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118 lines (101 loc) · 6.55 KB

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118 lines (101 loc) · 6.55 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project aims to adhere to Semantic Versioning.

Given that the parser produces a typed AST, any changes to the AST will technically be breaking and thus will result in a 0.(N+1) version. We document changes that break via addition as "Added".


Nothing here yet! Check for undocumented changes.


  • Now supports parsing date and time types
    • ast::Value::Interval changed its representation to include an inner IntervalValue that includes a ParsedDateTime and some useful methods.
    • ast::Value::Date changed its representation to include an inner ParsedDate

[0.4.0] - 2019-07-02

This release brings us closer to SQL-92 support, mainly thanks to the improvements contributed back from @MaterializeInc's fork and other work by @benesch.


  • Remove "SQL" from type and enum variant names, SQLType -> DataType, remove "sql" prefix from module names (#105, #122)
  • Rename ASTNode -> Expr (#119)
  • Improve consistency of binary/unary op nodes (#112):
    • ASTNode::SQLBinaryExpr is now Expr::BinaryOp and ASTNode::SQLUnary is Expr::UnaryOp;
    • The op: SQLOperator field is now either a BinaryOperator or an UnaryOperator.
  • Change the representation of JOINs to match the standard (#109): SQLSelect's relation and joins are replaced with from: Vec<TableWithJoins>. Before this change FROM foo NATURAL JOIN bar, baz was represented as "foo" as the relation followed by two joins (Inner(Natural) and Implicit); now it's two TableWithJoins (foo NATURAL JOIN bar and baz).
  • Extract a SQLFunction struct (#89)
  • Replace Option<Vec<T>> with Vec<T> in the AST structs (#73)
  • Change Value::Long() to be unsigned, use u64 consistently (#65)


  • Infra:
    • Implement fmt::Display on AST nodes (#124) - thanks @vemoo!
    • Implement Hash (#88) and Eq (#123) on all AST nodes
    • Implement std::error::Error for ParserError (#72)
    • Handle Windows line-breaks (#54)
  • Expressions:
    • Support INTERVAL literals (#103)
    • Support DATE / TIME / TIMESTAMP literals (#99)
    • Support EXTRACT (#96)
    • Support X'hex value' literals (#95)
    • Support EXISTS subqueries (#90)
    • Support nested expressions in BETWEEN (#80)
    • Support COUNT(DISTINCT x) and similar (#77)
    • Support CASE operand WHEN expected_value THEN .. and table-valued functions (#59)
    • Support analytic (window) functions (OVER clause) (#50)
  • Queries / DML:
    • Support nested joins (#100) and derived tables with set operations (#111)
    • Support UPDATE statements (#97)
    • Support INSERT INTO foo SELECT * FROM bar and FROM VALUES (...) (#91)
    • Support SELECT ALL (#76)
    • Add FETCH and OFFSET support, and LATERAL (#69) - thanks @thomas-jeepe!
    • Support COLLATE, optional column list in CTEs (#64)
  • DDL/TCL:
    • Support START/SET/COMMIT/ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (#106) - thanks @SamuelMarks!
    • Parse column constraints in any order (#93)
    • Parse DECIMAL and DEC aliases for NUMERIC type (#92)
    • Support DROP [TABLE|VIEW] (#75)
    • Support arbitrary WITH options for CREATE [TABLE|VIEW] (#74)
    • Support constraints in CREATE TABLE (#65)
  • Add basic MSSQL dialect (#61) and some MSSQL-specific features:
    • CROSS/OUTER APPLY (#120)
    • MSSQL identifier and alias parsing rules (#66)
    • WITH hints (#59)


  • Report an error for SELECT * FROM a OUTER JOIN b instead of parsing OUTER as an alias (#118)
  • Fix the precedence of NOT LIKE (#82) and unary NOT (#107)
  • Do not panic when NOT is not followed by an expected keyword (#71) successfully instead of returning a parse error - thanks @ivanceras! (#67) - and similar fixes for queries with no FROM (#116)
  • Fix issues with ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT parsing (#65)
  • Serialize the "not equals" operator as <> instead of != (#64)
  • Remove dependencies on uuid (#59) and chrono (#61)
  • Make SELECT query with LIMIT clause but no WHERE parse - Fix incorrect behavior of ASTNode::SQLQualifiedWildcard::to_string() (returned foo* instead of foo.*) - thanks @thomas-jeepe! (#52)

[0.3.1] - 2019-04-20


  • Extended SQLStatement::SQLCreateTable to support Hive's EXTERNAL TABLES (CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE .. STORED AS .. LOCATION '..') - thanks @zhzy0077! (#46)
  • Parse SELECT DISTINCT to SQLSelect::distinct (#49)

[0.3.0] - 2019-04-03


This release includes major changes to the AST structs to add a number of features, as described in #37 and #43. In particular:

  • ASTNode variants that represent statements were extracted from ASTNode into a separate SQLStatement enum;
    • Parser::parse_sql now returns a Vec of parsed statements.
    • ASTNode now represents an expression (renamed to Expr in 0.4.0)
  • The query representation (formerly ASTNode::SQLSelect) became more complicated to support:
    • WITH and UNION/EXCEPT/INTERSECT (via SQLQuery, Cte, and SQLSetExpr),
    • aliases and qualified wildcards in SELECT (via SQLSelectItem),
    • and aliases in FROM/JOIN (via TableFactor).
  • A new SQLObjectName struct is used instead of String or ASTNode::SQLCompoundIdentifier - for objects like tables, custom types, etc.
  • Added support for "delimited identifiers" and made keywords context-specific (thus accepting them as valid identifiers in most contexts) - this caused a regression in parsing SELECT .. FROM .. LIMIT .. (#67), fixed in 0.4.0


Other than the changes listed above, some less intrusive additions include:

  • Support CREATE [MATERIALIZED] VIEW statement
  • Support IN, BETWEEN, unary +/- in epressions
  • Support CHAR data type and NUMERIC not followed by (p,s).
  • Support national string literals (N'...')

[0.2.4] - 2019-03-08

Same as 0.2.2.

[0.2.3] - 2019-03-08 [YANKED]

[0.2.2] - 2019-03-08


  • Removed Value::String, Value::DoubleQuotedString, and Token::String, making
    • '...' parse as a string literal (Value::SingleQuotedString), and
    • "..." fail to parse until version 0.3.0 (#36)

[0.2.1] - 2019-01-13

We don't have a changelog for the changes made in 2018, but thanks to @crw5996, @cswinter, @fredrikroos, @ivanceras, @nickolay, @virattara for their contributions in the early stages of the project!

[0.1.0] - 2018-09-03

Initial release