to store the image by joining the imageFolder, imageID and imageType together. Then we create a new FileOutputStream with the image path. We call imageData.writeTo() to write the image data to that file output stream. And close the output stream. Once the file is successfully written to disk we create a new metadata object and put it to the data map with the imageID key. Finally, we return the imageID. And we're done with the DiskImageStore.

public class DiskImageStore implements ImageStore {
    // ...

    public String Save(String laptopID, String imageType, ByteArrayOutputStream imageData) throws IOException {
        String imageID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        String imagePath = String.format("%s/%s%s", imageFolder, imageID, imageType);

        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(imagePath);
        ImageMetadata metadata = new ImageMetadata(laptopID, imageType, imagePath);
        data.put(imageID, metadata);
        return imageID;

Implement the UploadImage RPC

Now let's implement the UploadImage RPC in the LaptopService class. First I will change store field to laptopStore. Then we will add a new field for the imageStore. Also add it to this constructor.

public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...

    private LaptopStore laptopStore;
    private ImageStore imageStore;

    public LaptopService(LaptopStore laptopStore, ImageStore imageStore) {
        this.laptopStore = laptopStore;
        this.imageStore = imageStore;

    public void createLaptop(CreateLaptopRequest request, StreamObserver<CreateLaptopResponse> responseObserver) {
        // ...
        try {
        } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {
            // ...
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // ...

        // ...

    public void searchLaptop(SearchLaptopRequest request, StreamObserver<SearchLaptopResponse> responseObserver) {
        // ...

        laptopStore.Search(Context.current(), filter, new LaptopStream() {
            public void Send(Laptop laptop) {
      "found laptop with ID: " + laptop.getId());
                SearchLaptopResponse response = SearchLaptopResponse.newBuilder().setLaptop(laptop).build();

        // ...

OK, now we need to override the uploadImage() method. As you can see, this method has a responseObserver parameter that will be used to send the response to the client, just like the way it works in the searchLaptop RPC. How about the stream of requests? This is very different from server-streaming RPC, because it's not an input parameter, but the return value of this function instead. Here we can see that the uploadImage function must return a StreamObserver of UploadImageRequest and this StreamObserver is just an interface with 3 functions: onNext, onError and onCompleted. What we need to do is to return an implementation of this interface. So let's do that.

public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...

    public StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> uploadImage(StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse> responseObserver) {
        return new StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest>() {
            private String laptopID;
            private String imageType;
            private ByteArrayOutputStream imageData;

            public void onNext(UploadImageRequest value) {
                if (request.getDataCase() == UploadImageRequest.DataCase.INFO) {
                    ImageInfo info = request.getInfo();

            public void onError(Throwable t) {


            public void onCompleted() {


First we define 3 fields: laptopID, imageType and imageData. Now in the onNext() function, we check the data case. If it is image info, we write a simple log saying that we have received the image info. Then we get the laptopID and imageType from that info. We also initialize the imageData as a new ByteArrayOutputStream and return. Else, it must be a new data chunk. So we get the chunk from the request. Write a log here saying that we've received a chunk with this size. Then we check if the imageData is null or not. If it is null, it means that the client hasn't sent the image info, so we just send an error with INVALID_ARGUMENT status and return immediately. Otherwise, we just call chunkData().writeTo() function to add this chunk to the image data. If we catch an exception just send an INTERNAL error to the client and return. That's it for the onNext() function.

public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...

    public StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> uploadImage(StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse> responseObserver) {
        return new StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest>() {
            private String laptopID;
            private String imageType;
            private ByteArrayOutputStream imageData;

            public void onNext(UploadImageRequest request) {
                if (request.getDataCase() == UploadImageRequest.DataCase.INFO) {
                    ImageInfo info = request.getInfo();
          "receive image info:\n" + info);

                    laptopID = info.getLaptopId();
                    imageType = info.getImageType();
                    imageData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();


                ByteString chunkData = request.getChunkData();
      "receive image chunk with size: " + chunkData.size());

                if (imageData == null) {
          "image info wasn't sent before");
                                    .withDescription("image info wasn't sent beefore")

                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    .withDescription("cannot write chunk data: " + e.getMessage())

            // ...

The onError() function is called whenever an error occurs while the server is receiving stream data. So here we just need to write a warning log.

public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...

    public StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> uploadImage(StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse> responseObserver) {
        return new StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest>() {
            // ...
            public void onError(Throwable t) {
            // ...

OK, now let's implement the onCompleted() function. When this function is called, it means that the server has received all image chunk data. So we just call imageStore.Save() to save the image data to the store. Surround this call with a try-catch. If an error is caught, we call responseObserver.onError() to send it to the client. We save the output imageID to a variable and also get the total image size. Then we build a new UploadImageResponse object with the imageID and imageSize. We call responseObserver.onNext() to send the response to the client, and finally call responseObserver.onCompleted() to finish it.

public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...

    public StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> uploadImage(StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse> responseObserver) {
        return new StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest>() {
            // ...

            public void onCompleted() {
                String imageID = "";
                int imageSize = imageData.size();
                try {
                    imageID = imageStore.Save(laptopID, imageType, imageData);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    .withDescription("cannot save image to the store: " + e.getMessage())

                UploadImageResponse response = UploadImageResponse.newBuilder()


OK the uploadImage RPC is ready.

Update the server

Now we need to update the LaptopServer a bit. First change store in LaptopServer constructor to laptopStore. Add a new imageStore to this constructor then pass it into this LaptopService. Do the same for another constructor. In the main function we also change the store variable to laptopStore and create a new DiskImageStore with the image folder is "img". Then pass it into the new LaptopServer constructor. Create a folder for images "img" in project. So we're all set.

public class LaptopServer {
    // ...

    public LaptopServer(int port, LaptopStore laptopStore, ImageStore imageStore) {
        this(ServerBuilder.forPort(port), port, laptopStore, imageStore);

    public LaptopServer(ServerBuilder serverBuilder, int port, LaptopStore laptopStore, ImageStore imageStore) {
        // ...
        LaptopService laptopService = new LaptopService(laptopStore, imageStore);
        // ...

    // ...
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
        InMemoryLaptopStore laptopStore = new InMemoryLaptopStore();
        DiskImageStore imageStore = new DiskImageStore("img");

        LaptopServer server = new LaptopServer(8080, laptopStore, imageStore);
        // ...

public class LaptopServerTest {
    // ...

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        // ...

        laptopStore = new InMemoryLaptopStore();
        ImageStore imageStore = new DiskImageStore("img");
        server = new LaptopServer(serverBuilder, 0, laptopStore, imageStore);
        // ...
    // ...

Let's run the server. Now let's try to call this server using the Golang client that we wrote in the previous lecture. The laptop image is successfully uploaded. We can see it in the img folder. So it works!

Implement the client

Now we will implement the Java client. We cannot use the blockingStub to call the client-streaming RPC. Instead, we will need an asynchronous stub. So let's define it here. And initialize it inside this LaptopClient constructor by calling LaptopServiceGrpc.newStub(). Alright, now define a uploadImage() function with 2 input parameters: a laptop ID, and an image path.

public class LaptopClient {
    // ...
    private final LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceStub asyncStub;

    public LaptopClient(String host, int port) {
        // ...
        asyncStub = LaptopServiceGrpc.newStub(channel);

    // ...
    public void uploadImage(String laptopID, String imagePath) {

In the main function I'm gonna comment out block of codes to test create and search laptop that we wrote in the previous lectures. And add new codes to test upload image here. First we generate a new random laptop. We call client.createLaptop() to create this laptop on the server. Then we call client.uploadImage() with the laptop ID and a laptop.jpg file inside the tmp folder. Let's create that tmp folder. And copy the laptop.jpg from the golang project to that folder. Alright, it's here.

public class LaptopClient {
    // ...
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        // ...

        try {
/*            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                Laptop laptop = generator.NewLaptop();

            Memory minRam = Memory.newBuilder()

            Filter filter = Filter.newBuilder()


            // Test upload laptop image
            Laptop laptop = generator.NewLaptop();
            client.uploadImage(laptop.getId(), "tmp/laptop.jpg");
        } finally {

Now in the uploadImage() function we call asyncStub.withDeadlineAfter 5 seconds then uploadImage(). We create a new StreamObserver of UploadImageResponse here. The output of this call will be another StreamObserver of UploadImageRequest. In the onNext() function we just write a simple log saying we've received this response from the server. In the onError() function we write a SEVERE log: upload failed. Note that the stub is asynchronous, which means that the send request part and the receive response part are run asynchronously because of this, we need to use a CountDownLatch() to wait until the whole process is completed. Here we just use a count of 1 because we only need to wait for the response thread. OK, now if an error occurs, we will call countDown() inside the onError() function. Similarly, in the onCompleted() function we also write a log and call finishLatch.countDown(). At the end of the uploadImage() function we call finishLatch.await() to wait for the response thread to finish. Here we only wait for at most 1 minute, which is more than enough because above we set the deadline of the call to be 5 seconds. Next we will create a new FileInputStream to read the image file. If we catch an exception, just write a SEVERE log and return. Else we get the image type from the image file extension. We build a new image info with the laptop ID and image type. We create a new UploadImageRequest with the image info. And call requestObserver.onNext() to send the request to the server. Surround this with a try-catch. If there's an exception we write a SEVERE log, call requestObserver.onError() to report it to the server and return. Finally, we call requestObserver.onCompleted(). Inside the try-catch block after we've sent the image info, we will start sending the image data in chunks. Each chunk will be 1 kilobyte, so we create a new byte buffer with the size of 1024. We use a while loop here to read and send data multiple times. I will need to pull this fileInputStream variable out. Then here we can call to read more data into the buffer. It will return the number if bytes read. Assign it to n. If n is less than or equal to 0, then it's the end of file. We can safely break the loop. Now we check if the latch has already finished because of some unexpected error, then we don't need to send more data, so just return. Otherwise, we make a new request with the chunk data. Here we just copy the first n bytes from the buffer. Similar as before, we call requestObserver.onNext() to send the request to the server. And write a log saying that the chunk with this size was sent. That's it! We're done with the client.

public class LaptopClient {
    // ...
    public void uploadImage(String laptopID, String imagePath) throws InterruptedException {
        final CountDownLatch finishLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> requestObserver = asyncStub.withDeadlineAfter(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .uploadImage(new StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse>() {
                    public void onNext(UploadImageResponse response) {
              "receive response:\n" + response);

                    public void onError(Throwable t) {
                        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "upload failed: " + t);

                    public void onCompleted() {
              "image uploaded");

        FileInputStream fileInputStream;
        try {
            fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(imagePath);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "cannot read image file: " + e.getMessage());

        String imageType = imagePath.substring(imagePath.lastIndexOf("."));
        ImageInfo info = ImageInfo.newBuilder().setLaptopId(laptopID).setImageType(imageType).build();
        UploadImageRequest request = UploadImageRequest.newBuilder().setInfo(info).build();

        try {
  "sent image info:\n" + info);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            while (true) {
                int n =;
                if (n <= 0) {

                if (finishLatch.getCount() == 0) {

                request = UploadImageRequest.newBuilder()
                        .setChunkData(ByteString.copyFrom(buffer, 0, n))
      "sent image chunk with size: " + n);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error: " + e.getMessage());


        if (!finishLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) {
            logger.warning("request cannot finish within 1 minute");

Now let's run the server and run the client. The image is successfully uploaded. And we got this response with image ID and image size. The logs on server side look good. And we can see the laptop image inside the img folder. Now let's say, we want to put a constraint on the maximum size of the image. For example only allow upload images with size of at most 1 kilobyte: private static final int maxImageSize = 1 << 10. Then in the onNext() function, before writing the chunk to the image data, we compute the current size of the image. If it is greater than the maximum allowed size, then we write a log "image is too large". We report the error to the client with INVALID_ARGUMENT status and return right away.

public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...

    public StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> uploadImage(StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse> responseObserver) {
        return new StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest>() {
            private static final int maxImageSize = 1 << 10; // 1 kilobyte
            // ...

            public void onNext(UploadImageRequest request) {
                // ...

                int size = imageData.size() + chunkData.size();
                if (size > maxImageSize) {
          "image is too large: " + size);
                                    .withDescription("image is too large: " + size)

                // ...

            // ...

OK let's try it. Run the server. Then run the client. As you can see, some chunks are sent to the server, and we got an INVALID_ARGUMENT error: image is too large. So it works. Note that the send part and receive part are parallel, So it's totally possible that the client will send more than 2 chunks before it receives the error from the server and stops sending more. As a result, we may see a warning on server side: WARNING: Stream Error. Because the server has already closed the stream when it sent the error to the client. Let's change maxImageSize to 1 megabyte.

public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...

    public StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> uploadImage(StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse> responseObserver) {
        return new StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest>() {
            private static final int maxImageSize = 1 << 20; // 1 megabyte
            // ...

OK, the last thing before we finish. When we receive the image info, we need to check that the laptop ID exists in the store. To do so, we just call laptopStore.Find(laptopID). If the laptop is not found, we simply call responseObserver.onError() with Status NOT_FOUND. On the client side, we can comment out this command client.createLaptop(laptop); so that the laptop is not created on the server.

public class LaptopClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        // ...
        try {
            // ...
            // Test upload laptop image
            Laptop laptop = generator.NewLaptop();
            // client.createLaptop(laptop);
            client.uploadImage(laptop.getId(), "tmp/laptop.jpg");
        } finally {
    // ...
public class LaptopService extends LaptopServiceGrpc.LaptopServiceImplBase {
    // ...
    public StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest> uploadImage(StreamObserver<UploadImageResponse> responseObserver) {
        return new StreamObserver<UploadImageRequest>() {
            private static final int maxImageSize = 1 << 20; // 1 megabyte
            // ...

            public void onNext(UploadImageRequest request) {
                if (request.getDataCase() == UploadImageRequest.DataCase.INFO) {
                    // ...

                    // check laptop exists
                    Laptop found = laptopStore.Find(laptopID);
                    if (found == null) {
                                        .withDescription("laptop ID doesn't exists")


                // ...

            // ...

Alright, now let's run the server and run the client. We got not found error.

SEVERE: upload failed: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: NOT_FOUND: laptop ID doesn't exists

So it's working as expected. And that's it for today lecture about client-streaming RPC. In the next lecture, we will learn how to implement the last type of gRPC, which is bidirectional streaming. I hope the course is useful for you so far. Thank you for reading, and see you later!