This tutorial will show users how to run the WordCount example locally with Wayang.
git clone
Running following commands to build Wayang and generate the tar.gz
cd incubator-wayang
./mvnw clean package -pl :wayang-assembly -Pdistribution
Then you can find the wayang-assembly-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz
under wayang-assembly/target
tar -xvf wayang-assembly-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz
cd wayang-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
In linux
echo "export WAYANG_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${WAYANG_HOME}/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
In MacOS
echo "export WAYANG_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${WAYANG_HOME}/bin" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
- You need to install Apache Spark version 3 or higher. Don’t forget to set the
environment variable. - You need to install Apache Hadoop version 3 or higher. Don’t forget to set the
environment variable.
To execute the WordCount example with Apache Wayang, you need to execute your program with the 'wayang-submit' command:
cd wayang-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
./bin/wayang-submit org.apache.wayang.apps.wordcount.Main java file://$(pwd)/
Then you should be able to see outputs like this: